What Should I Do if My Husband Is the Future Demon King?

Chapter 283

After resting for one night, they left the inn the next day, took a look around the city, and quickly figured out where they were.

This continent is called "Hunyuan Continent", and the cultivation city they came to is called Tianzhen City. It is a city located in the Hunyuan Continent by the Celestial Array Alliance. It is famous for the continental teleportation array controlled by the Celestial Array Alliance.

Ning Yuzhou unfolded the chart, and Wen Qiao and Su Molan leaned forward to find the location of Hunyuan Continent.

Pleiades and Wen Gungun sat on the table and looked at them.

Pei Qiyu saw them gathered around a picture and walked slowly over. When he saw the chart on the table, his expression was slightly condensed.

"this is……"

Ning Yuzhou said: "The chart of the lower bound."

"Where did it come from?"

"The collection of Pleiades Valley."

Pei Qiyu couldn't help looking at Su Molan, but saw that she was carefully studying the sea chart. The symbols on the sea chart were all ancient texts, which made her look very hard, even guessing.

Xu is that his gaze is too direct. Su Molan raised her head to look at him. Her eyes were like a plume of autumn water, and they waved with a slight movement. They were vivid and easily attracted the attention of male Xiu.

Pei Qiyu can see through these autumn water cut eyes and see the emotions hidden in her eyes.

At this moment, he simply asked him what questions he had.

"Where did the Pleiades get this chart?"

"I don't know." Su Molan replied simply, "Maybe the ancestors got it from nowhere."

After listening, Pei Qiyu stopped asking.

"The Hunyuan Continent is here." Ning Yuzhou pointed his finger at a mark in the center of the chart. The slender finger moved to the edge on the chart, "Pale Star Valley is here."

Su Molan and Pleiades showed tangled colors at the same time.

"Why Hunyuan Continent is located in the center of the chart, and Pleiades Continent is so marginal?" Su Molan was puzzled.

"Is it possible that the people who draw the charts are partial to the Hunyuan Continent, and the Pleiades are only worthy of being arranged at the edge?" The Pleiades also speculated.

It's no wonder they think so. After all, the Lower Realm is a vast ocean, and all the continents are just a piece of land scattered in the endless sea. All the continents are surrounded by sea water, scattered everywhere, and it is extremely difficult to contact. No one can know how wide the endless sea is. They can't even be sure whether this chart has accommodated both the sea and the continents of the Lower Boundary.

Wen Qiao asked, "Could it be because Hunyuan Continent is located in the center of the endless sea?"

is it possible?

Thoughtfulness appeared in everyone's eyes.

At this time, I heard Ning Yuzhou say: "It doesn't matter whether it is or not, I have an idea."

Everyone looked up at him, Wen Gungun was holding a piece of Qiongyu Purple Spirit Bamboo, especially holding the ground and shouting, as if cheering for Brother Ning and let him continue talking.

Pei Qiyu saw that the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, feeling that this little iron-eater was really ambitious and flattered a cultivator like this.

"We can divide the continents marked on this chart into three, six or nine grades. The Hunyuan Continent in the center is the high-level continent of the lower realm. There will be no less venerable Yuanshengjing for such high-level continents. The circle is a middle-level continent, and the edges are low-level continents. These low-level continents are inferior to the high-level continents in terms of spiritual energy, inheritance, and cultivation base of cultivators. Naturally, it is extremely difficult for them to give birth to the nobles of the Yuan Sage Realm."

After Ning Yuzhou's analysis, everyone suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be like this." Su Molan said softly, "I can't complain that neither the Pale Star Continent nor the Sage Martial Continent have no masters of the Primordial Saint Stage..."

Wen Qiao said, "So we ran so far."

From the Pleiades continent to the Hunyuan continent by taking the teleportation array, from the map, this distance is really quite far, if there is no teleportation array, it is estimated that it will take dozens or hundreds of years, and it will not necessarily be able to cross.

It was unexpected that the Teleportation Array of the Pleiades Continent was able to connect to the Hunyuan Continent. They were lucky enough to get through the pass, and the Heavenly Array Alliance didn't let the people of the Celestial Array realize that they were smuggling.

Ning Yuzhou concluded: "The more advanced the continent, the more opportunities there will be. Maybe there will be more hidden artifacts and the like. It is your opportunity."

Pei Qiyu listened to their discussion without saying a word. Hearing Ning Yuzhou's words, he couldn't help but look at him.

Su Molan's eyes lit up.

She decided to follow them to leave the Pleiades continent. One is to avoid the plans of the four major families, and the other is to repair the Pleiades map as soon as possible. If this continent has a fairy tool that can repair the Pleiades map, it would be better. Up.

"Brother Ning, really?" The Pleiades happily hung on Ning Yuzhou's shoulders, asking in surprise.

Ning Yuzhou replied calmly, "After we get acquainted with Hunyuan Continent, we can inquire about fairy artifacts. There should be related news regarding the situation in Hunyuan Continent."

The Pleiades nodded happily.

Then they continued to look at the chart.

