When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

Chapter 282: Sky net

The aborigines on Same Island have lived here for generations, and they have long been aware of the dangers on this island. Even though many new monks have arrived on the island, monks without spiritual power are like tigers without minions. The aborigines only regard them as prey, so why do they think they are dangerous? As a result, in the eyes of those aborigines, it is still monsters that threaten them on this island.

The unique bone whistle in the tribe is slightly different for each hunting team. After making a sound, it can not only be heard far away, but also allow familiar people to tell who is blowing the whistle through the whistle.

The bone whistle was blown earlier, and the two nearest hunting teams heard the sound, but because everyone walked in a completely different direction today, the two closest teams were also far apart. So when they came in a hurry, Jiang Mo and the others had already fled, and the casual cultivators who were good at hiding their tracks helped to sweep them away, leaving no traces that could be traced at all.

However, most of the hunting teams that clashed head-on with the monks were captured, and only a few were too seriously injured to be taken away, and the monks simply wiped their necks. When the tribe found it, all the blood had been shed.

They are all of the same clan, and there are only two or three hundred people in the tribe, and the relationship between them can be regarded as close.

The eyes of the two hunting teams who came over were red-eyed when they first saw the corpses of the clansmen, especially when they checked and found that the clansmen had all died by swords, obviously not at the hands of monsters, so their hearts became more and more resentful—compared with the difference in strength, it seemed Those monks who had just landed on the island seemed much weaker, so that when they found out that their clansmen had been killed back, they felt as if a rabbit had bitten someone to death.

They are angry, annoyed. However, due to the patriarch's order, after collecting the corpses for the clansmen, they couldn't kill all the monks who killed them, so they became more and more angry. And just when this emotion reached its peak, they suddenly heard the bone whistle again, but this time the whistle was so short that it only sounded halfway and then stopped abruptly.

The hunting team quickly realized that it was the remaining clansmen calling for help, and most of them were not in a good condition. So these twenty or thirty people didn't have time to think about it, and immediately chased after it in the direction where the whistle sounded.

The monks are not slow, and these hunting teams that walk on the island all year round and shuttle through the jungle will only be faster.

They passed through the forest like a gust of wind, and quickly ran towards the trap set by the monks.

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The monks who hid in the trees and watched from afar didn't take long to see the figures, but after they saw the number of people coming, many people's faces were almost green - they had already struggled enough to deal with a hunting team before, This time, they only planned to attract one hunting team, but why did two of them appear in one breath? And they came together, this, this, are their traps enough? !

The monks were very anxious, but there was no room for retreat after the matter was over. They glanced at the aborigines who fell half dead on the ground as bait, and then touched the sword in their hand, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

All in all, all in all, those aborigines wanted to catch them alive. At worst, they would feel sad after being captured, and they could still hold on to their lives for the time being.

Everyone was apprehensive and thankful. Facing the coming danger, they still had the courage to sink their boats.

But no matter what mood everyone was in, those aborigines didn't slow down their approaching steps at all. They approached quickly, and then saw the clansman lying on the ground from a long distance away. Counting, it happened that all the members of the previous hunting team were here, and with the previous experience as a foreshadowing, almost all the people who came here thought that these people were all dead.

They paused, with shocked and mournful expressions on their faces, until a sharp-eyed aboriginal suddenly saw a person lying on his back whose chest was still heaving. The sorrow on his face suddenly turned into joy, and he shouted as he ran forward: "Alive, he's still alive..."

Seeing this, the monks hiding in the tree screamed in their hearts. The trap they carefully arranged was not for one person.

Fortunately, what the man yelled while running also alarmed the others. Excited and joyful, the rest of the people ran no slower than him. There are even those who are close to the bait, and it is said that they run faster than him, almost rushing ahead of him—these aborigines have stayed on the island for too long, and because ordinary traps are useless against monsters, their minds There is almost no concept of a trap.

The monks who were still screaming in their hearts just now watched a group of aborigines step into the trap set by them, and then counted in their hearts with excitement: "One, two, three..."

As soon as everyone silently counted to three, they heard a loud "bang", and the lightning talisman hidden under the sand was immediately detonated.

At the same time, the water control talisman was detonated.

