Wear It with Space

Chapter 31

After returning from the provincial capital, Shen Ling went to school during the day and began to study those scholars at night. During the past half month of staying at the Cui’s house, he obtained a lot of useful information from Cui Xunwen and Cui Articles. This must be the real reason why Zheng Ming brought them to the Cui’s house.

The few words Cui Xunwen said were very enlightening to him. Although the eight-part is stuck to the four books and five classics, it is impossible to write the four-books and five classics. If you want to write good stereotypes, you have to read the four books and five classics, and you have to learn about all the scholars, so that the articles you write can draw on the strengths of others and attract the attention of the examiner. Moreover, familiarizing yourself with all the scholars will also be very helpful for future policy writing.

He didn't forget to exercise when he was studying at night. He had to stay in the examination room for nine days when he heard that he had to stay in the examination room for nine days. How can he persist without a good body?

That night, after Shen Ling memorized an article in "Mozi", he practiced a few more characters, and then went back to the bedroom to sleep. These days, he basically maintains the regularity of doing indoor exercises every five days, so that it will not hurt the body but can also adjust his life. Today is exactly the fifth day, but it took a long time for Shen Ling to recite the article just now, and he was a little tired. When he went to bed, he wanted to fall to sleep.

Lan Zhu seemed to have something to tell him, and Shen Ling yawned tiredly, "Let's talk about it tomorrow! I'm sleepy."

Seeing his tired look, Lan Zhu swallowed what was in his heart and prepared to talk about it tomorrow.

At noon the next day, when Shen Ling came back from the school for lunch, she saw Huang clan say with joy: "Lan Zhu is here, and you are going to be a father again."

Shen Ling was stunned for a moment. Although he had been working **** this matter these days, when this happened, he felt a very complicated feeling in his heart. When seeing Lan Zhu again, Shen Ling couldn't help but look at her flat abdomen. When he thinks that there is a life he has bred there, he feels that this feeling is very strange and complicated.

Probably his performance was too obvious, even Huang Shi and Lan Zhu could see that he valued this unborn child very much. In private, Lan Zhu tactfully persuaded him to have a bowl of water to be smooth. Only then did Shen Ling come over, and in the next few days he would often buy some food for A Chou. Even if he values ​​the second child any more, he cannot ignore the eldest son. You know, in ancient times, the eldest son of a house was the one who set up a house.

He is pregnant with the second child here, but Zheng Tang hasn't moved.

On this day, Zheng Tang came over to pick up an article that Shen Ling had reviewed, and when he talked about it, he shook his head, and Shen Ling couldn't help asking him what's going on. Zheng Tang sighed for a while, and soon raised his spirits again: "After this anthology is printed, I am going to take these books to the next few counties in person."

Shen Ling guessed that he probably wanted to go out to relax and avoid the two women at home. I want to persuade him, but I don't know where to start. The two sat in silence for a while, and Zheng Tang said goodbye. Seeing that he couldn't keep it, Shen Ling had to let him go.

Lan Zhu's pregnancy was very different from before. When she was pregnant with A Chou, she vomited badly, but this time there was almost no morning sickness. Shen Ling asked her what she wanted to eat, and she said she only wanted oranges. Fortunately, at this time, it was when the oranges were on the market. After Shen Ling bought them, she let the pendant put them away. Like the last time she was pregnant, she would eat two at most a day.

Slowly, Huang saw some doorways and said to Shen Ling that Lan Zhu was probably a daughter. Shen Ling already had the son A Chou, and wanted a daughter for the second child, so he was very happy to hear this. When I said this to Lan Zhu in the evening, Lan Zhu also wanted a daughter. The couple discussed the daughter's nickname for a long time, and finally they didn't make a decision when they were about to go to bed.

A few days later, while reading the "Book of Songs", Shen Ling read the "Quiet Girl" and gave her unborn daughter the nickname Ashu.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shen Ling went to give Zheng Ming a festival gift, and the old servant who often received him mysteriously told him that their master was about to recover. Shen Ling was taken aback when he heard the news. He can achieve today's results thanks to Zheng Ming's teachings. If Zheng Ming left clan studies, it would be difficult for him to find such a gentleman again.

Just thinking that Zheng Ming is only in his thirties now, which is when he has a bright future. If he really wants to go out as an official, these students should also be happy for him.

So after Shen Ling was shocked, he smiled and said, "This is a great thing!"

The old servant looked at him carefully and found that the smile on his face was not fake. Fang smiled and said, "The master can recover this time, thanks to a previous friend. By the way, the master has ordered it, if you see you Come, tell me to take you to the study."

Shen Ling came so many times, it was the first time to go to Zheng Ming's study. Entering through the gate of Yiyuedong, walking past a long pink wall, and down a path paved with cobblestones, you will arrive at three small flower halls facing south. There is an orchid garden in front of Xiaohua Hall, and next to the orchid garden is a small rockery surrounded by rocks in Taihu Lake. Behind the rockery is a bamboo garden with hundreds of bamboos. There is a small garden behind the flower hall, which is planted with plum blossoms, plantains, osmanthus, and chrysanthemums. The environment is very quiet and elegant.

When Shen Ling passed by, Zheng Ming was cutting the extra branches and leaves of the orchids in the orchid garden. Seeing Shen Ling coming, he asked: "Did Lao Zhou tell you that?"

