Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 600: come to you

   Chapter 600

   Gao Min raised his eyebrows curiously, "What a coincidence? Is this the only one?"

Ke Qingjin nodded sharply, "On this one, I just went to a few nearby households to inquire, but found nothing. Although Dizhou is not as prosperous as Jiangnan, there are not as many floods as here, and there are fewer natural and man-made disasters, so from there There are not as many people here as other places, even if they come to Jiangnan, they are also businessmen, and there are not many servants!"

Gao Ya sighed, "It's a pity, it's me who has no luck, but it's okay, but I'm just greedy, but it bothers Sister Jin to be so busy, we had a good time this afternoon, but you ran away. Enough, just sit down and have a sip of tea and take a break."

   Ke Qingjin looked at Gao Ya and poured water for her with a concerned expression, but felt that all the hard work was worth it, "It's just a little effort, I'm really sorry for not being able to help Miss Ya."

  Gao Ya shook his head seriously, "No, at least I'm giving up, I don't keep thinking about it, I won't mention it, we'll play together later!"

   "Yes, yes, we will continue playing in a while." Ke Qingfeng clapped her hands happily.

   Only Ke Qinghua wasn't so happy, but she wouldn't make trouble with her sisters at such a time.

   When it was getting dark, Ke Qinghua wanted to keep the Gao sisters for dinner, but Lan Ling came to pick them up, so the Ke family could only give up.

   Although the two houses are only separated by a wall, the doors of the two mansions are opened in different directions, so the Gao Ya sisters have to take a sedan chair when they go back.

   From leaving Ke's Mansion to entering the gate of Anguo Gong's Mansion, the two of them have been unhurried. When the gate of Anguo Gong's Mansion is closed, the sisters immediately rushed to the hall.

  Chen Ningya and Wen Youshan were taken aback by what they were doing, so they got up and asked, "The wild dog in the house is chasing you?"

   Gao sisters: "."

   Gao Min shook his head and said, "Grandpa, Madam, we have a big harvest today!"

Gao Ya nodded again and again and continued: "Ke Qingjin helped me find out today, their family has no servants from Qing'an County, Dizhou, and there are no people around, but decades ago, her great-grandfather brought one from Qing'an County. The little girl came back and said that she worked in the kitchen for a period of time, and then ran out of the house because of her disfigurement, and I don’t know where she went all these years.”



   Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya spoke at the same time, they looked at each other and both fell silent.

Gao Min said cautiously: "Master Guo, Madam, we met the Ke family today, to be honest, their family is all good at calculating, even if the maid is ruined, they can't let the other party redeem themselves. If Ke Qingjin didn't lie, then there is another hidden secret, and the Ke family had to let people go out of the house for the sake of fame."

   "You are absolutely right!" Chen Ningya sat down slowly and fell into deep thought.

  Wen Youshan was direct, called the housekeeper over, and instructed with a sullen face: "Go out and find out if there is a disfigured woman in her 40s in this area of ​​Jiangnan. No matter what the identity of the other party is, you must investigate carefully."

   "Wait!" Chen Ningya looked at the housekeeper and said solemnly, "The eldest sister-in-law went out of Ke's mansion with a disfigured face, and the possibility of being a slave again is not high, so focus on searching those flat-headed people."

   "Yes!" The housekeeper should leave.

  The Gao sisters went back after dinner, leaving only Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull.

  Chen Ningya opened her mouth and said in a warm voice: "There are mountains, auspicious people have their own celestial appearance, even the uncle can have today's good fortune, and the aunt should be fine."

   "Yes." Wen Youshan's answer was a little weak, which made Chen Ningya feel very uncomfortable.

There was no useful news from the Ke family, and Gao Min and Gao Ya didn't need to go there anymore, so Chen Ningya asked them to walk around with Yu Linghui, and at the same time they met some wives and young ladies from small families, which was considered a gift for the Gao family sisters. paving.

   Ke Qinghua came over several times to invite him, but he was in vain. Even Mrs. Ke couldn't sit still. In this case, there was news from the housekeeper.

"The grandfather, madam, and servants sent people to visit many places, first the city, and finally the surrounding villages of Zhuangzi, and the county seat. At present, there are three people who agree with the conditions. One is in Raozhou, one is in Jiangzhou, and one is in Jiangzhou. The seat is in the city." The butler explained the situation carefully.

  Wen Youshan immediately got up excitedly, "Since there is news, what are you waiting for, let's go to the nearest family first."

The housekeeper looked embarrassed, "Master Guo, I don't know the details of these people yet, even if you want to meet, you can't come to the door so grandly, so many eyes are staring at us now, if you go out, the next door will know the two Is there a purpose for the lady to come to the door?"

  Wen Youshan retracted the foot he had just stepped out of, and walked around the room irritably a few times, "Then what do you say?"

  The butler hesitated and sparred with his palms, then bit the bullet and suggested, "Go out in disguise. Can you?"

  When Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya put on tattered clothes and stood at the door of the house, Jiang Dayi, who was stalking at the corner of the alley, was so nervous that he almost scratched the wall, what's the matter! The dignified grandpa is so capricious!

   Wen Youshan took a deep breath, got ready and knocked on the door.

   Soon a clear voice came from the room, "Who is it?"

As soon as the courtyard door opened, a teenage boy in his teens wearing a short shirt and a sweat towel came out. He looked at Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya suspiciously, frowning, "Our family has no money, this place has no money. You are poor, and you have to go to the streets if you want money."

   Seeing that the other party was about to close the door, Wen Youshan hurriedly stopped, "Good-hearted people, we are just passing by, we are tired and thirsty, and we want to ask your family for a bowl of water to drink. We have dry food, and we won't eat yours."

   The boy's brows loosened, he hesitated for a while, then turned around and walked into the room, "Then you wait."

"Who is it?" A hoarse voice came from the wing, and I saw a woman in a patched sackcloth dress coming out of the room, her hair mixed with silver threads in a mess, covering half of her face, revealing half of it. The face is quite normal, but this dress is not normal.

   Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya looked at each other and nodded slightly in tacit understanding, it was this person.

  Chen Ningya hurriedly replied: "Madame! We are just passing by and begging for a bowl of water, can you let us sit and rest in the yard for a while."

  The woman heard the sound of water coming from the stove, but she beckoned without hesitation, sat down in the corner and played with the bamboo sticks, and said, "They are all hard-working people, where is there a lady!"

  Chen Ningya saw that she was quite talkative, and immediately replied: "Yes! They are both hard-working people. We both went to Jiangnan to look for relatives after we couldn't live any longer. Is your wife a native of Jiangnan Fucheng?"

   (end of this chapter)