When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 47: Weird World (6)

The next morning, the parasites did not drip all night, and they were not allowed to use the toilet 0193 to press the first court of the planet. They think that such a dismissal must be a great blow to the senior taskman 0193. The proud man of the past was once pulled down from the altar and treated so rudely! Parasites can't wait for the embarrassment of 0193 in court due to hunger or toilet problems, so they can also capture more negative shots to play to the entire galaxy.

Before the trial, all the parasites participating in the trial were concentrated in a large conference room in the court building, and the action plan was finalized. The 30-year-old blonde officer also personally came to the scene and sat in the first place of the meeting. He said to everyone with a microphone:

"Today our 13th plan has reached the most critical step: the death penalty of this potentially leaked Salvation Alliance clerk was passed through the court and executed immediately. This will prevent him from returning or being rescued to the Salvation Alliance to the greatest extent, thereby leaking The possibility of the clues of our parasitic family!

At the same time, in order to prevent the 0193 dog from jumping over the wall, he insisted at the trial that his suspicion that the Happy Planet was parasitic by alien creatures was correct, or that similar words spread to the entire galaxy. Therefore, the trial was not broadcast live to the galaxy, only the real-time contact with our companions in the Star Alliance was retained, and other inter-planet communications were blocked during the trial.

Therefore, during the trial, we must record the entire process. We have declared that the trial time is noon tomorrow, and today we are going to complete the recording of the trial process and edit it, so the photographer must try to shoot 0193 during the trial process. The ugliness caused the aversion of the entire galaxy to guarantee his death sentence.

Then we have to kill this 0193 before the fake live broadcast of the trial tomorrow. In this way, even if the main system of the Salvation Union tomorrow learns that its mission is sentenced to death by 'live broadcast', it will be too late to try to save it. We can't underestimate the means of the main system, so be sure to hit this time difference. Do you understand? "

The parasites, sitting in the clothes of judges, policemen, reporters, and the crowd, answered blankly together, "I understand."

At 10 o'clock, the dark-haired boy was brought into court under the escorting of two police officers. The front row of the hall was crowded with several rows of journalists raising their cameras, while the back was filled with the joy of indignation Planet inhabitants'. Judges, lawyers and public prosecutors have already been in place, and the atmosphere in the entire court was somber and audible.

As the dark-haired boy was taken into custody and entered, dozens of cameras aimed at the boy for a while, and it was supposed to record the 0193 shameless and shameless ugly state.

What they didn't expect was that in the camera, the dark-haired boy changed his irritability yesterday, but walked in calmly. He even had a casual smile on his face, nodding his head slightly to reporters as he walked, coupled with his handsome face, he was like a movie actor in casual attendance at the press conference. No dead angle in 360 degrees. Even the blood on the white shirt, which had become dark red, exuded a sense of unruly beauty against his temperament.

This made the reporters responsible for shooting feel bald. No matter how the angle and light were adjusted, the young man's figure and ugliness could not be touched. So they can only take pictures of the teenager first, and hope to save after editing.

The young man stood on the defendant's bench, his hands crossed in front of him, the serious atmosphere around him and the hatred of hundreds of people seemed to have no effect on him.

With hundreds of malicious acupuncture eyes, the dark-haired boy just stood there silently, looking at the judge with a smile. The stern female judge announced her standing and the trial officially began! The prosecutor first read the accusation against the suspect 0193.

A serious-looking middle-aged man on the public prosecutor's stand first stood up to speak: "I represent the First Court of the Planet as a public prosecutor, and now I will make a basic statement in this case: the victim Lucy was in the center at 8 pm on August 3. Pedestrian Street was lost. According to surveillance, Lucy was taken into a hotel 607 in the Ocean Blue Hotel by a dark-haired man in a white shirt. The police broke into the door at 2 am after the call was fruitless, and found the body of the victim's Lucy. The suspect was arrested and brought to justice. At that time, 0193 held a dagger to cut Lucy's body ...

