
v5 Chapter 998: Mud can also be sold

When Donghai Province stayed until the end of August, Donghai Province and Fan's Investment Group shit, "The investment project of Tongkai Hengshan Port was finally approved by the State Council, and the Hengshan Deepwater Port construction project, known as the tens of billions project, finally officially kicked off.

Fan Investment Group invested 10 billion. Occupies 80% of the shares of the port, and the Donghai Provincial Government has 20% of the shares. The entire investment has been put in place. An engineering team is being organized to settle in Hengshan Port to start the work of lightening the seabed silt first.

Although the overall blueprint for the construction has not been worked out, the offshore silt must be cleared first. This work does not wait for anyone, so Fan has quickly put in twenty subsea dredging engineering machinery. The pre-construction of Hengshan Port began in a row.

After Fan entered into the construction of domestic deep-water ports, and obtained 80% of the equity to become the major shareholder of Hengshan Port, this matter immediately attracted great attention both at home and abroad. Especially when both private capital and foreign capital can get involved in port construction and can have more than 50% of the shares, the interest of foreign investors from all walks of life is great.

However, domestic experts and scholars also have some disagreements on the decision that foreign capital can control the domestic port industry. Some are in favor and some are opposed to it.

In fact, domestic ports are currently under construction. It also contains a lot of foreign investment, but from the perspective of investment layout, the current domestic foreign investment ports are mainly located in the south of the Yangtze River, especially in the Pearl River Delta region. The northern ports are slightly inferior in terms of investment scale and scope.

According to Fan Wuyi's observations. This is mainly because the northern region is slightly inferior to the southern region in terms of market economy and the management thinking of the competent authorities. Foreign businessmen are also very concerned about this. However, in recent years, the throughput of northern ports has increased rapidly, so the battle for foreign businessmen will gradually move northward without any suspense.

The injection of foreign capital has a positive role in promoting the development of the domestic port industry. This is easy to understand. First, the injection of foreign capital not only solves the problem of insufficient funds for domestic port construction to a certain extent, but also provides domestic ports. It has brought advanced container terminal management concepts, methods and management technologies, improved the service quality of China's ports, effectively improved the operation efficiency of the terminal, and enhanced the port's international competitiveness.

Domestic experience in the management of large-scale ports is relatively small, and there is not much understanding of the external environment. The port industry is a global logistics industry. The injection of foreign capital can quickly improve the management and technical level of China's container terminals. The advanced level shortens the gap with other advanced ports in the world, so that the advanced facilities, operating efficiency and management level of some of the joint venture container terminals in China will soon approach or reach the level of the world’s advanced ports. The move will attract more Chinese and foreign shipping companies to call, which can better serve China's foreign trade transportation.

The second is the injection of foreign capital, which also provides a certain guarantee for domestic port companies to attract and stabilize the supply of goods and routes, and to improve the port logistics system.

With the advancement of the domestic port industry, powerful multinational shipping companies flooded into China and flocked to Chinese ports. The main purpose of China's container terminal joint ventures has changed from simply solving construction funds and introducing advanced technology to a new height. In order to attract foreign investment by port’s future development strategy, port companies mainly consider the need to expand their brand effect and build a logistics chain.

The introduction of foreign capital will jointly introduce the reputation of these foreign companies and their credibility in the shipping industry, which plays a very important role in attracting and stabilizing the supply of goods. Internationally renowned large shipping companies or alliances have a global shipping and agency network, which can effectively undertake the full logistics of multinational companies.

Therefore, the ability to achieve asset marriage with large international shipping companies and build a port's logistics chain is of great significance for stabilizing and increasing routes and container sources, and maintaining and enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of Hong Kong.

Of course, the negative impact of this cannot be ignored.

Some experts who oppose the decision to relax foreign capital's controlling conditions for the port industry said that multinational shipping companies' investment in domestic terminals will make it more difficult for domestic shipping companies to carry out feeder transportation, domestic container transportation and terminal business.

