Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 102: How did turmeric come from?

   Chapter 102 How did **** come from

   Waiting for Wen Youshan to clean up and come out, enjoying the food beautifully, Chen Ningya and the others also understood what happened today.

  Wen Yuanliang shook his head and sighed: "I always thought that Sun Qing's wife was a good lady. At least she turned one eye and closed one eye when we used to eat and drink. I never thought it would turn out like this!"

Chen Ningya sneered and said, "Isn't this normal? In the past, helping you can show her superiority. Besides, it's your grandmother who has been feeding you, not her little Li, but she didn't object. "

   "I also often give Laifu game, and I give them a lot of the meat they eat!" Wen Youshan added that if he hadn't walked around like this, he would have been embarrassed to keep letting his children take advantage of the Sun family.

   Wen Yuanliang and the others were speechless, but Wen Yuanzhen said, "I definitely can't become like Xiao Li in the future, buried alone in the barren mountains, it sounds very desolate."

   "Bah ah ah, what are you talking about!" Chen Ningya nods Wen Yuanzhen's head angrily, she definitely won't let the child be reduced to that level.

   Wen Yuanzhen stuck out his tongue, and said coquettishly, "Hehe, I'm talking nonsense! By the way, mother, when will we continue dyeing cloth?"

  I still have a lot of silkworm cocoons at home, and I don’t know if I will run out.

When it comes to business, everyone's mood is obviously much better. Chen Ningya looked at the sky outside and said, "I will weave until the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and it is estimated that there will be twenty-five pieces. You can wait until the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month to start dyeing the cloth. , twenty were dyed red, and the remaining five were dyed ginger, as for the price”

  Chen Ningya looked at Wen Youshan.

  Wen Youshan said calmly, "I know what I know, and I will definitely be able to say a high price." Even if it can't be sold for nine taels, it can be sold for eight taels.

  Chen Ningya is relieved, she has always been very optimistic about Wen Youshan, this man is strong in physique, flexible in mind, able to control the scene, what he lacks is only experience, as long as he can learn more about the world, I believe he will surprise her in the future.

After that, the village returned to peace, and there were no more messy things. Occasionally the old house collapsed and people were injured, but Wen Youshan was not found. He could read and write at home with his two sons in peace. His requirements were not high, as long as Can read and write.

As a result, the sand table that was eliminated before came in handy again. Just as Wen Yuanjing's age is coming, they can practice together. The youngest Wen Yuanxing was clamoring for it, so Wen Youshan had to get him another one. Let him play by himself. After more than ten days of school, Wen Youshan and Wen Yuanjing not only knew dozens of words, but they were also able to write them out, but the writing was crooked and unsightly, but the father and daughter already knew each other. Surprising enough.

The others were also very happy. Wen Yuanliang taught his father and little sister, and he felt a sense of accomplishment. In addition, Chen Ningya gave them some homework, and they gained a lot. They stayed in the study all day to retreat, and even exercised. When he moved inside, he was almost at the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. Wen Yuanhong was led by him to be exceptionally motivated. The two seemed to be competing, and neither would let the other.

  Wen Yuanzhen is not so bad. Every day, she finishes her homework first, then she practices calligraphy for an hour, painting for an hour, and embroidering for an hour.

  In this atmosphere, the youngest Wen Yuanxing actually stumbled and memorized half of the Three Character Classic. You must know that he was not yet three years old, and Chen Ningya was very pleasantly surprised to hear his endorsement. She even took time out of her busy schedule to make sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for the whole family.

  The sweet-scented osmanthus was picked in autumn, dried and stored. Chen Ningya originally planned to make it during the Chinese New Year, but now she made it in advance to reward a few children.

   Busy, on the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Chen Ningya counted and wove twenty-seven pieces of cloth.

  Wen Youshan and the others have already prepared the red dye, they will do all the steps such as degumming, no need for Chen Ningya to talk nonsense, what she needs is to teach them to dye ginger.

The dye used for turmeric is also madder, but madder does not need to be treated in advance. After boiling well, you can dye the silk cloth, and then add alum to fix the color. Both alum and madder are bought from drugstores. The price is not cheap, but the advantage is Good quality, snow white.

   The dye vat with alum added doesn't seem to have changed much, and the children are worried. It doesn't look like a cloth that can be dyed with ginger. Did their mother make a mistake?

  The children looked at each other and didn't dare to say a word. This piece of cloth is worth several taels of silver. What if it affects the mood of the parents?

   Chen Ningya didn't know the children's heart activities, so she asked Wen Youshan to fish out the cloth when she saw that the color was almost dyed.

   When the bright turmeric color hung on the bamboo pole, several children were really dumbfounded, and they really couldn't understand the reason.

Wen Yuanliang's heart was deeply impacted, and he began to pester Chen Ningya to ask about dyeing the cloth. When Chen Ningya saw that he was interested, she didn't hide it. , Of course, the white linen cloth that Wen Youshan bought back was used. Those silk cloths at home were not so wasteful.

Twenty-seven pieces of cloth were dyed and dried before the twelfth lunar month. Wen Youshan carefully packed them into a basket, and was about to go to the county town with the donkey cart. Before leaving, he asked Chen Ningya, "But I need me. Bring something back?"

  Chen Ningya pondered: "Buy half a fan of pork, and then buy some edible dried flowers, caramel, glutinous rice, and white noodles."

   She simply made a list, and regardless of whether Wen Youshan could understand it all, she urged him to leave.

Wen Youshan rushed to the county seat in high spirits, entered the cloth house familiarly, and was carried by the shopkeeper to the backyard. The shopkeeper saw that the twenty red silk cloths were still beautiful, and the other seven **** yellow ones were also beautiful. It is really eye-catching, and there are few things. It is estimated that the owner will keep all of them, and there may not be enough to sell.

  Thinking about it this way, the shopkeeper didn't lower the price with Wen Youshan, he still gave him nine taels of silver per horse, and even the seven ginger-colored ones were the same price.

   After selling the silk cloth, Wen Youshan felt relaxed, and began to study the list given by Chen Ningya, even guessing, and finally got a whole carload of things to go back.

  Chen Ningya checked and found that she had bought everything she needed and some that she didn't need.

Seeing the lady looking at him, Wen Youshan felt a little guilty, and smiled flatteringly: "Miss, don't say it, this method is easy to use, I have already memorized the above words when I go out, and I will definitely not make mistakes in the future. ."

  Chen Ningya laughed and said strangely, "Okay, look at your poor mouth."

  Wen Youshan's heart is relieved, it's great, I didn't get scolded!

   Wen Youshan, who was so stubborn, began to pester Chen Ningya again, and asked, "Miss, what are you going to do for the New Year this year?"

  Chen Ningya didn't hide it from him, she calculated: "I will cook more food this year, you can give some to the Sun family, so that they can have a good New Year, and when Aunt Kaichun can go to the ground, then we will not care."

   At times like this, I can help a little bit.

   (end of this chapter)