Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 304: Chen Ningya reprimanded

   Chapter 304 Chen Ningya reprimanded

   Seeing that she didn't want to admit it, Zhuo Qianyu pouted, too lazy to speak.

   It was Hu Yiyun, who persuaded him a few times, "You stay at home all day long and do nothing, and you inevitably think a lot. You might as well go out for a walk, talk to someone, or go out to relax. It's better than being bored at home."

  Chen Ningya nodded in agreement.

Chen Xiaodie also responded, but she didn't listen to her because she looked like this. Chen Ningya persuaded her for a long time, but it didn't work. Her patience was exhausted, her smile gradually faded, and she lowered her eyes and said softly, "Today Chen The prefect asked Hong Yu to come over and talk to him for a while, do you know what he said?"

  Chen Xiaodie's pupils shrank, her heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, "What did you say?"

"He said that because you were ill, Hongyu should not end this autumn." Chen Ningya raised her head and looked directly into Chen Xiaodie's eyes. She saw a trace of panic flashing in her eyes. Furious, his voice became a bit colder, "Then do you know what Hong Yu's reaction was when he heard this unreasonable request?"

   "What did he say?" Chen Xiaodie looked at Chen Ningya nervously.

  Chen Ning stood up abruptly, turned her back, and said no emotion in her voice, "He was in a trance, and was almost hit by a carriage on the street."

   "Hey!" Tao'er turned pale with fright, took a deep breath, and panicked, "Mrs. Wen, is my uncle injured?"

Chen Ningya turned around again, seeing Chen Xiaodie bursting with tears, she said sternly: "Do you know how pitiful he is? What a talented young man, tortured by your father and daughter to the point of being inhuman. Ghosts are not like ghosts, does he owe you? Or did he do something wrong to you to be tortured like this by you?"

  Chen Xiaodie shook her head desperately with tears in her eyes, unable to speak.

But Chen Ningya didn't stop there, and continued: "You know that from the moment he entered the school, he was dedicated to seeking fame, and the imperial examination was his way out. Chen Zhifu has such a big face, and if his daughter was sick, he would be wasted three times. Zaiguanyin, what does he think of Hongyu? Is it your accessory? If he wanted to find you a husband who is obedient to you, he should not have chosen Feng Hongyu in the first place. He is not a puppet at your mercy!

   Also, I really don't know what's in Chen Zhifu's mind! The Feng family has high hopes for Feng Hongyu. If you have caused him to waste three years, what will the Feng family think of you? Could it be that you thought that if you married Hong Yu, you would still be able to live under the protection of your parents’ family for the rest of your life? What good is it for you to offend your in-laws! "

   asked Chen Xiaodie's heart, and she was almost shaky when she heard it at the end.

   Tao'er cried and knelt down to Chen Ningya, "Mrs. Wen, don't talk about it, my lady didn't want to stop my uncle's future, yes. yes."

Tao'er couldn't go on, Chen Ningya didn't bother to listen, took a deep breath, and said, "It doesn't matter what the reason is, I'm just here to tell you, this autumn season, Hong Yu will end! Take the rural exam! You should take good care of your sickness at home. If you feel that your home is boring and boring, you can talk to me over there, be more open-hearted, and you will get better sooner."

  Chen House.

  Wen Youshan came to the door carelessly, with a stern face, reported Feng Hongyu's godfather's name and was invited in by the housekeeper.

  Chen Yangqiu looked at Wen Youshan and asked, "Miss Wen's husband?"

  Wen Youshan nodded slightly and sat down solemnly, "My identity today is Feng Hongyu's godfather."

  Chen Yangqiu knew that he was here to ask for guilt, and his expression lightened a bit.

Wen Youshan didn't deal with him, and said straight to the point: "If it wasn't for the last resort, I wouldn't step into this kind of place. This time in the autumn, Hong Yu has to come off the stage. I have already sent him away, I just came over to inform Sir Chen. ."

  Chen Yangqiu pulled the corners of his mouth down, squinting and asking dangerously, "Do you know what you are doing? Aren't you afraid of death?"

  Wen Youshan has long been prepared, and because of Chen Ningya, the anger in his heart is greater than the fear, and he immediately clapped the table and shouted: "What are you afraid of! The big deal is death, and he will be a hero in 18 years!"

  The tables in the Chen residence are all made of high-quality wood, and when Wen Youshan took such a shot, it was a little unsteady.

   The boy who was guarding the door thought he was going to commit a murder, and immediately rushed in to draw a knife.

  Wen Youshan took a look and sneered sarcastically: "So this is the prefect's style, as expected of someone in the court who covers the harem and has someone to support me! I've learned a lot today!"

Chen Yangqiu's face was completely cold, and he stared straight at Wen Youshan. The two looked at each other for a while, but they didn't give in. After a while, Chen Yangqiu waved his hand and said coldly, "While this official has no regrets. You can leave before, as for Feng Hongyu. If my daughter has three strengths and two weaknesses, I want the entire Feng family to be buried with me!"

Wen Youshan's eyes were spitting fire, and he couldn't do anything about Chen Yangqiu, so he jumped to his feet, "I didn't expect Lord Chen to be so rascal, Hongyu has never done anything wrong to your daughter, if she has an accident, it will be her own life. No, what's the matter with the Feng family? Faint official!"

   After cursing, he went for a walk, running faster than a rabbit.

  The housekeeper was very angry and looked at Chen Yangqiu, "Master, do you want to take down that person, he is too unruly!"

  Chen Yangqiu looked gloomy, gave the housekeeper a cold look, snorted, and walked away.

  The housekeeper was stunned, and he waved his hand helplessly for a long time, signaling those people to go down.

  The night in the early autumn was a little cold, and the three carriages were galloping along the official road, and the people in the carriages almost vomited.

Feng Hongyu woke up leisurely, only to feel that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart. He bared his teeth in pain. After a while, he realized that he was in the carriage, which made him sit up abruptly, and a familiar voice suddenly sounded beside him, "Brother. , you are awake, I thought you were going to sleep until dawn!"

"Yuanliang? What's the matter? How did I get into the carriage?" Feng Hongyu carefully recalled what happened in Wen's house. He only remembered that after washing himself, he changed his clothes, lay in bed in a daze, and the servant brought a bowl of soothing tea. Said to be peaceful, he drank it without much thought, and then nothing happened.

   The tea is filled with medicine!

   Feng Hongyu reacted and asked with a dark face, "Where are we going?"

Wen Yuanliang opened his claws and said angrily, "Where else can I go? Naturally, I will go to the provincial capital to participate in the autumn festival. You don't need to worry about the family affairs. My mother has passed, and my father from the Chen Zhifu has also come forward. I'm going to seek justice for you, anyway, you can take the exam with peace of mind."

   Feng Hongyu was anxious, "No, I have to go back. I can't implicate my godfather and godmother because of my affairs, otherwise I will have a restless conscience for the rest of my life."

   (end of this chapter)