Although he didn't say it clearly, Shen Ling understood in his heart and calmly replied, "Uncle Zhou told me as soon as I came." After a pause, "I sent a few baskets of crabs from the village, knowing that my husband likes this. , So I picked up some and sent some."

Zheng Ming cut off the dead leaves on an orchid and said: "Then what do you think?"

Shen Ling said, "Sir, I don't understand this."

Zheng Ming glanced at him, "You don't worry that no one will teach you after I leave. What should I do if I fail the exam in the future?"

Shen Ling said honestly: "Mr. Student has taught me to pass the exam successfully, and he is already very content. Even if he fails to pass the test in the future, the student's own qualifications are dull, and others cannot be blamed."

Zheng Ming stood up, patted the dirt on his hands, and a servant standing next to him immediately brought up a basin of clear water. Zheng Ming said while washing his hands: "Of the students I teach Zheng Ming, you are not the smartest, nor can you keep up with the most diligent, but when it comes to the thoughts spent on me, others are not half as good as you."

Shen Ling said hurriedly: "Mr.'s words are really shameful to me."

Zheng Ming washed his hands and took the veil from the servant. After hearing this, he waved his hand and said, "You don't need to say more. You and I have a master and apprenticeship, and I have nothing to give you before I leave. Zheng Qiao I have recommended him to the Lin Family School in Fucheng. As for you, I thought about it for a long time and felt that whether you continue to stay in the family school or go to another family school, it will not help much in the future rural examination. So I give Cui Ping I went to a letter asking him to recommend you to study at Maolin Academy in the provincial capital. His two sons are now studying at Maolin Academy, and you will have a companion at the Academy in the future."

Unexpectedly, Zheng Ming had already thought about where he was going, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Zheng Ming said again: "There are several gentlemen in Maolin Academy who are well-known big scholars in the world. When you arrive there, you should ask them humbly. It is best to go to one of them. In the future, whether it is for the examination of the imperial examination or becoming an official, It will be of great benefit to you."

These words were really heartfelt, and Shen Ling couldn't help but bowed to him, saying: "Mr. here, please be respected by the students."

Zheng Ming said, "I've said everything I have to say, you go back and prepare. You won't be used for clan school tomorrow. In a few days, the Cui family will send someone to pick you up."

Shen Ling came out of Zheng Ming's house, thought about it, and went to Zheng Tang's house first. Zheng Tang has returned from a trip and is preparing for the holiday at home. Shen Ling told him that he was going to the Provincial Academy. Zheng Tang was surprised at first, and then a little uneasy: "So, you will go to the Provincial City in the future. How do you get the title collection and the anthology of articles?"

Shen Ling said: "So I have come to discuss with you. Do you think this is good? You might as well open another bookstore in the provincial capital. In the future, I will go to the academy to study. I'm afraid that I will get more topics and articles. Then we will continue to produce a collection of questions. And an anthology of articles, and then sell them in the surrounding towns and counties. What do you think?"

Zheng Tang said, "Your idea is good, but you just open a bookstore in the provincial capital, I'm afraid that the cost is much higher than that of the county town here. And since you open a bookstore, you have to rent a house. In this way, the money spent is not a small amount. "

Shen Ling said: "If you are worried about silver, I still have more than two hundred taels of silver, which can be loaned to you. Of course, if you don't want it, just treat it as if I didn't say anything."

Zheng Tang pondered for a long time before saying: "You let me think about it."

Shen Ling returned home and told Huang and Lan Zhu about the incident. They were also surprised. Especially when Lan Zhu was pregnant, tears burst into her eyes when she heard that her husband was going to study in the provincial capital.

The Huang family was not very happy either. She had guarded her only son for so many years, but was separated from his son for more than half a month at most, and some of them couldn't bear his son's trip to the provincial capital.

During the evening meal, although it was a holiday, everyone was not at all interested. A Chou realized that the adults were unhappy, and did not dare to shout loudly, and felt even more lonely during the dinner.

In the evening, Shen Ling and Lan Zhu stopped, and Lan Zhu said with tears: "Are you really going to such a far place?"

Shen Ling was slightly shaken when he saw that Lan Zhu and Huang Clan were not willing to let him go to school. To be honest, he already feels content to be a talent. The reason why I studied with Zheng Ming was just because I was used to it and I felt that I could go on.

Now that Zheng Ming has been resurrected by the court, Shen Ling has lost such a good teacher, of course he feels regretful. It was just that he left his hometown to study in the provincial capital, especially Lan Zhu had a child he was looking forward to. When he thought that he couldn't watch her birth with his own eyes, and watched her grow up day by day, Shen Ling felt a little uncomfortable. .

He was silent for a long time before saying: "If you and your mother are unwilling, then I will talk to the teacher, I can't say it!"

After hearing this, Lan Zhu hesitated again: "But if this is the case, will it delay your future?"

Shen Ling breathed out a long breath: "That's not the case. I don't want to take the scientific examination. At most, I will be less taught in the future." After a big deal, he will stay honestly in the county town. Anyway, he has no big ambitions.

When Shen Ling said these words, she felt lightened. Since the people around him don't want to let him go, it's okay to stay. There are many benefits to entering the academy, but you also have to endure the pain of separation from your loved ones. What's more, he has only been in this world for twenty years, so he can stay with them one more day!