Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 701: marriage and parting

   Chapter 701 Marriage and Parting

   "Yes, yes!" The second elder felt envious when he thought of Wen Yuanxing's top-ranking attire, "If there is a top-ranking scholar in our clan, I can wake up laughing from a dream!"

Song Yan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said dully: "Second Elder, stop dreaming, the whole Daqi only has a champion in three years, I heard that Jiangnan's literary style may not be able to produce a champion in ten years, you still Don't point to our mountain to come out as the champion, it's not a bad thing to be able to come up with a few literate characters."

Song Yan's remarks poured cold water on the second elder. The second elder woke up like a dream and was very unhappy. He pursed his lips and looked at the things again. Then he said to Alan: "Everything is there, it's not bad. You keep it well, then these things will be your confidence. When you get married, we should go back and live a good life in the future. Although the first lady is beautiful, she is not so easy to be.

The second uncle has no knowledge, nor does he understand the rules and etiquette, so he can't help you, but Mr. Wen said that he will send you new maids. If you want to have them by your side, you can help you more, but you have to be careful. , don't trust the people around you too much, after all, I didn't grow up with you, it's hard to be with you."

  Second Elder rambled like an old mother.

   Alan was moved, resisted the tears from falling, and said with a smile: "Second uncle, don't worry, I know what to do. If Wen Yuanxing treats me badly, I will pack up and go back to the southwest!"

   The second elder paused and nodded heavily.

   A few days later, the embroidered mother brought a wedding dress.

This is also the first time Alan has seen his own wedding dress. The whole wedding dress is all red, and the inner garment is made of cotton. It is not only comfortable to wear, but also docile. The outer is a two-layer skirt, and the bottom is satin. It was embroidered with intricate patterns, embellished with many gold thread pearls, and there were some veils with gold thread embroidered on the outside, and the outer cover was a tunic inlaid with gold pearls.

The   hi shoes are the same color as the wedding dress. They are embroidered with gold thread and embroidered with pearls. The whole wedding dress looks rich and grand.

   When Alan put on his body, both Qingsang and Hongqu looked straight.

   "Miss. This wedding dress is too beautiful! It's the first time I've seen it when I grow up. This, this, this." Qingsang Nana said, the whole person seemed a little lost.

   Hongqu was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

   Embroidered Niang was very satisfied with their response, and asked happily: "Miss Mo, do you see what else needs to be changed in this wedding dress? If there is, say now, the little lady will go back and do it immediately."

   Alan shook his head honestly, "It fits nicely and is beautiful, how can I change it?"

The embroiderer smiled, "Actually, it's okay to embroider some gems, but most gems are irregular in shape, and it's not easy to pierce them. If they don't pierce, they must be framed with gold wire. , but if you do these things, it will not be so neat, and I am afraid that the wedding dress will be damaged, so I dare not try it lightly."

  Alan came back to his senses, shook his head in fear, and said, "You better not try, it will be fine, there is no need to change it."

   Qingsang and Hongqu also nodded their heads desperately, for fear that Xiu Niang would add to the hype.

When Xiu Niang heard the words, she breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Since Miss Mo said so, then the little lady will not move, should you keep this wedding dress directly, or the little lady should take it back and wait for you to get married. Send it back before?"

  Alan Yi reluctantly took off her wedding dress, and hesitantly said, "You should take it back. I won't save it myself, and I'm clumsy. What if I can't help but touch it, what if I break it?"

   The more Alan thought about it, the more he felt that it would be safer to return this to the embroidered mother.

   Xiu Niang did not refuse, and immediately agreed.

When Xiu Niang left, Hong Qu still had a look of regret, while Qing Sang kept thinking about the beauty of the wedding dress, and said to Alan enviously, "Miss, when you get married, put on this wedding dress, and then put on the phoenix crown. , with rouge on, she is definitely the number one beauty in the capital!"

Alan shook his head amusingly, "If you weren't so sincere, I would have thought you were mocking me! If you don't say anything, just say that girl Bao'er will not lose to me when she grows up, and Wen Yuanxing's two sisters-in-law. Who doesn't look better than me!"

   Qingsang said, "Brides are always the most beautiful!"

   Hong Qu was stunned for a moment, nodded slowly, and said softly: "Yes! Brides are always the most beautiful, but unfortunately there is no such condition in our tribe. Even if a girl gets married, she just wears more flowers on her head."

Qingsang didn't take it seriously, "Daihua is also very beautiful! Dressing up beautifully, and marrying the man you like, there is nothing wrong with it. Besides, Miss and Wen Gongzi also gave us a box of jewelry, We can use it when we go back and get married!"

   "Then I'll give you some more materials, will you even make a wedding dress?" Alan joked.

  Qingsang was not polite to her, but nodded excitedly, "The lady will give me a piece of bright red material, that color is a wedding dress, no matter how you look at it, it's festive!"

   The master and servant were talking and laughing, but Hong Qu agreed absentmindedly, smiling reluctantly.

   After Hongqu left, Alan put away his smile and asked Qingsang, "What happened to Hongqu recently? It seems that she has a lot of thoughts? Could it be that she regretted going back?"

   "I can't!" Qingsang looked surprised, "She has always liked Songyan. She secretly told me before that she will never marry Songyan in her life."

   Alan frowned upon hearing this. Hong Qu had never told her this, but now she was embarrassed to ask.

   Seeing her so entangled, Qingsang hurriedly advised: "Miss, there is me over there with Hongqu! You are ready to be your bride, don't worry about the others."

   Soon they will go their separate ways, and it is useless for Alan to worry.

   After thinking about it for a long time, she also figured it out, and didn't go into it any further.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of Wen Yuanxing's big wedding. Anguo's mansion was decorated with lights early in the morning, and the crowd was like a city. Even Ming Shuo and Zheng Ying, who were still working, were called by Wen Youshan to have a glass of wine, eat some snacks, and then go back to stand guard. .

  Chen Ningya and Wen Youshan dressed in festive clothes to entertain guests in front of them. Thinking of Wen Yuanxing, who went out to marry before dawn, the couple were really speechless.

   Wen Yuanxing, who was complained about by the husband and wife, was already in Zhuangzi at this moment. He would pick up Alan, and the second elder and others would also leave. It seemed that they could not wait for a moment.

  Alan was wearing that gorgeous wedding dress, wearing a dazzling scenery and hugging the red mulberry song.

   "You should all be well after you go back. Don't forget your original intention and the sisterhood between us." Alan bit her lip and wiped away tears.

  Qingsang wiped away her tears distressedly, and burst into laughter, "Miss, don't cry anymore, what should I do if I wear makeup for a while?"

   (end of this chapter)