What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub

Chapter 163: Fan Wai 18

Ephemeris 2789月21日晴

A bald is going to kindergarten today. When he wakes up in the morning, his four claws hold the quilt firmly, why he refuses to get out of bed, and he grimaced and said: "Hey, I am in bed!"

When I don't go to school normally, A bald can get up at eight o'clock and get up at 7:00.

I simply wrapped the quilt with the quilt and took him off the bed. When I went to the bathroom with a baldness, I saw the neatly dressed squat standing in front of the Tianzi window. Two small hands were pressed against the window, and the slightly pointed nose was attached to the glass.

He tiptoed and looked out the window.

There is a small balcony outside the window, a few pots of flowers on the balcony, and some vegetables. When I watered the pottery last night, I found a mud pot that was blown by the wind.

The nest once lived with a family. However, when the chicks grew up, their family flew away, leaving only an empty mud nest under our eaves.

I think that in the month when our family left the 17-star, maybe on a rainy night, the mud nest was wet by the rain, blown off by the wind, and finally fell to the balcony.

I just took a shower last night, afraid that it would dirty my hand, and I didn't clean up the mud nest in time. Speaking of it, this nest has been let go twice.

The first time after the spring swallow flew away, I once wanted to clean up the mud nest, but it stopped me. I remember that he was holding my trousers at the time and said softly to me: Hey, if the swallows fly back in the coming year and find that their home is gone, what should I do?"

You may have some special feelings about that nest. Shortly after the birth of spring 啵啵, the swallow came to us to build a nest and hatched the little swallow. At that time, the little cockroaches would look up at the bird's nest on the small round window every day.

Once, I curiously asked, "What do you see when you go to the bird's nest every day? Do you know how many chicks are in the nest?"

Because at his point of view, only occasionally see adult swallows flying out for food.

However, what I didn't expect was that he nodded very surely and told me that there were five little swallows.

I stepped on the chair to see the swallow, and I really found five little swallows. The group of swallows may have heard the sound coming from me, collectively stretching their necks and growing their mouths toward me.

They don't look cute at all, I feel ugly. I asked if I didn't want to see the little swallow. I nodded and said, I put the donkey on my shoulder and showed it to him.

I asked him, how do you know that there are five little swallows.

He said to me seriously, "I heard that the voice of each little swallow is different."

The swallows are screaming every morning, and I feel that every "skull" is the same, and I don't know how he distinguishes different embarrassments.

Thinking of this, I took a footstep towards the bathroom, "What are you looking at?" I asked.

He said, "Hey, the swallows' homes are gone. You said that the swallows will come next year?"

I do not know.

He looked back at the window and his eyes fell on the balcony. He said very lightly, as if talking to himself: "I can't come back..."

I don't understand what it means.

Today, when I went to school in kindergarten, when I got a bald and squatted home, I saw the little head leaning against the window and looking out the window, and sang softly: "The sun goes down early and still climbs up, flowers thank you. I will open the same next year, and the beautiful birds will disappear. My youthful birds will not come back~ My youthful birds will not come back..."

What are you thinking about?

Ephemeris 2789月22日雨雨

I was awakened by the sound of the autumn rain hitting the window. After blinking, I suddenly found that I opened the window of Datian, a small window.

He stepped on the small bench and reached out to the window to pick up the rain.

I don't know when I woke up, I was used to the existence of apes and a baldness, and the small movements they made sometimes couldn't wake me up. For example, a small bald snoring, such as a slap in the face.

Today, I sent A bald and a donkey to school. Because it was raining, A bald and aunt wore a new little raincoat. I supported a **** umbrella. We walked slowly in the rain. A bald wear rain boots and raincoats can be proud, I think I am fully armed, not afraid of getting wet clothes.

Therefore, he specially stepped into the puddle, stepping on a "squeaky", splashing water, today he is no longer a small tractor, but a small sprinkler.

I lifted this small sprinkler to prevent him from splashing alongside the clean cockroaches.

When I walked to the kindergarten, the rain suddenly stopped. A rainbow appeared on the blue sky. At this moment, everything in the world seems to have been washed away by the rain, so clean and beautiful.

"Hey, what is this?! So beautiful wow-"

This time, A bald and ape saw the rainbow for the first time, and they couldn’t help but wow. As for me, have I seen the rainbow? I don't remember it. Maybe I have seen it. Maybe that day is a very normal day for me. It is plain and faint. Maybe the rainbow is also unremarkable, and now I have no impression.

