What Should I Do if My Husband Is the Future Demon King?

Chapter 506

Ask Xu Gong about the recent happy events. Palace Master Xu has just accepted a young apprentice, and the first apprentice Liu Qingyun's good deeds are approaching.

This time Liu Qingyun returned from the snowy realm. Many guests who came to watch the ceremony found that she was already a true monarch of the Yuan Dynasty, and her master Xu Palace Master was a cultivator of the same level.

Asking Xu Gong has another true monarch of Yuanhuang Realm, which naturally attracts attention.

At that time, almost all the people who came to the ceremony couldn't help but look at Liu Qingyun, and then at Mi Ying, who was attending the ceremony as a relative of Mi Fu.

The two are the geniuses of the younger generation of the Tianlun Continent. They have the same extraordinary talents, the same speed of practice, and the same incomparable beauty. They are often compared by the world, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

However, I did not expect that Liu Qingyun actually advanced to the Yuanhuang realm earlier than Mi Ying and became the true monarch of Yuanhuang.

This time it gives people the feeling that the Wenxu Palace of the Domain of Heaven has finally overwhelmed the Mi family of the Domain of Wind.

Sure enough, I saw that the faces of the young disciples of Mi's who came to observe the ceremony were a little bit unpleasant, but fortunately they were tensed very quickly, so that no one could watch the joke.

Although the realm of wind and the realm of heaven have always been at peace, asking Xu Gong and Mi's family are also good friends, but the cultivator’s predatory instinct can’t help but rise up the heart of comparison, no matter how good the relationship is, occasionally I think about it. To win a rivalry.

This time, it was indeed the Domain of Heaven that had won.

However, Mi Ying’s mentality is very good. Although she was surprised that Liu Qingyun was already in the Yuan Dynasty, she was not lost because of this. Instead, she raised a strong war spirit and said to Liu Qingyun: "If I also advance to the Yuan Dynasty in the future, I will be the same. You fight."

"I'll be with you at any time!" Liu Qingyun said sternly.

Although the two are often compared by the world, and they also have a higher heart, but they also have a bit of sympathy for each other and never underestimate each other.

Seeing this, the people around couldn't help but treat Mi Fu differently.

The elder of the Mi family, Mi Wei, showed satisfaction. Although Mi Ying is not yet in the Yuan Dynasty, she will not lose to Liu Qingyun.

The Mi's disciple next to her whispered: "The mentality of the eldest lady is really good."

"Yes, it's a pity that the eldest lady actually did it for the eighteenth girl..."

"It's okay. Now the Eighteenth Girl has worshipped Palace Master Xu as a teacher, and Missy doesn't have to stay to take care of her.

Several disciples whispered, but Mi Wei who was next to him was heartbroken and very uncomfortable.

Not only Miying lost to Liu Qingyun of Wenxugong, but also the girls from Mi's family worshipped Wenxugong.

If it had been before, they would be naturally happy, after all, this move would deepen the connection between Xuxu and Mi's family. But Mi Fu is what they didn't care about, and even wanted to give up...

How could things become like this?

When Mi Wei felt uncomfortable, Mi Ying took Mi Fu, who had finished his apprenticeship, and said to Liu Qingyun: "Miss Liu, I will trouble you to take care of Fuer in the future."

Liu Qingyun nodded, "This is natural, and Fuer is my little sister."

Mi Fu obediently called to the big sister Liu Qingyun, and then received a meeting gift from the big sister, a heaven-class defensive magic weapon.

Some low-level cultivators who accompanied the elders around to observe the ceremony couldn't help being a little envious. They shot it as a heavenly weapon, and asked Xu Gong to be rich and wealthy.

When they saw a white-haired man from the Ice Phoenix clan who was obviously in the Snow Region and sent a heavenly attacking spirit weapon at hand, they were so envious that they didn't want to talk.

I saw the man of the Ice Phoenix tribe said softly: "Xiao Fu, I wish you a peaceful growth."

The little girl was expressionless, and said softly: "Thank you, master, brother-in-law."

The man of the Ice Phoenix tribe smiled softer.

The people around here are a little confused. Does the master brother-in-law mean what they think?

Until Palace Master Xu announced with joy that one month later, the first apprentice Liu Qingyun and the young master of the Ice Phoenix clan Xue Xiao would be held in Wenxu Palace, when they were invited to come to observe the ceremony again, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that Wenxugong and the Bingfeng clan in the Snow Region were married.

Although this marriage was beyond everyone's expectations, everyone present still congratulated Palace Master Xu and said that they would definitely come to watch the ceremony.

When I turned around, I could not help but mutter secretly.

The strange disease of the Ice Phoenix Clan is known to the entire Celestial Wheel Continent that they cannot leave the Snow Realm for too long. However, the Ice Phoenix Clan still does not allow foreign cultivators to enter the Snow Realm. Can this marriage be achieved? Shuangxiu Grand Ceremony was chosen to be held in Wenxu Palace. Doesn't it mean that the Bingfeng family did not actually admit this marriage?

