When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

Chapter 353: extremely dangerous

Realizing Jin Peng's unfinished words, Jiang Mo's brows twitched violently, the whole tiger was in a bad mood. She really wanted to speak up immediately to remind her senior sister not to resist so stubbornly, but she was afraid that speaking rashly would distract the other party.

After some hesitation in the end, Jiang Mo still decided to trust his senior sister and not comment on her choice.

But let’s not talk about it, the anxiety in the little tiger’s heart also needs to be dispatched, so he turned his finger on Jinpeng, who has a cold attitude beside him: “Don’t the gods and beasts love their cubs? Why do you seem to be watching a play?"

Jin Peng was blamed for no reason, but Xu Shi had been in the Buddhist sect for a long time, and he was also influenced by Buddhism to have a good temper. Immediately explained patiently: "We are born with divine beasts, but this swan in front of me is a return to her ancestors. She was originally a monster, but she survived the thunder disaster and really became a phoenix. The worst kind."

In other words, Jin Peng had a little disdain for Shiratori's blood, and besides, the opponent was not of the same kind if he had not survived the thunder disaster. In addition, Jin Peng didn't forget that this is the site of the Buddha Sect. Not only did Honghu come here for no reason, but he still had to go through the thunder disaster in the Buddha Sect!

If she doesn't hold on, if she causes trouble, if she accidentally reveals a little thunder... Wouldn't the Buddha sect suffer? !

In this way, as the sacred beast of the Buddhist sect, it would be a ghost if Jin Peng had a good impression of Honghu.

In fact, Jiang Mo knew the conflict between the two parties in his heart, but when he heard Jin Peng's tone of contempt, he felt a little angry in his heart. She stared at Jinpeng, and asked back: "The divine beasts are naturally raised? So there were so many dragons and phoenixes in ancient times, were they all conceived by heaven and earth?"

This is naturally not the case. The mythical beast race was very prosperous in ancient times, and they would reproduce on their own. Otherwise, how could such a large race be bred? Moreover, apart from interbreeding among the same race, there are also quite a few people who have mixed blood with other races in private. Otherwise, how did these things come about? Otherwise, how did senior sister's ancestors come from?

It wasn't until later that the mythical beast clan declined and the dragon and phoenix broke through the world, and then there was a saying that the gods and beasts were conceived by heaven and earth—it was tens of thousands of years ago that the dragon and phoenix broke through the world. Conceived, and therefore a bit of preference.

Jin Peng choked for a moment, but he didn't argue with Jiang Mo: "Anyway, this little Honghu is still a monster."

Jiang Mo also choked, unable to refute: "..."

The topic ended here, and both of them turned their eyes to the giant white bird that was crossing the catastrophe in mid-air.

It stands to reason that although the distance between the two parties is far, they did not avoid anyone when they spoke. With Honghu's ability, he should be able to hear what they said. Jinpeng seemed indifferent like that before, but in fact he really didn't hide any evil intentions. But Honghu didn't respond much when she heard it. She insisted on going her own way, and still chose to fight against Jielei, and even followed Tianlei to temper herself.

Finally, she also used up the second lightning tribulation, and then the third, fourth, fifth...

To be honest, even Jinpeng, who had been watching the show, was surprised by the development of the matter, and he put away his previous sloppy attitude and cheered up—he saw that Honghu was planning to use Tianlei to temper his body. He really didn't expect that Honghu would be so stubborn. Based on his understanding of the physique of the Phoenix Clan, he thought that the other party would be great if he could handle the third tribulation thunder, but in the end, the other party managed five!

Jinpeng's eyesight is very good, even though the two sides are far apart, he can clearly see that Honghu did not suffer too much damage after carrying the five purple thunders. On the outside, at least, her white feathers were nothing more than slight burn marks.

This, this, is this really a Phoenix? Could it be that there is still the blood of the dragon clan, the skin is so thick!

Jin Peng's eyes widened, and he couldn't stop his slander, but he never thought that his slander also hit the three-point truth-although Yun Qingyue's blood was a little mixed, but after all, it was purified after returning to the ancestors, and the blood of the Dragon Clan was naturally No. But who told her to be lucky, Jiang Mo picked up almost all of the keel bones in the Canglan Secret Realm and gave them to her. Naturally, it has endless benefits for her.

It can be said that without that keel, even if Yun Qingyue returned to his ancestors, he would not be able to directly return to the level of Honghu. Not to mention absorbing the aura on the keel, her physical strength is also far superior to that of her peers, which is why she has today's feat of resisting Zilei's tempered body.

Under Jin Peng's shocked gaze, the sixth lightning tribulation fell, and Hong Hu looked up at the sky again.

Xu was provoked by Honghu's stubborn resistance and provocation. This time, the intensity of the thunderstorm that fell from the sky has obviously improved qualitatively. The scale has doubled again compared to the previous thunderstorm. It has been repeated several times. Even Jinpeng, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help but stand up straight when he saw this scene, with worry on his brows.

