Wear It with Space

Chapter 97

After school started in September, Shen Ling was promoted to the second year of high school. His study life is the same as before, the only thing that is more of that is that he has one more evening self-study in the evening than before.

They used to leave school at 6 o'clock in the summer, and with evening self-study, they could not leave school until 8 o'clock.

Some students far away from home live in the school's dormitory, and Shen Ling still chooses to go to school because she is close to home. His deskmate Gao Han chose to live on campus. As a result, he can't go to Internet cafes often.

When Shen Ling finished his homework that evening, there was still a long time before get out of class ended. He didn't know what to do for a while, and Gao Han just wanted to find someone to chat with. The two chatted in a low voice.

There is only one teacher on duty in the evening self-study of the second grade, so most students talk in self-study class. The students in the back row are playing and talking, and some students take advantage of the teacher not to mix up with boys and girls.

In such an atmosphere, Gao Han talked about the martial arts books he had read. Shen Ling found that his deskmates had read a lot of books. He had read almost all of Jin Yong's martial arts books, and he also read a book written by other writers. "Feng Qingyang Gaiden".

That night, the two of them talked from Feng Qingyang to the method of attracting stars, and also talked about the newly popular "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

Gao Han seems to like Harry Potter very much. When evaluating him, he said that Harry's academic performance is not very good.

Shen Ling felt that he was probably thinking of himself, and didn't say much about it. He himself prefers Hermione who has good academic performance. When he was in the first year of high school, he also made Hermione his goal for this.

The two had a very good chat that night. When they went to study again the next night, Gao Han would take the initiative to talk about it! It’s a pity that Shen Ling had a lot of homework to do that night, so he declined his request. He could feel that Gao Han felt a little disappointed, but there was no way. He is still a student now and should focus on his studies, or he should take the fourth high school The learning atmosphere, I'm afraid he won't even pass the second grade.

After all, he has almost forgotten all the knowledge after so many lives, and now he has learned almost from scratch.

It was just that before he had spared time to chat with Gao Han again, the head teacher changed him and Gao Han, and Shen Ling was moved to the first three rows, sitting with a boy with better grades.

The new tablemate's name is Shi Gang, and he is relatively shy. Shen Ling spent a while with him, but regretted that such a boy will be a good husband in the future, and I don't know which girl will be cheaper in the future.

The day at the same table with Shi Gang is naturally much better than with Gao Han. The two do their homework together, and if they don’t, they will study together. Shen Ling quickly left Gao Han behind.

A month later, the school organized a monthly exam. After the monthly exam, the school gave them two days off for the second year of high school. Shen Ling took this opportunity to go around the bookstore.

Lin Fang told him that the business of renting a bookstore is very good. Earned more than one thousand yuan in the first month of school. It's just that many students feel that there are still not many books in their store, and they can read them quickly. They read them all in almost a month.

Shen Ling thought about it and decided to go to the book wholesale market to buy a batch of new books of good quality. In this way, the business of renting a bookstore can be better.

While he was thinking about it, Lin Fang told him that after a period of observation, she discovered that the most profitable place in the neighborhood was the phone booth. The owner of the phone booth relied on those phones and could earn more than 3,000 a month.

Shen Ling then remembered that this time was 2001, an era when telephones and computers were not yet popular. Those students who want to contact home or friends need to call.

He lost his thoughts and went to wholesale new books. He quickly went to Meng Shan and said that he wanted to open a phone booth.

A few days later, Shen Ling opened a phone booth near the bookstore. The clerk in the telephone booth was introduced by Lin Fang. It was her cousin. She was more prettier than Lin Fang and looked very lively and generous.

After Shen Ling handed over the two stores to the two sisters, she was a little worried, and asked Meng Shan to take care of them when she was free.

But a few days later, something went wrong over the phone booth.

Shen Ling's newly opened phone booth directly robbed the phone booth next door because of its relatively large storefront and many telephone calls. The boss contacted a few local ruffians and went to the shop to make a fuss.

At that time, only Lin Fang's cousin was in the store, and the gangsters even molested her.

When Shen Ling arrived, Lin Fang's cousin Li Man's eyes were still slightly red.

Shen Ling heard Li Man's meaning that they would come again tomorrow, so they simply took two days off and waited for those people to come.

The next morning, those people really came again.

Shen Ling smoothly picked up a mop from the side, one-on-five, and hit the five people on the ground, and dragged them one by one to the phone booth next to him like a dead dog. Shen Ling didn't say much, threw the person into the shop, sneered at the boss, and walked away.

From then on, Shen Ling became famous in the neighborhood. Not only did no one dare to come and make trouble, but even those who collected protection fees walked around the two stores. The phone booth next door felt that Shen Ling was not easy to provoke, and it took more than a month. , Quietly closed the store.

With these two shops, Shen Ling almost earned more than 20,000 yuan during the Chinese New Year.