The layout and construction of domestic feeder lines and container terminals for domestic trade are usually carried out in accordance with the scale and needs of regional economic exhibitions, and coordinated with other modes of transportation, while multinational shipping companies choose to invest in container terminals according to their interests. The requirements of the domestic economic exhibition on the layout of branch lines and domestic trade container terminals. Affected domestic feeder lines and domestic trade transportation.

The important point is that domestic shipping companies are still in the initial stage of terminal operations, and as a scarce resource, terminals are difficult to redistribute once they are controlled by multinational shipping companies. As a large number of domestic hub ports have been Multinational shipping companies’ equity participation in operations will limit domestic shipping companies’ exhibition space in port investment and operation.

The second is that multinational shipping companies invest in ports that always select sites and layouts according to their own interests. This will disrupt the overall rules and arrangements of domestic container terminals and adversely affect the overall strategy implementation of domestic ports.

It is conceivable that multinational shipping companies will obviously not have any interest in these small ports. Relying on their capital advantages, most of their investments are in domestic hub ports, especially after the government is about to abolish the restrictions on the proportion of foreign investment in ports. Shipping companies will take advantage of their control over these hub ports, increase terminal usage fees, operating fees, and other fees, increase the transportation costs of other calling shipping companies, etc., intensifying vicious competition between container terminals.

Therefore, everyone can see that the introduction of foreign capital to build ports is actually a double-edged sword.

In fact, the psychological pressure of the leaders of Donghai Province is not small.” After all, Hengshan Port is considered to be the first large deep-water port in China where the government does not occupy a controlling position. If it is done well, this can be regarded as a very important political achievement. If it is messed up, probably Wu Fukuan and others will be greatly affected by it.

However, Wu Fukuan’s position on this issue is more determined. On the one hand, he has confidence in the good reputation of Fan's Investment Group. At the same time, it is because of this that he has completely fallen to Fan Hengfan’s disease-free father and son. Since he has chosen his own The camp, then cooperated with Fan Wuyao to make the overall layout, there is no hesitation.

In particular, the latest foreign investment industry guidance catalog issued by the State Development Planning Commission and the State Economic and Trade Commission has decided to abolish the requirement for Chinese shareholders to share the port’s docks. The promulgation of this policy will encourage

, Net enemy capital of the domestic port shipping industry and alleviating the capital bottleneck of port construction have played a role in promoting.

Wu Fukuan once carefully studied this policy, and it is foreseeable that after the lifting of the restriction on controlling rights, the domestic port and terminal industry will usher in a new round of foreign investment. In the next three to five years, foreign investment targets will still be major coastal hub ports. The focus of investment will remain on the container business with relatively high yields. In addition, some western ports and large specialized terminals such as coal, crude oil and ore will also be favored by foreign investors.

However, out of considerations such as risk diversification, foreign businessmen will continue to participate in the construction of the terminal in the form of joint ventures with existing domestic port companies. This is not to say that the other party’s appetite is not good, but that they really have doubts about some domestic policies. One thing is that with the participation of state-owned enterprises, when dealing with local disputes, they can often rely on government forces.

For example, if the mainland employees they hire are meaningful in terms of remuneration, simple, foreign-funded enterprises may have to operate in accordance with the legal framework, but joint ventures are often the Chinese managers who take the name of the government and suppress them all at once. The problem can be solved.

In fact, avoiding the opening of the Fanshi Investment Group to open the Hengshan torrent, a new round of foreign investment in the construction of terminals has begun since the middle of this year. Signed a letter of intent for the second phase of Tianjin Port with Tianjin Port Authority, Hutchison and Ningbo Port Authority signed a joint venture agreement on Beilun Port's new container terminal, Singapore Port Authority and Guangzhou Port Authority jointly established Guangzhou Container Terminal Company and so on.

In addition, China Iron & Steel, Maersk Line, and World Terminals Corporation have all expressed their willingness to cooperate in the construction of Shanghai International Shipping Center to the government.

It can be seen that the strategy adopted by foreign businessmen is to cooperate with mainland port companies before the policy is issued to occupy the market, and obtain the operating controlling rights of the joint venture port through methods such as capital increase and share expansion after the release of the restriction on controlling shares.