Some people who had made friends with Wenxugong couldn't help asking Palace Master Xu.

The Xiao Patriarch of the Lingxiao Villa asked: "Friend Xu, how did you Liu Yatou choose a male cultivator of the Ice Phoenix clan? You know the situation of the Ice Phoenix clan. Instead of choosing these cold, unkind guys, it’s better to choose our gods. There are many young talents in the realm, like our Lingxiao Villa."

Others agreed, and followed the young talents who recommended their own family.

Palace Master Xu smiled and said, "It's been a long time since you have been to the domain of snow?"

The people present nodded. The Ice Phoenix tribe in the Snow Region does not welcome foreign cultivators, and there are death icicles on the ground. Who can go there to find the guilt? If it was not necessary, they would seldom go to the domain of snow, so as not to encounter death icicles, they had to hide in the underground space against the faces of the ice phoenix tribe, and they would be too aggrieved.

"That's it." Palace Master Xu explained, "The Bingfeng clan has already lifted the ban, allowing foreign cultivators to enter the domain of snow. What's more, the strange disease of the Bingfeng clan has also been cured."


In an instant, everyone present was astonished. They didn't even care about the "Ice Phoenix Clan has lifted the ban". I just wanted to know which alchemist was so powerful that he could cure the Ice Phoenix Clan's strange disease.

Palace Master Xu smiled and said, "It's Gongzi Ning and Shishu Ni."

Young Master Ning and Uncle Ni?

Everyone was a little confused. Shishu Ni and the others understood. They were asking the king-level alchemist Ni Danfeng of the Xugong, but who is Young Master Ning? And they always felt that this Young Master Ning seemed very familiar. It seemed that a year ago, when they came to Xu Gong to ask what the Thunder-Repelling Spirit Tool was that could absorb the sky thunder, they heard that Young Master Ning made it.

It's a pity that Palace Master Xu didn't mean to introduce them, only said: "Young Master Ning is very busy, so I won't introduce you to you. A month later, you all come to have a wedding drink."

Everyone: "..." What wedding wine to drink? They just want to know where this sacred son Ning is.

Where is this group of people so easy to dismiss, Xiao family master pulled Xu Gongzhu and said: "Xu Daoyou, this time you have to make it clear, who is that Young Master Ning? At that time, you said that the Thunder Spirit Tool was made by him. Isn't it a lie?"

"What did you do that I lied to you? It was indeed by him."

When this group of people left, they were all a little stunned. They almost couldn't help but want to find the guest who was in the virtual palace, but when they heard that Ning was in Ni Danfeng's alchemy room, they drew back one after another.

Forget it, anyway, it's almost time to ask Xu Gong's double repair ceremony, that Young Master Ning should come over to watch the ceremony, and it won't be too late to find him.

This group of people have their own ideas. If Young Master Ning is also a high-level alchemist and has better abilities than Ni Danfeng, they will naturally have to deal with him first. If there is any fatal injury in the future, it will be convenient to find someone to help.

Even if you don't get hurt, you can ask him for some rare high-level spirit pills, it is necessary to make good friends anyway.


In everyone's calculations, the double repair ceremony will soon arrive.

Because this was regarded as the first step for the Ice Phoenix Clan in the Snow Region to release goodwill to the outside world, almost the entire Celestial Wheel Continent had a lot of respectable sect forces coming over to watch.

When they came to Wenxu Palace, they saw many Ice Phoenix people.

The signs of the Bingfeng tribe are very obvious. They have either white hair or black and white hair, making them unique.

Then they saw the leading Ice Phoenix patriarch and a group of Ice Phoenix tribesmen, came to a handsome and gentle young man, and talked to him respectfully.

Everyone was a little confused, not knowing who the young man was and why the Bingfeng tribe was so respectful to him.

Only those who knew the inside story from Palace Master Xu already understood that this young man was the Young Master Ning who had cured the strange disease of the Ice Phoenix Clan. But they didn't expect that this young master Ning was so young, and his cultivation was only in the Yuanzong realm. The alchemists in the Yuanzong realm could only make heaven-level pills at best, and he was not as good as a king-level alchemy at all. How did the strange disease of the ice and phoenix clan be cured?

A group of people are really scratching their hearts, trying to figure it out.

In the end, they figured it out from the people of the Bingfeng clan, that a group of people showed a look of skepticism in life.

What makes them even more suspicious of their lives is that the king-level alchemist Ni Danfeng and the king-level refiner Zhu Yan of the Thunder Palace are too easy-going towards the young master Ning. It's weird.

The next one asked the Xu Gong disciples calmly and said: "It's nothing. I heard that Master Zhu has been staying in the Xu Gong recently to ask Master Ning about the method of refining weapons. For this reason, the Thunder Palace disciples can only stay here."

"I heard that Danshi Ni also quarreled with Master Zhu just to fight for Young Master Ning."

"Scramble for Young Master Ning? Why do you want to fight?" Someone stunned, and it was clear that one was an alchemist and the other was a craftsman. There was nothing in common with each other.

