What Should I Do if My Husband Is the Future Demon King?

Chapter 513

Although it didn't take a long time for high-level spirit beasts to break into the city, there were still many practitioners injured for this.

Most of these cultivators receive yin power and soul power, as long as they get rid of them. The difficulty is that after being driven away, the cultivator’s meridians and body are swallowed by these two forces, making the cultivator’s body extremely weak and extremely difficult to recover in a short period of time, and can only be repaired by external force.

The best is the treasures of heaven and earth, such as the eternal milk that can warm and nourish the body.

However, in the cultivating world, such 10,000-year spiritual milk is the most rare, or even impossible to find. Wen Qiao and the others do have it. It was given by Wen Xu Gong, but it was a pity that it was eaten by a group of people and beasts as snacks.

Of course, there is no eternal life milk, in fact, you can use elixir.

Ning Yuzhou let them rest, and said, "I go into the space and practice some Taixuan Qi Pills."

This is a spirit pill that has never heard of a name. Wen Tutu and Wen Gungun pricked up their ears instantly and asked, "Brother Ning, is this a heaven-level spirit pill?"

Ning Yuzhou said, "It is very effective for repairing body damage."

After Ning Yuzhou entered the space, Wen Tutu and Wen Gungun looked forward to Brother Ning's hurry to come out. They also tasted this Taixuan Qi Pill.

Ning Jichen checked their bodies and found that the most serious was Wen Qiao, probably where she was at that time, just facing the torn crack in the defensive array, the first batch of them was eaten by the yin power and soul power that rolled in. A person with a physical body, able to hold on to not fall down like those cultivators, and become a dead soul under the claws of a high-level soul beast, is already the reason why her flesh-body is stronger than others.

It's okay to hear about Tutu and Shi Wuming, especially Shi Wuming, who looks like okay people.

"Senior Brother, you were stepped under the paws of that high-level soul beast just now, are you really okay?" Wen Tutu looked at the teacher suspiciously.

The teacher fatelessly clutched his chest, and yelled, "How could it be okay? Fortunately, sister A Qiao and Wen Gungun were saved in time, otherwise I would really have to vomit blood by that paw."

After listening to the smell of the rabbit, oh indifferently.

It's just vomiting blood, and it's not being trampled into fleshy flesh, it's all right.

In contrast, he and his elder sister were the most injured. Who made them have such a strong and perverted physique without a teacher, and even the body of yin power and soul power can be carried, which makes people enviable and jealous. Robbed his good physique.

It's a pity that this kind of thing can't be grabbed.

Little Phoenix felt distressed that his mother was injured, and rolled around in Wenqiao's arms, tweeting, saying that next time he went to defend the city, he must follow.

In order to prevent the identity of the little Phoenix from being leaked, when it was necessary to fight, Wen Qiao and the others never took the little Phoenix out, which made the already warlike little Phoenix feel uncomfortable.

Wen Qiao comforted: "After the soul beast tide is over, let's go to other places and let you do it. Now let's bear with it."

Little Phoenix reluctantly responded.

When Wen Qiao was resting on the bed, Jing Jue hurried over.

"Are you okay?" Jing Jue's expression was very solemn, "I heard that a high-level spirit beast broke in through the cracks in the defense formation, and the cultivators who defended the city died a lot and injured a lot. I remember Today you are defending the city..."

The teacher had no orders to open the door and let him in, "Sister Aqiao was seriously injured, and Brother Wen was also injured, but I'm fine."

Jing Jue didn't think much about it. He thought he was lucky if the teacher had no life. He worried and said: "I have a few friends who have also been bitten by the yin power and soul power brought by the high-level spirit beasts, although the power of these two is expelled. , But the body is very weak. It is estimated that it will take three to five years to raise it. Brother Ning can have a way to relieve this situation?"

"Brother Jing, you won't come here to ask about this, do you?"

"This is also one of them." Jing Jue is frank, "Of course I am worried about you."

Shi Wuming stretched out his hand and patted him on his shoulder, and said boldly, "Don't worry, Brother Ning is going to refine the pill. When you get the Taixuan Qi Pill, you can even more."

Naturally, Jing Jue was pleasantly surprised, as if he didn't know how to thank him.

Then Jing Jue talked to them about the external situation. The two Yuan Emperor Realm who rushed over had already blocked the cracks that appeared in the defensive array. With them under control, the formation mages of the Heavenly Formation Alliance could finally repair the defensive array with confidence.