Adding to the sixty thousand yuan that Shen Ling had earned by picking up the leak before, he now has more than eighty thousand in his hands. It's just that there is still a long way to go from 500,000.

Moreover, renting bookstores and telephone booths is not a business that can be continued. In a few years, these two industries will be eliminated.

However, after these two industries are eliminated, there are still a few years before the time to open a magazine. When Shen Ling entered the magazine in 2011, it was the glorious period of the magazine. I heard from colleagues that the owner of the magazine had only been in this business for three or four years. In the early years, computers had not yet become popular. Ways to contact those accountants.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Ling felt that before opening a magazine, he had to find another industry to make money. He thought for a while, and then handed this task to Lin Fang, so that she would be more concerned about outside business, and if she found anything, she could tell him in time.

The reason why Shen Ling assigned this task to Lin Fang was because he felt that Lin Fang was more business-minded. This can be seen from her suggestion to open a phone booth by herself.

In private, he also asked about the other party's study situation, and took the monthly test papers for her to do it again. After Lin Fang's papers were completed, Shen Ling approved her, and found that her grades were a little bit backwards than before. This was normal. She stayed in the store every day, and there was so much time to review her homework without teacher guidance.

Shen Ling took advantage of Saturday and Sunday to come over to make up lessons for her.

After Lin Fang's cousin Li Man waited for Shen Ling to leave, she smiled and asked, what did Lin Fang think of the boss, Shen Ling?

Lin Fang said sternly: "Sister, don't talk nonsense. Meng Hao is just one of my high school classmates, and now he's just my boss."

She had thoughts about Meng Hao when she was in school, but since she came here to help, she has extinguished that thought. The conditions for her and Meng Hao are too different, it is impossible.

Although Lin Fang no longer had any hope for Meng Hao, she was very grateful for the job Meng Hao gave her. So she tried her best to keep an eye on the business opportunities around her. After several months of observation, when she went out to buy food one day, she discovered that recently there was a very good business selling Liangpi.

When Shen Ling came again, he heard Lin Fang talk about selling Liangpi.

Shen Ling feels that Liangpi is most often bought in summer, and the business is good for a while, so he is not very tempted.

Although Shen Ling never found a suitable business opportunity, he can earn almost 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a year through the two stores. In this way, after five or six years, he can save almost 300,000 yuan, and then open it again in the last few years. Magazine, this should also be able to complete the task.

After Shen Ling let go of the anxiety in his heart, he began to steadily review his homework.

During the second half of the second semester of high school, Gao Han dropped out of school. Shen Ling didn't feel much after hearing the news.

I heard the news of Gao Han again in the second half of the third semester of high school. At that time, it was only over a month before the college entrance examination.

The first to tell them the news was the geography teacher. He said with emotion, "The Gao Han from your class came to get his files in the morning. He said that he is now working in Beijing and with his computer knowledge, he found a good job in Beijing. I can earn more than 20,000 yuan a month from work, and now I have bought a house in Beijing. It’s really unexpected!"

When Shen Ling heard this news, he realized that Gao Han used to go to the Internet cafe every night to do business. He couldn't help but think of the tone and expression of approval when the other party said Harry Potter.

Later, the more Shen Ling thought about it, the more regretful that she shouldn't miss the last few nights with Gao Han, otherwise, maybe she could become good friends with him. A friend with a talent for computers, Shen Ling naturally knows how much this will help him.

It's just a pity that such an opportunity was wasted by him.

For a few days, Shen Ling couldn't lift up any energy.

When he almost left the matter behind, the college entrance examination came.

In the college entrance examination questions that year, the mathematics was particularly easy, but the questions in the liberal arts, which Shen Ling was good at, were particularly difficult. After Shen Ling finished the exam, he didn't know if he could get a better second book at his own level.

The facts are similar to what he expected. He played better than before and could go to a slightly better second school.

The author has something to say: When the scum author was in his first year of high school, there was a boy like Gao Han sitting behind him.

He dropped out of school when he was in his second year of high school. When I heard that he was in the third year of high school, the teachers said that he is now teaching computer at a university, earning 70,000 to 80,000 yuan a month, and has bought a house in Beijing.

The scum author chatted with him back then, and we all liked martial arts novels and Harry Potter series. It's a pity that when I wanted to study, I declined when he talked to me again. You don't know how complicated my mood was when I heard about his later powerful news.

For renting a bookstore, I referred to my dad’s experience. My dad opened a bookstore back then, and according to him, the phone booth was particularly profitable. Then when he opened a bookstore for rent, there were indeed gangsters who made trouble. My dad had a fight with them, and finally made friends after the fight.

I think some of you want to see Shen Ling make a girlfriend. Do you think this is good? After I finish writing, I write two chapters and write about making a girlfriend, marrying and having children. What do you think, you can skip it if you don't want to see it.