Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 49: Huang Ergou's Ability

   Chapter 49 Huang Ergou's Ability

People in the village are like this. No matter if you have money or not, as long as you get something good, everyone will miss you. From time to time, you will come to borrow something or say some nasty words. I've heard it several times. If it wasn't for the lack of food in their home, maybe someone with a big face would have directly asked to borrow money.

Chen Ningya's expression relaxed, and she said with a chuckle: "That's fine, while the weather is good, let's call someone over to help, but I'm going to be the first to say that the person who calls must be an honest person, I don't want that kind of stealing. If you can, call out a few more people and try to build up the courtyard wall before winter."

Wen Youshan nodded and pondered: "Several of my brothers have finished their work, let them help get the stones first, and Ergou can take the lead. He knows where there are good stones and can also calcine lime. He is there. It's easier."

Chen Ningya never thought that Huang Ergou had this ability. Although calcining lime is not difficult, but this is a remote Fushan Village, and every household in the village is made of adobe, she did not expect that there are still people in such a place. Will burn lime.

   "How do you know that the courtyard walls are made of lime? As far as I know, there seems to be no one in our village that uses lime to build houses." Chen Ningya asked with great interest.

Wen Youshan paused, and said, "No one builds stone walls in our village. You must not use lime for building stone walls, otherwise how can you get it? No one in our village uses lime because that thing is troublesome. , is also expensive. Who would spend money to get this lime if they can build an adobe house? When Ergou learned this craft, he always sighed, saying that it would not be useful, but now the lady wants to do it, I will give him a chance to let him Show off and show off, don't tell me, it will cost you an extra coin or two to get this lime."

Wen Youshan hesitated for a while and began to feel distressed about money. Fortunately, after so many days of psychological construction, he has gradually accepted the reality. Three taels of silver are flowers, and four taels of silver are also flowers. get.

   The next day, Wen Youshan called Huang Ergou to his house and asked him to take a look at the yard to estimate the approximate cost.

Huang Ergou was so excited when he received the news early in the morning. He went out without having breakfast. He walked around the Wen's yard. When he returned to the front yard, Chen Ningya just set the table for breakfast and greeted him. Sit down together.

   Huang Ergou is also welcome. This is the rule in this village. When you invite people to do business, you must invite them to a meal to show your sincerity.

  Chen Ningya knew this rule, so she made a seafood porridge and pasted a few sheets of rough bread for breakfast. Although it was coarse grains and no rice, it was better than having enough food.

   Huang Ergou's eyes lit up after only one bite, so he complimented Chen Ningya.

  Chen Ningya saw that he was having a good time, and asked casually, "Brother Ergou, how much materials do we need to fence our yard?"

Huang Ergou put down the bowls and chopsticks, put away his joking thoughts, and said sternly: "Sister-in-law, you are asking the right person. I have not been a mason for a day or two. Although I have not personally taken over such a big job, I can go I have done a lot with the master. According to my calculations, if nothing else, it will cost nearly one or two silver to get this lime. Of course, I and Brother Youshan are brothers, and this is the first time I have picked up work myself , I don't make any money from you, just take some hard work.

  It will take a while to calcine the lime. It just so happens that you haven't prepared the materials and you haven't dropped the adobe. Otherwise, we will start preparing today and start construction in half a month or a month, okay? "

  Chen Ningya made a plan in her heart. Now that the busy farming season has just passed, it is estimated that the temperature will drop sharply in more than a month, and it will start to snow in about three months. All you need to do is build the courtyard wall before it snows.

Thinking of this, Chen Ningya nodded with a smile, and said to Huang Ergou: "Then trouble Ergou brothers, but I mean try to make the courtyard wall as large as possible, after all, there are many children in the family, if you build a house in the future, there will be land, right? "

Huang Ergou was stunned for a moment, his eyes swept around the Wen family's children, na na nodded, secretly said, Deng family is still a long-term vision, but the three boys of Wen family, if the walls of this courtyard are not made larger, When the children get married, they really can't live.

After negotiating with Huang Ergou, many villagers were busy with their work. It was rare to have a job during the slack farming season, so I had to seize the opportunity to earn some money to subsidize the family while the winter was approaching. Children at home can eat more meat.

When everyone came to work, Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya were not idle. Wen Youshan asked Sun Laifu to help and stared, and the couple went into the mountain again. The traps were almost finished before. Arranged a few more, and tidied up the weeds on the road. Chen Ningya went to catch the sea, and the things that were obtained were disposed of directly at the seaside. Some sea fish were dried, and some were taken by Wen Youshan in the dark. During the transaction in the county town, some abalones were also pryed on the rocks. The quantity is not large, but it is valuable.

In this way, by the time the construction of the Wen family courtyard wall started, Wen Youshan had already made four trips to the county seat, and exchanged a total of six taels of silver. Although it was not as much as before, Wen Youshan was already satisfied. Not to mention, at least the money from this courtyard wall has come out, and he can be completely at ease.

After the construction of the courtyard wall started, Wen Youshan was no longer busy making money, but went into the mountain to get food for the big guys. We all know that the Wen family's food is not enough. Many people also sell food to Wen Youshan. In this case, they wouldn't ask the Wen family to take care of the meals.

Of course, everyone is reasonable, and Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya will not be ignorant. The best way is to go hunting in the mountains, get some pheasants and hares and bring them back to slaughter and distribute them to everyone, although it will be distributed to everyone. It's only a few pieces of meat, but everyone is happy. If you bring it back, you can also make up for the elderly and children at home. How real.

   Some women felt that the Wen family gave too much wages and meat, so they felt embarrassed, and they would take the initiative to help with light work.

  Chen Ningya is not stingy. Usually, in this situation, she will give some small things such as river shrimp. There are not many things, but it can relieve the cravings of the children at home. Everyone is happy.

In this way, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the Wen family's courtyard wall was quickly built up to a height of 100 meters. This zhang was all made of stones, and it looked solid and firm. Some people gathered around Huang Ergou to inquire about the price of lime.

After the stone wall is built, it is the earth wall, and the speed of getting that is much faster. Taking advantage of the big guy building the earth wall, Huang Ergou secretly whispered to Wen Youshan: "Brother Youshan, do you see if there is any stone left? Less, otherwise you can discuss with your sister-in-law to start a new house, it is rare to have leftover materials, just spend more money."

   (end of this chapter)