Welcome to the Nightmare Games Book 2

Chapter 54: Purgatory Reunion (6)

At this moment, the world is silent.

Qi Leren stood on the black rock in the middle of Huohu Lake, staring at Ning Zhou, who had become a dragon. The dragon also stared at him. The slender, horrifying pupils of cold-blooded animals showed the gentleness they once knew.

The fire and rain that fell from the sky stopped, and the magma erupting in anger because of the power of destruction also stopped. This dark underground world was immersed in the warm sunlight pouring from the gap, and the holy light from the heart of the prophet in.

For a moment, Qi Leren couldn't say anything, because there were too many words choked in his throat, and he opened his mouth, and those unspeakable and unspeakable words were about to slip out of his eyes.

He reached out his hand, trying to touch the dragon not far away, and even when he was in Purgatory, his high head was not lowered. But the dragon in front of him lowered its head gently and stopped before his eyes.

Qi Leren stroked its cold dragon scale and hugged it. He didn't even dare to force it, but just put his face on the cold dragon scale and choked:

"Ning Zhou, I'm back."

This sentence is like a spell. The tears that Qi Leren held back finally shed. These were tears full of distress and joy. He was fortunate 10,000. He was not late. The tragedy in the nightmare was not staged. He Finally, before everything was irreversible, he came to Ning Zhou.

As long as Ning Zhou is alive, there is still hope.

It is also with this sentence that the dragon standing in the lake of fire slowly changed back to a human form—a thin, stunned, but still alive Ning Zhou. When he stared at him with those blue eyes with too much emotion, Qi Leren suddenly felt that Ning Zhou understood everything, and he understood everything.

Whether it is a misunderstanding of yin and yang, a deep guilty conscience, or a dare not to reveal the love, when they reunited in this lake of fire, a pair of loving souls have embraced everything.


"That's what you said, Your Majesty's dead lover?" The Void Witch turned her head, and although she never opened her eyes, she "gazed" at the disaster evil, waiting for his answer.

All the demons sitting around the long table looked at him. This depressed gaze made the devastated demons feel the pressure, and he spread his hands: "According to the information, he is indeed dead, but the truth of the truth does not seem to be Simple, I am afraid that even our Majesty feels that he is dead. "

"Which side is he from?" The Desperate Witch only cared about the issue.

"The Holy See?" The resentful witch stared at the Qile man shrouded in the strength of the Holy Angel.

"No, the intelligence said that he was a" foreigner ". He came here from another world. He has no faith. But his power is biased towards the Holy See. Is it that a master in the holy camp has given him props that can borrow power? "" The Calamity Devil meditated.

The desperate witch waved her hand, the perspective of the magic mirror was widened, and from a distance overlooking this lake of fire, the holy and beautiful heaven in the twilight, reflected in the holy light that covered the sun, as repeatedly described in the scriptures, God's home.

"The land of twilight is a prophet!" The wicked witch recognized the characteristics of this miracle and uttered the truth.

"It seems that Her Majesty's little lover is a prophet who is optimistic. He doesn't know what his original strength is. He will never be the same as Maria," Guardian ", right? Chu is innocent and cruel, "Oh my god, I don't want to see the tragedy of that year repeat itself."

The desperate witch looked at the mirror in silence, and said for a long while: "It's a pity ... it's almost."

The Void Witch reassured: "Hurry up."

"Haha, do you still plan to rush out and stop them now? Say okay, I won't go, I still want to keep this little life for a long time." The disaster evil demon put his hands behind his head, lazily leaning on On the back of the chair.

"Watch it, it's not time for us to show up," said the desperate witch, drawing a pause sign for this attempt.


The two did not go far. Qi Leren found Ning Zhou's face tired, and I was afraid he hadn't closed his eyes for several days, so he forced him to rest for a while. They settled in a hidden cave not too far from Huohu Lake, and Ning Zhou set up an enchantment to prevent harassment by lower demons.

This cave is full of fluorescent fungi and butterfly-like noctilucent moths, and Qi Leren took out a lantern to make this yellow light illuminate all around.

Qi Leren leaned on the wall of the cave, Ning Zhou was resting on his leg, and he was covered with a blanket.

The warm light of the lantern caused the weary couple to flee from this nightmare-like world for a short time and take a nap in a peaceful pure land. The scarred soul wrapped in the scarred body finally rested at this moment.

Ning Zhou watched Qi Leren quietly, but he couldn't bear to close his eyes for a moment, until Qi Leren secretly caught his hand from under the blanket. The **** were interlocked, and his nervous expression was slightly relieved Come down.

"Don't sleep?" Qi Leren asked softly.

Ning Zhou shook his head gently and clenched Qi Leren's hand firmly, as if the temperature in his hand slipped away as soon as he let go.

"Then let's talk for a while?" The old estrangement had long since disappeared, and Qi Leren at this time had almost endless questions and words. He was curious about everything about Ning Zhou, his childhood, his past, his mood, he also had a lot of things to tell him, such as how worried he was ... he could just talk about old age alone.

