When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 22: The Zombie World and Part-Time Tasks (14

Changfeng and Yuncheng's more than a dozen psionicists are still looking at the bloodthirsty monster with a changed temperament, without being black The words of the youth persuaded.

"It just chased me after entering and didn't attack me, it just circled around me,"

The dark-haired boy could only explain to everyone while stroking the small alien head:

"I guess it might be hungry, because I feel that the food I carry with me always runs with me. I gave it a piece of meat and found it obedient. Maybe he is a mutant of a dog? "

Everyone still see me, I see you, no one has taken the stubble of the dark-haired boy, and meditated in his heart: no matter how it looks, it is not a dog!

A certain alien is gone, and he can only sacrifice the final strokes. He patted the little alien's head and said:

"Come, babies, be nice! Get off to show your uncles and aunts!"

Then the little black monster really obediently discarded the beef chunk that had just been halved, lay down and hit it, and then darted the juvenile's trouser legs warmly, and looked at the crowd proudly.

"It's really good!" Zhao Shuxuan, who likes small animals, was first surrendered, looking at the small alien eagerly, and seemed to want to touch it.

"But it wasn't like that when it bit the zombies before ... Sven." But Sun Yanan still looked at this little monster with what he called the cub.

The little alien heard the word, and used it to fill its sharp teeth, and slowly licked that half of the beef.

"That should be it wants to protect us?" The dark-haired boy guessed. "Before we weren't the sudden mutant beast that appeared at the riverside base, we wouldn't be able to escape alive. This time in the drugstore, too, it bites With so many zombies dead, humans have never been hurt. "

Chen Dayong believed the young man's words first: "Yeah! When it hit me in the arms of the drug store just now, he seemed to close his mouth by deliberately closing his claws." He scratched his head and said, "Maybe it is just How about a mutation from a dog? "

"Xiao Yi, wouldn't you want to take it back to Yuncheng with us?" Chu Nan asked uncertainly.

"Do you really want to bring this little guy back to our Yuncheng?"

"I agree with Xiaoyi." Xu Yuncheng said, with an unquestionable tone in his tone. "If there were no mutant beasts along the way, we would have been killed by zombies several times already! Who can guarantee that we will not be on our way back to Yuncheng. Encountering a zombie wave again? Rather than being here to try to protect our mutant beast, we might as well rely on it as our life-saving support and rush to the Yuncheng base as soon as possible. Of course, if we arrive safely in Yuncheng, We wo n’t let it be brought into the base, and if we release this mutant beast, it will not break the rules of Yuncheng Base. "

Xu Yuncheng's remarks were reasonable, and coupled with his own prestige, everyone reluctantly agreed.

So the dark-haired boy took out a red leather collar from the space, put it on the neck of the small alien, took it out of the warehouse with everyone. The daring Chu Nan, Chen Dayong, and Xu Yuncheng sat on a jeep with a dark-haired boy holding a little monster, and the group continued in the direction of Yuncheng Base.

On the way, the heartless and heartless Chen Dayong, encouraged by the black-haired boy, boldly touched the smooth ribs on the back of the small alien, and after getting the intimate arch of the small alien, he also believed in the dark-haired boy. This is insisted that it is a mutant dog.

After getting acquainted with it, I also asked for a piece of raw beef from the dark-haired boy, and chopped it into pieces to feed it.

After a few hours of driving, the highway that the convoy is on has gradually become busy, and the convoys that can often meet other powers come and go. All the way to peace, nothing happened, 10 minutes later, a very large city appeared in front of everyone.

Unlike the riverside base, the entire city wall of Yuncheng is made of concrete, which looks quite spectacular. The area of ​​several hundred meters outside the city wall has been cleaned up, leaving only a large vacant area. There are two large and one small gates facing the highway, not far apart.

"The Great Wall Gate is where our native residents in and out of Yuncheng can go in, just check each person's number plate."