Ning Yuzhou pointed to the location of Hunyuan Continent and some nearby continents, "According to the news we have heard, there are six continents that communicate with Hunyuan Continent, Tianlun Continent, Pangu Continent, Soul Beast Continent... …Look at these six continents, they are not far apart, and the continental teleportation array is intact, so that these six continents can communicate with each other..."

Everyone followed Ning Yuzhou’s instructions and saw that these six continents are very close to Hunyuan continent. It can be said that they are located in the center of the chart. The six continents seem to form one body, leaving other continents far away. .

"It's a bit like an advanced continent." Wen Qiao muttered, "Is it necessary to see it?"

Su Molan nodded silently, feeling a little uncomfortable, especially thinking that the Pleiades Continent was not only on the edge, but might also be in danger of being destroyed at any time. On the other hand, other people's continents were not only well located, but also thriving.

In such a comparison, the Pleiades continent is like a poor child who no one wants.

Of course, this is just her illusion, what the fact is, it is not clear with only a chart.

After reading the chart, Ning Yuzhou put it away and discussed the next plan.

Ning Yuzhou said: "The Celestial Formation City is a force of the Celestial Formation Alliance. The information that can be found here is limited. I think we'd better go to a place with better news."

Su Molan's heart moved.

Because the Celestial Formation Alliance mastered several continent teleportation formations, the cultivators in the Celestial Formation Alliance had a superior posture in their bones. No matter what the cultivator they were, they seemed to be short in front of them. Dealing with such forces is really frustrating, and at the same time it is impossible to find out.

Even if Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao wanted to find a mainland teleportation array that could return to the Saint Martial Continent, it didn't mean that the Celestial Formation Alliance could help. If it attracted the attention of the Celestial Formation Alliance, it might cause trouble.

At this time, Pei Qiyu, who had been silent for a long time, said slowly: "It's easy to get more accurate information."

A group of people looked at him together.

Ning Yuzhou Wen said: "I wonder if Young Master Pei has any ideas?"

"Isn't it a good idea? If you believe me, you can leave it to me to inquire about the news." Pei Qiyu said, looking directly at Ning Yuzhou.

He was born in Moxiu, but he was once trained as a genius by the master of the Motian Sect, and he was even promoted as a hall master.

The sect master who can get the Demon Heaven Gate is so optimistic, it can be seen that Pei Qiyu's ability and means.

The methods of magic cultivation are more unpredictable than those of the righteous path cultivators, especially Pei Qiyu, who has awakened some memories of the magic seed, his mind and methods have also improved, not to mention that he has a heavenly mirror, and his practice is the magic mirror. The average Yuanzong realm cultivator is not his opponent at all.

Su Molan quickly thought about Pei Qiyu's life. Even though she trusted this person, she didn't take the initiative without authorization. Instead, she looked at Ning Yuzhou and waited for him to decide.

From the corner of his eye, seeing her reaction, Pei Qiyu felt bored again.

Ning Yuzhou said: "Also, leave it to you and I can rest assured."

Pei Qiyu was not happy because of his trust, instead his face was stinky.


When returning to the guest room next door, Su Molan looked at him worriedly, "Prince Pei, is your body uncomfortable?"

Pei Qiyu: "...No."

Su Molan didn't believe it. She observed him secretly for a long time, and when his face grew gloomy, she had to say, "Your injury is still not healed. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me."

With a sound of Pei Qiyu, he took out a mirror and rubbed his fingers on the mirror surface.

This is a small mirror with the size of a palm. The mirror surface is made of something, and the color is dim, as if it is plated with a layer of black and red blood stains, giving a sense of ominousness. There is a circle of patterns inlaid on the edges, and the shape of the patterns clearly looks exquisite and majestic, but it is evil and abnormal, distorted into the appearance of skulls.

Su Molan looked at it for a while, then quickly looked away, feeling that this mirror was really evil.

As I was thinking about it, I heard Pei Qiyu say: "This is a mirror of the sky."

Su Molan: "...oh."

"Aren't you curious about its origin?" Su Qiyu asked.

"Isn't it a magic weapon?" Su Molan said calmly, "Since Young Master Ning didn't say anything, it proves that this thing is available. By the way, can it really hide your identity?"

Pei Qiyu didn't know what she meant, his lips twitched slightly, and his smile was evil. "Relax, it's okay to pretend to be spiritual cultivation. As long as you don't encounter hard stubble, it should not be too easy to expose."

Since ancient times, there is no tolerance between righteous and devil. Pei Qiyu knows that if his identity as a demon is exposed, the consequences will be serious. I am afraid that it will affect the people around him. By then, the two will have to part ways.

He will never allow this to happen!

Su Molan watched him suddenly turn from a gloomy youth into a demon full of evil spirits, and gained a new understanding of his demon-seed identity, and looked away stiffly.

Why didn't Pei Qiyu notice her reaction, the smile on his face became stiff, and his expression became more gloomy.

The Pleiadian who had just returned from next door was once again scared away by the weird atmosphere here, and decided to go to Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao to hide, anyway, it also likes to stay with Wen Qiao.