This is Jiang Mo's opinion. In fact, the hydropower in the cultivation world is no different from the hydropower in the scientific world. Water can still conduct electricity. When the water passed by, thunder and lightning densely laid out a thunder net, and the aborigines who stepped into the trap did not have time to react. They felt their feet go numb, and then their bodies trembled and their legs went limp, and they fell straight down.

The only pity is that there are not many talismans in stock on the monks' bodies, and only three or five lightning-inducing talismans were found through patchwork. There are a lot of water-controlling talismans, but it's a pity that apart from providing fresh water for everyone, the water-controlling talismans are useless in attack.

Also because there are not many lightning charms, it is obvious that the electricity can not kill people, and it can't even make those aborigines with strong physique lose their combat power. So everyone prepared a double trap early on. This time, no special means were used. They just dug a few more holes in the ground, set up more wooden spikes in the pits, and smeared some on the wooden spikes that can be found. Poisons and narcotics.

However, given that the aborigines have been exposed to these drugs all year round, maybe their bodies have adapted, and it is hard to say how much the latter can play.

In fact, the effect was worse than the monks thought. Perhaps it was because the large number of people shared the thunder and lightning, or maybe these aborigines were too strong, and when they were caught off guard by this series of traps, they were surprised but did not react slowly. Even if they fell down, even if they fell into the pit, most of them held on to the edge of the trap to stabilize their figures before being stabbed by the wooden thorns.

The rest of the people either avoided the vital points, or grabbed the wooden thorn in time, and the damage they suffered was limited. Only one or two skill reactions were obviously slower, and they fell directly to the bottom of the pit and were pierced through.

"Tsk, it's a pity." A certain monk sighed with emotion, and then immediately shot out with his bow and arrow.

Speaking of which, the arrows were obtained from the previous batch of hunting teams, so Jiang Mo selected a few who claimed to be good at archery, and beat the dogs in the water at this time. And the effect of this arrangement is not bad. People who fall into the trap are almost still at this time in order to avoid the damage of the wooden thorns at the bottom of the pit. At this time, archery is almost like shooting a target, not to mention being proficient in archery, even ordinary monks can hit one or two shots with their hands.

Soon, miserable cries came one after another, and several people fell into the bottom of the pit and were seriously injured. But even so, after a period of buffering, the thunder nets all over the ground dissipated, and the aborigines who had been stunned by the electric shock quickly recovered.

Their physiques are really good, plus they have been battling monsters all year round, and their stamina, strength, and agility are all full. At this time, after recovering from his strength, he turned over and jumped out of the pit. Counting, there were nearly twenty people who were almost unscathed.

The monks' hearts sank, but they released the last wave of traps as planned, and a heavy net fell from the sky.

According to the original speed of the hunting team, it was impossible for this kind of trap to catch anyone. However, the repeated traps before have had a considerable impact—either the numbness from being struck by lightning has not faded, or maybe Scratched by wooden thorns at the bottom of the pit and contaminated with poison and anesthetics, several aborigines' movements were obviously two beats slower, so they were caught by the big net that fell from the sky.

The net was very heavy, and it was woven by the vines that the monks found nearby. At the beginning, I didn't expect it to trap people for a long time, so it has no advantages other than toughness and weight, and the weaving technique is also quite rough. It looks like it was done in a hurry.

But no matter what, as long as it is useful, four or five monks saw the right time and jumped straight down from the tree, slashing at the person caught in the net.

Of course, the hunting team that survived the catastrophe couldn't just watch their companions have accidents in front of their eyes, so they drew their swords and turned around to stop them. It's a pity that they fell into the trap early, and the rhythm of the battle was long out of their control.

The monks hiding in various places showed up one after another at this moment, and they were not given a chance to rescue each other at all.

Soon, blood bloomed on the battlefield. There were aborigines who were covered by the big net, and there were monks who were injured by the frantic attack of the hunting team. The battle was even more intense than the previous fierce battle.

Of course, Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue could not stand by and watch, and they also drew their swords and joined the battlefield. It's just that the cooperation between the two of them was a tacit understanding last time, but this time before making the move, Jiang Mo turned his head to look at Yun Qingyue and asked her, "Together?"

Yun Qingyue nodded without thinking, readily agreed, and joined the battle with Jiang Mo.

The two rely on each other, entrust their backs, and have a more tacit understanding with each other.