Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 24: into the mountains

   Chapter 24 Into the Mountain

Wen Youshan widened his eyes in shock, quietly exited the room and went out to take a look. Although he couldn't see anything in the dark, it didn't prevent him from sighing, this time he really caught a big mouse, or the extra-large one. kind!

   But this is not bad. With these traps, at least the family is safer. In addition to today's troubles, people in the village who want to bully his women and children will have to weigh them up.

   After a night of no dreams, it suddenly rained lightly the next morning, and the sky was overcast. After finishing breakfast, Chen Ningya said to Feng Xinghai with some concern: "Feng Zhaotou, the weather doesn't seem to be good, do you still want to go into the mountains?"

  Feng Xinghai just felt suffocated, the weather has been fine these days, why did it rain suddenly? However, this task was assigned by the county magistrate, and he could not delay even if it rained.

   "Go! Isn't it just a little rain! It's fine."

When Chen Ningya heard the words, she no longer blocked her, she turned around and said to Wen Youshan, "Go to the village chief's house to borrow a few clothes. In addition, I will also give a pair of foot covers to the servants. Safety first, if the road It doesn't work."

   "I understand, don't worry." Wen Youshan showed his face, seeing his worried wife, he felt a little excited in his heart for some reason. After so many years of marriage, he finally warmed her cold heart.

  Thinking like this, Wen Youshan unknowingly evoked a small smile on the corner of his mouth, but was caught by Chen Ningya.

   "What are you laughing at?" Chen Ningya asked suspiciously.

  Wen Youshan grinned, "I think my lady is so good-looking and so kind to me, she can't be found even with a lantern."

  Puff! Chen Ningya couldn't hold back her laughter, and gave him a sullen look, "When did honest people become so dishonest?"

"No, no, I'm not being honest with the lady!" Wen Youshan felt a heat in his belly, and suddenly hugged Chen Ningya tightly, her head pressed against her neck, and the tip of her nose was unique to her. Xinxiang, the more he smelled it, the more it felt unbearable. It was rare that the children were not in the room. If he hadn't rushed out, he would have done it.

  Chen Ningya was teased by him until she smiled and said with a blushing face: "Don't make trouble! You are a hooligan in the daytime, I'm worried that the messenger at home will arrest you!"

   "No one will know if you don't call, madam, we'll be intimate when I come back at night." Wen Youshan kissed Chen Ningya heavily, and then walked out of the room contentedly.

Chen Ningya stomped her feet, embarrassed and annoyed, but she was happy. In the past, because she didn't look down on Wen Youshan, Wen Youshan had always been careful with her, and even the sexual affairs were raided while she fell asleep. Go quickly, for fear of annoyed her. Every time the two of them share the same room, Wen Youshan always finds a way to get some good things behind Zhang's back to please her. Since they got married, they have given birth to five children. The number of times can be counted with ten fingers.

   She didn't notice anything before, but later she found out that such a married life was abnormal. After she was reborn, she thought about changing it, but she didn't have time to take care of things one after another. She didn't expect that man would take the initiative to attack.

   Thinking of this, the corners of Chen Ningya's mouth couldn't help but rise.

   Over there, Wen Youshan also got a few jackets from the village chief's house. He took the equipment that he usually used to go to the mountains, a rusty sickle, and a pair of bows and arrows that were some years old. The group went out in a hurry.

When    went into the mountain, Feng Xinghai had been studying the foot cover on his calf and Wen Youshan's back basket, and couldn't help but ask, "Brother Wen uses these things for hunting on weekdays?"

Wen Youshan smiled and said: "The family has limited conditions, and I can't afford new bows and arrows, so I can only use these things. Fortunately, we won't go into the deep mountains. The few hills we often go to are small things. That's enough, if you encounter wild boars and other beasts, you can run away, but we try not to provoke them."

  Joke, the wild boar thing is not something that ordinary people can fight, even the powerful old hunter will frown when he touches it.

Feng Xinghai and the others nodded slightly. Everyone walked while talking, and unknowingly, they had entered the deep mountain area. The weeds here were obviously more lush than outside, and they were all as high as the waist of an adult. What, fortunately, Wen Youshan has experience, and got a few sharpened bamboos for the big guy to hold, and a few people leaned on the bamboos to move forward.

During this period, Wen Youshan kept mowing the grass with a sickle behind them, and was very busy, but Feng Xinghai felt tired, "You have to mow until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse and the Moon, and if you can't make it this way, wouldn't you be busy working in vain? ?"

   "It's all right, I'll just cut one, so that even if the road is blocked, we can find the way back, without taking detours." Wen Youshan gasped.

Everyone thought it was reasonable. Even He Yong and Wang Er helped Wen Youshan to cut together. They used the sabers given by the yamen, but it was not comparable to Wen Youshan's rusty sickle. One was responsible for holding a large amount of weeds. One is in charge of swinging the knife, and the speed obviously keeps up with everyone's footsteps.

  Wen Youshan took a look, come on, he doesn't have to be busy now.

Since someone helped to open the way, he couldn't do nothing, just walk and search for the target, not to mention that there were more prey in the deep mountains than outside. He was so careful and found that there were many hares hiding in the bushes, and occasionally A pheasant flew past them arrogantly.

In this situation, even Feng Xinghai can't bear it anymore. It's a joke. A pheasant dares to show off its might in front of him. It can be tolerated. Wen Youshan shot, and with just one arrow, the pheasant that jumped up and down stopped moving.

  Just like that, Wen Youshan walked all the way, and before he got to the seaside, his back was full. There were four pheasants, three hares, and two poisonous snakes that attacked them.

   One of them almost bit Wang Er, but fortunately everyone wore the foot cover given by Chen Ningya, so it didn't hurt.

   Over three mountains, and seeing that the last mountain to cross is the seaside, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wen Youshan is a local after all. Although he has never been to the deep mountains, he has some experience. He soon led a group of people to find the water source, and also found a small groove under the cliff next to the water source that can shelter from the wind and rain. Big, better than the high terrain, surrounded by sealed rocks, do not worry about snakes, insects, rats, ants or other animals attack.

  Everyone put their things off, Wen Youshan consciously went to the water to deal with the game, and Feng Xinghai and others were responsible for picking up firewood to make a fire.

Wen Youshan could still hear Feng Xinghai complaining about the weather by the water, so he couldn't help but look up. When he went out, the sky was gray and it was raining lightly. It's not easy to get them to pick up dry wood at this time. Fortunately, He Yong and Liu Ming are good at kung fu. The two disappeared for a while, and they came out again with a bundle of firewood in their hands.

   (end of this chapter)