Welcome to the Nightmare Games Book 2

Chapter 105: Gangster Empire (6)

The drunken Fick new city, most of the people living at the bottom are a black and white pantomime, silent.

Standing down the window of the new apartment, the gentlemen and ladies were well-dressed, and the poor were curled up in the corner, covered by heavy shadows. No one cares what they are thinking about, they are just set boards on this gorgeous stage.

"It's not bad here, you can settle down temporarily." Qi Leren at the window turned to Ning Zhou and said.

Because Gavin lives nearby, Willow also comes to his relationship from time to time. Qi Le people secretly settled in an apartment in the same block and felt like a "golden house."

Ning Zhou nodded, thinking about the paper full of names.

"Box K and Box Q are out, and now there are Red Heart K, Red Heart Q, Plum Flower K, and Plum Flower Q. There is one person in Plum Flower that we are sure ... although I don't know how he came to the dusk from Ant City Township. "Qi Leren frowned, saying rather distressed.

In the small bar before starting the mission, Qi Leren recognized him. Although they were wearing masks at that time, the familiar Tang sword and the unveiled voice of that person made them realize. The identity of the other party-a passer-by who has had a side in the underground ant city dreamland calling ceremony.

He claimed to be a passerby and left after chaotic rituals that undermined the ideal country, but both Qi Leren and Ning Zhou were extremely impressed with him.

This time, he was also involved in the copy mission, and he also pulled an innocent passerby by the side of the road as his "companion"-the poor companion was brought in a sack.

"Luna, maybe a player." Ning Zhou said.

"Luna? Oh, Du Qiao's mistress." This person is also on the assassination list. Qi Leren remembers that she is a drama actor and recently fought with Du Qiao who has just returned to China. He could not help but glance at Ning Zhou, maybe she would become Ning Zhou's stepmother.

But Ning Zhou apparently didn't feel much about it. He was very disgusted with his identity and body at the moment, but this kind of aggrieved and helpless resistance fell on the body of a seven-year-old child and was very cute.

Just like when getting up in the morning, Qi Leren kissed Ning Zhou's baby fat cheek while he wasn't ready: "Good morning."

Jin Maozheng too small Ning Zhou expressionless: "Early."

"I kissed you, didn't you kiss me?" Qi Leren asked cheerfully.

Ning Zhou blushed and brought it together seriously, leaving a sweet morning kiss on Qi Leren's cheek.

At this moment, Qile people are so happy.

Mom, this little angel is so cute! How could there be such a lovely person in the world! If only he were my son! No, wake up, this is my boyfriend! We can't give birth!

Qi Leren finally knew what it meant to be an infinite base, but unfortunately it was impossible to give birth.

In the next few days, Qi Leren was living in a small apartment rented to Ning Zhou, reluctant to think about it, even the assassination targets on the list could not be ignored, just watching Xiao Ningzhou would be able to live beautifully one day.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Qi Leren, who came home at night, was stopped by Gavin, who told him that David was looking for him.

Qi Leren had to go to David's office to meet his boss. When he arrived at his destination, David was flipping through today's newspaper in a conference room on the third floor. The front page headline read "Fick New City Gangster Feast. Six People Killed Gangsters in Five Days."

David put down the newspaper and expressed his dissatisfaction with the recent passive work of the musicians.

Qi Leren replied unhurriedly: "I need some challenging tasks."

"Yes, this person is in charge of you. Be careful, she can't deal with it. Brandy died in her hands." David said.

Qi Leren took the paper and scanned his eyes. When he saw the familiar name, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Luna, Du Qiao's new love, that female drama actor.

After returning from David, Qi Leren finally switched back from his vacation-like state and began to work. He quickly contacted several colleagues, especially Rum, and got more detailed information about Luna.

Rum is good at tracking. He has been tracking this woman for two days. Last night he found the brandy's body in a parking lot near Luna's house.

"Old man, what are you doing recently? Quiet like a hibernating squirrel, this is not like you." Rum asked curiously and handed a cigar to Qi Leren.

"Thinking, I'm thinking." Qi Leren trimmed his cigar and replied slowly.

I have to say that this pretentious fan is very suitable for the killer of whiskey. His body naturally carries the temperament of a young literary artist. When he smokes his head, he seems to be a poet conceiving a verse.

"Well, I hope you don't think too long. Brandy died too strangely. The murderer's murderous method of cutting a throat is professional, and even Brandy's wallet is not searched, so it is not for money." Lang Mu said strangely, "Did someone protect Luna in secret? No, I didn't find it after I followed her for two days."

"Will it be Luna's hand?" Qi Leren asked.

Rum laughed: "Come on, brother, how could she be such a great play actor, I dare not say I can do it."

Qile people reluctantly spit their cigarettes and felt the difference between the times and culture. If the Rum brother was a modern man, he had thought about the possibility of Luna being a killer or female agent.

To underestimate a woman would pay a painful price.

If Luna is really one of the hearts, she has to consider that she may have found her companion.

Qi Leren remembered that when they were in the tavern, two women with masks came. At present, this copy does not have the bad taste of putting the player in the opposite **** body-although it is not bad to put Ning Zhou in the child's body-but this possibility has to be considered.

"Please help me pay attention, the friends around Luna, those who often interact with her, is there a woman with a unique temperament, or a man like a woman." Qi Leren said.

"A man like a woman?" Rum looked aggressive. "Sissy?"

"Uh, that's right." Qi Leren didn't know how to explain.

"Okay, if a man in a skirt approaches her, I'll tell you," Rum said.

"..." friend, do you have any misunderstanding about sissy? No man in a skirt in this era, oh no, maybe it does. It is said that Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI, had such a hobby in private. In his calculations, he happened to be of this age, and now he should still be the head of the FBI's predecessor BOI.

Surveillance of Luna continued to be handed over to Rum, and Qi Leren prepared to touch the fish for a while.

It's a pity that the days of Shutan only passed two days, and news came from Rum. Luna would go to an underground bar at 8 o'clock every night these days. However, the bar was controlled by the Italian gang. .

Now you know how important it is to learn makeup! Qi Leren groaned in his heart, bought what he needed, and easily turned himself from a male killer to a burly blue-collar worker.

In fact, it is not difficult. As long as you change the characteristics of this person, even if they look similar, it is difficult to make sure that they are the same person. Qi Leren lined a lot of things in his clothes, especially the shoulders. Allen, the killer, was thin and burly.

The dead white skin was painted in bronze, and a dark brown wig was worn. The face was modified with a fake beard, and appropriate clothing was replaced. Paying attention to the walking posture and sound, it was completely different.

Ning Zhou stared blankly aside, and that expression was skeptical of life.

"It's nothing. It's simple. Want to learn?" Qi Leren wanted to impart his rich experience, but Ning Zhou shook his head like a rattle, like a child who was being sent to kindergarten by his parents.

"Then I'll go, I can't take you today, you are too easy to recognize." Qi Leren said.

After all, Ning Zhou's body is now Du Qiao's biological son. Although he is an illegitimate child, Du Qiao is not yet married. This is his only son. In the past few days when Ning Zhou disappeared, the people of the Italian gang searched for him everywhere, and no one expected that he would "attack the enemy."

Ning Zhou looked unhappy.

The expressionless and sullen Mrs. Golden Retriever was very cute, Qi Leren squatted down and couldn't help but coax: "Why don't I dress you as a little girl and pretend to be my daughter?"

The scared expression on Ning Zhou's face made Qi Leren laugh.

"It's useless to dress as a little girl. Children can't enter the bar, obediently wait for me to come home." Qi Leren said.

Ning Zhou: "………………"

It can be said to be angry!