What It’s Like Being a Vampire

v3 Chapter 276: A particularly deep dream

Mi Qiao tossed in bed, a little awake.

She got up and put on her clothes, went to the balcony and blew a cold wind, trying to wake up.

In a dream, it is not incomprehensible that Guo Tianxiang appears in the dream. After all, she has not been thinking about the whereabouts of Guo Tianxiang during the recent period.

There are three turning points in her life, corresponding to three people.

One is an uncle, who took her abroad after her parents passed away, taught her a lot of things, and led her on the gray road;

One is Guo Tianxiang, who discovered the secret behind this person. After knowing the real existence of "vampire", she once thought she had found hope to fight "death";

One is "Mr. Liang", who pulled her out of the deep "quagmire" and brought her into a completely new realm and a new world full of mystery. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the grace of reinvention.

And in the dream just now, not only Guo Tianxiang appeared, but also "Mr. Liang" was mentioned, and it was said "Mr. Careful Liang", which was not normal and did not fit her right mood.

She remembered the descriptions of rabbit woodcarving and the description of what happened in the Qinling Mountains last night when she learned about the strange phenomenon that happened in the research center D2 in Antie Town with Dr. Fang last night.

Could it be that this dream she had was also caused by outside influences?

But that's not right. According to Dr. Fang, it will only be affected around the rabbit woodcarving, and the dreams that are affected by it will definitely have rabbit meat, a very strange element.

Now the rabbit woodcarving is neither here, nor does any weird element like rabbit meat appear in her dream.

So this dream should be her own normal dream.

Could it be that... in her subconscious, she actually had doubts about "Mr. Liang"?

After asking this question to herself, Mi Qiao realized that she was really shaken.

Indeed, after being accepted by "Mr. Liang" and entering the secret department of "Shenxing Technology", although she knew a lot of information, she got more questions.

Some questions were answered after various "internships" in the secret department of "Shenxing Technology" and exchanges with "Mr. Liang". But this made her feel more puzzled, because it is obvious that "Mr. Liang" can tell her directly about those simple problems, why it takes time, effort, and resources for her to find out by herself?

Why does "Mr. Liang" help her change her identity and integrate into "Shenxing Technology"?

What she is good at, her hacking skills, in the face of the existence of "Shenxing Technology", are not mentioned at all and useless.

What is special about her for "Mr. Liang"?

She is not a simple little girl who is still fantasizing about Mary Su, and she doesn't think her looks make people fall in love at first sight.

And the most important point is that until now, she has not really met "Mr. Liang" face to face. All the time, the communication with "Mr. Liang" has been only through voice communication. Judging from the accidental disclosure by Dr. Fang and other high-secret security personnel of the secret department of "Shenxing Technology", it seems that they have never seen "Mr. Liang"?

Don't talk about meeting, I'm afraid I haven't even seen the video.

There is also the voice of "Mr. Liang", why is it such a special voice?

What special secret is in him?

Is he also a "blood-eating creature" like Guo Tianxiang?

At this time, Mi Qiao naturally did not know that, in the shadow of an unmanned villa tens of meters away from her, a bald head was observing her facelessly.

At such a distance, in the middle of the night, most people can only see a woman standing on the balcony, at most she can see that she is a woman with short hair.

But after Xiang Kun's super vision turned on the night vision mode, even at this distance, he could use the faint moonlight and the lights behind him to clearly see the changes in the expression on her face.

He could see that Mi Qiao had obvious entanglements, worries, doubts, and confusion.

He also knew very well why Mi Qiao had such emotions, because he himself was the initiator.

After just guiding Mi Qiao’s dream by sensing the “black circle graffiti”, Xiang Kun not only saw in the dream the appearance of the “researcher” who told her about the anomalies in the Antie Town Research Center and the Qinling No Man’s Land. It was determined that Dr. Fang Pingfang, Zhou Rui's "boss," who Alice helped him find before, entered a "super-sensing state" in her dream, trying to "modify" and "edit" her dream.

Last time, Xiang Kun tried to modify Mi Qiao's dream for the first time. It was to lengthen the screen of her laptop in the dream. It was naturally very simple.

But this time, his attempt was much more complicated.

He replaced Fang Pingfang's appearance with Guo Tianxiang.

When Xiang Kun thought about it, not only did he meet Guo Tianxiang, but Mi Qiao also saw him, so it shouldn't be too difficult to show up in Mi Qiao's dream.

However, in actual operation, it was discovered that the image in his memory was transformed into a mark of supersensory state, and then transformed into a sensory picture of Mi Qiao, with many defects and differences in the middle. Fortunately, Mi Qiao himself was also impressed with Guo Tianxiang's appearance, and the requirements for details in his dreams were not so high, so he easily accepted Guo Tianxiang, who was "modified" by Xiang Kun.

As for the sound, there are also discrepancies. Xiang Kun originally wanted to use Guo Tianxiang's original sound, but the result was quite poor, but it was a bit similar to "Mr. Liang", and it was unintentional.

Let Mi Qiao see Guo Tianxiang say such a word in his dream, it is naturally not as simple as a prank.

In addition to experimenting with editing and modifying dreams, and guiding the effects of the dream owner's sensory information changes, Xiang Kun also wants to use this to influence Mi Qiao's thinking and let her use her brain in the direction she needs.

