What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 415: topic hype

The popularity of the official filming of the TV series of the same name of "Jianlai" has not diminished.


Another news in the industry has attracted considerable attention and shock~lightnovelpub.net~Welfare] Follow the public.. No. [Book Fan Base], and draw cash/point coins every day when you read books!

Yaoyang, the former supreme **** of Longteng Chinese website and now one of the pillars of perfect literature, announced the film and television project adapted from the novel of the same name under his name, "Walking Through Your World" was officially launched, and he personally acted as the screenwriter and investor.

According to the plan, this TV series adapted from the novel of the same name is expected to shoot 48 episodes, each episode is 42 minutes long, and the current domestic new generation of popular actress Cheng Xue is also invited to join. If there are really a few actresses in the entertainment industry who are out of the mud and not stained, Cheng Xue is definitely one of the well-deserved ones. Apart from her, the other leading actors are also well-known ones. Compared with Li Chungang's "" Sword Come" crew, the cast alone can be said to be not much inferior.

But what really attracts attention is its investors. It is hard to say how much Yaoyang accounts for as one of the investors, but since Chuangwen was acquired by Perfect Group and officially settled as an author under Perfect Literature, it is backed by Perfect Group, a giant. The tree's Yaoyang has indeed gained greater and stronger support, and the biggest investor in this drama is also the perfect group behind it.

This is the best example of leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade!

"Hey~ look at this."

"What, let me see."

Li Chungang seldom pays attention to the content related to the entertainment industry. This news was specially forwarded to him on WeChat by "Monk Going to a brothel". After forwarding, he also sent a smirk emoji below, the meaning of which is self-evident. .

To be honest, when he saw the contents of this news, he was still very surprised. He didn't expect that Yaoyang would be involved in the urban emotional drama. You must know that there was no gossip saying that he was busy with his current situation. Is the mobile game production and animation copyright of this "Fighting the Continent"?

The former and the latter are completely irrelevant and irrelevant.

Before this news appeared, he could pat his chest and say that he had never heard of such an urban type novel under Yaoyang's name. Now that he wants to come, I am afraid that he will directly contribute to the novel "Kyushu" by Manjinghua Publishing House. The Misty Records is similar in that it directly follows the route of publishing literature, so the big guys have hardly heard of it and completely ignored it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} And the content of the post about this news on the net text Jianghu paper is very strange:

"Hey - what's wrong with the writers of the current great gods of online literature? First, the old thief Zhichun Zhigang announced his entry into the entertainment industry, and then he was directly working as a screenwriter, adapting the crew, and participating in the investment. It was only a few days ago that the great **** of Yaoyang also coming."

"I didn't expect it at all. It's no wonder that one by one, the thief's stability has never been updated. It turns out that he has been 'absent' for a long time. If he enters the film and television industry and transforms himself into a boss, then this novel will not be written in the future?"

"The Great God of Yaoyang has been the boss for hundreds of years, okay? If you don't know, don't talk nonsense here. It looks like a Yin-Yang person upstairs, and he talks strangely! Whether it is the Great God of Yaoyang or the Great God of Chungang, people are busy with themselves. His career has never been interrupted for even a day, you say you are a horse."

"Only I am curious why the film "Passing by Your World" was filmed. To be honest, if I hadn't seen this news, I wouldn't have known that God Yaoyang had written this book. I even went to the bookstore specially. Bought a copy."

"Not long after the shooting of "Sword Comes" by the Great God Chungang, the Great God of Yaoyang also came to the official announcement. The former has 60 episodes and the latter 48 episodes. I feel that according to the progress... It seems that both sides want a little bit. Competitive meaning."

"Don't be funny, Yaoyang is a legendary figure in the evergreen tree of online literature. How long has it been since Zhichun Zhigang wrote novels, how old is he?"

"There is a sunspot upstairs, for sure!"

"In 2021, there are still people who will doubt the strength of the Great God Chungang, I am also haha, can you blacks be a little more dedicated to your work? You should also find a better reason to be black, don't you think about it? It looks unprofessional!"

"Sha [beep-]"


I don't know if the following comments were deliberately guided by the rhythm and brought the topic to Li Chungang at once, because not long ago he promoted the makeup photos of the "Jianlai" crew and the official shooting ceremony, etc. The cast has made many readers have enough expectations for this play from the beginning. Now that Yaoyang has to come out so suddenly, it will inevitably make people think of something.

Li Chungang also had similar thoughts and surprises. After all, there is indeed such a little overlap in time. It is a coincidence that is a bit too much.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Of course, it is impossible to say that Yaoyang came to target him, because there is no need for it at all. As a friend, Li Chungang is also one of the honorary members of the National Internet Writers Association. It was thanks to him that the association was established in the first place.

It's just that after Yaoyang left Longteng, the relationship between the two became a little colder. They were not really good friends, but there was no direct conflict of interest or conflict.

And the film and television entertainment industry market is such a big cake~lightnovelpub.net~ The TV series and online dramas that are publicized, produced and filmed every year add up, not to mention thousands, there are still eight or nine hundred or so, plus "Swords" Come" can be regarded as the TV drama project with the largest investment this year. I didn't think that Yaoyang's side was not bad. The Perfect Group directly took out 120 million in one breath.

From a numerical point of view, Jianlai may still have a slight advantage of 30 million, but it is not calculated in this way. You must know that they need special effects production budget to shoot Jianlai, and the other party is a pure urban emotional drama. ......

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Li Chungang can only think in the good direction, and he is unwilling to think in the bad direction. He guessed that Yaoyang's bidding was the kind that had already been planned. Maybe because of investment problems, there has been no official announcement. After the investment of Perfect Group was no longer a problem, it began to announce it.

At present, it seems that whether the two sides will meet together in the schedule is still uncertain.

It doesn't matter even if they meet, Li Chungang has more confidence in his own crew, so he can't just admit defeat before he starts to meet, right? Cowardice before a battle is a taboo in the military!

In terms of the cast, except for the three leading actors and a few veteran actors, the rest are all "new recruits", which are definitely not as strong as the opponent's lineup, but they can still pull back a lot of points in terms of appearance. .

It's not like he hasn't seen the other party's show where the Flower of the Snow Ridge Chengxue is playing. The acting is really good, but their brother Hu is not inferior at all. Besides, the number of fans in the round, our brother Hu is far superior. over each other.

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