A Yuncheng ability explained to you through the walkie-talkie:

"The small towns are the places where newcomers register. Non-competents live in another base two kilometers west, which is bigger than this base. After all, there are more ordinary people."

People at the Changfeng base still had some embarrassment in their hearts. One was that they did n’t know if Wu Yi ’s baby could go in with them, and the other was that the dark-haired teenager ’s cubs would cause panic in Yuncheng.

At the gate, four Yuncheng psionicists expressed their thanks to members of Changfeng and entered the city through the gate. Changfeng and his party got out of the car and went to the small gate to register.

The black-haired boy also led his little black cub with a red collar and walked to the gate with other teammates.

The guards at Yuncheng Base are all semi-military, wearing uniform dark green clothes and patrolling the city walls in groups of two. Xiaomen has the same power tester as the Riverside Base, but because only new talents need to be registered, there is no long line. Only three or two coming powers pass by and they are separated by two. After the guards on both sides of the gate issued their identity cards, they entered the city directly.

Wu Yi grabbed her baby daughter and grabbed the first one, and asked nervously: "My daughter is not a power, but she is only one month old, can she ..."

The guards who have been here all year round have heard his concerns, and smiled and replied: "General children and old people can go to Dongcheng with their relatives. You don't have to worry about this."

Relieved, Wu Yi passed the detection door carrying his daughter, and the registered security guard issued a plastic card with his name power level and serial number for entering the city, and he could enter the city.

Then the guard with a smile still turned around casually, glanced at the little alien shaped by the dark-haired boy ...

"Oh my God! What's the one you're holding!"

The guard was frightened, and subconsciously condensed several fireballs in his hands! Another guard also picked up the machine gun and waited.

"This is an Alaska that I raised before the last days, and it has changed since the last days, but it is as obedient as ever and never bites."

The black-haired boy said, looking at the guard ’s expression of ‘you ’re teasing me’, he hurried to make up a sentence:

"I don't know why he doesn't look like a dog anymore ..."

The people in Changfeng had to hum and haha ​​followed.

But obviously the guards of Yuncheng are not as deceived as Chen Dayong. The two still have not recovered the power and machine gun in their hands, watching the small alien with vigilance:

"It looks so different from a dog, it looks a lot like the mutant beast that ravaged the world this morning!"

"Little black cub, come, make a fool!" The dark-haired boy directly patted the small alien head and ordered.

The little monster raised his front paw and made three puppets to the crowd, and then circled around his owner as proudly as the puppy.

"Uh ..." The two guards also made trouble, which really did not look like it was harmful to people.

"I'll tell our captain." The machine gun guard said, turned around and trot away.

A few minutes later, a serious-looking psionicist was brought in, and an attack order was issued as soon as he saw the small alien. Then he was stunned by a small alien pass and could only return to the city and continue to report upwards.

Ten minutes later, the middle-aged guard captain ran back breathlessly, followed by a young man of twenty-seven years old with a breath of books. The security guards and the residents of Yuncheng, who saw the people, whispered in fear and surprise.

The captain of the guard took the person to the side and respectfully stood down, giving way to the middle position. The young man came to the members of Changfeng and looked at the small alien with a neck chain, and said to the members of Changfeng:

"I'm Tang Shen, the deputy city owner of Yuncheng. This is obviously a mutant beast that collectively attacked the zombies this morning. Who brought it in?"

The black-haired boy was just about to speak, but Xu Yuncheng, who had been standing in the crowd and didn't speak, suddenly spoke and grabbed his head:

"This is a large dog we kept around before the end of the world. If it is a mutant beast, how can it learn to roll and roll? Our Changfeng base has reached the city of Yuncheng after nearly 10,000 kilometers of road. Weird dogs, let us not let a dozen of us enter the city! "Xu Yuncheng said as he stepped forward from the crowd.

