What It’s Like Being a Vampire

v1 Chapter 14: sense of hunger

   Chapter 14 Hunger

   In the evening, Xiang Kun received a WeChat message from Chang Bin asking about the meeting.

   He naturally said that the conversation was good, so he went back to learn more.

   However, Chang Bin knew that Xiang Kun had moved the evening meeting to the afternoon, did not invite Tang Baona to dinner, and did not have any follow-up arrangements. After going home after five o'clock separately, he still muttered about him severely.

Later, Chang Bin sent another WeChat message, saying that through Wang Han, the girl’s impression of Xiang Kun seemed to be good. He felt that he was "humorous", "very funny", and "you can be a first friend".

   Chang Bin said that this sounded very interesting, let him take the initiative, talk more, make appointments, and meet more.

   Xiangkun naturally agreed, but in my heart he felt that this should only be Tang Baona's tactful refusal, which meant that Xiang Kun was more suitable to be a friend-of course, this was originally in line with his wishes.

   After that, for three days, Xiang Kun and Tang Baona did not have any contact. They still spend more time in the gym during the day, and perform vision and vital capacity training at night.

   Xiangkun drank blood for the first time on July 14, and the second time on July 17, three days later.

   And now, it has been six days since he drank rabbit blood on July 17, he still didn't feel sleepy or hungry at all.

   In the past six days, he hasn't eaten anything except some pure water, but his daily exercise volume is extremely high.

   He also doesn't know when the next blood drink will come.

The first two times he drank blood, he started to feel intense hunger after seeing the blood, but this time he hoped to wait until his body took the initiative to "send" that kind of need, so that he could know that he was once How long can it last after drinking blood?

   Now that the remaining rabbits have been raised white and fat, he even went to the supermarket to buy food for the rabbits. He is really about to become a "poop shovel officer".

   I only hope to finish the blood drinking before moving.

   On the evening of the 23rd, when Xiang Kun was practicing his vision, he suddenly received Tang Baona’s WeChat.

   "Saitama-sensei, are you there?"

  "Saitama-teacher" is the nickname Tang Baona jokingly gave him when he mentioned "One Punch Man" that day.

   Xiang Kun thought for a while, and replied with a simple word-"in".

   "What are you doing? Come out for barbecue?"

   Eating or something...it is naturally impossible.

   Xiangkun was about to find an excuse to push away. Suddenly, her tongue began to produce fluid, and a sudden hunger surged from the bottom of her heart.


Since the mutation, this was the first time Xiang Kun had a sense of hunger before seeing the blood. He couldn't think of any excuses, and directly responded with "I'm sorry I can't go" and threw the phone to the side. Start sitting in front of the computer, open the document to record, and open the timing software to take time.

   He wants to see how this hunger affects him, and what other changes will happen over time.

   drank blood twice before, and when he went to the vegetable market to buy chicken for the first time, he clearly remembered the whole process, but he felt like his body was "making its own way."

   The second time I drink rabbit blood at home, I feel much better.

   He was thinking, the difference is just because it was the first time in the vegetable market, or was it the stronger demand for blood in the vegetable market?

   This is also a question that needs verification.

   After making a record, Xiang Kun sat cross-legged on the bed and began to feel the changes in his body seriously.

   Generally speaking, people feel hunger, which starts in the abdomen, from the contraction of the stomach after emptying.

   But the feeling of hunger that Xiang Kun now perceives does not come from the abdomen, from the stomach, but from the depths of consciousness, from every organ and every cell of the body.

   I felt that the strength of the body didn't seem to drop too much. It didn't seem like an ordinary person, whose limbs became weak when hungry.

   But with the interference of this hunger pang, it is difficult for him to concentrate on what to do.

   Time passed bit by bit. From 9:08 in the evening, I started to feel the hunger pangs. Until 3 a.m., the hunger pangs became stronger a little bit, which made Xiang Kun a little unable to sit still.

Xiang Kun started to get up frequently, walked several times to the cage where the rabbit was raised in the bathroom, and then forced to return. He also tried to do other things and divert his attention, but he always imagined the scene of killing rabbits and drinking blood. Recalling how the body felt the last time I drank blood.

   In the beginning, Xiang Kun would take a video of himself every half an hour and read a Tang poem to the camera to determine his state.

   After the early morning, I shortened it to once every ten minutes, and I used this method to make myself do something and divert my attention.

Xiang Kun also wants to go out several times, breathe, or run, but he has thought about it before that he should never go out in this state to avoid impulsive things when he can't control it. Come.

   But to Xiang Kun's surprise, at about 5:30, at sunrise, the hunger and the urge to drink blood suddenly alleviated a lot.

   It seems that after sunrise, the factors that inhibit his own physical functions will also inhibit his thirst for blood.

   Xiang Kun breathed a sigh of relief, and while recording the changes in his body on the computer, he adjusted his breathing and continued to be patient.

   The condition during the day was much better, and it did not increase the difficulty of patience over time, but after sunset, the hunger began to strengthen.

Until 7:33 in the evening ~lightnovelpub.net~ After Xiang Kun almost threw a fist against the wall, he gave up and continued his patience. He quickly solved the rabbit that had been raised for almost a week and restrained him. On the urge to drink directly, put the blood into the measuring cup prepared in advance.

   There is a very clear graduation line on the measuring cup. He divided four measuring cups. The first three cups are filled with 50ml, and the fourth cup is only filled with 20ml.

   After drinking the first 50ml, Xiang Kun can clearly feel that his hunger has not been satisfied, and he still longs for the rabbit blood.

   But he didn't continue drinking immediately. Instead, he took the time with his mobile phone. After 1 minute, he drank the second cup of 50ml, and then continued to time. After another 2 minutes, he drank the third cup.

   After the third cup, Xiang Kun clearly felt that the effectiveness of this blood had declined.

   A strong sleepiness came, but Xiang Kunqiang stood up, tidying up, and timing. After 5 minutes from drinking the third cup of rabbit blood, he took the fourth cup and drank it.

   In fact, Xiang Kun can still feel the thirst for blood, but after the final volume is less than 20ml, it hardly brings much help.

   Obviously, the last fourth cup has lost the effect that rabbit blood can bring.

   This is the last time Xiang Kun had some doubts. After the rabbit blood leaves the rabbit's body, its effect on him will decline rapidly. Now it is confirmed.

   The second cup after 1 minute is not much different from the first cup, and the third cup has a significant decrease in utility.

   It can be inferred from this that the time for this utility to decline should start 1-3 minutes after the rabbit blood leaves the rabbit.

   Make a record, Xiang Kun still did not immediately lie down to sleep, but sat on the bed, fighting against sleepiness.

   He wanted to see how long he could resist this sleepiness after drinking blood.