What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 410: Rather lack rather than abuse

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"I've really learned a lot these days."

After finishing the three-and-a-half-day public casting audition, Li Chungang couldn't help expressing his emotion. In fact, in the past three days, he has seen too many "monsters and monsters" that he has never seen before. What is it really like? Everyone has it, it's really a long experience.

As soon as I enter the door, I haven't even done a self-introduction, and it's like "My dad is so-and-so". Why don't you play this role for me? Those who don't know the momentum will think it's the King of Heaven.

There are also some women whose thinking is very impropriety. She is still a school student, but she is full of social atmosphere. She wears **** and revealing clothes, and her language is full of all kinds of hints. Does she think that the three interviewers are all The kind of person who knows unspoken rules?

There were even mistakes such as forgetting words due to nervousness during the live performance and acting. All of a sudden, the whole person collapsed and squatted on the ground crying, but the assistant didn't persuade him for a long time.

If such a situation were all over the place, it would not have caused the originally expected three-day public casting audition to drag on for a long time.

"This is the first time for you. After more experience, you will feel ashamed of Si Kong."

"This is still a TV drama casting. If those movie crews are really big, they will be called robbing the head. All kinds of people who care about your relationship can torture you to death. On the left is a relative of the head of a certain section of the Guangxi Bureau, and on the right is the son of a certain boss. Daughter or something, just these people can form a long line."

Situ Rui and Hou Yi are also experienced people in the entertainment industry. Don't look at them as young. In fact, the time spent in this industry is from the end of 1989. For example, Hou Yi is more than ten years old. It's been six years.

A TV drama crew like them can come to a school like this to discover the treasures of the sea. It is not so easy to attract some famous stars, but all famous stars come through the company or the company. The crew directly contacted by the agent to see if there is any suitable role.

"But there is one thing to say...As expected of all people who are engaged in art, there are so many handsome guys and beauties. I've been a little tired of the eyesight after watching these three days. Everyone looks good." Li Chungang suddenly smiled. , To be honest, he didn't just sit by and watch for the past three days, and he was still doing bad things in the dark.

One of these things was actually requested by senior Lin Meng a few days ago.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is also for the company and himself. That is, while openly casting and auditioning, pay close attention to some potential artists. These students who are still in school and have not officially entered the entertainment industry are the so-called artists. seed.

This is also a no-brainer. The bottom line is that their company is not famous enough, let alone famous stars, even those who are just starting out may not be willing to come, even if you can offer people a good price. , but money and money are secondary. Anyone who enters the entertainment industry with a little ambition will not be confused by a little money, and more is to pursue an opportunity to continue to move up. Obviously, this is Wen Siquan Yong's side. cannot be given.

This is an underlying question!

This is why the status of a giant in the entertainment industry is becoming more and more stable and unshakable. Good scripts, good directors, and good actors are all gathered together. This is like a snowball effect. .

Bright conspiracy, do you want to shoot a good script and make a big investment? come on! Want to work with a better director? come on! Want to play against better big stars, Uranus superstars? Don't hesitate, just come!

After more than three days of casting auditions, the more important roles have basically been decided, leaving only the two leading roles, male and female, and almost the most important supporting role, Qi Jinchun, the three roles have not yet been decided. Someone has already selected them, not to mention the remaining characters that can be said to be dragon tricks. When the time comes to shoot in Hengdian, you can find some "acupoints" to choose on the spot.

In Hengdian, there has never been a shortage of Hengpiao who came with dreams, and there is no shortage of people who play the role of the dragon.

An artist from a professional background may be slightly lacking in acting skills, but after all, he is playing a supporting role. Overall, it is not a problem. The most important thing is that it is cheap to use a newcomer!

Of course, those who are careful will find that there are three or five less roles for public casting auditions than actually needed. It is clear that there must be some inhumane PY transactions among them, even Li Chungang himself. No exception, I got Miao Miao a character with two lines, no more, no less, just two sentences and three shots, and then I can get my lunch and finish work with peace of mind.

It not only satisfies He Miao's purpose of having an acting addiction, but also does not delay her requirement that she can go home after finishing work in one day. It is simply perfect! He couldn't help but praise his little cleverness.

To say that the biggest gain is probably Feng Yuxiu and Mi Yaxin.

"Sister, I have seen that these two are very good in terms of appearance and acting skills. You wait for the company to send someone to contact them to talk about their tone and so on, and see if they have talked to other companies. Signed, if not, sign them all as much as possible!"

It's rare to meet two pretty good seedlings~lightnovelpub.net~ I don't want to try Li Chungang. If they have already been signed by the talent scouts, then he has nothing to say, but if not, what will happen? All things must be won.

Especially Feng Yuxiu, an ancient man whose name is very similar to the ancients, and his appearance looks more like the ancients. The most important thing is that he is tall enough. He is 1.86 meters tall and stands there like a clothes hanger. I can already imagine how romantic the other party is when they change into ancient costumes, the kind of romantic seeds that even men can't help but feel jealous.

click! click!

Quickly took a photo of the personal information delivered by the two and sent it to Lin Meng through WeChat.

"If you have the conditions, you can appropriately improve the treatment of other newcomers, and tell them that our company has no shortage of excellent scripts, let alone funds, and it is very likely that they will shoot TV dramas on their own in the future, depending on whether the two of them are willing to join our company. already."

Li Chungang now does not cry about money problems. As long as he is not involved in the level of big screen movies, it is not a big problem to want to shoot anything with his current savings, but it is some softness in the circle. Resources have become their company's most fatal weakness.

Lin Meng nodded: "Are there any other suitable candidates? With the current size of our company, I think it is most suitable to concentrate resources on cultivating 3-5 artists."

"I'll think about it..."

Li Chungang tried his best to recall the people who came to the audition in his mind, trying to find a few who impressed him more, but it turned out that what he thought was simple turned out to be more difficult than expected. Because there are too many popular Internet celebrity faces, even if the original facial features are different, they are habitually leaning in this direction after putting on makeup, and they are a bit facialized.

"It's better to be short than to waste, let's start with these two."