When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 3: Polluting the world (3)

099 The cold electronic sound suddenly sounded in Huo Li's mind.

After seeing that blue light flash suddenly, Huo Li completely stabilized his mind after a few seconds. After controlling the Zerg that had sprayed strong acid on the shell of the battleship, Huo Li gave off a little energy and calm Asked:

"What alien creature?"

System 099: "Based on information from the mission planet, it may be a mutant species of carbon-based nematodes."

Huo Li: "What is the intrusion coverage rate?"

System 099: "100%"

Huo Li: "What !!!"

System: "Coverage reaches 100%"

Huo Li heard the words, looked dignified, and immediately circulated to the warships behind him:

"The plan is changed, strategy A is abandoned, strategy F is adopted from now on, and the whole line is attacked! Strive to fight the Insect King at all costs in one day! Stop fighting and return to the stalemate while it is healing."

The mother ship captain responded: "Master Huo Li, we don't have enough troops ..."

Huo Li thought for a moment, his face gloomy commanded: "Give up and just attacked 16 III positions, and the whole army attacked."

The captain of the mothership reluctantly said, "But it was our hard work ..."

"Perform the order! The battle must end within 24 hours!"

"Yes, Lord Huo Li."

Planet B

After watching a horror movie from a movie channel in a certain shape, when the TV station was about to start inserting news, it immediately put the TV on standby.

The unknown asked: "Are we not watching the news? The host is big?"

"Don't watch it," the black-haired boy replied, "let's watch a movie CD!"

So the dark-haired boy picked up the phone in the room and called the front desk. After a while, a female foreman picked up the phone and said, "Hey?"

"Please bring ten CDs of literary movies to Room 707," said a certain alien.

"Ah? Don't you know outside ..."

"I know! But now I want to watch a movie, tipping 20,000 yuan, and help me choose ten classic literary movies."

"Oh, okay, okay ..." The forewoman agreed vaguely.

"The host is big! She said just now what's going on outside?" The system asked stupidly.

"It's okay. They don't think the color of the ground outside looks good."

Just when a certain alien was in the hotel watching the CD with his own system.

Various TV stations:

News 1:

"According to the speculation of biologist Dr. Smith, the sudden appearance of this black worm may be caused by a sudden outbreak of alien carrion that has long lurked on my planet. No report has been received of this creature attacking humans. Everyone maintains a normal order of life and don't panic too much. "

News 2:

"The anchor Charlie just showed you the effect of slashing and hammering the black worm. It was ineffective!" The male host's expression was solemn and exaggerated. "So what about the burning and strong acid? Let us Wait and see! "

The black filament that was devoted to absorbing pollution under the camera heard the news, turned his head and looked at Charlie like a fool: strong acid was originally my body fluid.

Charlie, in a white coat, had no idea that he had just been despised by the experimental sample, and came to the black wire with a flamethrower. Hess silently put on a layer of siliconized shell, and then continued to absorb garbage professionally.

News 3:

"Now is the live broadcast brought to you by our camera crew at the **** dump!"

The female anchor sideways raised her finger to the garbage mountain covered with black vines behind her. "Audience friends can see that the garbage dump is the most important gathering area for black worms! If you get closer ..."

In the cheering gestures of the crew members behind the camera, the female anchor gathered her courage and walked to the side of Trash Mountain.

"We will find that this black worm is actually a carrion species," the cameraman gave a close-up of a filament wrapped in a plastic bag, "they seem to degrade plastic."

Then the female anchor took a deep breath and showed a stiff smile towards the camera. According to the setting of the program group, she carefully touched the black wire with her hand, and a certain shape also touched the female anchor through the black wire. Fingers. The female anchor instantly scared the scalp, but still resisted the urge to pull her hand, and pulled a smile and said to the camera:

"Audience friends, have you seen them? These black worms are completely harmless to living beings, and we don't have to be afraid ..."

At this moment, a mouse suddenly burst out of the tin box next to it, and it was about to hit the anchor's hand! After being stepped on the black wire by the mouse, it was instantly analyzed that the mouse's paw carried dozens of pathogens that could infect humans!

So, the three filament brushes that had just greeted the female anchor just entangled the mouse like lightning! I saw the struggling mouse's paw catch the back of the female anchor's hand, and the filaments slammed hard!