Tang Shen saw Xu Yuncheng, hesitated for a moment, and then waved his hand: "In this case, you all come in! But this 'dog' cannot run around, let alone spread the chain. If it hurts Yuncheng, it will definitely Investigate to the end! I still have something to do, and you should continue to register. "Then he turned and left.

So everyone in Yuncheng really energized the little baby girl and the monster. Although the detector seems to have made some mistakes and did not detect the ability of the dark-haired boy, when he took out a bag of rice out of nowhere and put it back , Still got a piece of identity card with Xiaoyi, first-level space department ability, entering the city number 455290.

Under the guidance of the onlookers, Yuncheng's group first took the small alien to the Yuncheng Exchange Market to exchange 50 blue tickets for 50kg of Chenmi, and collectively went to the newly built brick house for 16 and rented 8 Bedroom for one week. While everyone was busy packing things, their neighbors from Yuncheng, who were on the same floor, came to say hello, and then scared by the appearance of the small alien thriller almost jumped out of the window and fled ...

After the crowd was soothed by a small alien pass, a fat uncle asked with a bit of fear: "How did you ... bring it into the city?"

"Your deputy city lord Tang Shen agreed in person, and after seeing the little black cub, he also admitted that it was a dog." The black-haired boy took it out of context.

"You actually met our Vice City Owner of Yuncheng!" A well-dressed middle-aged woman took the topic, with a hint of high as a local resident in her tone. Little things show up. "

"Um, should n’t the deputy city owner deal with some trivial things? The city owner usually deals with big things, right?" Chen Dayong listened to the lady's words, and he was a little dissatisfied, so he refuted a sentence, and then Looking at everyone present, it seems that they are looking forward to everyone's approval.

What I didn't expect was that when he said this, he suddenly ignited the old Yuncheng words around him. Everyone talked loudly and Changfeng, a hanke, said:

"In our city of Yuncheng, those important affairs are under the charge of Vice City Master Tang Shen."

"Vice Tang City Lord is a fifth-level healing power! I have never seen him up close? How lucky are you newcomers!"

"Of course, our city master is even more powerful. The city walls that you see when you enter the city are made of reinforced concrete. It is our masterpiece. He is a seventh-level power of the gold system! But the city master is always closed. Out, I only saw his real person far away when the city wall was built. But the Lord Lord always wore a metal mask, and I couldn't see his true face. "

"Don't talk about you, I bet I haven't even seen the captain of the guard! That's the city owner!"


So after being forced to listen to the rumors of those native brain fans for 20 minutes, Xu Yuncheng took the lead to bid farewell to the crowd and continue to return to the house to pack things. In the evening, because the place in the building is narrow, there is no hall where we can have dinner together, and we are exhausted by the crowds of the day. After taking the dinner from the dark-haired boy, they go back to the house to eat and rest. Already.

After saying good night with his teammates, the dark-haired boy left a ray of black wire on the door handle to guard and lock the door, standing at the window, thinking about the next step:

"First of all, I have to add black silk, and now black silk is so scarce that I can't even make a bento!", The black-haired boy murmured to himself. No information can be transmitted back! "

The dark-haired boy came to the window and seemed to be thinking whether to jump down.

System 2d14: "The host is big! Is it so urgent? What if the people in Yuncheng find it?"

"I must quickly contact all the black silk scattered! Because I have set a self-destructing gene for all black silk, and it will automatically degrade without contacting the body within 72 hours. I managed to kill my kin to no one , Don't want to be bred by any laboratory to get DnA. "

There was a hint of disgust in the dark-haired boy's voice. Then he quickly alienated himself into a black alien, drew his clothes into the space, jumped out of the window, and disappeared quickly into the street under the cover of the night.

After a few minutes, a certain shape had scooped out of Yuncheng, came to the grass a few miles away from the city, and released black silk to absorb it. While branching out several branches spread to the surroundings, look for those lost partners.

Cloud City

A man with a metal mask appeared instantly from the void, standing behind Tang Shen. Tang Shen felt a rush to turn around in response to the emergency, and slightly nodded:

"You are back, Lord!"

