Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 256: There are times when you are afraid

   Chapter 256 There are times when you are afraid

If she still doesn't understand now, she will have lived in vain for all these years, but the more she does, the more she feels that her life is about to be lost, and when she regains her senses, she hugs the guard's leg, crying and begging for mercy, "Sir, I It's wrong! It's my cousin. No! It's the prefect's wife, she forced me!"

"What did she force you to do?" A majestic voice came from outside the door. A man wearing a mask and brocade clothes walked in with his hands behind his back, as if strolling in his own back garden. Sitting down on the ground, the style of the whole body makes people dare not look directly.

Subconsciously, Mrs Peng wanted to rush over to beg for mercy, and when she met those dangerous eyes, she suddenly woke up a lot, and said nervously: "What I said is true, my parents' family can't live without the support of Ouyang's family today. , Before the prefect's wife came to Dizhou, her parents sent me a message, asking me to listen to the prefect's dispatch.

   Later, Mrs. Prefect asked me to act with her. She didn't like me on the surface, she avoided me like a snake, and secretly asked me to be her messenger to help her deliver news.

  I can't do anything either. If I don't obey, my parents won't let me go, and even the prefect will not allow me, my lord, I'm really being forced! "

  The brocade-clothed man casually played with the jade pendant, and smiled lazily like a cat: "Don't say that you are so innocent, I'm asking you now, you answer well, what message does Ouyang Shi ask you to pass on?"

   Peng was stunned for a while, then shook his head blankly.

  The brocade-clothed man asked again, "Who did Ouyang ask you to send the letter to?"

  Peng continued to shake his head.

  The man in brocade clothes, "Is there another person in addition to sending Ouyang's letter through you?"

   Mr. Peng still shook his head.

  The brocade-clothed man was exhausted at the end of his patience, and his tone of voice became a little more impatient, "I don't know if you ask three questions, why do you let me let you go?"

Peng Shi was stagnant, so it made sense, she couldn't refute it, it was a matter of life and death, her mind was turning faster than usual, and she immediately recruited everything like a bean, "Sir, what you said Although I don't know, I know that Ouyang's and the capital's side communicate once a month, and the letters are sent through the Guanghai Security Bureau, sometimes one, sometimes two. Those letters are processed. , so I can't see it even if I take it apart, otherwise Ouyang's will not be so relieved to let me pass the letter."

  The brocade-clothed man touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "Let's trust you for now, and ask you again, does Chen Zhifu know about Ouyang's affairs?"

This time, Mrs Peng was not so straightforward. After thinking about it for a while, she shook her head and said, "I probably didn't know it. Every time Mrs Ouyang sent me a letter, she took advantage of the fact that the prefect was not at home and asked me to avoid it when I left. Open a person, don’t talk to people too much, and then remind me where to put the letter from the capital. I have been sent to the wing of Wan’an Temple several times. When those letters were reached, I also had to put them in the middle of the food box and bring them into the house several times."

   "Humph! Even the Wan'an Temple is involved! Mrs Ouyang is so hands-on!" The man in brocade sarcastically whispered, motioning for the guards to take Mrs Peng down.

   After a while, Chen Yangqiu entered the door with an expressionless face, and said, "My lord, it's my lax discipline, and I'll leave it to the sage to deal with it."

  The brocade-clothed man took off his mask, revealing a familiar face, clearly the old Jitou who disappeared for a long time!

Old Jitou touched his chin, looked at Chen Yangqiu, and after a long while, he grinned, "Master Chen, we have worked together for a while, I can still trust you, and this time it was you who took the initiative to expose Ouyang's crimes, and the emperor again How can I deal with you? As for what Ouyang said, the emperor will not believe it without real evidence, so what if there is real evidence? The emperor will also think it is a frame-up, so Mr. Chen is at ease. "

  Old Jitou's voice was full of irony, but what he said was the truth. The imperial concubine in the palace covered the sky with only one hand. As long as the pillow was blowing, the emperor would make a confused decision even if he was clear-headed.

  Chen Yangqiu kept his face straight and insisted: "My lord, I am guilty."

  Old Jitou took a deep look at him and sighed in his heart, but he patted him on the shoulder and walked away without saying a word, leaving only one sentence, "I took Ouyang."

   Chen Yangqiu didn't answer this time, and watched the group leave in a mighty manner, slowly closing his eyes, and hanging his hands weakly.

  Ouyang and the others waited for a long time for the courtyard door to open. Unexpectedly, it was a group of guards wearing masks who kidnapped a room of women with lightning speed.

  Ouyang Shi was shocked and angry, and asked loudly: "Who are you? Do you know who I am? How dare you do this to me! Do you want to die?"

   "Who are you? Ouyang Clan!" Old Jitou slowly appeared, looking down at Ouyang Clan, "Do you know the crime?"

Ouyang finally had a look of panic on the face of the mask, and stepped back again and again in disbelief, "No, no, you can't appear here! A trap, it's a trap! Yes! It must be a trap! Chen Yangqiu! Isn't it you! I didn't expect you to do anything to get a secret out of my mouth, hehe. I really underestimate you!"

  Old Jitou frowned and exchanged glances with the guard displeasedly, "Take it away!"

   Mrs Ouyang struggled desperately, how could it be worth two strong and powerful men, and was quickly tied to a carriage. In order to prevent her from shouting all the way, the old Jitou even had her mouth blocked.

   Mr. Ouyang was in shock and kept guessing the identity of the person who came along the way. One moment he suspected that he was pretending, and the next moment he thought he was real. His heart was pounding back and forth, and he almost fainted out of breath.

After finally waiting for the carriage to stop, Ouyang was taken into a dark dungeon. She had been to the government office's cell. She had gone to see a person who had offended her, and humiliated the other person before he died. This The dungeon is not similar to the government office's cell, and there is a strong smell of blood around it, so it can be seen that there are many dead people here.

Although she was at odds with Chen Yangqiu, and Chen Yangqiu could not wait to kill her, but that person considered himself a gentleman, and even if he dealt with her, he would come blatantly, just like destroying her face in front of her this time, absolutely not There will be so many twists and turns, since the other party is not pretending, it can only be.

  Ouyang was so frightened by her own guess that her face was pale, her body kept shaking, she didn't want to die, she couldn't die! Yes, she can't die!

Ouyang raised his head sharply, just into the old Jitou's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. His heart beat abruptly, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his body was chilled, he moved back in horror, and asked in fear: " What do you want to do?"

   (end of this chapter)