Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 496: Reluctant to think about Shu

   Chapter 496

Perhaps Chen Yangqiu, who supported her, left, or perhaps Tao'er's loyalty shocked her. From this day on, she stopped completely, no longer messing around, and no longer inquiring about those irrelevant news, every day obediently. Drinking medicine and eating, staring at Tao'er's stomach every day, looking forward to the birth of the younger brother or sister who is related to her by blood.

   She is no longer qualified to be a mother in this life, she will love this child as her own child!

After the princess of Lingnan received the news, the worries in her heart were gone. She took Chen Ningya and her daughter around all day long. There were many temples in Lingnan. The people here had a blind faith in the gods, and many places still worship Chen Ningya. Ningya had never heard of a statue of a god, and there were many stories of strange and chaotic gods circulating among the people. They even had noses and eyes. Although they could not understand the dialect of Lingnan, the servants sent by the palace could translate them. If you don't do it, you can sit for an afternoon just listening to these stories.

A group of people traveled in micro-clothing, and went out in a carriage from a sunny morning. In the face of the sudden autumn rain, they wandered in the middle of the lake in a small boat, galloping through the mountains and forests, chasing birds and picking fruits, laughing and cursing. Once in the village, you can also tease the children playing in the mud on the roadside, walk through the streets, taste the restaurants that ordinary people are afraid of, and sit in the roadside stalls full of fireworks.

In short, Xiao Yuyan took Wen Yuanjing with him wherever he could go, and tried to find a way to go where he couldn't, and almost entered Baihualou. Fortunately, the entire Lingnan was under the control of the King of Lingnan. The two ignorant girls almost went to Baihualou, and the busy Lingnan King took time to call the two girls in front of him and reprimanded them harshly.

   The two little girls were drooping their heads, pitiful and helpless.

One is his most precious daughter, and the other is his niece who looks exactly like his beloved wife. He felt sorry for both. After the lesson, the two girls walked out of the yard and acted like nothing else, mumbling heartlessly where to go next. Playing, but the King of Lingnan was depressed for a whole day. In the evening, I went to the Princess of Lingnan and couldn't help complaining: "You said that your niece is a well-behaved and sensible person! I also pointed out that Yan'er can change when she gets along with her. She had to be gentle and virtuous, but she ruined her niece!"

Lingnan Princess naturally knew what happened during the day, she covered her mouth and snickered: "You are just looking for trouble! In my opinion, the two children are very good, they are just wandering around, and they have not done anything harmful. If I am a I don't know that Baihualou is a brothel. It's only natural for them to be curious. Let's just talk about it. Why get angry? I see that you seem to be very busy recently. The imperial envoy has left, what are you going to do?"

   Princess Lingnan seldom intervenes in the political affairs of the fief, and she will not cross this line. King Lingnan does not like to talk about those things that would block her, so she still does not know the agreement reached between King Lingnan and Wen Youcheng.

  Lingnan King thought that he could get through with her, so he whispered the matter carefully.

I saw Princess Lingnan's smiling eyes gradually turned into shock, and then she frowned worriedly, "My lord, I don't care about your men's affairs, but I can't care about my sister's affairs, and now the Wen family is still here. Daqi, my nephew is still Marshal Mobei. If Lingnan is independent, how should Daqi's courtiers treat them? Especially when my sister and Jing girl are still here, what will they do?"

  The more I think about Lingnan Princess, the more I can't sit still.

   King Lingnan pulled her into his arms amusingly, and coaxed in a good voice: "What are you in a hurry? Forgot who the imperial envoy brought them here this time?"

   Lingnan Princess was stunned.

The King of Lingnan said: "Wen Youcheng is Wen Youshan's eldest brother and one of my five younger brothers' confidants. This time Xiao Guang sent him to Lingnan to discuss this matter, in order to stabilize the hearts of Wen's family, and at the same time, it is a kind of attitude towards Wen. home trust.

   Besides, the matter of my sister-in-law was caused by the remnants of the previous dynasty, and I only now know of my own life experience. This matter is not a secret in Daqi, so Lingnan is independent and has nothing to do with the Wen family.

   What’s more, this time Lingnan and Daqi were separated peacefully, and they will go their separate ways in the future, but they will not prevent the people of the two countries from coming and going. My sister-in-law will not be the last Daqi person to enter Lingnan. "

   Princess Lingnan gradually calmed down after hearing this, "So this matter won't affect them?"

   King Lingnan was really angry and funny, "Did the princess get the wrong point? You know, you can quickly become a queen from a princess! Lingnan will also be completely under my control! Shouldn't you be happy about such a happy event?"

Princess Lingnan looked at King Lingnan blankly, and sneered: "I didn't marry you because of your status, or I could live comfortably without being this princess. What is the difference between the queen and the princess, here is the princess, and I am the most honorable woman in Lingnan!"

  The King of Lingnan really loved her domineering, and directly pressed people onto the bed.

   After some cloud and rain, Princess Lingnan, who was too tired to open her eyes, muttered casually, "Lingnan is so big, I don't know what you are going to do?"

A place like Lingnan is a place with severe miasma, snakes, insects, rodents, and ants. There are many mountains and mountains, and the area of ​​arable land is small. Floods, floods and droughts occur from time to time. The people's life is not easy. You can only rely on yourself for everything. If there are no natural or man-made disasters, it will be fine. If there is an emergency, they will not even have a place to ask for help!

The King of Lingnan put his arms around the princess' delicate body, blowing hot air in her ear, "You don't understand this! Although Lingnan is not big, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack here, plus what you said, Xiao Guang will definitely see it. It's not so much, and he knows very well that although Lingnan belongs to Daqi, the imperial court really can't get involved here. If it really wants to take over, it is necessary to meet each other. It's not worth the loss. I, who communicate with each other, are all surnamed Xiao anyway, and it’s not cheap for outsiders, besides,”

   Lingnan King didn't finish his words. Princess Lingnan's intuition was the focus. Unfortunately, she was so sleepy that she couldn't wait for Lingnan King to continue talking, and her consciousness was broken.

   The next day, when Princess Lingnan woke up, the people around her had long since disappeared. She wondered where to take Chen Ningya around next.

   Chen Ningya's mother and daughter were having fun in Lingnan, but Wen Yuanliang and Wen Youshan, who were in Mobei, lived with a string stretched all day long, one stared at the sandy plain and the other stared at the opposite side of the Boer River to see if there was any change.

   (end of this chapter)