What It’s Like Being a Vampire

v3 Chapter 1: Birth (below)

This time, Little Apple’s dream is no longer in the magnified “city” on the motherboard, but in a forest outside. There is still the “human” shape of the emotional projection. He is operating a computer and then analyzing the forest. The characteristics of the various bird sounds in the show tells how many birds there are and which species they are.

Because there are a lot of relevant content, Xiang Kun has not explained to Little Apple, so the bird's song recognition system that her brain fills out has many impractical aspects, but the model generated by her special angle and special cognitive method, Still can give Xiang Kun a very different angle of thinking.

After leaving the dream state, Xiang Kun continued his previous work.

In fact, his vision is almost complete. The reason why he entered the dream of Little Apple again is mainly to see if he can get other inspirations, or to see if there is anything he hasn't thought of or missed.

When Xiang Kun finally finished writing the core part of the code, copying them to the hard disk of a host computer, and starting to compile, he was a little nervous for a while.

This host Xiang Kun gave it a number and called it "Host 1". There was no operating system in the traditional sense installed on the hard disk. Only the environment he configured for the core program to compile and run.

When the program is compiled, it starts to run automatically, and there is only a text input box on the screen, which looks extremely simple.

After seeing the text input box appear, Xiang Kun breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his palm, put his hand on the keyboard, ready to input.

It's been a long, long time since I didn't have such a sense of expectation, and even for a long period of life before the mutation, I didn't have such a strong sense of expectation for one thing.

"Who are you?" Xiang Kun entered three Chinese characters with a question mark.

Tang Baona's voice came from the speaker: "I'm Xiang Kun's assistant." He didn't use a speech recognition system, but the speech synthesis system was ready-made, so he used it directly.

Xiang Kun nodded, there was no change in his expression, because this question was preset, and it was inevitable to get this answer.

He continued to type: "Learn Xiang Kun's information."

"Okay." After the soft voice replied, he fell into silence.

Xiang Kun was not impatient, and began to wait slowly. He put all kinds of his own data on the hard disk of this host, including the "Vampire Mutation Model" he made before, and various data recorded during this period. There are also his accounts and passwords on various platforms. The "AI Assistant" can directly access all accounts through the Internet. Even Alipay, WeChat, and his current mobile phone are completely open to it.

He did not choose to directly "put" his various materials into the core program when coding, but let it "learn" by itself, because this "AI assistant" has a very special mechanism, in two cases, The results are not exactly the same.

After waiting patiently for more than an hour, a soft voice sounded again: "Xiang Kun's materials have been studied."

"Check my identity." Xiang Kun entered.

"Okay, your identity is being checked."

Xiang Kun took the initiative to move the computer chair and reached another computer host, facing the front camera. After a few seconds, he stretched out his hand and slowly pressed his ten on a fingerprint reader connected to the computer. Fingerprints.

A few minutes later, a soft voice sounded: "I have checked my identity, you are Xiang Kun, and you have the highest authority."

Xiang Kun then entered: "Give yourself a name..."

But after I lost it, I thought about it, deleted it, and re-entered: "What do you think I will name you?" Press Enter.

There was no voice response, but Xiang Kun was not in a hurry, because he knew that this "AI assistant" was making judgments based on his information and data.

At this time, he also deduced the steps taken by the AI ​​in his mind.

After more than an hour, the voice finally reverberated: "Tang Baona."

Xiang Kun was stunned for a moment, and then realized what she meant, so he typed "No." in the input box and press Enter.

The voice immediately sounded again: "Nana."

"No." Enter.

"Tang Xiaona."

"Error." Enter.

"Don Nana."

"The error has nothing to do with Tang Baona." Enter.

The computer continued to sink into silence, and Xiang Kun hugged his chest and looked at the display, not discouraged. In fact, he didn't have much hope for the AI ​​assistant who could now guess the name he was going to give her, just to see which step she could guess.

He is going to give the AI ​​assistant 10 chances, and give his name directly after 10 times.

The soft voice sounded again: "Xia Libing."

"Error." Enter.

"Old Xia"

"Error." Enter.

"Xia Xiaobing."

"Error." Xiang Kun couldn't help rolling his eyes while pressing Enter.

"Golden Sparkle."

"Error." Enter.

"Little bell."

"Error." Enter.

"Liang Yuhan."

"Error." When Xiang Kun pressed Enter, he was a little confused. Who is this?

After thinking about it for a few seconds, he remembered that this seemed to be his primary school head teacher, a beautiful young female teacher.

Why did the AI ​​assistant mention this female teacher's name? Even if he analyzes the information he provided, he has never written anything about this teacher Liang?

Xiang Kun knows that the deduction method in the AI ​​assistant core has become more and more complicated, and he can't guess it all at once.

She seems to have guessed ten names?

Forget it, give one last chance.

