Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 639: too troublesome

   Chapter 639 Too much trouble

   "Mother, sit down first and drink a cup of hot tea." Wen Yuanliang poured a cup of hot water for Chen Ningya and brought her to the chair.

  Wen Youshan took the opportunity to cover her with another dress, and then sat down.

  Wen Yuanliang said: "The younger brother has indeed received a letter. It is because there are so many things in Dizhou now that he can't leave for a while, but he said that he will definitely arrive before the uncle gets married before he leaves."

Chen Ningya breathed a sigh of relief, and said with joy: "It's good to come back, he will come back to attend your uncle's wedding, just in time to stay in the capital to study for a few years, and if he can't get a career later, he can also give him Marry a wife and have children, and let him settle down."

  Wen Yuanliang frowned slightly when he heard this, but he stopped talking.

   Wen Youshan muttered speechlessly: "Miss, your arrangement is very good, but it may not come true!"

   "What do you mean?" Chen Ningya looked at the father and son suspiciously.

   Wen Yuanliang took out Wen Yuanxing's letter and handed it to Chen Ningya, "You can see for yourself."

  Chen Ningya didn't even think about opening the envelope, she read the entire letter in one breath, and bounced off her chair in shock, "Jie Yuan? That kid took down Xie Yuan? Really?"

Wen Yuanliang smiled wryly, "Mother, even if my younger brother is making a fool of himself, he won't use this kind of thing to deceive us. This is probably true, because his identity is sensitive, and the second younger brother is the prefect of Dizhou, a candidate from Dizhou. Everyone is questioning that his Jie Yuan is not worthy of his name, but this kid is domineering, he even put on the arena, fighting with Confucian scholars, he just dragged out ten days and a half months before starting, the book business is angry, fortunately, the result is good!"

  Chen Ningya was speechless for a while.

Wen Youshan hurriedly persuaded: "Miss, don't worry, this kid has been away for so many years and has his own way of survival. This time, rumors are spreading, and the stinky brat came here with a strong force, but it was blocked. After talking to everyone, there is too much limelight, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I heard that the Jiang family in Chuzhou has tried their best to launch three young geniuses this time.

The three became famous when they were young, and they were popular candidates for Jie Yuan. When the spring breeze was complacent, they did not expect a dark horse to emerge. The Jiang family was angry. This stinky boy was covered by us, and the Jiang family did not dare to come to shame, but he did a lot of wicked things. We recruited many candidates to the ring to make things difficult for the third child, but unfortunately none of them stumped him.

The three geniuses of the Jiang family were also taunted by the third child, and they lost all face. The incident happened in Weizhou, and the third child was also slippery. Before the Jiang family in Chuzhou took action, they fought with the second child. Greetings, set off back to Beijing. I guess the Jiang family can't do anything to him, that is, the feud is over! "

  Chen Ningya was lost in thought, and she said, "Jiang's family. Is that the Jiang family where Jiang Chengxuan is?"

Wen Yuanliang nodded slightly, "Mother has a good memory, this name has not been mentioned for a long time. Before Jiang Chengxuan was the glory of the Jiang family, even Jiang Chengyi had to avoid his edge. So much so that after Jiang Chengxuan's accident, everyone thought that the Jiang family was dying.

This is not what the Jiang clan wanted. Originally, they wanted to push Jiang Chengyi out. Unfortunately, Jiang Chengyi has already entered the official position, so it is not something they can handle at will, so they have this new three heroes of the Jiang clan. No end, Xie Yuan should be one of the three.

  It's understandable that the Jiang family would be angry, but I didn't expect that things would get so big. It is estimated that it will spread to the capital after a while. Our family must stand on the cusp of the storm again! "

  Wen Yuanliang sighed, having a headache for this worry-free younger brother.

  Chen Ningya was very depressed, "I still think that this kid has been stocking outside for so long, he should have missed a lot of homework, and he won't be able to pass the test, who knows."

   Her plans were disrupted, and she didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a while.

Wen Youshan felt the same way, "No! I just received the news and I don't know what to say, otherwise I would have informed you long ago. Now that this kid is back, he will definitely participate in next year's spring festival. If I let him win it in one fell swoop. Huiyuan, there is no suspense about this champion, lady."

   It can be foreseen how many pairs of eyes will be on their house.

Chen Ningya held her forehead with a headache, and sighed after a long while: "Forget it, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, let's talk about it! By the way, can the second child say he wants to come back? Evian gave him a big fat boy, he didn't see above."

  Wen Yuanliang frowned and shook his head, "Second brother didn't say in the letter that he wanted to come back, he just didn't know if there was any news from the second brother and sister."

  Chen Ningya thought of Hu Yiyun, who had everything she needed, and said: "I'll go to see later, it's suddenly cold this day, it's better to sit and see my grandson."

   "I'll go with you." Wen Youshan said unreservedly.

  Wen Yuanliang felt that he was superfluous, so he rubbed his nose embarrassingly, as if he didn't have a wife, he would go back to hug her in a while!

  Wen Yuanhong's mansion was still in the outer city. When Chen Ningya and Wen Youshan came over in a carriage, all the servants in the mansion worked hard and did not dare to be lazy at all.

  The couple went through the Moon Arch and bypassed the Chaoshou Veranda before entering the hall.

  Hu Yiyun hugged the child and greeted him, "Father and mother, why did you come here on such a cold day? If it was the daughter-in-law who brought the child over to greet you."

  Chen Ningya waved her hand and said indifferently: "In such a cold day, don't let the child toss."

   She took off the big cloak outside and took the child. Seeing the child wrapped in a thick swaddle with a rosy face, she nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, you take good care of your child."

   After sitting down, Chen Ningya noticed that there were three elderly women in the room, one was a wet nurse Chen Ningya had met before, and the other two were strangers.

   Seeing Chen Ningya's puzzled eyes, Hu Yiyun explained nervously: "Mother, this is my aunt, my daughter-in-law came to see me before she gave birth to a child, and this is my aunt's sister-in-law."

Chen Ningya hurriedly said apologetically, "It turns out that someone came from my in-law's house. I didn't see him a few times before, and Evian didn't mention it. I didn't know it. "

   "No, no, no, no, the people's wife greeted the grandfather and his wife. We came uninvited, and there was no big deal. We didn't disturb the grandfather and his wife." Xiao Shen's expression was embarrassed and uncomfortable, and a little timid.

Seeing her like this, Chen Ningya didn't ask any more questions, and instead talked about the child, "Qinger is also five years old during the Chinese New Year, and I discussed with your father-in-law that I should find a gentleman for her to learn the rules and etiquette well, Qin Chess, calligraphy and painting, it happens that the palace will release a group of palace maids at the end of the year, if you are willing, I will go to the palace and tell the empress, and I will keep a good one for you."

   (end of this chapter)