What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 313: What else can you do if you don't write

"Krypton Gold Ranking" is the money made by this great god, but his biggest mistake is to become Li Chungang's opponent!

Just imagine: If it really makes it successful to return to the top three of the newly added fans, then the problem is coming. Currently, two of the top three works are from the hands of the most pure and the most powerful. The third most dangerous place is the new book "Full-time Master" that just hit the shelves at 0:00 in the morning.

The subscription data of "Full-time Master" is obvious to all. This is the time when the readers are the most enthusiastic and enthusiastic to subscribe. It is really an old man who has been serialized for a long time and does not show too prominently in the daily update. The book has surpassed it, and this old book has not yet appeared on the 24-hour sales list, but anyone who is more careful can detect the problem.

In the face of the editor's warning that the last layer of window paper was almost pierced, the "great god" at this time did not feel how iron his head could be. Looking at this website, at least he has no idea of ​​looking for trouble. , in this way at least he has kept his author number and this book that is still serialized. If you really dare to fight against the website and the editor, maybe you will end up with a 404 in the end. Forgive me, I can't live by committing sins!

But no matter how you say it, you are all gold, this is only the second day of May, you can't give money away in vain, right?

So after a "friendly" discussion with the person in charge of the studio, the studio said that some of the funds had been charged into various Longteng accounts and turned into book currency, and this part could not be refunded; in addition, they Such a large studio needs money for his single business, such as lamp oil candles, water, electricity, Internet, labor, etc., which will be deducted; and then...

Anyway, I listed a large list of various expenditure items before and after, and finally decided to withdraw 60% of the krypton gold payment. After all, the relationship between the two parties is actually very delicate, don't look at it. From time to time, both sides threaten each other with fish and nets, but do they really dare to do so?

No, they dare not!

Because once you choose to die, it will be a heavy loss for both parties, and no one will be able to make a profit. A large number of Longteng accounts invested by the studio in the early stage are likely to be banned. If they want to continue working in this line in the future, the re-registered users will have to take greater risks; Not good, he was stabbed by the studio to swipe the list, ranging from "404" the novels on the list, to the entire author's account being banned, and the worst outcome is the entire online literature industry. The block boycott!

"If I don't write web articles, what else can I do?"

Thinking of this question, the great **** shuddered for a moment, because he had been involved in the online text industry for six years, and he had already forgotten his housekeeping skills. Now I want to pick it up again. Reality!

This is the cruelty of reality!

On the other hand, the "Myth of Ahn'Qiraj" and the others are also waiting for it, waiting for the moment when Zhichunzhigang's second new book is published, their new book is also uploaded and published simultaneously for sniping.

The subscription results of "Full Time Master" are better than many people's guesses and opening estimates, including the author Li Chungang himself.

He finished the morning class, and before he had time to go to the dining hall to eat, he first opened the background of the writer assistant on his mobile phone to check the latest subscription data:

In 12 hours, the first order was 13.09 million, and the first order was 10.13 million. It was only 12 hours, and there were still half a day and 12 hours before the next day at 0:00 in the morning, and readers who read books at night are not those who read books during the day. People can compare, so this data can still break out in a small wave at night, so it seems that this first order result successfully broke the record maintained by "Knife in the Snow" It should be inseparable!

Li Chungang's face was full of joy. Oh, he accidentally broke his own record, and it seems that this record can be raised to a new level. Thinking about it, he is really awesome! Originally, I was a little worried that the first time I tried to modify the literary works unlocked from the [Literary Encyclopedia], I would encounter the first waterloo in my life. I didn't expect...

The results seem to be even better than the previous "Knife in the Snow"!

"Chungang, what are you looking down at? If you don't eat well, there is a problem with your head. You told me that if you go late, the good dishes will be sold out~"

Seeing Li Chungang walking slowly, lowering his head and staring intently at the content on his mobile phone, the classmates in the class who were chasing after him grabbed his shoulders and joked.

"Nothing to watch, just some small things. Let's go and eat!"

After locking the phone with a "click", Li Chungang escaped from the opponent's strong chest muscles, and then walked quickly in the direction of the school canteen in three steps. You must know that Tsinghua University is the top university in China. , Even the food in the school canteen must be the best in the country. For this reason, the school has deliberately spent a lot of money to hire many well-known chefs who are currently very famous in China to personally handle it.

"If you can't even eat food, you can't guarantee the satisfaction of the students, let alone what teaching quality will satisfy the students!" This is what the principal said when he proposed to hire a chef to improve the quality of food in the school canteen. .

As soon as these words came out, the school leadership in the audience instantly fell silent!


"One thousand five should have hope!"

At night ~lightnovelpub.net~ Li Chungang received such a message from Natto by accident. This is not the first time she has done this. Since the first book "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" was put on the shelves, every time Natto is more concerned about the results of the listing than the author himself.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if Natto was sitting in front of the computer, constantly monitoring the latest subscription data of the novel.

It's not that Li Chungang didn't ask Natto this question, but she simply said that she is both an editor and a die-hard fan, and it is normal to do so.

Li Chungang couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw this. After thinking about it, he replied: "It doesn't matter to me if I can't pass 1500. The follow-up results will definitely go up step by step, and the final result is roughly It's almost like being in the snow."

There is no basis for saying this. You're welcome to say that the final score of "The Swordsman in the Snow" after the book is finished almost represents the highest ceiling in the entire online literature industry. To use a golden sentence on the Internet: You get 100 points in the test because of you. You can only get 100 points in the test, and others test 100 because the full score is only 100 points!

It is not the quality of the novel itself that really limits the upper limit of the performance in the snow, but the online literature industry is currently so big in the domestic market, and there are so many people reading novels. I want to increase this number too much in a short period of time. , that's not realistic.

Therefore, Li Chungang will say that the final result that "Full-time Master" can achieve will not exceed Xue Zhong's good in any case. If it can, it depends on whether Longteng has the ability to expand the "cake" of the market!