What Should I Do if My Husband Is the Future Demon King?

Chapter 241

After spending some time, they finally found the location of the teleportation formation.

However, this teleportation array does not seem to be very good.

"Why does it look like it has been cut off?" Qiao Leshui muttered, reaching out to lift a clump of weeds under his feet, and when he saw the broken traces below, he couldn't help turning his head to the one that was not far away. .

Qiao Leshan, Su Wangling, Wen Qiao, and Ning Yuzhou were also scattered everywhere, and they all saw the traces of the teleportation array concealed in the weeds. They were indeed fragmented, as if they were cut off by things.

Su Shouling hovered in a high place, his divine consciousness enveloped the surroundings, and said to them: "It should be here, you should clean up this area first."

Everyone did not speak, and began to clean up.

When they cleaned the surrounding weeds, they finally exposed the ground covered by the weeds and the teleportation array on the ground.

This teleportation array has been damaged so that it is almost unrecognizable, so when the surrounding weeds are overgrown, it looks like a piece of it. In addition, this ancient teleportation array occupies a very wide area, obviously it is a large teleportation array, and the number of people that can be teleported is very large.

Ning Yuzhou circled the teleportation array for a while, and said slowly: "It is indeed the teleportation array in ancient times."

Everyone looked at him one after another and asked: "Young Master Ning, can you fix it?"

Ning Yuzhou stayed silent, staring at the teleportation array, deducing in his heart.

Seeing his serious thoughts, everyone did not bother him. They stood aside and continued to study the teleportation formation. Unfortunately, they studied for a while and couldn't find anything.

Among the people present, except for Ning Yuzhou, the others did not study the formation together.

Su Shouling and his son Qiao Leshan are okay. Su Shouling and his sons have studied the talisman formation. The talisman formation is somewhat related to the formation method, and it is considered to have entered the door; and Qiao Leshan, as a disciple of Feixian Island, needs to set up a pure spirit formation at some point. , The matchup method can be considered to have a bit of understanding.

As for Wen Qiao, Qiao Leshui and Hu Yansheng, they really don't know anything.

Qiao Leshui looked at it for a while, and muttered to his brother: "Big Brother, when the former site of the Seven Star Gate was discovered, was this teleportation array so broken?"

"It should be." Qiao Leshan said truthfully, "When the old site of the Seven Star Gate was discovered, Feixian Island also sent someone to check it out. It is said that when the Seven Star Gate was destroyed, its guardian array had been destroyed, and everything inside the Seven Star Gate was seriously damaged. , There is no inheritance left, and those cultivators who have been discovered can only return without success."

When the former site of the Seven Star Gate was discovered by cultivators, it was a thousand years ago. At that time, none of the cultivators present were born. Naturally, they didn't understand its situation, and they had heard a lot about it.

Ancient sects like the Seven Star Gate have always been discovered by cultivators and naturally caused countless sensations.

It is a pity that if these ancient sects were not protected by the guardian array, most of them were annihilated in the years, and nothing useful was left, and the sect inheritance was also dissipated. This Seven Star Gate is just like this, without the protection of the guardian formation, the inheritance in the gate has been lost in the years, and the others are of no great significance.

However, when the disciples of Feixian Island discovered that there was a teleportation formation in the Seven Star Gate, although the teleportation formation had been abandoned, but with the idea that it was more or less an inheritance, they took a copy of the teleportation formation back.

"There are also re-recorded jade slips?" Qiao Leshui said in surprise, "Brother, take it out and have a look." When the former site of Seven Star Gate was first discovered, everything here was still intact. Shouldn't this teleportation array be the same?

Qiao Leshan didn't know what he was thinking, so he took out the jade slip and threw it to his silly brother who looked happy.

Qiao Leshui couldn't wait to see the divine sense in, and after checking it, he said disappointedly: "Big Brother, the teleportation array reproduced in this jade slip is no different from here."

Su Shouling suddenly said, "Master Qiao, give the deity a look."

Qiao Leshui quickly offered it with both hands.

After watching it, Su Shouling asked Qiao Leshan: "Little friend Qiao, when you disciples from Feixiandao re-recorded this jade slip back then, shouldn't you miss anything?"