Click it! The squeaking rattling rat's spine was cut to the side by filaments, and the upper body dangled in half to the left. Then the filaments folded the mouse's body into a ball and wrapped it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!" Seeing the encounter of the mouse close at hand, the female anchor was so frightened that she drew back her hands in an electric shock, crawling towards the camera crew Escaped. At this time, the film crew did not care about the ratings, and dropped the equipment and rushed out of the garbage dump!

The dark-haired teenager who was eating steak suddenly held up his forehead and mournfully said to himself:

"It's over! It's gone!"

Sure enough, once this live broadcast was broadcast on TV, it caused an explosive sensation among the people! People still on the street cried and ran to the nearest building, swarming to the street shops, restaurants, supermarkets and companies, trying to avoid the ubiquitous life-threatening black bugs on the street surface!

The people living in the slums in the slums around the cities looked at the black filaments that covered the walls and floors that had penetrated into the houses (some alien: that's because your home was too dirty). I had to leave the home with wooden sticks and machetes in groups of three or five, and embarked on a dangerous journey through countless black vines to the city for asylum!

And those television stations fearing that the world is not chaotic, have intercepted the picture of the black bug twisting the mouse, and replayed it numerous times on various channels:

TV station one:

"Heavy news! Just now the **** TV station captured the picture of the killing of mammals by alien nematodes. Let us take a look at this terrible scene!"

TV station two:

The host paused the big screen until the moment when the three filaments twisted the mouse: "Audience friends can see that just the black nematode, which is slightly thicker than the hair, has such great power! According to the calculation of relevant technical personnel, as long as The black nematodes are as thick as a mouse wire, and they can easily cut off the human spine within a second! "

TV station three:

The first was a picture of mice absorbing: "The black nematode developed from rotten food to devouring rodents within a day!"

Hesi then played the female anchor's hand to show the friendly scene: "Humans will be their next hunting target!"

(The black wires who are cleaning the screen are angrily twisting their bodies: out of context! Definitely out of context!)

Experts and professors in various fields have also changed their mouths, claiming that the conclusion that the black nematode was a saprophytic species was completely wrong! That's just because black nematodes are relatively weak in the initial stage. Those garbage are relatively easy to obtain nutrients. Once they are strong enough and the garbage has been exhausted, they will kill the life on this planet!

Government departments of various countries immediately combined with the world's top scientists to make an estimate, and the result was: In 5 hours, all the garbage on the continent will be consumed by the black nematodes!

So at 5:30 pm, the national federations urgently and publicly announced to the world: the time has come for human life! Faced with powerful enemies from outer space, we will never give in! We will never compromise! We will fight it to the end!

At the same time, all countries in the world urgently dispatched all armed forces in the country. More than 6 million people carried laser guns, held flamethrowers, and opened tens of thousands of high-energy sub-cannons across the continent. Advance!

At the same time, in the hotel:

On the screen is the scene of the protagonist of the male and female protagonist Amami leaving, the dark-haired young boy suddenly covered his face with his hands, leaned down on the bed, and shouted in his heart, "I asked what to kill the mouse!"

I saw the dark-haired boy turning over and burying his face in the quilt, hammering the bed with a venting hammer, thinking, "How am I so stupid! How can I be so stupid!"

System 2d14 cried and said, "The host is big! I also think this movie is particularly touching! Why can't they be together! Whoo ..."

A certain alien has no mood to deal with that stupid system, but quickly calculated in his mind: it takes 15 hours to clear the ocean and 6 hours to pollute the land. If it takes at least 2 hours under the interference of shelling and fire, and the damage to the ecological environment of Planet B is caused again ... but if the ocean is cleared and all the forces are concentrated to clear the land, the time taken will be reduced 1 hour and 40 minutes, plus the interference factors ...

At this point, each of the more than 6 million armed forces has been in place. Thousands of quantum cannons have been aligned with the black vines thick like a bucket! Millions of flamethrowers were held by soldiers and aimed at the black wires that were busy absorbing garbage! A big battle is just around the corner!

The presidents of the national federations sent a command to the soldiers around the world via wireless signals: "The countdown to the offense begins! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ..."

"Stop !!!"