The mask man didn't greet him, but asked straightforwardly:

"What do you think of the boy who can control the mutant beast?"

Tang Shen also immediately went into work and thought for a moment and replied: "If the moral character of others is reliable, it may be our help? But if it is an enemy, he is not inevitable ... Of course, all of this is waiting for your final decision. . "

The mask man said nothing, and after a moment of groaning, he said:

"Let's go and visit this gifted boy in person."

While reaching out to hold Tang Shen's forearm, the two disappeared into the void together.

A certain shape that was full of food and drink was running back quickly along the street at this time. After a few consecutive turns, it came downstairs in the small building where Changfeng lives. At the same time, I began to restore myself to a human form!

Yuncheng City Lord and Deputy City Lord Tang Shen appeared in the middle of the cabin! Watching in amazement at the alienation jumping in from the window to a certain alien in half!

The black-haired boy was also frightened by the sudden appearance of the two, and he stopped the alienation process halfway!

The upper body has returned to a human form, but the lower body is still awkwardly stiffened with a certain shape that is stepping on the ground with its exoskeleton claws.

For a moment, the deadly silence spread among the three ...

A certain alien took the lead in breaking the silence, and said to the two men who looked at themselves straightly:

"What to see! Don't know to be rude?"

He pulled out his jacket from the space, put it on one by one, and then ignored the standing in the center of the house, ready to start at any time, guarding the two people, and using the alien-shaped feet to take care of himself After entering the bathroom and putting on my pants, I turned my lower body back into a human shape and walked out again without embarrassment.

"Stop talking!"

The metal-masked city owner did not put down his guard just because of the dark-haired boy, but questioned vigilantly:

"What the **** are you? What is the purpose of coming into this world?"

The deputy city-owner named Tang Shen looked at the boy like an enemy, waiting for his answer.

The dark-haired boy was not infected by their tense atmosphere, but smiled, looked up at the master of the city with a metal mask and said:

"Can I ask you a question before then?"

The black-haired boy paused and said his doubts:

"Have you bought both the soil power and the gold power in the system store. If it is easy to use, I will also buy it for myself for decades. Well? What do you think, Xu Yuncheng?"

"You ..." The metal mask man was shocked to add!

The expression of Tang Shen next to him confirmed the judgment of a certain alien. His eyes were moving back and forth between the black-haired boy and the owner of Yuncheng, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Don't be nervous. We have known each other for half a month. Haven't you seen that I am also a member of the Salvation Alliance, Xu Yuncheng?" Said the black-haired boy.

The master of Yuncheng City simply took off the mask to reveal Xu Yuncheng's slightly serious face. But he still asked cautiously:

"The Salvation Alliance has always been tied to humans only. Are you human? How can you prove that you are also a tasker?"

The black-haired boy thought to himself, you are very skeptical! I'm really not a human, if it's not my system is too stupid ... but there still isn't a half point in the look, he directly alienates his left arm and says:

"2d14, prove this identity to this big guy."

System 2d14 immediately displayed the blue light text of 'System zz2d14' on the outside of the teenager's left arm.

Xu Yuncheng's complexion was a little slow, but he suddenly realized something: "You are the cute new **** of the forum h ..."

The dark-haired young boy heard his face froze and interrupted his dark history by saying: "Speaking of business, don't mention those that don't matter!

My specialty is to transform one kind of organic matter into another. As for whether I am a human ... I have what kind of gene you have. Is it not clear enough? "

While talking about a certain alien, he was entertaining guests like a human being. Take out two transparent plastic cups from the space and place them on the small folding table in the room. Then they took out a bottle of mineral water to the two of them and reached half a cup. They signaled to Xu Yuncheng and Tang Shen who were standing in the center of the room And asked:

"drink water?"

Then I clicked on the two broken plastic stools next to the folding table, "Sit!"

