When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

Chapter 274: Food protector

After only two days on this Same Island, Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue encountered many things. On the contrary, Qing Yu and Zhu Baiyi, although they also live on this island, their lives are completely different from those of Jiang Mo and the others.

After two days of cultivation, Qing Yu's injuries have healed a lot, and she officially embarked on the road of seeking apprentices.

Zhu Baiyi still followed behind her. At first, she was afraid that the monsters on this island would hurt her, but later she found that there were very few monsters nearby, so she was relieved. But since Qing Yu didn't chase her away, she naturally wouldn't leave. Not only does she not leave, but she also prepares healing elixir and food that she can find every day, and puts them within Qing Yu's reach.

It was the same today, Qing Yu woke up in the morning light, jumped off the big tree where he had landed last night, just as he landed, he saw a few fresh spiritual grasses and two apple-sized eggs under the tree.

She paused, then leaned over and picked up the thing on the ground. The egg was still slightly hot when she picked it up—the egg belonged to some kind of spirit beast, and it was accidentally touched by someone. But now the type of egg is obviously not important, because it has obviously been baked or boiled, it is cooked, and it can be eaten after peeling the shell.

Qing Yu knew without thinking, who put the spirit grass and eggs here.

She sighed in her heart, the earlier anger and annoyance seemed to have dissipated a lot in these two days. At least she could calmly face the reality and knew the danger of the island, so she didn't refuse Zhu Baiyi's kindness out of anger.

She ate the washed spiritual grass first, and the slight spiritual power disappeared before it entered the meridians.

Qing Yu took it for granted, and now she doesn't think about what the spiritual power in this spiritual grass can do, as long as it is good for her injury. Then she ate another egg, left the rest where it was, and left without looking back—now is not the time for her to entangle with Zhu Baiyi, this island is not safe, the monster from the night before , The changes last night all illustrate this point.

The morning wind in the forest blew past, and the egg on the ground disappeared.

Probably Qing Yu's repulsion was too obvious, Zhu Baiyi knew that she didn't want to see him, so he never appeared in front of Qing Yu these days. But even if she didn't show up, Qing Yu was well aware of her following, and the two sides always maintained a kind of tacit understanding that didn't need to be said.

Qing Yu, as the leader of Xuanqingzong, led his disciples on the ghost ship to this point, so naturally he wanted to ensure the safety of the disciples. Therefore, since she left the mountain where she first settled, she has left many marks along the way. While looking for the lost disciples, she also hoped that the disciples would take the initiative to come and join her.

Zhu Baiyi is completely different. Although she is the master of a sect, she is almost a stocker for the Red Blood Sect. She is not very familiar with the disciples under her sect, and she doesn't care too much, even if she is personally leading the team.

But looking at Qing Yu's actions, Zhu Baiyi thought about it, and left a mark casually, it doesn't matter if anyone finds it.

While searching for their disciples, the two explored the situation on the island, and occasionally encountered one or two monsters, but those monsters were extremely sensitive—before, the monsters chased the disciples all over the island, but now they bumped into Qing Yu and Zhu Baiyi, even though they also lost their spiritual power, the monsters who are used to seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages also realized that they are not easy to mess with, and would slip away with their tails between them from a long distance away.

Facts have proved that the perception of those monsters is not wrong. At noon, a slow monster bumped into Qing Yu. Qing Yu's spirit sword was nourished in his body, and he broke off a branch at will, leaving behind the fifth-order peak monster with one move.

Then she lit a fire to roast the meat, ate half of it herself, left the other half, got up and left.

Just like the egg in the morning, the half of the barbecue fell into Zhu Baiyi's hands in a blink of an eye. To be honest, the barbecue without seasoning is not very delicious, but Zhu Baiyi still couldn't help but feel a little happy when he got the reward . She didn't ask for much, just quietly followed Qing Yu like now, with a tacit understanding with each other, only the two of them, it was very good.

It's a pity that this is a luxury after all.

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Jiang Mo and a group of people shuttled through the forest, looking for the sign left by Qingyu Peak Master as they walked. I also encountered some monsters blocking the way on the road, but the probability of encountering monsters was obviously much lower than when the two disciples went alone on the road.

Fortunately, no matter how big the island was, it was just an island, and it was not as difficult for everyone to follow the signs to find people.

In the middle of the afternoon, Xuanqingzong and his party found Peak Master Qingyu. Even though these disciples are not low in cultivation and have rich experience, they are always happy and at ease seeing the elders of the master under such circumstances.

Xuanqingzong's people rushed forward and saluted her respectfully: "The disciple has met the peak master."

Peak Master Qingyu nodded slightly, but her eyes fell on Yun Qingyue—the apprentice she raised, she recognized him at a glance when she was on the ghost ship, but she never recognized each other due to concerns and conflicts in her heart. Goodbye now, the conflict in her heart has not diminished but increased, but her gaze still cannot help but be attracted by the other party, and the more she looks at it, the more complicated it becomes.

This is her daughter, although she was not born, and only a drop of her blood was taken, but the blood relationship between the two parties cannot be ignored...

