When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

Chapter 273: tracked away

The appearance of the merman was indeed unexpected, and it made the current situation even more complicated.

Yun Qingyue thought over and over again and said: "Those people are not easy to deal with, and now we have to add a mermaid. It may not be easy for the three of us to do something. We should find some people first, and everyone gather together and say There might be a way to save people."

Tan Xin also felt that there was nothing wrong with this arrangement, after all, the three of them escaped from the aboriginal tribe with great difficulty tonight, and going back now is no different from a sheep in a tiger's mouth. Although it may be miraculous to kill the carbine now, the risk is really not worth it, so inquiring about the situation and so on should be left in the future.

Jiang Mo has no objection to what the senior sister said, but she still has some concerns about meeting the shark tonight. So I exchanged a few words with the system in my heart: "System, did you see the merman who appeared before?"

Although the system has been brought up by the host to be a showman and salty fish, but at least it is the main task right now, and even the host has braced himself to deal with it, so it naturally takes care of it. It is observing the surroundings almost all the time, but unfortunately since boarding the ghost ship and actually entering the main mission, the system's auxiliary ability has plummeted, and it is the same now: "No, I didn't find anything."

Jiang Mo was not surprised when he heard the words, and asked it again: "Then can you scan that tribe now, and look for that shark by the way?"

The system released its tentacles to scan, and the result was as fruitless as before. The tribe was obviously the most common place, not to mention spiritual power, and there was not even a little extra energy fluctuation. But the system still couldn't scan it, and the released tentacles seemed to be trapped in a fog, and I couldn't see anything clearly when I was dizzy.

In the end, there was nothing to do, the system had no choice but to say in frustration: "No host, the tribe can't scan, and I can't find the mermaid." After speaking, he seemed to feel that he was useless, and he added as if to make up for it: "But there is indeed a man behind the tribe. The pool, and it's still running water, the kind that can connect to the sea."

In other words, the mermaid can follow the current to the tribe without going ashore, and his strength will not be too limited without leaving the water. So with the strength of the three of them, it is indeed difficult to parry.

Jiang Mo thought about it for a few rounds, and he was sure that there was nothing to ask, so he stopped talking to the system.

The three made up their minds to contact someone first, but it was dark at night, and it was not easy to find someone. Tan Xin especially has the right to speak about this: "Although the level of monsters on this island is not too high, they are very active at night, and it will be much better during the day. Many people were attacked last night. I think they will all find them tonight." The place is hiding, it's better for us to wait until dawn to find someone."

Yun Qingyue and Jiang Mo didn't object. In fact, they were a little tired after the night of turmoil. So Jiang Mo took the initiative: "In this case, let's find a place to rest for the night first."

In the end, the three of them didn't waste any time, just found a big tree to rest their feet, and survived through midnight.

Of course, the second half of the night was not very peaceful. They didn't know what happened to those monks who were hiding, but Tan Xin and the three of them hid in the tree. At least six or seven groups of monsters passed by in the middle of the night, and the most recent time they all came directly under the tree.

Tan Xin was sure that they would not be able to avoid the noses of the monsters without the shield of the enchantment, but for some reason none of the monsters made a move. After they came, they all walked away, as if deliberately avoiding something. And Tan Xin didn't say anything, she just opened her eyes and took a look when those monsters left, and then closed her eyes and meditated again, as if there was no waves in the ancient well.

At the same time, Yun Qingyue was not unaware, but she was calmer than Tan Xin, and she didn't even open her eyes from the beginning to the end.

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The night passed quickly and slowly, and those who hid all night breathed a sigh of relief when the dawn broke.

Jiang Mo immediately noticed that there were fewer monsters moving in the jungle. She opened her eyes and stretched her waist. The originally inelegant movements were placed on her body, but somehow became a little more lazy and leisurely.

Yun Qingyue opened her eyes just in time to see this scene, her gaze stayed on Jiang Mo for a little longer, and then quickly retracted.

Tan Xin didn't sleep much last night, and he was doing vigil while meditating—although this vigil didn't seem necessary—he also opened his eyes after hearing the movement. When the three of them came down from the tree, he asked, "Shall we go find someone now?"

Jiang Mo rubbed his stomach when he heard the words: "There's no rush, let's find something to eat first."

People are like iron and rice is steel. The little white tiger used to be greedy, but now it is consumed by the body and needs to replenish energy. A tiger as big as her ate two spiritual fruits that she doesn't like to eat yesterday, which is really embarrassing for the tiger. Not to mention the fight with the aborigines last night. In fact, she was already very hungry when she escaped, and she was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back after a night.

Yun Qingyue and Tan Xin didn't say anything when they heard the words, because they felt the same way after losing their spiritual support.

The three of them searched around hungry, no matter the prey or the spiritual fruit, they had to fill their stomachs before talking. It turned out that before they found food, they found two groups of monks who were alone, and they were the ones who would fight if they disagreed.

Unfortunately, both parties, Yun Qingyue, knew each other, and they should be able to talk.