"No." Qiao Leshan said affirmatively, "The person who reproduced the jade slips is a junior master."

After listening, Su Shouling's face was stunned, "It turns out to be a fellow Daoist Boyuan, no wonder."

No wonder Qiao Leshan would come here specially, I'm afraid it was also told by Venerable Boyuan.

Venerable Boyuan has done a lot of research on the formation, at least better than other people in the Feixing Continent. Presumably when he first discovered this teleportation formation of the Seven Star Gate, he had the idea of ​​repairing it.

It is a pity that even though Venerable Boyuan has worked hard for many years, he has been unable to comprehend the principles of this teleportation array, causing his thoughts to be temporarily shelved.

It wasn't until he heard that Ning Yuzhou was setting up a large defensive formation in the original sky, and everyone could survive fortunately by this, he finally became a little interested.

When he heard from his apprentice that Ning Yuzhou wanted to find a teleportation formation connecting the mainland to the mainland, he thought of the teleportation formation at the former site of the Seven Star Gate. Not only did he ask the apprentice to tell him the news about the teleportation formation, but also the teleportation formation. The incomplete teleportation array he had reproduced in the jade slips that year sent it over.

If it wasn't for the ancestor of the Primordial Saint Realm of Feixian Island who had been injured in the **** place, Venerable Boyuan would need to sit on Feixian Island and could not walk away. Maybe he wanted to come over and have a look and ask Ning Yuzhou for advice.

"Father, what's wrong?" Su Wangling asked.

"There is nothing wrong." Su Shouling said with a smile, "Venerable Boyuan should have been studying this teleportation array for some time. The teleportation array reproduced in the jade slip was repaired by him."

Qiao Leshui's cultivation base is not high, so he can't tell it. Su Shouling can see the difference between the jade slip and the teleportation array here at a glance.

Su Wangling said with joy: "It's so good."

After Ning Yuzhou finished the deduction, Su Shouling handed the jade slip to him and said: "This is the jade slip of the teleportation array re-recorded by Venerable Boyuan back then. There is a part of his repair on it. You can see if it can be helpful. ."

Ning Yuzhou didn't expect that Venerable Bo Yuan would have repaired this teleportation array, and immediately took it with interest, and plunged his divine sense into it.

After a long while, Ning Yuzhou finally finished checking the jade slips, and smiled at them: "Venerable Boyuan's formation is very good. There are only five errors in the repair steps, and nothing else is wrong."

Hearing what he said, everyone was stunned except Wen Qiao.

There is a lot of information revealed in this statement. First of all, Ning Yuzhou was able to accurately point out the errors in the formation repaired by Venerable Boyuan. It can be seen that his formation attainments are not lower than those of Venerable Boyuan; secondly, Ning Yu Zhou can repair this formation, so he can accurately see how Venerable Bo Yuan is repairing.

Hu Yansheng asked in surprise: "Can you really repair the teleportation array?"

"It should be possible." Ning Yuzhou said, but he was not too sure, "My cultivation base is still a bit low, and my ability is limited, so I can't guarantee that I can use it in the end."

Therefore, according to his intention, although he can repair the teleportation array, the result depends on the final result.

The cultivators on the Feixing Continent were all pleasantly surprised, and Su Shouling hurriedly said: "Young Master Ning, you can repair it, if you need to send it, we will help you."

If Feixing Continent has a teleportation array that communicates with other continents, it would be much more convenient for Feixing Continent. Cultivators of Feixing Continent can also communicate with other continents and will no longer be trapped in the huge endless sea.

They all understood what this meant and naturally supported Ning Yuzhou in repairing the teleportation array.

After checking the teleportation array and the jade slips of Venerable Boyuan, Ning Yuzhou began to repair the teleportation array.

He took out a lot of things from his storage bag. These were specially collected by him to arrange the formation. Among them were a lot of very expensive formation materials. Su Shouling and his son could even see that several of them were The collection of Linglong Fort was given to Ning Yuzhou as a reward.

When Wu Qijie sent him the remuneration prepared by Su Shouling, although Ning Yuzhou didn't take all of it, he also specially selected a lot of materials for the formation. These things are considered high-end materials, scarce and expensive, there are many in Linglong Fort's collection, which saves him the effort to collect them.

