What If My Sister Wants To Attack Me

Chapter 2: You don’t even want to call me one

"I was the immortal emperor of the immortal realm. I was reincarnated by the enemy and was reborn in your house. But I didn't expect that your mother was pregnant with twins! Soon after I succeeded in reincarnation, I fell asleep because of exhaustion of strength. .

   When I woke up again, it was already when we were born. At this time, I was surprised to find that I tried my best to preserve it, and the innate spiritual roots that made a comeback in the picture were gone! "

   Speaking of this, Li Xiaoke couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"I thought that the innate spiritual roots dissipated during my deep sleep, because there was no power to protect them, until I discovered the abnormality in your body! I knew that my spiritual roots did not dissipate, but transferred to you. !

   Since then, I have been preparing for the recapture of the spiritual roots. Until recently, I finally cultivated enough strength to set up this spirit-removing formation! "

   Li Ran dumbly listened to his sister's words. It turns out that he didn't take the script of the city supernatural ability, but the immortal version?

   No, this is not the point. The point is what will happen if you are robbed of your spiritual roots?

   "If you get back Linggen, what will happen to me?"

   Li Xiaoke leaned close to his small face and looked at Li Ran up close, his beautiful face exuding a faint fragrance.

   "Don't resist, you will die."

   "Will I be okay if I cooperate?"

   Li Xiaoke's eyes were bent into crescents, with a charming smile on his face, he nodded gently.

   The corners of Li Ran's mouth twitched, she was completely unreliable!

   "Whether you like it or not, I must retrieve this spiritual root today!"

   Li Ran was shocked and exclaimed: "Wait!"

   "Is there any last words, just say it."

   "Before I die, can you call me brother?"

   "Bah, how could I be called your brother when I was reincarnated as a dignified emperor!"

   "Oni sauce will do too."


   Li Xiaoke held Li Ran, lowered his head, and his ruddy small lips approached Li Ran's face.

   Li Ran closed his lips tightly, swearing to his death, but a scent rushed open his mouth, making him unable to shut his mouth again.


   Li Ran felt that something in his body was being sucked out, leaking out continuously through his mouth.

   Gradually, his consciousness became more and more blurred, as if his soul had been taken away.

   Suddenly, he heard the sound of something breaking the glass, and at the same time, the rope on his body loosened.

   With a burst of strength, he pushed his sister away.


   Li Xiaoke hummed and fell to the ground.

   Li Ran slumped on the chair, gasping for breath, suddenly returning to the shore as if he was about to drown.

   Li Xiaoke fell on the ground not far away, his face flushed, and his face showed a painful look. The light spots of the surrounding Runic Culture spread out and rushed into her body.

   Her eyes were unwilling, she spouted a mouthful of blood, her head tilted, and she passed out.

   Li Ran turned his head and looked at the window.

   The window has been broken, and a black kitten is squatting between the curtains blown by the wind.

  The shards of glass scattered on the windowsill reflect the moonlight, shiny, beautiful and dreamy.

   "You saved me?!"

   Li Ran opened his eyes, this little black cat was not the one he treated on the way home!

   The little black cat meowed and nodded.

   "Are you a monster?"


"Thank you."

   Li Ran calmly said thank you, his sister is the reincarnation of the immortal emperor, even if another monster pops out, there is nothing to fuss about.

   Then he started to check his sister's current physical condition and found that Xiao Ke's body tissues were severely damaged. If he did not get timely treatment, he would die soon.

   So he put his hands on Xiao Ke, and white light gushed out, healing the injuries in Xiao Ke's body.

   He couldn't watch his own sister die just like that. Even if Xiao Ke wanted to kill him just now, it was because he had occupied her spiritual root.

   And he promised his parents that he would take good care of her.

   During the treatment, he found that the speed of his repair had decreased, which should be because part of the spiritual root had been sucked out.

   About ten minutes later, Xiao Ke whispered, opened his eyes and found that Li Ran was treating her.

   "Why save me? I obviously want to kill you!"

   In a pair of beautiful big eyes, doubts and entanglements flashed.

   "Because you are my sister, how could I watch you die."

   "Hmph, don't think you saved me, I will give up and get back my spiritual roots."

   A moment later, Xiao Ke stood up from the ground, gave Li Ran a complicated look, then returned to his room and slammed the door.

   Li Ran rubbed his hair in distress: "Ahhh, what should I do, Xiaoke, she wants to kill me..."

   He dragged his tired body, returned to his room, and immediately fell on the bed.

   Then he felt something jump on the bed. He opened his eyes and found that it was the little black cat sitting beside him.

   He raised his hand and rubbed the cat's head: "It's you, if you don't have a place to go, just treat this as your home."

   The little black cat meowed happily and got into the quilt.

   Li Ran stroked the kitten in his arms, thinking, do monster cats love to act like a baby so much, and then fell asleep.

   The next day, early morning.

   Li Ran was in a daze, feeling a soft body writhing in his arms, two hairs scratching in front of his nose, itching to death.

   He opened his eyes, and what greeted him was the face of a girl.

  Long eyelashes, delicate nose, small red lips with a smile, and long black hair spread out, bringing out the skin as white as milk.

   The two hairs scratching in front of his nose are the long black hair of a girl.

   "Ah! Who are you!"

   Li Ran yelled and awakened the sleeping girl.

   The girl hummed, woke up dimly, rubbed her eyes, and then said in surprise: "Ah, I'm back in human form."

   Li Ran tentatively asked: "Are you that little black cat?"

   The girl smiled sweetly: "It's me."

   "Why did you suddenly become a human figure, scared me."

   "I don't know, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com may have something to do with you, as long as I stay by your side, I will feel very comfortable."

   Li Ran thought for a moment, it may be related to the spiritual root in his body.

   "Hurry up and put on your clothes." A beautiful girl lying naked on his bed was really unbearable.

   "Oh, you blush~" The girl stared at Li Ran and smiled.

   "Stop talking nonsense, put on my clothes!"

   "But I don't have any clothes."

   "Aren't you a monster, don't you change clothes?"

   "Even if you are a monster, you can't make things out of thin air. Don't you know the law of conservation of energy? You have to believe in science."

   You are a monster, don't talk science with me!

   Only Xiao Ke lived with him at home. Xiao Ke would definitely not lend him clothes. Li Ran had to take out his previous set of clothes from the closet and threw them to the **** the bed.

   If there is no one next to the girl, she changed her hands and clapped her hands: "Alright!"

   Li Ran turned around and asked, "What is your name?"

   "Liu Li."

   "Why did you fall on the side of the road after being so badly injured before?"

   "I was chased by bad guys, and I managed to escape..." When mentioned, Liuli's expression was a little dim, "If you didn't save me, I would have died by the side of the road."

   "Don't worry about it, you saved me once last night, it's a tie."

   Liuli suddenly raised her head and asked, "Is what you said last night is true?"

   "Huh? What?"

   "You said that if I don't have a place to go, I can stay here..."

   "Of course there is no problem, anyway, there are still a lot of rooms vacant at home, you can pick one."

   Liuli jumped up and patted the bed under her body: "Great, then I want to choose this place."