Qi Leren couldn't help but talked. From the beginning, he fell in love at first sight and talked about his inner struggle and suffering.

"... I'm not afraid to have love for a same-sex person, but I'm afraid my feelings will hurt you. At that time I even thought ... If I choose to forgive you can make you better, I would rather ... Would rather spend my whole life learning patience. But ... but, in the end, my love has become your burden, sorry, Ning Zhou ... sorry ... "

The tears that had just flowed out of his eyes were wiped away, and Ning Zhou wiped them with his fingers.

"At that time, I wrote 7 to tell you that I would be resurrected in seven days, but the moment I wrote it, I regretted it. Because ... I shouldn't say this mind ... I never knew To be honest, it will be so painful. If I did n’t say it, maybe you wo n’t be here now, you are still homeless, you wo n’t suffer so much ... ”

When Qi Leren learned the ending of Ning Zhou in that game, his heart was boundless with guilt and self-blame in addition to the huge fear.

He instinctively blamed everything on himself, arguing that his presence had set Ning Zhou on a thorny road, and that was indeed the case. Without him, Ning Zhou's identity would still be a saint in the homeland, not ... destroy the Devil.

"Then deceive yourself with your whole life?" Ning Zhou asked softly.

Qi Leren was silent.

"Frank pain is better than hypocrisy. I should pay back with my whole life, but I shouldn't deceive with my whole life ... I never regretted my choice." Even at the moment when he was determined to break himself, it filled his heart. It's just endless sadness and despair, but no resentment and regret.

And even if he was sinking into the abyss of despair at that moment, he is now illuminated by a beam of light, and he has been redeemed.

God gave him miracles, allowing him to embrace the light at the end of hell.

He regained his courage and determination. He wanted to give it a try and see if he could control this raging force of destruction. Don't sink into the power and become a slave to it. He is willing to try for the person he loves. , Even if it is a challenge that is almost impossible to succeed.

For this world, he is willing to die, but for his lover, he is willing to live.

Sometimes living is more difficult than death.

"Resisting the devil, he will flee from you. Those who can endure and overcome temptations will be rewarded." Ning Zhou chanted the words in the "Scriptures" softly, watching Qi Leren, "God has given me Reward, He sent you back to me. "

Qi Leren couldn't speak any more. He felt the temperature of another person from his skin, so warm and so contented.

He understood the soul of another person from his eyes, so pure and so calm.

He was glad again that he did not miss Ning Zhou.

Qi Leren took out the "Scriptures" and said with a smile: "Chen Baiqi gave it to me. I read it to you. If you are tired, just sleep."

So he read from the first page with the dim light: "After the destruction of the ancient world, everything is chaotic and sleepy. There is no past, no future, no center, no margin, only endless darkness. The gods came from outside and each person sowed a seed. Some seeds died before they germinated, and some seeds were swallowed as soon as they germinated. Only the seeds of the Father God gave birth to light and darkness, and the sky With the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars. God the Father rejoices, and he will give birth to the seed and make it its own world ... "

Ning Zhou closed her eyes and seemed to fall asleep.

Qi Leren closed the book gently and stared softly at Ning Zhou. At this moment, his heart was full of sourness and sweetness. He was grateful that he arrived here in time, and pulled Ning Zhou when he was most helpless and embarrassed, so that he did not fall into the abyss of death.

At first he thought that Ning Zhou's death was killed, but when he came to the lake of fire and watched the black dragon roaring in despair, he suddenly understood.

It is not the demon hidden in this underground world that killed Ning Zhou, but the devil inside Ning Zhou.

At that time, Ning Zhou's heart was so desperate that he would rather guilty and die than live again ... When thinking of this, Qi Leren felt sour in his eyes.

The fluorescent moth that had stopped on the cave wall dropped lightly, stopped on the blanket covered by Ning Zhou, exuding blue-green shimmer, Qi Leren moved his fingers and drove it away.

"I believe that strength has nothing to do with good and evil, and you have never fallen." Qi Leren said softly, and traced Ning Zhou's sleeping face with his eyes.

Ning Zhou did not open his eyes, but he held his hand tightly.

A tear dripped slowly from the corner of his eye and fell into the shadows.

In a world where there is only a faint glow of lanterns in the darkness, they faithfully deliver trust and love, and then get salvation from each other.

The long night road that once thought that I could never see the end, suddenly saw the faint light in the distant mountains.

Qi Leren suddenly felt a lot of emotions. When Chen Baiqi received the devil training, he rationally understood that all of this was for his good, but deep down was not without slack and complaints. But at the moment when he held Ning Zhou's hand, he suddenly understood everything, everything he suffered, whether it was hard training or life and death tests, every step taught him to grow, and he must grow.

What he shoulders is no longer his own life.

To the world, he is just a trivial person, but to those who love him, he is his world.

——I would like to create a pure land for you, and I am willing to put your soul in this life wandering and suffering.

——At this moment, I only wish you a good dream.