Therefore, the remuneration given by Linglong Fort can be regarded as a good one, and the price is extremely high.

Seeing that Ning Yuzhou was busy driving, the others stood by.

Wen Qiao helped with the materials. Others saw that they had nothing to do and wanted to help. Unfortunately, they didn't have the tacit understanding between Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou. Not only did they not help, but almost increased the difficulty, they could only retreat to the side.

Su Shouling stared at Ning Yuzhou's movements, and the more he watched, the more he realized that this man's formation skills were so high that he was the first person he had ever seen in his life.

It's a pity that his cultivation base is a bit low, limited by the cultivation base, and the array that can be deployed is also limited.

But as long as you think that this child is only in his thirties this year, he is in the early days of Yuankong Realm, and he is already a rare genius. As long as he is given time, his achievements will definitely not be low.

Unfortunately, what he lacks most now is time.

Su Shouling sighed in his heart. In fact, cultivators like Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao are welcome to the Feixing Continent. If they choose to stay in Feixing Continent, Linglong Fort will definitely welcome them to join.

It's a pity that the two didn't mean to stay in Feixing Continent.

It takes a lot of energy and time to repair the ancient teleportation array. Ning Yuzhou has been busy without eating or drinking for more than a month before repairing the teleportation array to the same extent.

When Wen Qiao saw that he finally stopped, he hurriedly stepped forward to support him and stuffed a piece of honey into his mouth.

Ning Yuzhou looked tired, and his energy was a little weak. When everyone saw him like this, they thoughtfully did not ask anything, but waited silently for him to rest and recover.

After resting for a while, Ning Yuzhou just said to them: "I have repaired the teleportation array. As for whether it can be used, I am not sure."

Everyone's gaze fell on the teleportation array on the ground. Because it hadn't been activated yet, it was impossible to know its effect, but just watching it was repaired and perfected bit by bit, I still felt it was very spectacular.

The ancient teleportation array is really not comparable to the ordinary teleportation array.

There are also teleportation formations in the Feixing Continent, such as Feixian Island, Linglong Fort, and some large training cities where practitioners of the Yuan Dynasty are seated. They all have teleportation formations. However, those teleportation formations can only be teleported over short distances, only within the Feixing Continent, and they require a lot of spirit stones. Cultivators would rather take a flying boat on the road than spend too many spirit stones on this teleportation formation.

Therefore, the teleportation array in the mainland is not used much, unless there is something important, the cities of cultivation will not open the teleportation array.

Like the situation in Feixing Continent, many continents have it, and the same is true of Shengwu Continent.

At least Wen Qiao had stayed in Shengwu Continent for so long, and hadn't figured out which cultivation city had a teleportation formation. No matter where they went, they were still used to taking a flying boat in advance.

Whether it is to arrange a teleportation array, or to maintain it or use it, the time, energy, materials, and spirit stones consumed are too large for many cultivators to use.

A group of people surrounded the restored teleportation formation and began to explore which continent would be on the other end of the teleportation formation.

"Maybe it is a continent closer to the Feixing continent." Qiao Leshui guessed, "This teleportation array was laid in ancient times, and it is located inside the Seven Star Gate. It can be seen that it is the mainland teleportation array controlled by the Seven Star Gate. I know what position the Seven Star Gate was in at that time."

The Seven Star Gate was not inherited, and they were unable to determine the status and situation of the Seven Star Gate in the Feixing Continent at that time. However, this continent teleportation array appeared inside the Seven Star Gate. They couldn’t help but doubt that the Seven Star Gate was in charge of the mainland at that time A school of teleportation array?

"Young Master Ning, is this teleportation array one-way teleportation or multi-directional teleportation?" Su Shouling asked suddenly.

The so-called one-way transmission is one-to-one transmission; multi-directional transmission is one-to-many, that is, using this teleportation array can go to many continents, as long as the positioning of that continent's teleportation array is determined.

Ning Yuzhou groaned: "It should be multi-directional teleportation, but we don't have the positioning of the teleportation array of other continents, so we cannot locate those continents."

Hu Yansheng frowned and asked, "If you use the teleportation array, don't you know which continent it will be teleported to?"

