When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 81: Doomsday Earth (14)

And in the starship over Alliance Town, hundreds of technicians are still busy cracking the built-in system of the Philip home robot. They sent instructions to 2,000 Robot Warriors underground to attempt to hack the internal network of the mechanical control system through wireless communication, but what puzzled them was that no signal was found in the area of ​​the Salvation Alliance town at all!

"How's the crack going?" Asked Heilienhee.

The technical director had to bite his head and said, "No, there is no connection."


The person in charge wiped the sweat on his forehead and explained: "As long as the main system uses wireless remote control to send instructions to those robots, or if there is information transmission between those robots, our technical team will detect them. So as a breakthrough point for invasion. But the area underneath has nothing ... "

Heinrich simply wanted to re-read the university, and he yelled at the poor person in charge: "You can't detect even the signal! Did you imply that the main system is to put a wire on the robot warrior to manipulate them? ? "

The person in charge of technology also felt very innocent, and his face almost burst into tears, saying, "Yes, but it is impossible to find anything! Our technical team can never decipher the air underneath ..." The face that was about to eat people gradually became smaller.

Heinrich slammed a large stack of information on his console and said, "Go and search! There must be something wrong with your technical team! What's going on with this Philip family? Check! Then give I check! Apply to the Alliance headquarters for an emergency arrest warrant and bring me the chief of the Philip family and the technical director of the home robotics company! "

After issuing a series of orders, Heinrich rubbed his forehead with his eyes closed.

At this time, a burly middle-aged deputy commander of the offensive operation around him said: "General, since the internal capture plan has not been successful for the time being, we should continue to shell the Alliance's protective net! This main system is now With such great ambitions, if we are slightly negligent, the images to humans may be fatal! "

"General Kurt is right," Old Lucas echoed. "We should continue to attack! While the peripheral forces of the main system have not arrived before."

Heinrich watched a group of subordinates support the bombing and sighed, "Keep energy-saving power and continue to attack the Alliance Town!"

So under the siege of 1,200 starships, the crumbling little orange net cricket persisted for a whole day and was not eventually broken. Some wide-hearted psionicists in the town of the Salvation Alliance even went home with a big wave.

Anyway, the main system said that during the siege of the town of Salvation Union, all hotels and apartments lived for free! In addition, vacations in Alliance Town don't even deduct points.

As for those captive abilities, they are miserable. Under the care of the home robot, some betrayers with poor kidney function have even been urinated into their pants ...

At the time when Heinrich was riding a tiger and wondering whether he should continue to waste energy and stone bombardment, the technical director of the Philip family robot company was finally brought by the soldiers onto the mothership.

I saw David Philip wearing a suit and leather shoes came in under the care of two soldiers. The scorched maritime Inhee saw David as if a wicked dog saw meat buns, and almost didn't pounce directly!

"David Philip!" Heinrich shouted sharply. "The companies in your family are suspected of providing prohibited war weapons to the anti-human artificial intelligence-the main system! What do you have to say?"

"My lord, our Philip family does not have a company involved in military items." David replied humblely. "As for the first-generation Philip home robot that you came to investigate yesterday, it is completely a housekeeping robot! For military bans! In part, our family has never set foot. "

Heinrich: "You are telling me that the mechanical warriors who are holding thousands of psionics with miniature laser cannons are housework robots! Stop arguing about how your family colluded with the main system and sold them machinery The soldier's process is truthful! "

"My lord, even if you are a senior Star Alliance official, you can't talk nonsense." David Phillip was stigmatized and angry, "I have brought in a sample of the suspected banned home robot, You and your technical team can inspect it on the spot. As for the factory that produces home robots, you can also spot check for prohibited items at any time. I can guarantee that even a screw of Philip Company is made of legal materials! "

Heinrich waved his hand and motioned the technical team to check that the group of robot fighters brought by David had almost the same appearance as the fighters who killed the Quartet below, but the home robot with the miniature laser cannon on the left hand was missing.

"But if you haven't identified the problem," said David Philip with a hint of pride. "We, the Philip family, have the right to sue you for infringement of your technology with the Supreme Court of the Star! The first generation of Philip's home robots is the domestic robot industry Milestone, it contains nearly a hundred emerging technology patents. You can't just seize this impermanence! "

Hailey Inch is almost two heads in one head. It seems that the Philip family is also a difficult hard bone. In this race against time, he really has no energy to fight the gangsters.

The old Lucas on the side and the deputy general in military uniform looked at each other, then the two left the main control room without any trace, and used their communication devices to make a connection. Thirty minutes later, the technical team concluded that this batch of robots were indeed all legal, and that they used materials and memory systems that could not be more common. Even the technical team really can't see where this domestic robot is advanced.

Just as Alliance Town's protective nets continued to persist in indiscriminate bombing, while Heiliensi's attack plan was at an impasse. The big screen suddenly changed into the Star Alliance headquarters meeting room, Luke, the president of the Star Alliance. Gaskell said:

"Heinrich, the alliance just convened an emergency meeting. It was unanimously approved that the main system of the Salvation Alliance was determined to be an extremely harmful organization, and the alliance ’s combat power was used to combat it. Star Alliance now officially stops all battles with the Zerg. Before the main system is destroyed, it will be our biggest enemy! It is also the only enemy! All 8,000 giant starships of the Alliance are dispatched and will arrive in an hour. We will take a devastating blow to the Salvation Alliance! "

With support from the rear, Hale Inch only felt relieved: "Yes, sir."