Yun Qingyue also noticed the master's gaze, just as the master could recognize her at a glance, so she also knew the master. Even though there was no change in the aspect of the other party at the moment, she could clearly see the complex emotions in those eyes.

What's wrong? Obviously the last time we met, Shizun didn't look at her like this.

Yun Qingyue was puzzled and hesitated at his feet. In fact, when she was on the ghost ship back then, she also knew that the master had recognized her, but at that time neither of the two parties meant to point it out, and both pretended to be confused. But now that Master looks at her like this, shouldn't she also go forward and salute to show her identity?

Thinking of this, she glanced around, then dismissed the idea again—not counting Jiang Mo beside her, Tan Xin is a member of the Buddhist sect, followed by the disciples of the Red Blood Sect, those who are surrounded by the master. It is also difficult for Qingzong disciples to say what kind of attitude they have towards themselves. And since she has been involved with the devil way, she should not contact the master again. Why should she be troubled by her honorable status as a master?

Yun Qingyue lowered his eyelashes to hide the sadness in his eyes, Jiang Mo looked over if he felt something, but couldn't say anything if he wanted to comfort him.

Of course, these undercurrents are only between a few parties, and the rest are not aware of it. After saluting, the disciples of Xuanqingzong talked about the past few days to Master Qingyu, but they were interrupted before they finished speaking.

Those who interrupted them were the disciples of the Scarlet Blood Sect. These people were very reckless, and they were not afraid of the Peak Master of the Righteous Way, but stepped forward proactively.

Maybe it was because they got along well with each other those days on the ghost ship, or maybe it was Jiang Mo's previous words of helping each other that helped. It's still polite: "Senior Qing Yu, I'm waiting to follow the sign of the sect. I don't know if you have seen the elders of my sect?"

Almost as soon as his voice fell, Qing Yu didn't have time to reply, and a figure appeared in front of everyone—a mask in a black dress, who was Zhu Baiyi who hadn't hidden his identity again?

Seeing her, the disciples of the Red Blood Sect couldn't help but froze slightly, whether it was fear or joy. Then they left Peak Master Qingyu who was inquiring, and rushed forward to salute: "Disciple has met Elder Qi."

Zhu Baiyi nodded slightly, a little aloof and didn't say much, just paused for a moment on Yun Qingyue.

In terms of familiarity, Zhu Baiyi is of course not as familiar with Yun Qingyue as Qing Yu is. In fact, the mother and daughter have not been together for a long time. Back then, after she rescued her from the sect master of Jiuyou and brought her back to the Red Blood Sect, Yun Qingyue only healed her wounds and consolidated her cultivation in the Red Blood Sect, and then left on the grounds that she was not used to it. I never went back.

Yun Qingyue never asked who her father was, neither did Zhu Baiyi. She did ask why the other party threw her outside Xuanqingzong's mountain gate, and Zhu Baiyi only said that she is an ice spirit root, suitable for practicing and studying with Master Qingyu Peak.

Yun Qingyue didn't believe this, but when he thought of the appointment note he received at Mingcong Mountain back then, he still had some grudges in his heart. He felt that he was probably similar to Chu Yang, and that he was an undercover agent sent by the Demonic Dao to the Righteous Dao. It's just that Chu Yang knew this well, but she didn't know anything from the beginning to the end, and she was exposed before she could use it...

Therefore, Yun Qingyue and Zhu Baiyi, the mother and daughter, are not close, and she failed to recognize each other when they met this time.

Zhu Baiyi did recognize her, no other evidence was needed, it was just a blood sense.

Seeing Yun Qingyue again at this time, Zhu Baiyi's heart was also complicated, so his eyes stayed on her. But before this complication lasted long, her sight was blocked by another figure.

Jiang Mo stood in front of Yun Qingyue, looking at her vigilantly like a small animal protecting its food.

Zhu Baiyi was slightly startled, his eyes turned around Jiang Mo, and then looked at Yun Qingyue who was blocking her behind, as if he vaguely understood something. However, she didn't say a word, and after looking away lightly, she asked her disciples about her previous encounters.

At this time, everyone gathered in one place, and there was no need to distinguish between the Xuanqing Sect and the Red Blood Sect. The disciples talked about their previous experiences, and by the way, explained the situation of the aborigines for Jiang Mo and the others. Finally, he concluded: "Based on what the disciples have seen, those aborigines must have ulterior motives, and the fellow Taoists who were captured by them also need to be rescued as soon as possible."

Peak Master Qingyu and Zhu Baiyi finally pulled their minds away from the mess after listening to the disciples' narration. The two subconsciously looked at each other, and quickly looked away.

I only heard Qing Yu say: "You guys are right, since that's the case, let's go find out tonight."

Jiang Mo couldn't hold back his surprise when he heard the words: "It's so fast, don't you need to make some preparations?"

Zhu Baiyi then answered, full of confidence: "I'm with her, you stay."

Jiang Mo didn't know her, and he didn't know where her confidence came from, but seeing the convinced faces of all the disciples of the Red Blood Sect, he didn't refuse. She secretly glanced at her senior sister, seeing that she had no expression, she also nodded and said: "I'm sorry to bother you over there." After speaking, she added: "We just went there last night, tonight they may increase their vigilance, you two still need to Be careful."