A disciple of the Red Blood Sect in red and a disciple of Xuanqing Sect in white are confronting each other. The two sides were arguing about something earlier, but now their swords are on the verge of breaking out, and they look like they are ready to fight at any time. Rao didn't want to expose his identity and contact his old friend, so the veins on his forehead twitched when he saw this scene, and he immediately stood up and shouted: "This island is full of crises, and it is time to unify the outside world. What are you doing?!"

The atmosphere between the two sides was on the verge of simmering, but suddenly a person came out and said such a thing, and the eyes of both sides immediately looked over. The person from the Red Blood Sect replied angrily: "Irrelevant people, don't mind your own business."

Yun Qingyue frowned, and Jiang Mo was not dissatisfied, and would have gone up to teach others a long time ago.

But right now it's really inappropriate to make trouble, so in the end Tan Xin came out to smooth things over and told what happened last night.

This time, the people on both sides calmed down. It took less than two days for them to go to the island and they were fully engaged. Naturally, they were not familiar with the situation on the island. They had never met the aborigines before, and they didn't know the danger and strangeness of those people, so they had the heart to fight for the righteous way and the evil way. But now that there is a common threat, the rest of the grievances can be put aside.

It's just that after listening to Tan Xin's narration, the attitudes of the two parties are also very different. The battle madness of the Red Blood Sect is eager to try, and wants to find those aborigines to practice their skills, but the people of Xuanqing Sect intend to seek the protection of the elders.

Of course, this is not because Xuan Qingzong's people are cowardly, but because they are quite self-aware—the identities of Yun Qingyue and Jiang Mo have not been recognized, but there is still Tan Xin here. Especially looking at Tan Xin's current posture, not to mention the weakest among the three, it is obviously impossible to be the strongest. In this way, the three of them fled in embarrassment. Taking Tan Xin's combat power as the criterion, the people of Xuan Qingzong didn't think they could fight.

It is also impossible for the people of the Scarlet Blood Sect to defeat those aborigines and sharks, but they are just reckless enough.

Ignoring the words of the people from the Red Blood Sect asking about the location of the tribe, Jiang Mo still remembered the dozen or so rays of light he saw when the ghost ship had an accident that day. She looked at Xuan Qingzong and the others, and asked, "Do you know where the elders who came with you are?"

The people of Xuanqingzong did not hide anything, and said bluntly: "We have seen the mark of the sect, and we can find it by looking for the mark."

Yes, this is also a way for sect disciples to gather together. Although in most cases there is no need to be so troublesome, but whoever makes everyone on the island lose their spiritual power, this stupid method is the only one left. And the effect of this is not bad, at least when the first disciple left a mark, fellow disciples came to meet one after another when they saw it.

Although Jiang Mo has been in the Xuanqing Sect for many years, she has stayed in the sect to practice in seclusion these years, except for the time in the Canglan Secret Realm, she has hardly gone out to practice. She is not familiar with these, but Yun Qingyue is familiar with them, and she is more aware of the slightly different logos of sect elders and disciples.

Yun Qingyue's heart moved, and he asked, "Which elder are you looking for?"

The Xuanqingzong disciples all looked at her after hearing the words, but after thinking about it, there was nothing they couldn't say, so one said: "We happened to find a peak master's logo before, and it should be the peak master Qingyu calling disciple."

When Yun Qingyue heard it, she immediately felt a sense of relief—the ghost ship had an accident two days ago, and the dozen or so lights that rushed out of the ghost ship were not only seen by Jiang Mo, but also by her. At that time, she knew that one of them must belong to the master, and she also saw the besieged deep sea monsters at that time, so she was naturally very worried. Now that she heard the news about Master, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was at this time that someone from the Red Blood Sect suddenly muttered in a low voice: "It's strange, is the peak master of Xuanqing Sect nearby? We are also here to find the elders. Could it be that they can still stay together?"

All the people present had sharp eyes and ears, so they naturally heard the words, and all of them had strange expressions.

The people of Xuanqingzong frowned, obviously very dissatisfied with such rhetoric, just about to go forward to say a few words, they were stopped by the same door: "Forget it, now is not the time for disputes, we should find the leader as soon as possible." Tight." After speaking, he changed the subject, and said again: "We have all lost our spiritual power, and we don't know how the peak master is now..."

Although Peak Master Qingyu also used this stupid method to summon his disciples, and it seemed that the situation might not be much better than theirs, but it was always reassuring to have the elders of the master.

Jiang Mo listened to both sides' words, but she didn't notice the subtlety in her senior sister's eyes at the moment, and said directly without thinking too much: "Now our enemies are not each other, and there are many crises on this island, why don't we go together Go. If the two seniors are together, it will be easier for us to find people, and it will be more calm to deal with the future."

Although the people from the two sects did not deal with each other, but the overall situation is the most important right now, there is not much dispute. Finally, a group of people reached a consensus and searched for the signs all the way, and they all pointed in the same direction.