Both were grateful and insensitive, and Xu Yuncheng said:

"Oh, sorry for the offense you just made. So you also noticed problems in this world? The mutant beasts you control destroy almost all the cables and wires."

"Yes." A strangely concise answer, "And you, the Lord of the Clouds, have not explained why you, an SSS boss, appear in a small A-level mission. Unless this mission has other mysteries!"

"This is the first-class secret of the Salvation Union. According to regulations, I cannot tell you. Of course, we can complete the future tasks together." Xu Yuncheng answered.

"What are you afraid of? There is no electronic device in Yuncheng." The black-haired boy said: "Since you cannot disclose the rules of the Salvation Union, it is up to me. It is not the zombie virus that causes human zombies. , But a piece of DnA that is originally hidden in each human's gene chain. If it is induced to express, it will cause some humans to become zombies, and the other part will evolve into abilities.

The induction method seems to be a certain type of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays and X-rays can cause human DnA to unwind and generate genetic mutations. This electromagnetic radiation has a longer wavelength and cannot cause random mutations in genes. But it is like a group of codes composed of different frequencies, which can accurately awaken the ‘zombie gene’ or “perverter gene” of human beings.

Who is powerful enough to control all these cables and circuits? Not even the hydroelectric power station on the river base is spared? Is it not a living thing, but a powerful computer program like the main system!

Therefore, I can guess: the mission of this zombie world is actually at least SS level, but in order to hide people ’s eyes, the system also released an A-level mission at the same time, let those low-level missions who do not know the truth come to kill the zombies, all kinds of food, come Paralysis, a hostile system that controls the world? "

Xu Yuncheng looked at the dark-haired boy leaning at the table in shock and said for a moment before he said, "Okay, don't analyze it anymore, at least don't say it. Tang Shen doesn't have the authority to know."

This time it was the dark-haired boy who got stuck. He glanced embarrassedly and was standing there, ‘low-level clerk of unknown truth’ trying to reduce the sense of existence, Tang Shen.

"Oh, I'm not laughing at you, don't worry."

The black-haired boy made up a sentence, then turned to Xu Yuncheng: "But why did you spend a lot of time 4 weeks ago to set up that Changfeng base in the north with another identity? Does it make any sense? You don't care about their life or death anyway .After discovering my unusualness during the hospital trip, you stole the generators at your base in order to lead me to Yuncheng! "

And after Xu Yuncheng listened to the dark-haired boy, he was not embarrassed at all, but justified the truth:

"The success or failure of this mission is related to the lives of hundreds of billions and even trillions of people. If I devote my energy to protect everyone I know in the mission world, this is not goodness, but a hundred lives for one life False public aid. "

"Don't steal the concept. It's totally a matter of saving them with your ability." The dark-haired teenager felt very delicate inside, how could anyone who is generally a good person be cold-blooded than my alien!

"Even if I have the ability to teleport, it is not everything." Xu Yuncheng said.

"Oh!" A certain alien smiled, "If you only have the teleport ability, how can you be an SSS-class guy who can afford a cat! Your power is obviously ..."

As he said, he looked at Tang Shen, the desolate deputy, and then quickly stopped the topic and asked Tang Shen in surprise:

"You, Xu Yuncheng's deputy, don't even have the authority to know this?"

Tang Shen, who was standing awkwardly in the house for half an hour, felt that he had suffered a series of critiques today! As the S-class missioner of the Salvation Alliance, who is always proud of himself, and the best assistant of SSS-level boss Xu Yuncheng, he doesn't even know what the mission is doing and the power of his boss ...

Xu Yuncheng did not get distracted to manage the mental health issues of his subordinates, but then said to the dark-haired boy:

"Although you and I have divergent views on certain points, this does not affect our mutual cooperation in the future. If there is any need for your contribution, I will come to you directly."

"Please inform us in advance with a system text message, and you are not allowed to visit at any time." The black-haired boy interrupted with no anger.