According to the forensic autopsy report, the victim Lucy was killed by cutting a bilateral carotid artery and trachea with a sharp weapon, and the whole body was covered with 481 incisions after death ... All the body tissues of the victim were living in the name of 0193 Found in Room 607 ...

Lucy died at about 9 pm on October 3, when only the suspect 0193 was in the same room as the victim. The dagger held by the suspect was identified to match the cut of the victim's fatal wound ...

Therefore, the suspect's intentional killing of the victim's Lucy is conclusive evidence, and the suspect's 0193 killing method is extremely cruel, which is extremely bad for the victim's corpse division after death. Therefore, I believe that the case of suspected Clare's deliberate homicide and corpse should be sentenced severely. "

The parasitic beast eloquently spoke for half an hour and finally read out the indictment. Lucy's parents were sobbing loudly in the audience, and the atmosphere at the scene revealed that 0193 was not tolerated.

The majestic female judge looked at the dark-haired boy standing on the dock and said, "The defendant 0193, now you can justify your actions. Do you have any objection to the prosecutor's statement?"

The audience looked at this senior missioner 0193 who was trying to save the world, waiting for his long list of excuses and the declaration of the end of the world. The cameramen also thought about this: we must edit this paragraph for a while, and all the statements about parasitic beasts should be deleted. It is best to not only have no regrets after the 0193 killing, but always insist that his homicide is to The mad words of salvation, while also fearing sanctions, tried to repay Lucy's parents by using the ugly face to scapegoat.


The dark-haired boy heard the allegations of his own murder, but without a look of anxiety on his face, he seemed to say with a careless voice:

"I confess."

The hundreds of parasitic beasts on the scene seemed to feel that they were hitting cotton with a punch. The image of 0193 should not be like this! If such a scene is to be broadcasted "live" tomorrow, the plan to discriminate the image of 0193 of the 13th plan will all be invalidated! Then the severe female judge noticed and turned to the dark-haired boy and asked:

"Suspect 0193, if you confess these crimes, you will be sentenced to death under the laws of Happy Planet! Do you have any defense for yourself?"

Dark-haired boy: "I didn't hear the prosecutor's speech clearly. Can I ask him to say it again?"

The judge looked indifferently to the blond officer in the auditorium and nodded in agreement after receiving his approval. So the middle-aged man got up again and began to read the more than 20 pages of prosecution words: "I represent the first court of the planet in prosecution ..."

At the same time, the dark-haired teenager remembered Huo Li's voice: "I am here, you do n’t have to worry! The communication between Happy Planet and Star Alliance is completely under my control."

The black-haired boy heard a biteful smile on hearing the words, and finally he was able to hang out with his cousins! So he raised his voice to interrupt the middle-aged man's words: "Okay, don't worry, now it's not really live broadcasting, who do you show to!"

The prosecutor got stuck suddenly, and looked at the female judge for a moment with a change of temperament to 0193, who couldn't figure out the details.

The female judge can only brazenly say in accordance with the established development: "Suspect 0193, you don't want to disturb the court with nonsense! Your crime will surely get a fair trial, and the law will never let any bad guy go!"

The row of policemen standing behind the dark-haired boy was also very deterrent and stepped forward as a warning.

The dark-haired boy ignored the crowd, but bowed his head slowly and slowly into two sections of steel handcuffs holding his own hands. At this time, he changed to be loyalty and mummy in 0193, and the whole person exudes a kind of Random and dangerous breath:

"Don't you think that I, as the SS executor of the Salvation Alliance, is really such a stupid thing that cannot be separated from humans and parasites?"

The parasites present still kept their respective roles, looking at the dark-haired boy in the dock in suspicion, trying to distinguish whether he was cheating.

"You're talking nonsense!" The female judge has not yet received an order to terminate the plan, but can only continue to say sharply.

"Oh!" The dark-haired boy took out a flesh-colored worm directly from the space. "Your body is such a thing?"

