What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 492: Learning is a lifetime thing

"What if the system forces me to copy books( to find the latest chapter!

"Hello, can you give me a piece of paper and a pen?"

Although I didn't hear clearly what the three flight attendants were whispering in the corner, I could probably guess that the object of discussion was definitely myself, and Li Chungang was not blind. Two of the flight attendants had at least four in a minute. For more than ten seconds, his eyes were on him, don't you understand?

"Ah. Okay, please wait a moment~"

The older generation has a saying: Don't talk about people during the day, don't talk about ghosts at night.

The last second was completely closed eyes, and Li Chungang's abrupt opening still somewhat startled the three of them, but after all, they were all flight attendants trained by China Eastern Airlines, so there is no doubt about their professionalism. Responded quickly.

Paper and pencil, which were very common in the past, have become scarce objects with the rapid advancement of technology.

You don't know how many people can use a computer keyboard to type ten thousand eight thousand words without breathing, but they need to pick up a pen and write on paper...

It takes a long time to write on a piece of paper!

Fortunately, it was not that difficult to find paper and a pen on the plane. It didn't take long to see one of the flight attendants, Shi Shiran, returning to the first class cabin with a pen and three pieces of paper in his hand. Considering that one piece of paper might not be enough, she brought three sheets in advance.

Anyway, a few pieces of paper don't need money, so doing this can still show some of your careful side, why not do it.

"Hello sir, the paper and pen you want."


"Sir, if you need anything else, you can call us at any time, or press the 'call' button on the left side of your seat, and we will come over as soon as possible."

"I see, thank you."

After completing all this, the flight attendant also returned to her colleagues and continued to whisper in a low voice. After all, you can't stay alone on a long journey. Therefore, flight attendants are also a very gossip industry, and because of the convenience of the industry, it is indeed better than Ordinary people are more easily exposed to gossip from all walks of life.

Li Chungang just sat in the first-class seat, laying the three white characters flat on the simple small table, and the pencil in his hand began to write as if no one was around.

Although several flight attendants did not do it deliberately, how could they ignore the movement here.

Everyone is curious!

Especially after he officially started writing, each of them wished that they were giraffes, and their necks were long enough to allow them to see the contents of the paper clearly from a distance, but unfortunately they were not, and they did not dare to approach rashly. disturbed each other in the past.

Thinking of the other party's authorship, and suddenly asking them for a pen and paper...

Blind guessing should be an extremely important creative inspiration that suddenly flashed in my mind. In order to capture this fleeting inspiration, it must be safer to record it directly on paper.

If Li Chungang knew what they were thinking, he would only say that they were not all right, at best they were partially right.

It's right to want to record things, but it's not the so-called creative inspiration they guessed, or simply copying the song "Retrograde" in the memory of the brain to Zhenger Bajing and copying it on the paper, it's that simple!

Although it is not clear what is being written, from their point of view, it always seems to be a bit unclear.

After less than ten minutes, Li Chungang put down his pen with a sound of "snap" and looked at the blank white paper, which was now covered with neat lines, standard notes, and words that danced with flying phoenixes. If you don't see the process of his handwriting with your own eyes, you will even be suspected of whether it was printed out by a machine.

"The ill-fated show of my ability

never got God's affirmation

I may be unhappy

I don't want to recognize this fate

Why should the night pray for the dawn

Stubbornness is my nature


Doom laughs at my bad luck

full of hardships

They persuaded me to accept my fate

I'm going backwards

My world is snowing

deep in the night

Can't stop everywhere in the wild

I'm on fire"

This is the perfect effect formed by the combination of calligraphy and painting skills.


After admiring his masterpiece for a while, Li Chungang nodded secretly with satisfaction, then took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera function in the next second to take a photo of the front of this piece of paper, if it wasn't for the use of electronic devices on the plane He turned on airplane mode early in the morning, and now he has the idea of ​​sending this photo directly to director Hou Yi.

By the way, he glanced at the time. Fortunately, it was not long before the plane arrived in the magic capital, so he still had some patience.

"Director Hou, this is a song I wrote myself, you can see if it suits you first."

Just after getting off the plane, Li Chungang immediately turned off the airplane mode of his mobile phone and opened WeChat to send a message to director Hou Yi, and then sent the photo he just took.


At this time, Hou Yi and assistant Xiaodong are arranging the filming of the crew after the new year. The other actors and behind-the-scenes staff can go home for the New Year with peace of mind~lightnovelpub.net~ But he is responsible for scheduling the entire crew. The director of all affairs is not good. Although there is still a short period of time before the filming restarts after the year, many things must be arranged in advance.

For example, the necessary extras; for example, the props to be used in the second half of the shooting; for example, the schedule of the filming after the year, the shooting arrangement of the night show, how to shoot some special effects pictures, etc. It is said that there is no end to learning, which is very important for the director. The same is true for this industry. You must always stay close to the front end of the industry and learn all the latest knowledge that is useful.

Although he, Hou Yi, is very young in the directing industry, he is still a half bucket of water in the field of "special effects". First, he has never filmed before and needs to use a large scale. The large-scale production of special effects scenes, secondly, there is no channel nor the need to access this level of knowledge.

But it's different now!

The large-scale production of "Sword Comes" is destined to require the use of special effects in many places, especially the most exciting place in the first season. In order to protect Lizhu Cave, Qi Jingchun's fighting scene like a giant in the sky, If this is not supported by special effects, you don't have to think about how it will be criticized and sprayed with blood by the audience.

So Hou Yi has already made up his mind, rest is still very necessary, but he doesn't need to rest for as long as other people, the New Year's Eve and the New Year's Day are almost the same, and the rest of the time is all spent. In the special effects studio invited by Wanxing Entertainment.

Practice is the only way to test truth.

He believes that learning from basic theoretical knowledge at this time is undoubtedly thankless. It is better to go directly to the special effects studio of others, and it may be more effective to ask professionals to learn on the spot.