Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 72: Killing species (11)

[Qile people. Died of the sacrifice witch. The number of days of survival was 13 days. 】

Like a hail, the Qi Le people are cold and cold, and they look at the inscription on the tombstone. Everything around him was gone away, as blocked by an invisible barrier, the sound of the waves, the bright moonlight, the clear wine and fragrance... everything went away. He is like a living man buried in the ground, watching the earth cover a little bit of his body, and then with the darkness, with the reptiles, will eventually decay in the unknown.

He was not willing, he urged that the uncontrolled body would move forward, more, and more dead he was exposed to him.

[Qile people. Died of the sacrifice witch. The number of days of survival is 12 days. 】

[Qile people. Died of the sacrifice witch. The number of days of survival is 12 days. 】

- If the tombstone is arranged according to the death time of everyone, then the 13-day survival day from Lu Youxin died from the bite of the fangs, and the two died of the dragon.

[Qile people. Died of the sacrifice witch. The number of days of survival is 12 days. 】

- This he died when he was chased by a hungry wolf and committed suicide with a dagger.

[Qile people. Died of the sacrifice witch. The number of days of survival is 12 days. 】

- This is the explosion he died with the giant.

The lost people are still moving forward. They are all strange names. He has to go a long way to meet the tombstone he left in the novice village.

"Enough, Qi Le people!" Chen Baiqi's voice rang behind Qi Le people.

The Qi Le people stood in rows and rows, as if the theater seats were arranged in a tombstone. The moonlight left his shadow on the ground and overlapped with the shadows of countless tombstones, as if they were entangled between life and death. And because this moonlight blurs the boundaries.

Is he still alive? Is he already dead? How can he prove that he is still alive?

With memory? Memorable is just a brain wave. In the face of all the incredible powers in this nightmare world, even if it is simple to fabricate a memory, let alone transplant a memory?

Is he really still alive?

Living, is it really him?

Chen Baiqi has come to his side, pulling his arm back and walking into the deeper part of the island.

Along the path covered with moonlight, weeding and weeding, the two men went deeper and deeper. The Qile people did not know where Chen Baiqi wanted to take him, but did not want to know. His soul seems to be left in front of his tombstone, and he is only a walking dead.

Passing through the dense jungle, my eyes suddenly open.

They stood on a high cliff, and the sea under the moonlight was close at hand. So quiet, so vast, silvery white scales of the moonlight beating on the sea, and this starlight and the sea together to form a breathtaking night.

Chen Baiqi sat down on a rock in Haiya, grabbed the lighter with his hand, gave himself a cigarette, and lost one to Qi Le.

This time, the Qiele people did not refuse.

The two sat on the sea cliff, listening to the sound of the tide of the tide under the cliff, and the sound of the Qile people coughing while smoking and talking to each other.

"Now I know why Ning Zhou specially reminded me before leaving, let me not bring you here." Chen Baiqi finished a cigarette and said that he had used a shoe to grind the cigarette butt. "Unfortunately, when not collecting money, I am really a less cooperative person."

"He also said something." Qi Le asked in a hoarse voice.

"A lot, I have never heard him say so much, but probably because he was drunk." Chen Baiqi laughed low. "After all, I brought a whole box of good wine to see him, I am afraid he I can't wait to kill me after I wake up."

Qi Le people looked up at Chen Baiqi, she sat on the stone with her legs crossed, and gave herself a cigarette.

"I don't think he will believe it. In such a short period of time, he will fall in love with someone who does not belong to this world." Chen Baiqi said.

"What do you mean?" Qi Le people's heart stunned, and the ominous premonition that has been unwilling to ponder has flooded his heart.

Chen Baiqi picked a slender eyebrow: "I thought you found it. Didn't it?"

It does not belong to this world... The face of Ning Zhou suddenly appears in the brain of Qi Le people. The blonde woman who prayed under the image of the Virgin in the enchantment of the Holy Spirit has a pair of eyes that are exactly the same as those of Ning Zhou.

"Ning Zhou and my sister are the same, it should be said that it is more special than 茜茜, 茜茜 parents are players from the real world, but Ning Zhou ... his mother is an NPC."

The voice of Chen Baiqi seems to come from outside the sky. Every word she said he heard, but it seems that he suddenly could not understand.

"To calculate the age of Ning Zhou, his father should be the first player to enter this game, but he died very early. After his mother died, he was sent to the Holy See and was deeply influenced by the Holy See. The thing that started at the age of 18 like a normal player was also told by Ning Zhou. When he was 18 years old three years ago, he had the same number of days of survival as us, and he needed to perform mandatory tasks every month."

The cigarette **** in Qi Le’s hand was almost burned out, but he didn’t notice it at all.

"This time I will receive the task of offering a witch. It is an accident. He recently returned from Yongwu Township and met the gangsters who are chasing a few girls. They killed them, but unfortunately they could not save them. The two girls, instead of the devil's mark on their hands, triggered this mission. More coincidentally, you also received this mission from another dead NPC."

"In fact, he didn't care much about you at first. In terms of personality, Ning Zhou is naturally not like to be close to people. It is hard to imagine him taking the initiative to approach a person. He will be rescued by wild wolves at the beginning of the campfire. You are completely handy. Helping those who need help is also the commandment of the Holy See." Chen Baiqi said, suddenly chuckled, "But after he was drunk, he still admitted, he felt It’s cute when you tried to calm down and try to talk to him.”

- "I... My name is Qi Le, what is your name?" The memories changed from gray to fresh, like a black and white film tape, suddenly with sound and color. Qi Le people clearly remember that next to the warm campfire, he was uneasy, and he stopped talking. Finally, he finally got the courage to ask the name of "her".

