When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 569: Forsi gradually understood everything

  The entire empty street became deep and dark.

  It is clearly daytime, but the bright sunlight has disappeared, or it has been isolated, unable to shine directly down.

  Only the quiet night fell, and the deepest darkness enveloped everything around, replacing the normal environment. And in this cold and deep darkness, dotted with bits and pieces of bright starlight, presenting a dreamlike beauty, just like the starry sky at night has fallen into the world, projected onto this area, overlapping and replacing with the environment.

  In front of the building of the Blackthorn Security Company—


  Dun En seemed to be under some pressure, and couldn't help groaning. He held the urn of St. Selina in his hand, and stood up straight as a pine.

  He endured the unbearable pain of ordinary people, and opened the ashes of the church's legendary figures. The dreamy night starry sky is the invisible ink spilled from this box, easily distorting the reality of this area, making it smudged with a deep color.

  Saint Selina was a saint during the establishment of the Evernight Goddess Church. She was active in the ancient third era and was recorded in various holy scriptures. The church in Tingen was named after this saint. The ashes left by her are also the strongest trump card of the Church of Evernight in Tingen, and they still possess incredible power...

   A centipede is dead but not stiff, let alone a high-sequence powerhouse who obtained divinity during his lifetime.

   And to be precise, it’s not that the ashes themselves have such magical power—

   It is because the extraordinary characteristics that this saint once possessed are still there, so he has such power. However, it is precisely because of this power that exceeds that limit and enters the high-sequence level that it is possible to threaten the enemy on the opposite side, stimulating both the mother and the offspring to become crazy at the same time...

   "You want to kill my child!"

   "You want to kill my child!"

  The sharp and vicious soprano sounded, and Megios became crazy as if she had been stimulated by something. There are indistinctly countless black, cold and slippery filaments in the air, surging like waves, like the dense tentacles of some invisible creature, tightly wrapping her around, tightening more and more.

  Just like the projection of the night starry sky, these countless cold and slippery tentacles are also one of the forms of power displayed by Saint Selina's ashes, and they are dragging her forward bit by bit, into the building of the Blackthorn Security Company.

  Megios was extremely resistant to this, struggling desperately, roaring and uttering the most vicious curses.

  She no longer has the previous appearance of a weak pregnant woman that I still feel sorry for, but has changed into an extremely ferocious, ghost-like posture.

  The flesh and blood on her body also became blurred, the skin peeled off, and scarlet smeared on the dress. This whole **** person looked extremely terrifying. When her mouth was split almost behind the ears and she uttered the hateful and profane words, it challenged the psychological boundaries of ordinary people even more...Ordinary people can't even bear a single syllable, and the profane words are also obviously lethal to extraordinary people.

   It’s just that on this battlefield, the few Extraordinary people who appear are not ordinary people. Even Captain Dunn, who is the most simple and easy to understand, is also a Sequence 7 "Nightmare".

  —Needless to say, Klein, as the seed player selected by "Tianzun", the current owner of "Origin Castle", the future Mister Fool, the great master of the bathroom and the **** of reporting... the protagonist's aura is definitely properly opened!

  —Leonard is also not bad, although on the surface it is just the Sequence 8 "Midnight Poet" of the Dark Night Path, but in fact he is an alternative protagonist template with golden fingers. The old man parasitic on him is an angel of the Thief Path, even if it is not easy to show up, he dare not show up, but it is enough to protect him.

  —As for the last Forsi, let alone this Miss Salted Fish Writer, although she herself doesn’t know how much spiritual power she has been infused with. After all, the actions of tearing up the space with her hands and traveling through the spiritual world were all carried out unconsciously, and she herself didn’t even know that she had done this.

   However, this does not change the objective fact...

  Even if it's only temporary, she might be the one who can fight the most on the scene.

   It's just that she herself really didn't know about it, so she didn't even think about exerting this power at all. She still held the "apprentice" mentality of being a Sequence 9, and subconsciously hid away at the first moment when the chaos broke out, for fear of being accidentally affected.

   "You must die!"

   Scratching her face crazily, she grabbed off the flesh and an eyeball on her face. The increasingly manic Megose realized that she couldn't break free from the icy shackles of the countless tentacles.


  The heavy muffled sound came almost simultaneously, and Dunn suddenly flew into the air, as if he had been hit hard by some invisible giant, and his back, as strong as a rag doll, hit the wall of the building, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

  But he still firmly grasped the saint's urn in his hand, and didn't let it drop or drop, not daring to let go of the suppression on Megose.

