Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 494: obsession

   Chapter 494 Obsession

Chen Yangqiu said with a straight face: "I don't want her to owe the palace too much, and I don't want her to mistakenly think that with the palace, she can protect her for the rest of her life. Before I leave with the adults, I will find her a marriage and marry her. , she is no longer the Chen family!"

  Chen Xiaodie came over ill with Tao'er's support, and knelt down directly, "Father! Please don't do this! Please don't go, don't marry me! Father"

  Chen Xiaodie shook his head and burst into tears, as if he would die at any time.

  If it was before, seeing her like this, Chen Yangqiu would immediately feel so distressed that everything would go with her, but this time he didn't say a word, obviously he was determined not to change his mind.

  The King of Lingnan came out later and saw Chen Xiaodie and Tao'er frowning suddenly, and shouted loudly, "Come on, who let the female family in? Where's the housekeeper?"

   When he drank it like this, Chen Xiaodie was so frightened that he didn't dare to cry, and Tao'er didn't even dare to take a breath.

   The guards at the gate came over, and the King of Lingnan said with a calm face without asking: "Go down yourself to receive the punishment. Besides, go and invite the princess to come over."

   After finishing speaking, the King of Lingnan turned and went straight back to the study.

  Chen Xiaodie lowered his head and sobbed silently, but he didn't dare to do anything else.

   When Princess Lingnan came over, she saw Chen Xiaodie kneeling in the center of the yard. She couldn't help but get angry and asked, "Don't you know that you can't trespass in the lord's yard?"

   "I" Chen Xiaodie was at a loss and didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of Princess Lingnan.

   Princess Lingnan took a deep breath and shook her head in disappointment, "Forget it, it's just this time, it won't be an example next time."

   Without waiting for Chen Xiaodie to breathe a sigh of relief, Chen Yangqiu knelt down and said, "I beg the princess to find a marriage for Xiaodie so that she can get married as soon as possible."

   "Dad, I don't want it!" Chen Xiaodie shook his head repeatedly, but did not dare to object too violently, apparently because he was frightened by the King of Lingnan.

   Princess Lingnan was a little surprised, "Why is it so sudden?"

   "Aunt, I don't want it." Chen Xiaodie knelt on the ground, crying and grabbed the skirt of Princess Lingnan.

  Princess Lingnan said to the grandmother beside her, "Helping Miss Biao up, what is it like to kneel like this!"

Because Princess Lingnan had spoken, Chen Xiaodie would get up no matter how reluctant she was, but after crying for so long, she couldn't even stand, she leaned on Tao'er ill and was still talking. I don't want to get married.

Princess Lingnan frowned when she saw her, and looked back at Chen Yangqiu, "This princess can find a good marriage for her, and she can always protect her, but she herself is not happy, and a twisted melon is not sweet, this is the reason you should You know better than this princess, why do you have to repeat the same mistakes?"

Chen Yangqiu raised his head abruptly with a look of surprise on his face. Then he thought about it, with the power of the King of Lingnan, how difficult is it to investigate such a thing? He never thought he was wrong, but he just didn't choose the right person for Chen Xiaodie. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't inquire about Feng Hongyu's character carefully back then, thinking that the son of the poor family who married Xiaodie was a high climber and would not ask too much of her, so that things gradually got out of control, and Xiaodie came to the point of reconciliation. This time I don't want to interfere, I just ask the princess to find her a warm and cold family."

Princess Lingnan shook her head and said, "In my opinion, the Feng family is already an excellent family, with a clean family style and no other requirements for Xiao Die, that is, she has nothing to do after marriage, and has never served her parents-in-law. The family didn't make trouble, but it was only because you had to go further, have more delusions, and stepped on Feng Hongyu's bottom line, which made the relationship deadlocked.

It's ridiculous that you never realized your problem. It's not that I despise my niece, but Xiaodie's current situation is here. It's too difficult for her to get pregnant. A major thing is to continue the incense. She can't do it, but you want this princess to find her a man who knows the cold and the heat, and can pet her and pamper her. It must be noted that petting also requires capital.

  What is your capital? The maintenance of this princess? Back then, when you were the prefect, the local emperor of Dizhou, and the Feng family dared to resist, what is the difference between the maintenance of this princess and yours?

   Besides, the folk customs in Lingnan are sturdy, and the people here are not as good as the Feng family! Whoever is righteous and strong is the boss, even if this princess uses her power to oppress others, she needs to be rational! So, do you still want to take this road of oppressing people with power? "

  Chen Yangqiu was stunned.

   At this time, Chen Ningya was slowly admitted to the hospital. She appeared from behind Princess Lingnan, stared at Chen Yangqiu with a complicated expression, and said, "Second brother, long time no see!"

  Chen Yangqiu raised his head sharply and muttered absently, "Little sister."

   Those pasts that he had deliberately forgotten were suffocating towards him like a flood at this moment.

Chen Ningya didn't know what he was thinking, so she lowered her voice and said, "Your obsession is so deep that you have given up even the most basic morality. What happened to Xiaodie, you will be able to treat it justly as someone else. , but I was deeply involved in it, and my heart was biased. Part of the reason for her stubbornness and willfulness is that you condone it, but now she wants the big sister to clean up the mess for you, why?"

Chen Xiaodie got angry when she heard this, bit her lip and retorted unwillingly: "You are all facing Feng Hongyu! No matter what I do, it will be wrong! Back then my father stopped Feng Hongyu from letting him take the exam, not because of fear. The Chen family and the Ouyang family took anger at him, we never thought of blocking his career, we just didn't want him to be in danger!"

   "But you didn't confess to him from the beginning! Instead, you kept everything from you! If you were frank with him before getting married, things wouldn't have gotten to that point!" Chen Ningya refuted back with a higher voice.

  Chen Xiaodie pursed her lips. Although she was not angry, she couldn't say a word to refute. Everyone is selfish. When she and Feng Hongyu didn't get that share, why did she tell him those things? Originally, the Feng family climbed up to him, so what if it was delayed for a few years?

   Chen Xiaodie thinks that she is not wrong the more she thinks about it.

   This look of confession made Princess Lingnan shook her head and said to Chen Yangqiu again: "You also see her like this now, why force it, harm others and harm yourself!"

The words of harming others and harming himself made Chen Yangqiu sway slightly, his expression suddenly stunned, and after a while he muttered in frustration: "That's it, that's it, just let her go! Just ask the princess to protect her more, give her She has a small house, let her take good care of her, if one day she figures it out and wants to get married, please be her a matchmaker."

   Lingnan Princess did not refuse this time.

Chen Yangqiu looked at Chen Ningya again, opened his mouth, and said in a hoarse voice: "Little sister, Xiaodie is my only daughter and your niece, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, please don't ask about the past. Care about her, and if you can take care of it in the future, help, if you can't, forget it!"

  Chen Ningya looked at him blankly, and said, "I will help with my duty, but not much."

   (end of this chapter)