The beasts present were shocked! The row of policemen aimed at the teenager.

But the black-haired boy turned a deaf ear, holding the group of beasts slowly in one hand, the group of parasitic beasts struggling frantically in the hands of the teenager, and its skin was almost transparent, and it was about to burst. , But seems to like its form very much, pinching, loosening, pinching, loosening, playing with this unlucky parasite like a rubber duck, and said,

"Your species is too weak. You can't stand this pressure. Wouldn't it explode in the vacuum of the universe? The body is so fragile, the IQ is only 20% higher than that of ordinary humans, and it has no even the most basic emotions ... you say that there is a need for a species that doesn't even feel like a pity to fall to the ground? "

Knowing that the secret had been revealed, the female judge completely put away the stern and fair look on her face, and said with an expressionless and cold voice, "I didn't expect the Salvation Union to be a bit capable, but what about it? Happy Planet has been completely blocked by us, and our companions have infiltrated all the planets of the galaxy more than a decade ago, and the Star Alliance is under our control!

Although you human beings have a small number of psionic powers appearing, most of them exist in a lower level than our IQ. Do you think emotion is a virtue? Human beings are nothing but a bunch of clowns clowning themselves with selfishness, greed, jealousy, laziness, vanity and indecision. Don't you know how much eschatology your foolishness and so-called 'feelings' created?

Human's attachment to material life and laziness create a shortage of resources; the desire for power creates a war of extinction; the desire for slavery of artificial intelligence creates one after another of mechanical eschatology, and human greed for territory has led to you Attacking the Zerg at the edge of the galaxy without help, and stupidly caused the Zerg to counterattack and destroy thousands of planets ...

It is also your human desire to optimize your genes that gave birth to our parasitic family! Your group of weak and greedy humans will eventually be replaced by the better of us. The parasitic family without those 'emotional' burdens will soon replace you as masters of the galaxy. The Judge of the Parasitic Beasts spoke out the voices of the parasites.

The black-haired boy taunted, "Oh! If only the best genes deserve the right to survive, then it shouldn't be your parasites, but should be aliens, should you say that? ? "

The word "special shape" comes out like pouring a bowl of water into a hot oil pan, so that those parasite beasts still using the center of human emotion can't help but take a breath of cold air!

Dark-haired boy: "It's a pity! If it wasn't for the fact that you have been performing since the discovery of the Wunderland laboratory wreckage a few months ago, you can use a dark line that has penetrated into the Star Alliance for more than a decade to conduct a large-scale search across the universe And search the Alliance town head-on against your second largest threat to the Salvation Alliance. You won't be discovered so quickly by the main system that imprisoned itself on a glass panel. "

Dark-haired boy: "By the way, did you find the alien?"

Parasites: "..."

The black-haired boy: "Do you have a trillion-dollar population that is afraid of a alien? Alas, how dare you call yourself an excellent race to replace humans as the master of the universe?"

The parasitic middle-aged man who acted as a prosecutor seemed unable to bear the random tone of 0193 when talking about aliens, and he took a step forward and said:

"How can you ignorant human beings realize that the alien is terrible! It only takes a few days to destroy a planet, and he is much better at disguising himself as human beings. It has human beings in its body. All genes can be transformed from alien to anyone in a matter of seconds without copying human beings!

It is certainly the biggest enemy of our parasitic family! If you are a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, if you encounter a strange attack on your salvation alliance town, it will be destroyed within a few hours! When its black, silky limbs penetrate into your body, and use your flesh to conceive an ultimate monster that is about to break out of the body, you, the now stupid human being, can only bear the pain and curl up in a ball Weep and tremble! "

The blonde officer parasitic beast: "Just talk nonsense, kill him!"

10 guards around at the same time raise their guns and prepare to fire!

Under the stare of a group of parasitic beasts, the black arm surged in the left arm and shot alienated black wire at the police, and instantly penetrated the skulls of 10 people!

The young black hair smiled, "Why should I cry and tremble? I'm the alien."