What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 347: The sweet pastry in the eyes of editors

"What if the system forces me to copy books( to find the latest chapter!

"Looks like "The Sword Cometh" is another phenomenon-level novel that has been pre-ordered, so beautiful!"

No one thinks that there is too much money. For Li Chungang, writing one more book means more money for one more book. Now I don't want to write more while I'm still young when my hand speed is still at its peak, and I'll have a family in the future...

Seems like this already exists. That is, when he has a child in the future, I am afraid that even if he thinks, he will probably feel powerless!

He is not like the idea of ​​some rich people. For his own career, he listens to professional escorts to take care of the children. Because of some of his own experiences, Li Chungang understands how important the company of parents is to a child, so he will take care of children in the future. This is absolutely not under the guise of others.

Those Longteng authors who just opened a new book this month turned green on the spot after seeing the news that Li Chungang had opened a new book again.

For example, Banmu Sangtian and others, who were in the top ten of the signed authors' new book list at this time, had been shivering under the shadow of the absolute crushing of "Full-time Master" for a long time, and they finally managed to get through it. It's on the shelves, and I'm about to take a breather to rest, so I can make a good impact on the ranking of my new book on the list. As a result, I haven't even caught my breath yet. As a result, there is another book "Sword Comes"!

And let no one live! ?

This person is not so domineering and unreasonable, stay a line in everything, see you in the future!

Banmu Sangtian, which happens to be at the tenth place on the list of signed authors' new books, is the one who wants to cry the most without tears. The street is dead, right? I just managed to squeeze into the tenth place on the list, and my **** is still hot, and I will be kicked out."

It's a pity that Li Chungang couldn't hear the voices of the writers who were struggling to survive on the list, but even if he heard it, it would be fine. The ranking of the list is essentially a competition and competition. Isn't the survival of the fittest the survival law of nature, and it is understandable that people who are not as strong as people are kicked out of the list.

It is better to beg others than to beg oneself;

Wouldn't it be better to add and change the codewords in exchange for the support of readers?

Although on the surface it seems that the second place on the new book list is similar to the first place in the future, and they all appear on the list, but the insider knows how many huge gaps there are between them, just in a symbolic sense. This is very different. To be able to rush to the first place on the new book list shows that this new book is a potential stock. As for the second and subsequent rankings of the new book, it is estimated that there will be a queue for readers to dig one by one.

It's like a cake, the person in the first place can do it first, and naturally they can eat it full.

After the second place, they can only watch the people who are ahead of them eat the cake one by one in order... After nine people share the cake, it is conceivable that the last tenth place is again. How much can you eat? It is said that the leftovers are all praised, and it is not bad to have a little residue.

This is the cruelty of the ranking of the major lists!

The most important thing is not only to measure whether a book is popular in the market, but also to test the strength of the author of the novel. The winner or loser, the one who successfully reaches the top is better than everything else.

Unfortunately, they are afraid that there is no chance.

Even a newbie who has just come into contact with online novels knows how much the platinum **** Zhichunzhigang has on Longteng Chinese.com! With the momentum of Li Chungang's "Sword Comes", to be honest, it is estimated that after most of the readers have finished reading the latest five chapters, the first place on the new book list of contract authors will be taken for granted. Changed owner.

I can only blame them...not at the right time.

In the internal group of the editorial department, they still maintain a very active level after get off work. It may also be because there is no existence of their top boss, editor-in-chief Hua Chen, in this small group. It is more convenient for their editors to speak freely and think. think.

Everyone also knows that Li Chungang has double-published a new book "Sword Comes", which is a fantasy and old way. He expressed his envy, jealousy and hatred for Natto, who had already become the leader of the platinum team at this time.

The suspense editor Danke couldn't help but teased: "@natto 1.5 meters, this time your platinum group has made a big deal, one "full-time master" is not enough, and another "jianlai" is coming. Speaking of Xiaodouzi, your luck is really good, you are still in the internship period to pick up such a great god, so kind and righteous along the way, it is really enviable that the walls are separated."

That's right, he is already the top platinum **** of Longteng Chinese. The monthly fee is enough to support him every day. It is no problem to fly all over the world to eat, drink and have fun, but at the invitation of Natto, he is willing to increase the burden on himself. Double open. Even if it is double-open, the update volume of the two books is more than twice that of other authors, and it needs to be stable and high-quality. If such works can be-

Please give them these bitter haha ​​editors to get on a train!

"Hey hey hey~lightnovelpub.net~ It's useless for you to envy, there is only one author named Zhichunzhigang in this world, you can't let people use multiple shadow clones like a certain sea shadow ninja, give everyone Every editor will send one, right?" Natto's tone sounded so awkward.

Unexpectedly, Jiuxian, the editor of Xianxia Category, jumped out to answer: "Good idea, it seems that I should also plan for a rainy day. How can I see that this guy Zhichunzhigang has a kind of novel that wants to spread all types of novels on the entire Longteng Chinese website. It looks like I wrote it all over again, and now that there are fantasy urban suspense games, I feel that it should be our Xianxia’s turn no matter what.”

"Have you considered how our History Channel feels?"

"Sports Channel expresses disapproval!"

"Don't you think I'm not worthy of Datong?"

"You can save one or two. I've been crowded into a corner for so many years, what did I say?"


The words of the editor of the Xianxia group instantly ignited the fire in the group, and the editors of the classified channels who had not yet been "Lin Xing" by Li Chungang jumped out and joined the battlefield. I don't know why they suddenly quarreled. , Everyone is scrambling to get Zhichun Zhigang's next book to go to their channel to open a book, but it's completely uninteresting, subconsciously, they have all tacitly agreed that the **** Chungang is almighty.

Anyway, with his writing style, even if it is a work that is currently being sold and sold, it is estimated that it will not be too bad.

People in the antique industry say that it will not open for one year, and it will be open for three years. These editorial teams also expect Zhichunzhigang to write a book on their classified channel. Not much else to say, at least this classified channel. The editorial team can live a "moist" year, and pull up the GDP is not!