When Wu Fukuan and Fan Wuyi came to inspect the construction of Hengshan Port, they saw a lot of barges parked above the sea. Through thick pipelines, the large-scale excavation and dredging machinery that sank dozens of meters into the seabed will be cleared out. The silt from the bottom of the sea is transported up and transported by barge to a nearby open area for processing.

The scene after 20 large-scale dredging machines are started up at the same time is still very spectacular. Of course, the energy consumed is also a figure today. Fortunately, Fan Wuyi’s subordinates have already used the most advanced solar energy developed by the company at the beach. The electrical system constitutes a medium-scale motor unit. As long as it is daytime and the sunshine conditions are better, it can basically meet all the electricity needs of large-scale machinery."

At night, the energy storage equipment provides power for a few hours, and then the power is supplied through the local power grid. Because the power grid is used more in the middle of the night, it will not cause too much damage to the local daily power consumption. A lot of pressure, this can be considered a big improvement.

"Fan's comprehensive strength is far above our estimate." Wu Fukuan saw the scene in front of him. Can't help but sigh.

"Oh, it's nothing special." Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders. "When you have sufficient funds for exhibition, as long as you have a little vision and a little foresight, you can develop better. The reason why Fan's exhibition is faster is because we are more interested in all advanced things."

"Gong Deng said that science and technology are the primary productive forces" Wu Fukuan replied with a smile, "but according to Mr. Fan, it seems that curiosity is the driving force of all advanced technologies."

"That's not wrong." Fan Wubing said with a smile, "Although it is said that sometimes curiosity can kill cats, but more often curiosity can make cats evolve into tigers. In these more than ten years During the exhibition, Fan caught up with many good opportunities, and did not waste these good opportunities, accumulating over time, finally has today's scale."

"I believe that the cooperation between Donghai Province and Fan's will make the world admire, and Hengshan Port will also become the most important hub port in Yayuan." Wu Fukuan nodded in agreement.

"I am very concerned about this, especially the jokes about making Asia's largest port, as long as we show it here. Most shipping companies will prefer to come to Hengshan Port instead of Busan Port. After all. We have the advantage of geographical advantage here." Fan Wubing said.

"Those silt, do you think you want Ruran to deal with it?" Wu Fukuan looked at the mountain of silt on the bottom of the sea, and asked Fan Wuyao.

As the seabed dredging work continues, the silt here will accumulate more and more. Wu Fukuan thought that there seemed to be no place to pile up nearby. And such a large amount of silt piled up together. It was indeed unsightly, but I didn't know how Fan Wubing would deal with it, so I asked one more question.

"Hehe, we plan to sell this thing." Fan Wubing replied ~lightnovelpub.net~Sell it? ! "Wu Fukuan immediately stunned. "Someone will buy this kind of thing?" ! "

Fan Wubing explained with a smile, "The seabed silt is a kind of magical natural biological soil. According to legend. The magic of the Dead Sea seabed silt has been discovered and used for skin health and beauty purposes. It is the beautiful Cleopatra, she The secret of beauty is to soak in the Dead Sea mineral hot spring water. Let the minerals in the hot spring water fully nourish the skin and apply the Dead Sea mud to the whole body. To improve the skin's fineness and softness. We also plan to treat these silt, It is estimated that the market will respond very well when sold in small bottles. For this reason, we probably need to set up a cosmetics company."

Submarine silt contains a lot of minerals and trace elements. These substances have been accumulated on the seabed for hundreds of years, and the seabed mud has the effect of promoting blood circulation and thorough cleaning. Its mineral essence is especially suitable for dry, sensitive and damaged skin.

In fact, the deep sea mud is mostly made into facial masks by some cosmetic brands, and the color looks green. Some sea mud fans believe that its moisturizing and whitening effect is very significant.

As there is shallow sea mud here, Fan Wubing believes that this is because of historical reasons. It is not a major waterway, and the degree of pollution is higher, so the usable value of these sea mud is relatively high.