Luke. Gaskell nodded and continued: "The only goal now is to eliminate the main system in the shortest time. Don't worry about the consumption of energy stone. Now the alliance has urgently taken all the starry stone inventory for a total of 10 million tons, enough. You blasted 100 Salvation Alliance towns to pieces! "

Heinrich was a little puzzled. He didn't know that it had always been a well-thought-out Star Alliance. This time, why did he throw out such a huge amount of energy stones: "Luke, isn't this too hasty? Use all the energy stones stored by Star Alliance Later, in case the Zerg strikes ... "

"No, Heinrich, you have to remember that our biggest threat at this stage is always the main system! The harm of artificial intelligence cannot be underestimated, you just execute the order!" Luke. Gaskell said.

"Yes, Mr. President!" Although Heinrich still felt that the President's attitude was a bit strange, but he had no time to think about the emergency, and issued a bombing order again.

An hour later, 8,000 giant starships reached the periphery of Alliance Town, and the water enclosed by a small transparent board of 10km × 20km was blocked. With the sound of Heinrich, all starships fired at the maximum power, and the oval-shaped protective net in Alliance Town turned into a dazzling light group!

The loud roar and strong light forced the psionicists to cover their eyes with hands and put on sound-proof earplugs. Even Huo Lidu compassionately manipulated the painted version of the patron saint to press the rebels back into the idle building, so as not to be stunned by the strong light and loud noise.

And on the earth, the dark-haired young man who had been tired of drinking iced black tea finally got excited and looked at the simultaneous live broadcast in his head with joy, wanting to see the grand situation after the protection net broke!

In this thunderous thunder, the starship group consumed only dozens of hours more energy than the original 800 tons of starry sky stones in just two hours, and the little orange protective net was finally flickering. It was completely broken after ten minutes!

Thousands of silver-purple light beams whistled past the position of the original protective net, hitting another small orange net that had just turned on within 10 meters ...

"Misty grass! The main system is endless!" The dark-haired young man who looked forward to it for a few days but expected to fail again could not help shouting.

If Xiaoyi was watching TV at this time, he would smash the screen. However, since the live broadcast this time was conducted in his own mind, even the aliens would not let their brains breathe out, he could only turn his head and shouted at Huo Li in disbelief:

"How come there is a layer of protection net! When will the frontal battles start? I am still waiting for my Iron Man Painted Edition patron saint to show his might!"

Huo Li took a moment, and then hesitantly said, "Xiao Yi, I just asked you the main system, and the main system let me tell you that you don't have to wait any longer. It also said that ... the scenery of the earth is good, you can go again Take a look. Moreover, if the patron saint is injured, it is not good for the Philip home robot to start bleeding. Xiaoyi, you know that I can only control the alienated black silk, and I can hardly manipulate the black silk to orientate alienation. Their blood clots ... "

The black-haired boy interrupted Huo Li's explanation and sighed in surprise: "Is there a victim paranoid in the main system! How many layers of protective nets did it put on itself in the peaceful era?"

Huo Li: "This, let me ask."

Salvation Alliance Town

"It actually has a third layer of protection net! Continue to increase the firepower and give me a bomb!" Heinrich shouted at his subordinates. "Until this layer is also broken! Even if it has a fourth layer, we will decide Can't be discouraged! I don't believe that a small Salvation Union town will set up a 5-layer protective net in places that will not encounter space invasion all year round! "

The fire continued to shine!

On the earth in the villa

Huo Li: "145th floor."

Xiao Yi bumped his head on the sofa and said dullly: "Forget it, let's go back to the body! Even digging trenches is more interesting than this ..."

So after a few months, Xiaoyi and Huo Li returned to the body that was working crazy. The teenager looked at the crowds who were tired and tired under the hot muddy water around him, and finally realized after a few months of leisure. Fullness from labor!

So Xiao Yi began to dig up the soil with interest.

The people around were surprised to see that their 4,000 patron saints could dig out dozens of tons of dirt in a second, but they also had to go into battle with a handful of dug dark-haired boys. Really hard work! Everyone could not help but sigh.

In an instant, Huo Li was poured out by some hot rainstorms, and he fluttered his silly wings in the rain curtain like a wiper: Actually Xiaoyi just wanted to play mud!

And also in this construction team, Xu Yuncheng, who had to condescend and noble to dig the soil vigorously with his own space power, slowly walked here, pretending to be unfamiliar with the teenager and sideways avoiding Huo Li A large splash of water fluttered from the wings, trying to divert two people from the side to another river.

"Hey, Xu Yuncheng!" The dark-haired boy shouted in disgust after seeing this big traitor who had broken a few ribs from a distance, and almost knocked Huo Li into a flesh. "Come over me I have something to tell you! "

Xu Yuncheng turned his head in surprise and didn't know what medicine was sold in the alien gourd, but came over vigilantly.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaoyi." Xu Yuncheng knows that tearing his face at this time is not good for himself.

While no one around him could hear the conversation, the dark-haired young boy smiled and lowered his voice and asked, "Xu Yuncheng, do you want to know how your plans for the rebel group leaked?"

As Xu Yuncheng's pupils shrank, he did not expect Xiao Yi to pierce the illusion of peace between the two so directly. But when it comes to this, Xu Yuncheng doesn't need to cover up again: "Is it Huo Li's reading mind? But I understand his ability. If you search and memorize the high-level ability, it is impossible for him It feels like, oh, maybe it's all you're bombing me, you have no evidence, you just doubt my type of ability. "

"Is that so?" Young smiled, and stretched out his muddy hand, provoked a twisting black wire from Xu Yuncheng's right shoulder, "Xu Yuncheng, why don't you have a long memory?"