"Naturally, I want to ask Young Master Ning about alchemy or refining art."


A group of people were stunned to hear, and their hearts were very entangled. Is this young master Ning an alchemist or a refiner?

I asked Xu Gong’s disciple whether he didn’t care, “Couldn’t Young Master Ning be able to refine both alchemy and tools?”

Everyone: "..."

This sounds unrealistic. How can someone refine both alchemy and weapons? Even if they could, it would be impossible for a young person to be scrambled by two king-level masters, right?

But it turns out that it is.

Although the disciples who asked Xugong were not familiar with Ning Yuzhou, it did not prevent them from becoming Ning Yuzhou's brain fans. They felt that no one was more powerful than Ning Yuzhou, and they were simply their role models. If one day they can be treated differently by a king-level master, they will be so excited, let alone by two.

So before I knew it, Ning Yuzhou had become the object of worship by many disciples of Wenxu Palace.

The double repair ceremony was held smoothly.

However, what everyone pays attention to is not the two newcomers who held the ceremony, but the one who has nothing to do with them.

Seeing those people from various schools who came to observe the ceremony, Xue Xiao said to Liu Qingyun: "It seems that Young Master Ning is going to be famous again."

Liu Qingyun gave a faint hum.

"If we weren't standing here, we would have thought that they were actually coming to see Young Master Ning, rather than attending our double repair ceremony."

Liu Qingyun finally gave some reaction, reaching out to hold his hand, and said: "It's okay, it's okay for us to know it ourselves."

Xue Xiao laughed softly, with a gentle and affectionate smile, diametrically opposite to his ice-snow appearance, such gentleness seemed to melt away the ice and snow for him.

Liu Qingyun felt warm in her heart and whispered: "Actually, I am very grateful to him for saving you. When you are promoted to the Yuan Dynasty, I will accompany you to other continents."

"Okay." Xue Xiao held her hand tightly and readily agreed.

After the double cultivation ceremony, the cultivators who came to observe the ceremony left one after another.

Originally, they wanted to use the Shuangxiu Grand Ceremony to contact Ning Yuzhou, but as soon as the Shuangxiu Grand Ceremony was over, people were called away by the two king-level masters, and Xu Palace Master blocked them, and they couldn't get close at all.

Can only regret to leave.

They comfort themselves in their hearts, it doesn't matter, as long as people are asking about the virtual palace, sooner or later they will be able to contact.

Palace Master Xu saw what they meant, and he screamed in his heart, afraid that they would be empty.

He heard that Young Master Ning had already planned to leave and go to other continents, so he wouldn't be asking Xu Gong for a long stay.

Although I felt it was a pity, Palace Master Xu couldn’t stay there anymore, and during the period when Ning Yuzhou was inquiring about the Xu Palace, he helped to repair many of the incomplete ancient pills in the collection of the Xu Xu Palace. This is just the point. Asking Xu Gong to wait for him to confess.

After Liu Qingyun and Xue Xiao's double repair ceremony ended, Ning Yuzhou finally decided to leave Wenxu Palace.

When I heard that he was leaving, the expressions of Ni Danfeng and Zhu Yan were unbearable to look directly at the people present, and they lowered their heads silently, lest the two king-level masters would become angry when they reacted.

Ning Yuzhou said, "If there is a chance in the future, we will come to the Heavenly Wheel Continent again, and we will bother both of you then."

"It's okay to disturb, you don't need to worry, our Thunder Palace is waiting for you at any time, I will wait for you in the Thunder Realm, and I will never leave casually." Zhu Yan slapped his chest.

Ni Danfeng hurriedly said: "Brother Ningxian don't worry, we asked Xu Gong to do the same."

On the other side, Wen Qiao and Wen Tutu also said goodbye to Bai Lichi and others.

Bailichi looked at Wen Qiao with tears in his eyes, and endured forbearance. Finally, she couldn't help but pull her sleeves so that she must come to the Tianlun Continent to see him in the future.

Although she knew that she was not her own blood relative, Bai Lichi had secretly regarded her as a sister after getting along for so long, just like her own relatives.

Sang Yufei and others were also reluctant to give up, and gave them a lot of special products from Wenxugong, including food and play.

Mi Fu hugged Wen Rolling tightly, standing in front of Wen Tutu, her face strained and speechless.

Wen Gungun was strangled to death by her, and almost instinctively grabbed it with a paw. Fortunately, she knew that this little girl was a cub of the human race. She couldn't bear her paw and silently endured it.

Wen Tutu looked at this little girl, rubbed her head, and said, "Practice well in the future and don't be bullied. If you are bullied, I will be very angry."

The little girl said nothing, but her eyes slowly turned red.

Wen Tutu rubbed it vigorously again, and cursed: "Why are you crying? The crying little girl is the ugliest."

The little girl still didn't speak, but tears were already in her eyes.

In the end, he couldn't stand the smell of Tutu, urging everyone to leave, and he flung his sleeves and walked away very smartly.

When the sleeves flew up, they were tightly grasped by a small white hand, and the tutu paused before pulling the sleeves back.