What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 438: see the truth


With exclusion!

This is the most intuitive feeling that Li Chungang can feel after a full-day trip to Qiongzhou and Sanya arranged by the Seven Star Literature Cup. Among the ten finalists this time, except for himself, the remaining nine people do not know when they quietly reached it. crowd out his common ideas.

No one took the initiative to chat with him, and no one took the initiative to ask him to get to know him.

As a national-level event recognized by the state, the Seven Star Literature Cup does not have a clear and meaningful bonus, but for college students majoring in literature, if they plan to continue their studies and postgraduate entrance examinations after graduating from university, then the "Seven Star Literature Cup champion" ” This identity can bring them a huge improvement invisibly!

Especially in literature majors, the tutors who take graduate students every year are almost all horns, but there are so many students who want to take the postgraduate entrance examination. The title of a national-level event champion will definitely make you stand out among the many postgraduates.

And many times the halo of the Seven Star Literature Cup champion is like a "pass", a pass for college students to officially enter the circle of literary writers in advance. Unfortunately, there is only one pass, and there are ten people competing for it.

If it is the same as in previous years, because the finals will be more or less important to the performance level of a contestant, so the contestants in the ten finals will feel that everyone has a fair chance. Still unknown.

Only the 17th Seven-Star Literature Cup this year is the most special, or to put it bluntly, it is the existence of such a monster as Li Chungang. No matter who has read it in terms of short story accomplishments, it is inevitable that there will be a kind of opponent. It is already the idea of ​​a champion.

In the face of such a major enemy, the rest of the people will of course join the group to keep warm at this time.

There will be exclusion and a little hostility, which is not so strange. Anyway, the organizer of the event never made a sound while watching the whole process. On the contrary, there are some small actions that fuel the flames secretly. This is from the official Weibo today. It can be seen from several groups of photos they posted when they traveled in Sanya.

In several pictures, Li Chungang is alone and independent, while others are talking and laughing in groups of three or five. The contrast between the two does not form a sharp contrast, as long as people who are not blind can do it perceived a problem.

"See the real chapter under your hand!"

Who doesn't have a little temper? Li Chungang can't let Li Chungang stick to these guys' cold **** with a hot face. If he loves someone he doesn't know, he has nothing to do with him. After the finals tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, he will take the championship trophy. , I'll say goodbye to you after pulling the suitcase~

"First of all, congratulations to the ten present here for advancing to the finals of our Seven Star Literature Cup, and then..."

On the second day of the finals, the opening was still the same old style. The host went up to the babe first, and then the leader came forward with a good meal of encouragement and almost fell asleep. Finally, it was the staff of the event team. Let me explain the rules of the final.

In fact, there is not much difference between the rules and the audition and preliminary rounds.

The only change is that the contestants are required to create a short story on the spot with a specified "theme" within a limited time. Whether the finalists have "real materials" depends on this round, starting at 8:00 in the morning and ending in the evening. It ended at 8:00, just 12 hours, no more and no less, whether it can be written and the quality of the content written, this is a severe test for the players.

The contestants sitting under the stage are gearing up for each other. It's good that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Even if the strength is very different, since they have entered the finals, they must go all out, or I will be sorry for them. They have worked hard for the competition for a year or two. time.

Thanks to the cooperation between the Seven Star Literature Cup and the Weibo literature section, the competition party can also rely on the publicity channels on Weibo, and also deliberately broadcast the entire final for the first time, so that each finalist can create a safe room in the room. Features a high-definition camera.

As a result, cheating can be prevented;

Second, it can also satisfy the curiosity of the audience;

In the third year, more people can learn about the Qixing Literature Cup and expand its influence in China.

The barrage on the live broadcast page is full of the voices that the audience expects:

"It makes me wait until Teacher Chungang is about to release a new work!"

"Li Chungang's new short story is very worth looking forward to."

"The event side really dares to think that it has created such a live broadcast format. Is it to let us create 12 hours against other contestants?"

"I just want to spit on the face of the organizer of the event. Whoever came up with this weird idea, you said that your live broadcast players create content for our audience to see the content. It's just looking at people. The meaning of the child!"

"It is strongly requested to simultaneously watch the content created by the players!!!"


"More than 300,000 people in the live broadcast room help your event organizer to supervise the players together!"

"Speaking of which, no one has discussed whether the theme of this finals is actually warmth. As soon as I saw this theme, I felt so outrageous."


The contestants who soon entered the competition room also saw the theme of their finals this time - warm, most people were helpless the moment they saw this theme, it was not that no one prepared and memorized several short stories in advance, But this kind of behavior can only be said to be lucky, unless you really drink the foot wash of the goddess of luck, otherwise the chance is very small.

And the computers each of them use are physically disconnected, that is, the event organizer did not plug these old computers into the Internet at all, and the players' mobile phones must be turned over to the event party for safekeeping before entering the room. The ~lightnovelpub.net~ is a purpose anyway: to put an end to all possible cheating!

"It's over, the theme is actually warm. I'm not good at this. I'm better at short stories that insinuate social phenomena."

"Axiba, the three articles I memorized in advance are completely wrong!"

"I originally thought that there would be a Qiu Ziyu from Yenching University this year, and it would be a headache, but now adding a more enchanting Li Chungang, the top three directly lost two places, which left us eight people competing for The third rhythm?"

"It seems that we can only sit and watch the battle between Li Chungang and Qiu Ziyu?"

"Originally, I still had the slightest idea about the third place, but now I think it's difficult to see this theme. Fortunately, if I can enter the finals, I will have an explanation with the college."


Unknowingly, this stage, which originally belonged to ten talented young people, has quietly evolved into a direct confrontation between Li Chungang and Qiu Ziyu, two new generation of talented writers!