Xu Yuncheng was stung a bit, but eventually nodded: "Yes. But no matter what channel you know these secrets, it must be kept strictly confidential! OK, here it is today."

As Xu Yuncheng seized Tang Shen, the deputy city lord who was still doubting his life, he disappeared from the house instantly.

At this time, the system 2d14, who was stunned, began to sigh in surprise in some alien head:

"The host is big! The thief who stole the generator was actually Xu Yuncheng! I suspect that so many people have never doubted him ... but how did the small base he set up four years ago just run into the host? And his What exactly is the power? And the host, how do you know that zombies are not transmitted by viruses? And ... "

At this time, a special shape was using a toothbrush to brush his mouth of human teeth that had just grown for half an hour, and was annoyed by the 200,000 whys system in his own head, so his mouth was filled with foamy words. Broken road:

"2d14, is your firewall reliable? If the anti-human system hidden in this world attacks you, will your data leak?" Actually, I just don't bother to answer you.

The elated system 2d14 went on for a moment: "I ... I don't know. Then the host shouldn't tell me much ..."

After washing, a special-shaped child carefully changed his pajamas, lay down on a small bed to cover the quilt, and listened to his completely silent system, and finally answered his last question with conscience:

"I didn't find any virus in Wu Han's body tissue that can turn people into zombies ... 2d14 what are you crying for? He is still alive, but I didn't unload him by eight, I just took some cells. ! "

Some alien that was holding the quilt could hardly take this stupid system, but went on to say:

"But I found the gene that suddenly started to be actively expressed in the DnA of his cell. This is more trouble than a virus. If it is a zombie caused by a virus, I can save the world in ten minutes!"

System 2d14: "Ding! Invited by a task from stranger system 099: task object: virus world, task difficulty factor 12, grade: S level, task duration: one month. Is it accepted as a part-time task?"

System 2d14: "Ah! The host is big! Let's go 10 minutes to save the virus world!"

Some alien: "..."

System 2d14: "The host is big! Aren't you going? It only takes 10 minutes and you can come back before 11!"

Some alien: "2d14, do you believe what I said?"

System 2d14 happily said, "Yeah!"

A certain smile showed a reassuring smile: "That's right! Good boy, let's go! As soon as I say that you submit the task, you will submit it immediately, understand?"

System 2d14: "The host is big! I know! Ding! The part-time job has been accepted, a transmission channel is being established, and the host will be transmitted directly to the inviter, countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

Three minutes later, a dark-haired boy in pajamas appeared in a room in the viral world, and as an inviter, Huo Lizheng stood meticulously in the center of the room, tidying his neckline and hair from time to time. Waiting for the teenager's arrival.

Huo Li froze after seeing this special appearance, and was about to speak.

The dark-haired boy made a snoring gesture directly to him, but turned and leaned on a mahogany wooden table casually, and immediately fell into work.

One minute: A special shape directly took out nearly 5 tons of black silk in the space, and the net-shaped black silk spread into the surrounding air, capturing all pathogens floating in the air.

Two minutes: Continue to capture.

Three minutes: A special shape retrieves black silk from the air, and the black silk that almost occupies the entire floor forms an extremely subtle and complex mini chemical factory, and starts to launch each cell to classify all pathogens.

Huo Li, separated by a lot of filaments, was also standing there surrounded by black silk. He didn't seem to look at the young man, but the spiritual power quietly moved around the young man, saying in his mind:

"Three hours ago, a Wanderer laboratory space station floating in space was discovered by the interstellar rescue team. The bodies of 233 researchers and crew were also found.

Although all experimental data on the spacecraft were damaged, according to the log that was sent back to Welland Company 20 days ago, they already knew that the test object on the spacecraft was an alien. The Intergalactic Federation will issue SSS hunting orders for 46 billion member stars of each galaxy, and announce that the entire galaxy will enter a state of first alert after an interval of 560 years! At that time, the main program will also be under pressure to disclose all system data to the Star Alliance until the search order is revoked.