  Of course, he must never let go, this is the only hope... He sensed how terrifying the enemy was, if it wasn't for the power of the urn to support him, then the scene would probably have been a one-sided massacre.

   That’s true. In terms of the official extraordinary power in the city of Tingen alone, not to mention the Nighthawks, even if you add the Punisher and the Mechanical Heart, there is absolutely no one who can resist the current Megose and the thing in her stomach.

  In a remote place that doesn't even have a demigod on the surface, what can be used to fight against a "child" who is about to come?


  Ancient Hermetic words echoed in a low voice.

  Klein resisted the urge to care about Captain Dunn, and decisively seized the opportunity of Megose's distraction, pouring a lot of spirituality into the spell in his hand in an instant, and then threw the "Sun Flame Spell" in Megose's direction.

  Because of the butterfly effect, all of this happened too suddenly and too fast. He hadn't even had time to be promoted to the clown of Sequence 8 before he encountered the terrifying incident of the birth of the evil god; however, also because of the accident of fate, he also made the "Sun Flame Talisman" more than a month in advance, which is more or less a powerful hole card.

   Therefore, it is not possible to say that at this time, he, a "seer" who has no frontal combat effectiveness, can't play a role at all.

   Leonard also decisively used the sealed item in his hand to contain it. With the tacit cooperation of the two, the rapidly inflated little sun in Klein's hand hit Megose with incomparable precision!


  In the deep and quiet night, it seems that there is a dazzling sun rising. The violent glare instantly tore open the curtain of night, turning the environment into day again.

   And just between this unnatural forced transition between day and night, there is a majestic energy detonation. The glass of all the buildings on both sides of the entire Zuotland Street burst in an instant, accompanied by deafening loud noises, and countless fragments splashed and scattered.

  Megose's entire body was engulfed by the huge ball of light, and countless small circles of light **** surrounded by flames burst out around her, all of them releasing surging heat energy. The high-temperature radiation mixed with the shock wave turned into a terrible hot wind, even if it was far away, it still burned people's skin and hurt, if it was a little closer, flesh and steel would probably melt under the sun.

   Both Dunn and Leonard were slightly moved, and their eyes widened subconsciously, as if they couldn't believe that the weak Klein was still holding such a card in his hand.

  However, at such a critical juncture, there is no time to care whether Klein is a boy or not, and where he got it is obviously a high-level spell with the style of the Church of the Eternal Sun, so it is good if it can come in handy.

  They all subconsciously stared at the depths of the sea of ​​fire and purgatory, holding their breath and waiting for the result to appear, hoping that this high-level spell would play a key role, not just to erase Megose directly, but at least to severely injure the other party...



-I knew it!

  —I knew it would be like this!

  Miss Xianyu watched the fierce battle between the two sides, and naturally trembled with trepidation. Her mind was in chaos, and she didn't dare to go forward at all. There was only one thought that firmly occupied all the calculation threads in her mind.

   In her opinion, such a battle is already quite a shocking scene.

  The special effects are gorgeous, the sound effects are shocking, and the fight is also full of flesh and blood...

  Strange and evil, blasphemy and light, extraordinary abilities are intertwined and collided with each other, deducing a huge and impactful performance...

  On the whole, it is absolutely impressive, and it belongs to a big scene that she has never seen before, although it may also be because she has never seen anything in the world. But it is also understandable, just like Forsi became a Extraordinary in a daze, after becoming an Extraordinary, she also lived in a daze.

   Neither forward momentum nor access to extraordinary circles.

  Basically, I have never fought much, nor have I seen how others have fought.

  Her knowledge of the Extraordinary world can be said to be extremely superficial, and it is mainly based on the few words that her friends usually chat with.

  Because of this, Forsi is still very simple and naive in this regard, the entry point and logical thinking of thinking about problems are relatively straightforward, and she doesn't realize that there are still many twists and turns.

  So in her view, this chaotic battle broke out extremely suddenly, but it seemed to be taken for granted. After all, no matter what conspiracy and tricks came against her, she would definitely not let her go. In particular, this seemingly self-defeating, self-reporting and surrender to the Orthodox Church is probably something they didn't expect... This must be stopped.

   And when he was about to arrive at the Blackthorn Security Company and was sheltered by the Church of the Evernight Goddess, it was the last chance to attack him...

  What a plain and simple truth!

  Miss Xianyu consciously grasped the logic behind this matter.

  She just never expected that the mastermind behind the scenes would be so insane.

  Send a pregnant woman who looks weak on the surface, but is actually an indescribable twisted monster to attack herself.