I told them that this is a rainbow.

"If you can see the rainbow every day!" A bald voice.

When the janitor heard the words of A bald, he came out from the guard room and went to the front of the a bald man: "Small a bald, have you seen the sprinkler? The water is flowing from the roof -" he broke. The two-finger hand draws an arc in midair.

Fingers stop at the end of the arc. "When it's sunny, there will be a small rainbow here, always chasing the sprinkler."

A bald blue eye flashed, full of yearnings, "Wow - so good -"

The old janitor who retired from the Star Wars, gently wiped the small drops on the tip of the abdomen with the only fingers. "Go to class, you haven't come for a long time, so listen to the teacher."

The tiger tail was stunned in the raincoat, and Abraham asked at the gate: "Where is the sprinkler?"

"After school, Xiao A bald is coming to ask me, Ah Ye can't think of it now." He patted the little shoulders of A bald, let A bald go to kindergarten quickly, then looked at him again, laughing: "啵Are you still thinking about spending a world today?"

He shook his head and whispered: "I want to rain."

"There are so many things that you can think about, let's go to class!"

I looked at the back of the ape and the baldness, and the bald man stepped on the water and trotting. He walked slowly, and he took off the little hat on the raincoat and took a few steps to see the rainbow in the sky.

The ground was six pence, but he looked up and saw the moon. I suddenly remembered this sentence, and also remembered the name of the embarrassed, He Haoyue.

I am a failed father. I don't even have a janitor who knows my child better.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi. This is a story like the story of a small monk at the beginning of the song. I have always known that A bald likes a little monk, but never knows that he likes "one flower, one world".

A bald is an extroverted child. He likes something, he will hang on his lips, and he will keep on sticking all day long. He sticks to me all day, likes what he likes, and will tell me.

He is not the same, he is not sticky, he likes to be alone, and sometimes I can't find him. He always finds a quiet place for himself, and stays for a long time. Whenever I was, I didn’t dare to bother him.

The private space is so small and so quiet, as if I had gone in, it would squeeze the small space.

I asked you this evening, can you throw the mud nest on the balcony. I forgot to clean up yesterday. After thinking about it today, the first reaction is whether you will not be unwilling.

He nodded and said yes, he is also ready to come and help.

I cleaned the balcony with the donkey. He put on his little gloves and put the broken seven-eight-eighth nest into the bag. The autumn night is very quiet, there is no humming, no barking, and no annoying snoring.

“Do you like rainy days?” I asked him.

The lips smirked a little, didn't say that they liked it, didn't say it or not. I remember that when he was born, he would laugh very happily. I remember that he had no teeth at that time and smiled sweetly.

When did he laugh like this when he was so shy?

"Like." Hey, answer me.

“Do you like to reach out to the window to pick up the rain?” I continued to ask, I think I might not really be suitable for chatting. My question is more or less with a little step by step. The next answer is even more regrettable.

I am a little nervous: "Hey, have I woke you up today?"

I quickly said no. He breathed a sigh of relief, and he lowered his head and tied the bag. I saw the spin on his head and tried to touch his head, but suddenly remembered that his hand was muddy and dirty.

"I was thinking -" He looked up at the sky, and his blue eyes reflected the starry sky. "Is there a lot of transparent people in a drop of rain?"

“They are small, people are transparent, the sky is transparent, and the whole world in the raindrops is transparent.”

"When the raindrops fall on the ground, the whole world is destroyed."

This is a wonderful world in the blink of an eye. When he opened the window in the morning, he experienced such a wonderful journey of a different world. In his eyes, every drop of rain is different.

Some raindrops fall on the roof in advance, fall on the leaves and fall to his hands. The life of those raindrops will be shorter.

And some raindrops will fall in the lake, in the water, in the sea, the ripples of the raindrops on the water, is the performance of the two worlds greeting?

The rainbow is even more amazing. A rainbow can have so many colors, but it has so much time. Rainbow will know that everyone likes it? Why does it only appear after the heavy rain?

Is it like rain, and dare not let the rain know?

I have always been very curious, is it the world we live in, in a small marble, held by a very large giant, or, our world is in a story told by a voice.

Just like the story of a little monk telling him and A Bald, there is also a person who tells other children about him and A bald, my story like a song. 2k novel reading network