"Exactly." Ning Yuzhou nodded.

In this way, everyone understands that if they want to use this teleportation array, they can only rely on luck, and there is no way to determine which continent they will go to by then. If they are used together, it is fine. If they are used separately, the people in front just leave and the people behind follow in, and the two groups of people will be teleported to different continents.

"It depends on the situation." Su Wangling pondered, "How many people can this teleportation array teleport at once?"

"No more than 20 people." Ning Yuzhou explained, "but I haven't completely repaired it. It also has unstable factors. When it is recommended to use, it is best not to exceed three people."

His current cultivation base is too low, it is not easy to repair it to this point, no matter how much it is, there is no way.

Everyone looked at each other, and it seemed that if they wanted to use this teleportation array, they still had to consider carefully.

Qiao Leshui looked at Ning Yuzhou who was sitting there resting, Wen Qiao and the two monsters who accompanied Ning Yuzhou, and asked, "Young Master Ning, when are you leaving?"

Ning Yuzhou whispered, "Since it has been repaired, we will leave in a while."

Qiao Leshui suddenly showed a look of reluctance, and he stopped talking. He was very reluctant to both of them, but he also knew that Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao's decision, even if they were reluctant to give up, could not keep their footsteps.

At this time, a hand was placed on his head, Qiao Leshui turned his head, and saw his brother Qingjun's face, and then he was even more sad.

When he fell into the trough of life, it was Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao who rescued him, helped him find his elder brother, and took them safely away from the heavens. It can be said that the turning point in his life was when he met Ning Yuzhou, who had a profound influence on him, and he had regarded them as friends of life and death.

"Didn't you say that the teleportation array is unstable?" Hu Yansheng said disapprovingly, "What if I send you to a dangerous place?"

Everyone thinks what Hu Yansheng said makes sense.

"Why don't you try first?" Su Shouling suggested. He is a practitioner in the Yuan Emperor realm. If he encounters any situation, he will react quickly.

Ning Yuzhou smiled slightly and said warmly: "Thank you Lord Su Bao for your concern! This is the teleportation array that I repaired. If it is dangerous, I should use it first. You are here to help pay attention to the situation of the teleportation array. If there are no accidents, it will not be too late for you."

Seeing that he had decided, everyone knew that they could no longer persuade them, so they could only tell them to be careful.

Ning Yuzhou almost rested, so he stood up.

He and Wen Qiao walked to the front of the teleportation formation, and Ning Yuzhou said to Wen Qiao: "Aha, thirty top-quality spiritual stones."

Wen Qiao obediently took out thirty top-quality spiritual stones from the storage bag. The earth-yellow spiritual stones bloomed with warm aura, which amazed everyone present.

This ancient teleportation array, it is best to use the best spirit stone to activate, the stability is better. Of course, other quality spirit stones are also possible, but the spiritual power contained in the spirit stone is not as pure as the best, and the stability is naturally worse. What will happen during use, no one can predict.

Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao stood in the teleportation formation, they turned to look at the people in the teleportation formation, and said goodbye to them.

Su Wangling said: "Young Master Ning, Miss Wen, if you are free in the future, come to Feixing Island again, Linglong Fort welcomes you at any time."

Qiao Leshan also said: "Feixian Island welcomes you too."

Qiao Leshui was so sad that he couldn't speak.

Hu Yansheng said domineeringly: "When you go to other continents, if someone bullies you, go to the Endless Sea. If we get news, we will definitely go out for you."

Ning Yuzhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, Senior Tiger, don't worry, I will."

Wen Qiao also said to Hu Yan: "Senior Tiger, don't eat the spirit pill that you gave you earlier. Don't eat it so fast. When you meet next time, your husband will make a new spirit pill, and I will keep it for you."

Hu Yansheng scowled, and he didn't rush to their panacea!

After saying goodbye, Wen Qiao bombed the thirty best spirit stones to the place where the spirit stones were placed in the teleportation array, and then activated the teleportation array.

When the teleportation array was activated, a bright aura shot up into the sky. The two people in the teleportation formation were instantly surrounded by bright auras, and their figures gradually blurred.

Until the aura disappeared, the two people in the teleportation array had disappeared.