"In the underground cave, you were chased by the bone dragon. He dragged you to escape. At that time, you looked very scared, with red eyes and shivering, but stubbornly want to protect him, not even afraid of death. Ning Zhou, I’m afraid I haven’t seen anyone so hard for him for so many years. After that, you died in the dragon’s breath, and you were almost frozen by the frozen underground lake. When he rescued you, he looked soaked. If you shiver, you will swear to yourself and will protect you."

- "In short, thank you, when you tell me your name!" At that time, he rushed to escape, ran lung pain, but also desperately suppressed his voice, did not dare to cough, his eyes were red, he knew himself Will not die, with the help of skills, he has a great chance to survive, so he is so brave.

"In the last underground palace, Ning Zhou used the relics left by his mother, yes, that is the pendant. That thing is not an ordinary item, he should not use it, but at that time it was already a thousand, you are deep In danger, he still did not hesitate to use it, even if... and you have found the only chance in the enchantment of the Holy Spirit, but it is really making people..." Chen Baiqi looks at the calm sea under the moonlight, sounds like If there is nothing, "Later things, drunk Ning Zhou will not say it, but I already know. To kill the lover who is willing to pay for his life, how painful he was at that time... ”

- "Ning Zhou, I have a way, maybe let us all live." At that time, the excited Qile people even said with a smile, the most cruel words for Ning Zhou, "very simple ,kill me."

Qi Le people sat on the stone blankly and covered his face with his hands. This short experience has become a mischief of fate in his eyes, but in the eyes of Ning Zhou? This is totally an irreparable tragedy.

"Do you know? After the mission, before coming to see you, Ning Zhou went to a place." Chen Baiqi said slowly.

"Where?" Obviously knowing that I should stop asking, but Qi Leren still asked.

Chen Baiqi answered the question: "He went to buy something."

Qi Le people's finger cramps generally moved a bit, he vaguely knew what, but unbelievable.

Chen Baiqi did not say any more. She took a sip of smoke. The taste of tobacco made her relax and calmed her. She stood up and looked at the sea and muttered: "This is fate. It is obviously impossible." But because of all kinds of coincidences, I love each other, but unfortunately it’s still impossible."

Qi Le is silent.

"In the world of Ning Zhou, he probably never thought about the issue of homosexuality. After all, he lived in the Holy See very early, obeying the commandments, observing the teachings, and being firm in faith. It is the kind of heart that will not overstep, and fell in love. Will go to propose, the man who will stay on the wedding night at the beginning of the night. The most important thing is that the Holy See of this world is not a modern religion in the world we have lived in. It is old-fashioned, conservative, and love between all the same sex. Are wrong, Jude's, and even sinful."

"If one day, he loves you more than anything else, maybe he will leave the Holy See. But you need to abandon the faith and give up everything he once regarded as life... Is this love more painful, or death more painful?"

The salty sea breeze blew on the face and took away the temperature of the human body. After listening to all this, the Qile people were very calm. He also stood up from the stone and whispered, "I understand..."

Chen Baiqi turned around and handed him a bottle in his hand: "Hold it."

"I don't have to drink alcohol to eliminate it." Qi Le people made a joke stiffly, but it was so difficult to touch the corners of his mouth.

"It's not wine, it's the Holy Water of the Holy See, maybe you can use it later." Chen Baiqi shrugged. "I have to go see a few old friends first. We will see you ashore after an hour."

Qi Le people's hand holding the bottle is stiff. How does Chen Baiqi know that he needs holy water to suppress the killing species?

Seeing that Chen Baiqi had already left, he couldn’t care much and asked aloud: "Why give me this?"

Chen Baiqi waved his hand to him: "Ning Zhou sent it, ask me to hand it over to you, take it, maybe it will come in handy later."

The figure of Chen Baiqi has disappeared under the steps. Qi Le people shake the bottle, and the crystal clear transparent liquid exudes a faint light in the moonlight. Just watching it makes people feel calm. If it is Ning Zhou... What should he know? After all, he saw him at the trial.

Qi Le people did not think about it any more, and took up the holy water and went down.

At this point, he is no longer panicked by the tombstones, something that he can't verify and can't control. Even if he is really dead, but now this is still alive, he can act, can think, can be as happy and sorrowful as before, more problems he no longer wants to entangle.

Down the stairs, there are neat tombstones in rows and rows on both sides of the steps, just like a regular lineup.

The order of the tombstones should be arranged according to the time of death, not in the order of the tasks. The Qile people stopped in front of Lu Youxin's tombstone, went back one step backwards, and then walked in. He saw Ye Xia, which turned out to be her real name, and the number of days of existence was more than 1,500 days.

Going one step further, the place where the light of the flashlight is illuminated is the name of the Qi Le person.

Three consecutive tombstones are him.

He died in the hands of Ning Zhou.

Qi Le people's footsteps, a kind of emotion that can't be said to be sad or relieved, slowly infiltrated from the depths of the soul. After Chen Baiqi said that Ning Zhou had bought something, he vaguely guessed it, but it was always difficult. Confidence, but now I saw it, he finally had to believe.

He could almost imagine what kind of mood Ning Zhou had when he discovered his tombstone. Perhaps for him, the Qile who he had loved had been left in the underground palace forever, and he was killed by himself three times.

He still has a future to start, and the love that has not yet been exported has always stayed there. He can only leave a certificate he loved in front of the tombstone and give it to her.

Qi Le people stepped forward and squatted in front of their tombstone.

[Qile people. Died of the sacrifice witch. The number of days of survival was 13 days. 】

An open small gift box was placed right in front of the tombstone, and a ring was quietly lying in the gift box.

A ring of blue gems is set on the ring, shining in the moonlight.

Beautiful as the eyes of Ning Zhou.