"Senior Li has already killed dozens of high-level spirit beasts outside the city." Jing Jue said with a look of admiration. When he talked about the other two Yuan Emperor realms, his mouth was almost impenetrable. "The two One is the ancestor of the Helian family, and the other is the ancestor of the Zhen family. The Zhen family has always made friends with the Celestial Alliance, and is an ally of the Celestial Alliance, and the Helian family has also made a good relationship with the Celestial Alliance. But I have my own opinions..."

This has its own proposition, which is very subtle, and it is almost as clear as to say that as long as it is profitable, the Helian family can form an alliance with anyone. This is the normal state of the cultivation world. There are only eternal interests and no eternal enemies.

Wen Tutu walked out, her face tense tight, "Why did the ancestor of the Li family always guard the city after the appearance of the high-level spirit beasts, and not see the other two?"

Jing Jue smiled and said: "I also heard from a friend. It is said that Senior Li wants to collect high-level soul orbs and try the sword by the way. As for the other two ancestors, it is estimated that there is no danger in seeing Senior Li's town in the front, so I didn't show up."

Even if there is no danger, you shouldn't wait for the high-level spirit beasts to break in before rushing over, right?

So it can be speculated that they didn't care about the soul beast tide, and they were clearly throwing this matter to Li Yaonian, so they could not make it in time before the danger came.

It took a day for Ning Yuzhou to bring the refined Heaven-level Taixuan Qi Pill.

Wen Qiao took the Taixuan Yiqi Pill and began to meditate to catalyze the spirit pill in his body and repair his weak body. Wen Tutu also took the Ling Pill to meditate, and Shi Wuming squatted over with a cheeky pill and ordered a Taixuan Qi Pill.

Ning Jichen said strangely: "Aren't you injured?"

The teacher said frankly, "I just want to taste it."


Also wanting to taste the taste are Wengungun, Xiaoqilin and Damaoqiu.

I heard that after Wen Qiao was injured, both the little Qilin and Da Maoqiu came out of the space. The two beasts came to Wen Qiao’s side to ask for warmth. The originally narrow room was changed because of the squeezing of the big hairball, the round hairball. Got more crowded.

Ning Yuzhou was also generous, dividing the refined Taixuan Qi Pill, leaving only one bottle to Shi Wuming, letting Shi Wuming sell it to Jing Jue's friend.

When Jing Jue came to take the pill, he took a subconscious look, and when he found that the pill bottle was actually a top-grade pill of heavenly rank, the whole person was shocked.

He secretly swallowed his saliva and asked: "Is this Heavenly Grade Dan made by Young Master Ning?"

Wen Tutu sneered, "Except for Brother Ning, who can make the best pill?"

This was a disguised acknowledgment that Ning Yuzhou could not only make heaven-level pills, but even those top-quality pills were easy for him. After a daze for a while, Jing Jue took the Ling Pill and left with a frown.

Shi Wuming licked another Taixuan Qi Pill, and sighed: "It seems that we are going to be lively here again. Brother Ning, there will be more and more people seeking pill, can you get over it?"

Ning Yuzhou sat in front of the bed and examined Wen Qiao's body. His expression was indifferent.

Is this going to make a fortune?

Sure enough, there are many cultivators who come to ask for alchemy.

And this time, those who are seeking alchemy are not those cultivators who only need spiritual pills below the earth level, and they can be blocked by Jing Jue's friends. It's that there is an identity and status in Tianzhen City, or a cultivation base, Jing Jue's friends finally can't stop it.

Naturally, there is no way to stop it. After all, the people who come to seek pill are from the Celestial Formation League and the five big families. Jing Jue's friends are also from the five big families. It's not easy to block his own people directly? Speaking of it, this Heavenly Grade Pill was also what they revealed to the family.

Ning Yuzhou came forward to receive those who came to seek relief.

They are all cultivators in the Yuanzong and Yuanhuang realms.

In the face of these cultivators, he was still neither humble nor overbearing. He was surrounded by Wentutu, the Yuanhuang Realm demon cultivation town, and on the left and right were the Yuanzong Realm Wenqiao and Shi Wuming. They also did not lose the battle.

The people who came to seek pill saw this scene, and knew that the strength of the people around the heavenly alchemist was not weak, and soon changed their strategy.

Ning Yuzhou said very simply: "I can only practice two kinds of heavenly pill now, the rest won't."

The cultivators present all became stiff, and all the words were instantly blocked by these words, and they were a little speechless.

Before coming here, they all planned to find out the origin of each other while seeking pill, and then without losing the opportunity to invite this heavenly alchemist to join their family. Even if the other party does not intend to join their family, they can still take the opportunity to build a good relationship with him and let him practice more heaven-level pills.