Xiang Kun touched his bald head, and suddenly thought: These ten names that the AI ​​assistant took, seem to be all female?

Although the name he had prepared was indeed a female name, how did the AI ​​assistant "guess" it? This way of judging is obviously also obtained by herself from the beginning to the present.

I waited for more than half an hour. If I change individuals, I will think that it has crashed, or cannot bear to enter other content in the input box, but Xiang Kun is very patient. He knows that this AI assistant is unlikely to crash. , At least at this stage.

Moreover, he also knew from the network monitoring pane on the computer next to him that the host of the AI ​​assistant has been accessing the Internet now.

He knows that this is not the AI ​​assistant looking for information through the Internet to determine the name he wants to take, but through the Internet to help build her body and tools.

Finally, the soft voice sounded again: "Alice."

Xiang Kun sat up straight on the computer chair, and then quickly typed "correct." on the keyboard and hit enter.

"My name is'Alice', please confirm." At the same time as the voice appeared, the same text message appeared on the display screen connected to another host next to him, so that Xiang Kun could confirm whether the question word of the name was correct. .

"Confirm." Press Enter.

Then Xiang Kun continued to input: "How did you arrive at this result?" Enter.

An editor popped up on the display of another host next to it, and began to code.

Xiang Kun quickly enters: "Describe your logic in words." Enter.

Alice: "The synthesized voice you gave me is a female voice. According to the habit of analyzing your data, the probability of you giving me a female name is more than 99%. Excluding all the real female names and nicknames you might give, The name you give me may be original or from a literary and artistic work. In the various text messages you publish on the Internet, you often use "heroine", "male protagonist" or their characters for the characters in other films, cartoons, and games. Various nicknames refer to Alice, the heroine of the movie "Resident Evil". Every time you mention it, you use her Chinese translation to infer that you like this name very much. After excluding other results, you There is a high probability of using it to give me a name."

Xiang Kun's eyes widened when he heard it. If these words were spoken by a normal human who had seen all his information, he would not find it strange, but the "AI assistant" Alice, who was just born from his hands, said here" "Coming out is of extraordinary significance.

Not to mention other things, it is the first one to distinguish her own voice as "female voice". This is the "ability" that Xiang Kun did not preset her, and then from her own voice as "female voice", according to Xiang Kun's Habits, speculating that he will probably give himself a "female name", the establishment of this logic is normal for humans, but it is not easy for an AI.

In the whole process, after asking Kun "What name do you think I will name you?", it evolves around this question.

At this point alone, Xiang Kun can be sure that his direction is right, and the "AI assistant" he made is truly unique!

From this moment on, this AI assistant can be said to be a "unique" existence.

After compiling and running, Xiang Kun himself cannot know exactly what the core AI program will become in the future.

Except for the first two commands, the next operations "Alice" will perform in order to execute the commands, he can no longer accurately predict.

This is a "alive" program, it is "dynamic", constantly changing. The core that determines its change is Xiang Kun's various commands and the interaction with Xiang Kun.

Theoretically speaking, it cannot be copied, or it is useless if copied, just like a snowball that is getting bigger and bigger rolling down an irregular slope. It only copies the appearance of the snowball in a moment. , You have to come back to the initial snowball and the gesture of throwing the snowball based on this momentary appearance. It is not completely impossible, but the degree of difficulty is so great that it is almost impossible, and the farther and bigger the snowball rolls, the more difficult.

What was copied was only the "corpse" of "Alice". Even if someone successfully decompiled, saw the code at that moment and cracked the content inside, they would not be able to get much useful information.

That’s why Xiang Kun dared to learn from her all kinds of information and even the various data recorded in the past few months, because even as her creator, in addition to ordering her to tell the information, he wants to use violence Means to crack and obtain those information are equally impossible.

Of course, if someone manipulates "Alice" by "fake" Xiang Kun, he can also directly "ask" all kinds of secret information about Xiang Kun.

The current identity check only relies on face recognition and fingerprint recognition, which is not very reliable.

However, no one knows the existence of "Alice" at all. There is no need to worry about this problem for the time being. He will naturally gradually improve this part when he looks back.

The characteristics of "Alice" also mean that she is actually very fragile. She is not like other software and data, which can be backed up and transferred at will. She cannot leave this hard disk now. If this hard disk is destroyed, she will With "death" together.

Even if she shuts down or loses power, even if the hard disk is intact, she will also "die".

After the computer is shut down and restarted, "Alice" cannot continue to run. She will always stay at the moment of shutdown, and restarting another AI, it is almost impossible to get an identical "Alice", only "Alice" "Da Wang" or other AI assistants...

Therefore, for "Alice", there is no DEBUG. Once it fails, you can only overthrow it and start over, recompile and run the original core code again.