So you have to be careful starting today, even ... "

"Even in front of my own system 2d14.

A certain alien continued to manipulate the black wire calmly, while interrupting Huo Li's words in his mind, "It's been 19 days before they found the body ... However, I have a little doubt, all of Planet B's I don't have to worry about residents and people who have seen the alien body on planet c? "

At the same time, for seven minutes: the black silk finally screened out the planet-ravaged virus, began to analyze its genes piece by piece, and unspooled some of its DnA, adding or subtracting from it according to a special-shaped mind ... ...

After hearing the boy's words, Huo Li hesitated for a long time. But still did not explain anything, just a dry answer:

"No need to."

"Are you betraying the main system for this kind of behavior? Or will the main system have a disagreement between me and Star Alliance?" The dark-haired boy asked in his mind.

"The main system didn't say anything. It was me ..." Huo Li said in thinking.

"2d14, submit the task!" The black-haired boy shouted, especially in the original quiet house. 2d14 was taken aback and conditionedly submitted a task completion request.

A certain alien took that big pile of black silk into the space, held his breath and waited!

System 2d14: "Ding! Virus task world completion application has been approved. The teleportation array is opening: 3, 2, 1, 0!"

With a flash of orange light, the dark-haired boy disappeared into the void, leaving Huo Li alone in the house of the viral world.

System 099 summoned the courage and asked, "Master, haven't you checked more than 2,000 copies of mission information to find this suitable world to take advantage of small differences? But you haven't started working yet and leave the key steps to He, why did he finish it by himself ... and didn't say a word to you ... "

Huo Li: "Back to Star Alliance!"

System 099: "Yes, Master. The teleportation array is being established ..."

Zombie World, Cloud City

A flash of orange light flashed, and the dark-haired boy was teleported to his bed, wrapped in a quilt and ready to sleep.

System 2d14: "The host is big, so Huo Lida's boss is here too! Then why did you go in your pajamas! The suit and leather he wears!"

The black-haired boy: "It's just a 10-minute mission. Do you want me to bathe and burn incense? I finished the job right away, and what clothes to change?"

System 2d14: "Ding! Your part-time task: the points of the virus world have been settled, the time limit of the task: one month, the actual time of the task person: 10 minutes, extending the life of the task world by 400 years ... 4320 × 80 × 400 × 12 × 100 % You get, get ... "

System 2d14 was surprised and couldn't say.

The black-haired boy: "1,658.88 million points, what happened to you on 2d14, the program is stuck? Can't even calculate such a simple formula?"

System 2d14 has been scared silly: "We, we really have so many points now!"

Dark-haired boy: "Oh, never seen a silly child in the world."

System 2d14: "But the host is big! I didn't see what you did just now, how could it be done ..."

Dark-haired boy: "I changed the genetic chain of the virus that parasitized in human blood a little bit, so it turned into a highly contagious new virus that would spread across the planet in three days. , Infect all people. "

System 2d14: "Ahhhh!"

Dark-haired boy: "Do n’t call it, listen to me! This new virus is characterized by its specific killing effect on its first generation. After the primary virus has been completely removed from the human body, it will automatically lurk and not cause human beings. Immune response is harmless to humans. "

System 2d14: "The host is so great! You ..."

The black-haired boy quickly interrupted the system that had to draw the wind: "Okay, tomorrow we will take the little black cub and Changfeng's teammates to take the task together, good night!" After finishing talking with a quilt, he went into a dreamland.

The system was quiet for a moment, and after a few seconds said weakly:

"Ding! Now announce to you a bonus point ..."

At the same time, the Salvation Alliance Town

System 099: "Ding! Your part-time task credits have been calculated. Your task contribution coefficient is -25%. The total points you get are 4320 × 80 × 400 × 12 × (-25%) =-414720000 Points