  Looking at Megose's posture from afar, it became more and more grotesque and crazy. Her pregnant belly was abnormally swollen and swollen, and her hands, feet, and limbs seemed to be distorted, deformed, and elongated. At first glance, she looked like a deformed spider with a big belly... Forsi felt her scalp was going numb. She didn't know anything just now, and she even wanted to get closer to this mother-to-be.

  When she thought of this, she felt a wave of dread and chills all over her body.

   Fortunately, Forsi was not murdered, because the Blackthorn Security Company reacted too quickly. Before she could react, she came out with the urn and hammered people, forcing this well-disguised pregnant woman to show her fierceness...

   Sure enough, it should be said, is it worthy of being the Nighthawk of the goddess?

  Such an efficient response, such a keen sense of smell, such a decisive action—

   I'm afraid I just finished registering at the church, and I've already received the news here, right? Otherwise, how could it be possible to respond to him so quickly and accurately, and help him stop such a terrible attack? really! Choosing to seek shelter from the Church of the Evernight Goddess is definitely the most correct decision!

  Fors took it for granted from her perspective, brainstormed the rational development of all this, and felt a surge of admiration, and let out a long sigh of relief.


  She soon discovered that she seemed to be happy too early...

  Although the Nighthawks team was very decisive when they took the initiative to start the team, as the battle situation developed, they quickly fell into a disadvantage, and there was an obvious trend that they couldn't hold on.

   This made Miss Xianyu, who had just breathed a sigh of relief and hadn't relaxed for two minutes, suddenly became nervous again, her hands sweating unconsciously. She didn't understand what kind of existence the enemy they were fighting was, and what kind of high-level and high-level conspiracy was involved. She just saw the superficial phenomenon intuitively - the Extraordinary of the Church of Evernight took the initiative to start a group physically, and was almost killed by the opponent in three-on-one.

Why! Are you going to play!

   All in all, this fact had a considerable impact on her, and at the same time, the thought that had just arisen in her heart couldn't help being shaken.

  Although the Church of Evernight responded quickly and provided great support, but...can it really protect itself? It seems to be a bit hanging now.

   Having said that, how did I provoke these lunatics, and what is it worthy of their calculations? Even willing to take the risk of facing up to the Church of God to attack yourself? I usually stay at home and don't go out at all. After watching the blood moon, I almost lost control. After waking up, I fell into this vortex full of conspiracy...

  Forsi really wants to cry, but she is so buddhist, who else can she provoke? It's impossible to procrastinate too much and the manuscript is not in time, so it stimulates some extreme readers...

   Are you going to be too extreme like this?

  All kinds of messy thoughts came out of her mind.

   At this moment, the dazzling sunlight disappeared, leaving only the astonishing heat in the air. Megose also reappeared on the battlefield. She was obviously traumatized, but she was not easily wiped out. The pain and threats she suffered completely stimulated her sensitive nerves, making her even more insane and frightening. She looked like a charred, indescribable monster.

   Just such a monster, with a mixture of white exposed bones and burnt fuzzy flesh and blood, counterattacked wildly with unimaginable mobility.

   Almost a face-to-face directly hit Leonard—

  The main reason is that the target of the attack was Klein. The latter has not yet been promoted to "Joker", and his body movement ability has not been strengthened. If Leonard hadn't reacted, Klein probably would have been difficult to avoid this sudden fatal attack.

  However, the price for Mr. Fool’s escape was that the poet student was almost disemboweled, dismembered, and fell into a coma. And the pressure suddenly came to the side of Captain Dunn, who was the strongest on the surface, and the situation became even worse. It seemed that the Tingen Market Night Squad, which could only pull out three fighters hastily, was in danger of being wiped out at any time.

   Seeing the situation getting worse, Forsi's expression froze completely.

  —Do you want to sneak away now?

  —Otherwise you might not be able to escape later?

   Facing this precarious and precarious situation, Forsi naturally had such a thought flash in her mind. Once this thought was born, it would immediately grow wildly like a weed. But in the end, this tempting idea was rejected by her with difficulty, because she found that her moral level was really not low enough to do such a thing.

  No matter how you say it, these Nighthawks are here to support me. If they didn't help me decisively, I'm afraid I'd be gone by now... Now it's really not that easy for me to choose to ignore this fact and act like betraying my teammates.

  Moving her slender and fair fingers, Miss Xianyu gritted her teeth, after all, she still didn't choose to activate her only extraordinary ability...

   Huh, wait?

  Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to Fuzhi's mind, and Forsi's eyes lit up. She finally realized what she could do instead of just staring at the sidelines.

   That's right! She can play support position! She can open the "door"!