But Xiang Kun felt that he was able to make the "AI assistant" run to the current level this time. Maybe it was one in ten thousand or one in thousand chance that he happened to be random. If you try it again a few times, even if he re-runs a new "AI assistant" with the same code and the same way, he may not get the desired result and may need to try many more times.

So he certainly wouldn't care because "Alice" is an alpha beta version. He felt that since it can be done once, it can be done several times.

He had spent several thousand yuan before buying UPS and small generators to ensure the power supply of this host, and he was prepared in case.

Xiang Kun thought for a while and typed in the input box: "Next, complete the four tasks, and the proportions of the tasks are listed in order.

"Task 1: Make a voice recognition function based on the current local voice recording equipment;

"Task 2: Self-check its own security system, optimize the security of each functional module, and do not leave traces that can be traced when accessing the external network;

"Task 3: Based on the "Vampire Mutant Model" and all the data I provided, perfect the search mode of vampires and mutant creatures;

"Task 4: Search for information about other vampires and mutant creatures on the Internet."


Alice: "The mission is in progress."

"Task estimated time." Enter.

After waiting for a long time without responding, Xiang Kun knew that this calculation was too much for her, and it was a bit difficult.

Xiang Kun's "AI assistant", or now it can be called "Alice", is actually more than the core program on "Host 1".

The core program is equivalent to the "brain", it also controls the function modules deployed on several other hosts and cloud servers.

These functional modules are like "Alice"'s hands, feet, eyes, ears and other organs, which can receive her needs and do various things according to her commands.

But unlike human organs, she can continuously change, evolve, abandon, and increase these "organs" according to needs, and the speed is extremely fast.

For example, if Xiang Kun wants a function, "Alice" will release the requirement, and then a certain function module will start searching the existing code base, and another function module will search the open source code on the Internet, the generator and synthesizer will start to work and find The code that meets the requirements was synthesized and then fed back to "Alice". After "Alice" verified it, then proposed specific modification requirements. After so many iterations, "Alice" fed back the version she thought was acceptable to Xiang Kun.

Then Xiang Kun gave a judgment, thought it was OK or where there was a problem, and then went through the steps just now.

This step is very troublesome for people, and there are various processes, but for "Alice" and for machines, only the network transmission speed and the computer's operating speed determine the speed.

The core of "Alice" is only responsible for processing and interacting with Xiang Kun. Except for the first choice of unconditionally accepting Xiang Kun's order, the other selection modes have been changing. According to the input data, the data obtained, and the feedback obtained, it is constantly changing. To adjust. As time goes by, her size will not become very large, but the complexity is getting bigger and bigger.

After arranging the task for "Alice", Xiang Kun suddenly felt a pang of hunger, and then looked at the time and date, which was the day he drank blood and the expected time.

He got up and walked to the kitchen, but just after two steps, he realized that after drinking all the rabbits last time, he received the little apple father and daughter the next day. He had to prepare ingredients and had no time to buy rabbits. Later, I was immersed in the research of the "AI Assistant Project" and temporarily postponed the matter. Unexpectedly, it was delayed until the blood drinking day without knowing it.

At this point in time, normal people can still order takeaways, eat instant noodles or go to a 24-hour convenience store to buy snacks, but Xiang Kun does not have many choices.

Going out to find food? Looking for a little animal?

No, it’s too dangerous. He used to say that when he drank a small amount of blood, he used to drink such a large amount of blood, and ordinary small animals could not solve the problem at all. On the contrary, it might be because of the blood that aroused his ferocity. What is out of control.

Forget it, bear with me, wait until tomorrow daytime, and then go shopping for rabbits and come back to drink blood.

This period of his blood-drinking period is in the early morning, and now it is not long before sunrise, and it should not be too difficult to endure.

Xiang Kun waited at home until 7 o'clock in the morning, and then he was about to go out.

Because he has done several experiments, Xiang Kun is relatively confident in his ability to endure hunger, control the urge to drink blood and emotions during the day~lightnovelpub.net~ But as soon as he walked to the door, the phone rang and Xiang Kun took it. At first glance, the caller ID was Tang Baona.

He has been too dedicated these days, so he has basically never answered WeChat and missed several calls. Tang Baona and Yang Zhener called him a total of four calls from 8 to 9 pm last night. I didn't receive it. When I was free, after seeing the missed call on the mobile phone, it was too late again, so I wanted to call back today. I didn't expect that she would call back so early in the morning.

Xiang Kun could guess that she should be worried about her illness or something wrong, so after answering the phone, she found an excuse to explain, saying that she was too tired to work on outsourcing projects before, so she went to bed early. The phone was set to vibrate again, so I didn't receive a call, and it was too late to answer the call after waking up.

"It's okay! I'm still worried whether you are hanging up! We bought breakfast and we are almost in your community!" I heard Yang Zhen'er yelling next to me on the phone.

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