After experiencing such a dream, Mi Qiao may have multiple reactions after waking up:

1. I think this is an ordinary dream and continue to sleep-but judging by Xiang Kun's cognitive model for her, this possibility is very small. Even if it appears, it will inevitably attract her attention no matter how many times it is affected, and how many times she has similar dreams;

2. It is believed that this dream is affected by certain objects or Guo Tianxiang. After all, "Shenxing Technology" knows that wood carvings of rabbits can cause strange dreams. In that case, Xiang Kun can know what methods she will use to investigate according to her behavior after waking up, and how to mobilize the resources of "Shenxing Technology". If you contact "Mr. Liang" directly, you can also know. What kind of views does "Mr. Liang" have and whether they understand similar phenomena;

3. Think of this dream as your own subconsciousness, and therefore raise some questions. Xiang Kun thinks this is the most possible, because in his opinion, Mi Qiao's biggest role for "Shenxing Technology" and the "Mr. Liang" is to find the whereabouts of Guo Tianxiang.

However, based on the conversations between Mi Qiao and "Mr. Liang" he had heard before, and the things Mi Qiao was arranged to do by "Shenxing Technology", "Mr. Liang" did not use Mi Qiao to find Guo Tianxiang. , I don’t even care about finding Guo Tianxiang.

In that case, why did "Mr. Liang" and "Shenxing Technology" take the risk of absorbing Mi Qiao, and help her change her identity, and let her know so many secret departments and information of "Shenxing Technology"?

Unless "Mr. Liang" gave her a reasonable explanation before, otherwise, this question exists for Xiang Kun, and it should exist for Mi Qiao himself.

From the previous dialogue between Mi Qiao and "Mr. Liang", she should have a strong sense of respect, admiration and trust for this person. Xiang Kun naturally cannot rely on a dream. A passage will completely destroy her. feel. But as long as she has a little doubt, a little doubt, and a little curiosity, it is enough.

As long as she tries to understand and investigate the secrets behind "Mr. Liang" and "Shen Xing Technology", Xiang Kun who keeps an "extra-sense connection" object and an "emotional injection" object beside her can also be used. Followed up to get a lot of information.

She must do these things more conveniently than Xiang Kun.

From a general perspective, Xiang Kun also wants to "ride" on the ride of "Shen Xing Technology" to discover more mutant creatures, as well as the secrets, principles, and application methods behind these mutations.

After confirming that the dream had affected Mi Qiao, Xiang Kun quietly left the villa area, returned to the car, and drove back.

It was only after four o'clock in the morning when they returned to the town, but their room only had a room card, so Xiang Kun would naturally not be able to go back and knock on the door to make a noise. Just like yesterday, after six or seven o'clock, I bought breakfast and came back, saying that I went for a run early in the morning.

Xiang Kun parked the car in a remote and unmonitored place, and sensed the "black circle graffiti" given to her by Xia Libing the day before yesterday.

He was quite sure that Xia Libing had always been with the "black circle graffiti", even if it was put in his bag, she was still in the area of ​​influence in the hotel room, and at this time, she was probably asleep.

But what is helpless is that whether it is the previous writing of the lyrics or the black circle graffiti, the "emotional injection" of Kun's objects cannot trigger Xia Libing's dream.

Xiang Kun sighed and shook his head: Lao Xia is really... very special!

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Xiang Kun returned to the hotel with the breakfast he had bought outside, and called Zicheng to open the door.

Zicheng took a few words in a daze. When he got up, the door of the three rooms opened first, and Xia Libing, who was obviously washed and well dressed, stretched out half of his body to look at him.

"Morning." Xiang Kun said hello with a smile, and then mentioned the breakfast in his hands: "Come and have some special breakfast in Tongshi Town? I will send Nana and the others a WeChat to see if they are up."

At this time, the dazed Zicheng had got up and opened the door for him, and then he didn't care about what to say, so he went back to the room and went to sleep under the covers.

Xia Libing pointed to her room: "Come to me to eat?"

Knowing what she meant, Xiang Kun didn't want to disturb Zicheng, so he closed the opened door again and walked into Xia Libing's room.

"You got up so early?" Xiang Kun asked when he walked in with breakfast.

Xia Libing closed the door behind him: "Get used to it, are you going to run again?"

"Yes, I'm used to it too." Xiang Kun put the breakfast he bought on the table, opened it to her and said: "Hurry up and eat it while it is hot. I thought you liked this kind of cake yesterday morning, and I bought it again. There are several flavors, you try."

Xia Libing was not polite to him either~lightnovelpub.net~ sat down at the table, took a sip of hot soy milk, saw Xiang Kun sitting next to the bed, and asked, "What about you?"

"I ate it first when I bought breakfast." Xiang Kun smiled.


"How did you sleep last night?" Xiang Kun asked seemingly casually.

"pretty good."

"I found that exercising can really improve the quality of sleep." Xiang Kun sent a WeChat message to the group while saying: "Before I became unemployed, I often dreamed when I went to bed. After I became unemployed, I used to exercise and exercise every day, and I had fewer dreams. , The quality of sleep is much better, sleep time is very little, but very energetic."

"I remembered a very special dream I had before. I was chased by a large group of dinosaurs in the city, and then hid everywhere..." Xiang Kun described a dream that I had had before in detail, and after speaking, it seemed smooth again. Asked indifferently: "Lao Xia, have you ever had any particularly impressive dreams?"

Xia Libing, who was eating cakes at the table, looked back at him while chewing, as if thinking about something.