Ning Yuzhou wanted to chase it a little, feeling that the spirit of this tool would not look at people's winks better than smelling rabbits and rabbits.

"What's the matter?" Wen Qiao asked.

Pleiades said, "The atmosphere of those two people is weird, especially the Demon Seed..." Suddenly, it thought of something and couldn't help asking, "Sister Wen, are you going to leave Lan Lan soon? "

Wen Qiao nodded, "Yes, if there is no surprise, Miss Su and Young Master Pei will stay in Hunyuan Continent, and we will return to Shengwu Continent."

This is a tacit thing, Su Molan has his own responsibilities, and they also have their own affairs. After they come to the New World together, they cannot stay together forever.

When they find a way back to Shengwu Continent, they will leave Hunyuan Continent.

The Pleiades suddenly felt a little wronged, rubbing against her, reluctant to part with her.

When Wen Qiao and the others went to bed to rest, the reluctant Pleiades squeezed into bed.

Ning Yuzhou: "...you and Wen Kuan are on the floor."

Pleiades: "Why? I'm very young, and I don't take up space for sleeping!"

"No way, no way, there can't be a third party between me and Ah Wah! Especially on the bed, what does it mean if there are two more obstacles?" Ning Yuzhou insisted.

The Pleiades and Wen Gungun who were treated as obstacles on the bed: "..."

Wen Gungun automatically climbed onto the carpet laid next to the bed, and yelled at Su Xing a few times for comfort, telling him that he had to get used to this kind of thing in the future.


After resting for two days in Tianzhen City, they decided to leave Tianzhen City.

When they went to check out, they met the five people again.

The young man named Baili greeted them enthusiastically, and asked curiously: "Are you leaving today?"

"Yeah." Ning Yuzhou's expression was gentle, which made people feel good at a glance.

The boy from Baili really liked him very much, and said with a smile: "Which continent are you from? You came to Hunyuan Continent because of... that?"

Which is that?

Seeing the mysterious appearance of the young **** Baili, Wen Qiao and Su Molan were puzzled.

Ning Yuzhou answered very naturally, and lowered his voice: "Although it is not, it is not far away."

Wen Qiao and Su Molan: "..."

When Baili teenager's eyes shone slightly and he wanted to say something, his companion called him: "Junior Brother Baili, let's go."

The boy from Baili responded quickly, and Ning Yuzhou and the others waved, jogging to keep up with the people in front, during which a male Xiu could be heard softly reproaching the boy from Baili.

"Junior Brother Baili, don't talk to strangers casually, be careful to meet again..."

"No, they look good."

"Knowing others, knowing the face, not knowing the heart! Junior Brother Baili, you have to get rid of this habit of yourself. You have seen few people before, and not everyone is good..."


The four listened in silence, not knowing that the senior brother had deliberately told them.

Pei Qiyu's face showed a bit of sarcasm, and he felt that these so-called spiritual cultivations were just like playing this kind of blame and curse, and Su Molan had experienced it a lot.

Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao didn’t take it to heart. The boy named Baili could see at a glance. He was indeed a well-protected young man. He didn’t know the sinister heart. It is estimated that this character has suffered a lot before. It's just that he didn't remember the lesson.

After leaving the inn room, they left Tianzhen City.

After leaving the Tianzhen City, Ning Yuzhou sacrificed the flying boat, and the four of them jumped on the flying boat and headed towards the nearby cultivation city.

"The nearest city to the Heavenly Formation City is Seven Lights City." Pei Qiyu said, "Seven Lights City is a subsidiary city of the Seven Soul Sect. The Seven Soul Sect has a high reputation in the Hunyuan Continent, and its strength can be ranked in the top ten, which happens to be the top ten. At the bottom. But I think the Seven Soul Sect's background is higher than the previous nine forces. It may also be a sect handed down from ancient times..."

Listening to Pei Qiyu talking freely, Wen Qiao, Su Molan, Pleiades, and Wen Gungun couldn't help but stare at him.

It only took a long time, this man had a rough idea of ​​the forces of Hunyuan Continent, and he was really good at inquiring about news.

Pei Qiyu calmly accepted their onlookers, and his gaze fell on Ning Yuzhou. Although he looked like he didn't care about it, he knew his own situation.

Among the people here, Ning Yuzhou is the one who makes him the most jealous.

This person's methods were more terrifying than he had imagined. He clearly looked at the clouds and the wind, but he couldn't ignore it. Seeing Su Molan being filled with ecstasy soup and convinced him, he knew the person's methods.

Ning Yuzhou said, "Since you are optimistic about the Seven Soul Sect, let's go to Qi Yao City."

Pei Qiyu was not happy because his suggestion was adopted by him, and continued: "There are also the previous five people. They seem to have something on their bodies, and there is also a strange place to go."

The subtext is: those five people can be the objects of observation, if they have any changes, they can follow them to share a piece of the pie!

Everyone: "..." It is indeed a magic repair, and the idea of ​​magic repair is straightforward.

Ning Yuzhou nodded: "Well, if you encounter it next time, you can pay attention."

Flying boat on the road for nearly ten days, finally arrived in Qiyao City.