Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 213: The straw bag in Juxian Building

   Chapter 213 The straw bag in the Juxian Building

   The group arrived at the Juxian Building where they had made an appointment, only to find that the place had already been packed by the students who were tested by the academy. They were all scholars inside and out. It could be described as a sea of ​​people.

  Wen Yuanliang managed to squeeze up to the second floor with difficulty, finally taking a breath.

   Qi Zixi looked curiously at the magnificent big stage downstairs and asked, "Is this a game?"

When other people heard it, they kindly explained: "A few of you are visiting Juxian Building for the first time! Our Juxian Building has four floors and is in the shape of a "back". In the center of the first floor is a large platform. The reckless man shows his fists and feet, in addition to this, there are also opera troupes or singing singers who often perform, and just after the academy exam, everyone rarely relaxes for a while, and a group of students made an appointment to fight here."

   Everyone suddenly sighed and bowed to each other, "Thank you, Young Master, for clarifying the confusion, Young Master is also here to participate in the Wendou?"

   The other party shook his head hurriedly, and said calmly: "I can still handle how many pounds and taels I have, but I don't dare to go up to show my ugliness, so I just came over to watch the fun, how about a few?"

   Qi Zixi grinned, "Hehe, we are also here to watch the fun."

   While speaking, a group of well-dressed students was on the table below. Feng Hongyu was surprised to find that there were people from their Wenshan Academy, and hurriedly signaled for everyone to look over.

   Seeing this, everyone's faces were a little ugly, and Qi Zixi even swears, "Wow! Who gave that **** the guts to let him go up?"

The person Qi Zixi was scolding was also from Wenshan Academy, called Bao Sanyuan. Hearing the name, you can see how much the Bao family has placed high hopes on him. Unfortunately, Bao Sanyuan is a second-generation ancestor, and he is the most proficient in eating, drinking, and having fun. Typical People who are stupid have a lot of money. As for reading, they have all the six orifices, and they don't know anything, let alone three yuan, they can't even get one yuan.

Now, in his thirties, he barely won the qualification to participate in the academy exam. I really don’t know what he was thinking. He even came to the stage wearing the uniform of Wenshan Academy. We must know if he could enter Wenshan Academy or if he worked hard at home to leave. If he went through the back door, if he stinks the reputation of Wenshan Academy on stage, I am afraid that if he himself suffers, it will also bring disaster to their classmates who are watching the fun.

   Regarding this point, everyone is clear in their hearts, and it is precisely because of this that everyone has a black face.

   After hearing Qi Zixi's words, the person on the side looked down and couldn't see why.

Wen Yuanliang hurried downstairs after a few thanks, and spent some money to squeeze into the front row. Yuan Kangping looked around and found that in addition to Bao Sanyuan, there were several people from Wenshan Academy who rushed over and asked with a sullen face. : "How did Sanyuan come to power?"

Everyone was about to cry, and hurriedly cleared the relationship, "Kang Ping, this matter has nothing to do with us, we came here to watch the fun, who knew that Sanyuan heard that this Juxian Lou Wendou would become famous if he won, but he didn't care about it. To sign up, we persuaded and persuaded, but we couldn’t persuade him at all, what can we do now?

   Yuan Kangping got angry, "You know his details, why can't you persuade him! Even if he is tied, he will be tied up!"

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, as if they never thought that such a humiliating method could be used.

  Wen Yuanliang squeezed over, pulled Yuan Kangping's clothes, and said with a bad expression: "Forget it, now the only way is to get a few good candidates to sign up, and go up and be ashamed."

  Listen to this, it’s not even better than everyone else, everyone has already decided what kind of ending it will be.

  Yuan Kangping nodded with a heavy face and sighed softly, "It seems that this is the only way to do it. I will handle this matter. You and Xue Zheng and the others will go up to the second floor to watch first, where the view is broad."

  Wen Yuanliang was noncommittal, returned to Qi Zixi, underestimated a few words with them, and a group of people went up to the second floor.

  Yuan Kangping left for a long time before coming up. After entering the box, he looked relieved and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I didn't lose my life, I finally got things done."

   You can see the progress downstairs from the window of their box. At this time, Wen Dou's first game has already started, and Bao Sanyuan ended in the first round without any accident.

  As soon as Bao Sanyuan came off the field, Wen Yuanliang withdrew his gaze, really couldn't bear it any longer, and asked Yuan Kangping, "Who did Brother Yuan choose to fight for the academy?"


"Pfft!" Wen Yuanliang sprayed all the tea in Yuan Kangping's face, stunned and shocked, "Are you crazy? I know how much I have! It's just better than that straw bag. It won't work."

   Yuan Kang calmly wiped the tea on his face, and said calmly, "Besides you, there are Hongyu, Zixi, and Xue Zheng."

   "Cough cough cough" There was an earth-shattering coughing sound in the box, and passersby who didn't know why thought something was wrong inside.

   Qi Zixi, who was so frightened and coughed violently, recovered his strength, held Yuan Kangping by the collar, and panicked, "Are you crazy or am I crazy! Let me play? No, no, definitely not."

   "Calm down." Yuan Kangping coaxed.

Xue Zheng on the side of    was also anxious, "How calm this matter, so many people came from the academy, why did you push us out? How can you be like this, why don't you go up by yourself?"

"Who made you young and talented?" Yuan Kangping said as a matter of course, the old **** sat down on the ground and analyzed: "Look, the reputation of our academy has been ruined by grass, and it is a difficult problem to correct the name of the academy in order to recover a game. It just so happens that the four of you are about the same age, and you are participating in the academy exam at a young age. Your future is boundless. If the four of you win the Wendou, you will not only rectify the name of our academy, but also make a name for our academy, and you will also get benefits. , do more than one thing, why not do it?"

  Wen Yuanliang quickly woke up from the pancake painted by Yuan Kangping and scolded: "Fuck! What you said is all good, what if we lose?"

   "It's not ashamed to lose, who made you young! Most of those people are older than you, and even if you win, you have nothing to say, right?" Yuan Kangping blinked.

  Wen Yuanliang was speechless, and was speechless for a while, and peeped at the other three.

Seeing that they had compromised, Yuan Kangping continued: "There is one more point, I have already inquired about it, the first test of Wendou this time is the easiest. , The contestants said the source, and Bao Sanyuan didn't hold on for even a round, so let's not mention it."

Everyone is speechless. This kind of competition is still the first round. The questions will definitely not be too biased. Normal people will not end in this round. It is better to pack three yuan. Now, this is no ordinary shame, it is simply a great shame for Wenshan Academy.

   (end of this chapter)