There are fewer cultivators in the Soul Beast Continent than in other continents, fewer alchemists, and even no king-level alchemists. For a high-level continent, there is no king-level alchemist, which is really unbelievable, but it is understandable when you think about the situation in the soul beast continent.

Alchemists are notoriously weak. No alchemist is willing to stay in places where monsters are everywhere. They are threatened by monsters and suppress alchemy. Alchemists who have a little ability mostly choose to use the Celestial Alliance’s continent to teleport. Array to other continents to practice and develop.

Therefore, in the soul beast continent, the heavenly alchemist is already a top alchemist, so he can't easily offend him.

These people also didn't want to do anything with the heaven-level alchemy, but hoped that they could invite each other to join their own family, give priority to alchemy for their own family, and stock up more heaven-level spirit pills as the foundation.

However, the other party clearly stated that he would only practice two types of heavenly pill.

Whether it is true or not, they can't question it. If they really speak out in public, wouldn't they not give this heavenly alchemist face? No one would offend a heavenly alchemist stupidly.

So no matter whether Ning Yuzhou really only cultivates these two kinds of spiritual pills, they can only temporarily assume that he is really so.

Soon cultivators reacted and asked with a smile: "I wonder which two types of heavenly pill Ning can practice?"

Ning Yuzhou glanced at the talking cultivator, recognized that this was a member of the Li family, and said: "Tai Xuan Yi Qi Pill and Five Elements Breaking Barrier Pill."

"Five Elements Barrier Breaking Pill!" A cultivator stood up abruptly.

Wen Qiao and the others looked over and found that the cultivator who stood up was from the Celestial Formation Alliance. This person was shocked. Obviously, Ning Yuzhou's ability to practice the Five Elements Barrier Breaking Pill made him very surprised.

Ning Yuzhou still looked like an old god, looking at them with a smile, and didn't rush to speak.

The cultivator of the Celestial Formation League concealed the shock on his face in time, sat down slowly, and said with a smile: "Sorry, our Celestial Formation Alliance happened to need the Five Elements Breaking Pill recently to get lost. Please forgive me."

Everyone responded with a smile, giving the Tianjin League a lot of face and didn't go to inquire about anything.

In the end, this group of cultivators asked for these two.

It just so happened that because of the high-level spirit beasts breaking into the city, many practitioners were injured and needed a lot of Taixuan Qi Pills to repair their bodies. As for the Five Elements Barrier Breaking Pill, although not everyone needs it, it is a Heaven-Level Pill, so I bought it first.

Wen Qiao was responsible for handing them the pill, and the teacher was in charge of collecting the spirit stone. Both of them were very happy.

Before leaving, the cultivator of the Celestial Formation Alliance said: "Master Ning Pill, no matter how many of these five elements barrier-breaking pill, our Celestial Formation Alliance will collect it. Can you continue to practice?"

Ning Yuzhou looked like speaking, "As long as I have enough materials, I can do it by myself! However, my alchemy rate is not high, especially if I want to produce the best, the rate of alchemy is only 10%."

According to a general spirit pill, a full pot of pill can be made into ten, but the number of pill of heavenly level and above will be sharply reduced, and even for some of the hard-to-follow spirit pills, only one pair of materials can be made. About three, there is no such thing as ten pill.

The Five Elements Breaking Barrier Pill is a more partial spirit pill, one pot can produce three pill.

Ning Yuzhou's low alchemy rate is normal to these people. They haven't figured out Ning Yuzhou's alchemy, and speculated on him under normal circumstances, so naturally they didn't doubt his words.

The people of the Celestial Formation Alliance looked like they understood, and said politely: "We will send someone the materials for the Five Elements Barrier Breaking Pill in a little while, and then I will bother Master Ning Dan."

When the people from the Heavenly Formation League sent the materials, Jing Jue also came to see them.

"President Ning, they didn't force you to help with alchemy? Don't worry, you are a heavenly alchemist, and they dare not blatantly force you to do something." After that, he looked guilty again, "I knew I had long ago. They asked them to swear by their heart demon not to disclose the matter of Taixuan Qi Pill."

Ning Yuzhou smiled slightly, "It's okay, no matter what the money is, we didn't suffer."

Ning Yuzhou earned back how many spirit stones the Celestial Formation Alliance had earned from them before, and even earned more, really not at a loss.

He asked in a warm voice: "Young Master Jing, can you check for us, why does the Heavenly Formation Alliance want a large number of Five Elements Breaking Pills?"

Jing Jue patted his chest and promised: "No problem, leave it to me."