Fortunately, Honghu didn't resist this time. Seeing Jie Lei smashing down with power, she saw her wings and directly counterattacked Zi Lei. The white spiritual light was like a whirlwind that swept out, generated from between her wings, and when it left, it carried more and more spiritual power around it, until it hit the tribulation thunder, its power was no less than that of the opponent.

Naturally, the power of the sky thunder cannot be easily counteracted or even counteracted. The robbery thunder was only engulfed by the spiritual whirlwind for a few breaths, and then it penetrated straight out. However, anyone with sharp eyes can see that the tribulation thunder that came out through the whirlwind was obviously weakened a bit.

Honghu naturally saw it too, flapping her beautiful wings, and several whirlwinds hit her.

Jie Lei couldn't turn a corner, so he had no choice but to be coerced into it and weakened several times. When it finally landed on Honghu, its power was not much stronger than the previous Thunder Jie. Honghu, who had been hacked several times, was not in vain at all, and once again resisted the tribulation thunder, but the intensity of the tribulation thunder was different. This time, the beautiful white bird was hacked until its feathers exploded, and finally showed a bit of embarrassment.

But the embarrassment was only for a moment, Honghu quickly restrained his feathers, raised his head and let out a cry, which was light and sweet, and went straight to the heart...

***************************************************** ***************

The senior sister's strength was far beyond Jiang Mo's expectation. If she was still worried about Jin Peng's words at first, but then she saw the senior sister continue to fight the sky thunder, and the heart that was raised would unknowingly let go.

She even started to think about other things. When she saw her senior sister blowing her hair, she regretted that she didn't have a photo stone to take a picture...

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Jiang Mo suddenly found that Jin Peng next to him was holding a photo stone, and was very interested in videotaping the sky. She immediately twitched her eyes and asked, "What are you doing?"

Senior sister's black history, she can record it as a souvenir if she wants to, but others can't - the little tiger is so defensive and unreasonable!

Jin Peng didn't notice her many small thoughts, and explained to her in a serious manner: "I want to record it and look back, what's the difference between this little Honghu? Why is her skin so thick, and she can carry so many purple mines! "

Jiang Mo secretly ground his teeth when he heard the adjective "thick skin". If she hadn't been worried that the other party's cultivation base was higher than hers, she might not be able to beat her, but she would have snatched the photo stone on the spot! But even if she couldn't grab it, she still said with a dark face: "It's not good. You are so embarrassed under the thunder disaster. If you record these, what if people are not happy? Are you trying to force others?"

The bottom line of human morality in Buddhist sect is quite high, and Jinpeng, who has been nurturing in Buddhist sect for hundreds of years, is no exception. When he heard the words, he really showed some hesitation, but his curiosity was strong, and he said, "Then I'll just ask the person concerned."

Jiang Mo opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything more. He poked Jin Peng and asked, "Then do you have any spare photo stones?"

Hearing this, Jin Peng gave her a strange look, even though he was thick-skinned, he felt uncomfortable being looked at. In the end, Jiang Mo had no choice but to withdraw his hand silently, pretending that nothing happened, and Jin Peng didn't leave her a picture stone.

After the two whispered, two more purple thunders fell from the sky, and naturally one was stronger than the other. And perhaps it was because the tribulation thunder was easily weakened by Honghu before, but this time the tribulation thunder fell and split. The seventh thunderbolt turned into three, and after Honghu reluctantly released it, the eighth thunderstorm went too far, directly splitting into thunderstorms, and the power of the whole area remained undiminished once it fell.

Fortunately, Yun Qingyue has practiced outside these years, has seen a lot and experienced a lot, and has the means to deal with various forms of robbery and thunder. Although it was difficult, she survived when the feathers were burned in a large area.

After the eighth tribulation thunder, the originally beautiful white phoenix had completely lost its original style, and the feathers on its body were chopped off. One after another, like snow falling.

Jiang Mo felt distressed watching it from below. Seeing that the last thunderbolt was short of it, she could not wait to rush up and replace it with her body. It's a pity that no matter how impulsive she is, her reason tells her not to do it, otherwise she will not only suffer for nothing, but also implicate her senior sister.

She had no choice but to gather herself together, and said to Jin Peng in as light a tone as possible: "You still said that the thunder calamity is so powerful that she can't make it through, isn't it the last tribulation thunder left?"

Jin Peng was not annoyed, but he didn't say anything, he just frowned and looked at the robbery cloud in the sky—the thunder and lightning rolled in the robbery cloud, everything was still brewing, and the last thunderbolt never fell.

In fact, what Jin Peng said before was also true. Regardless of the fact that Honghu survived the previous tribulations with ease, the injuries on his body can only be regarded as skin trauma. But the most dangerous thing is this last tribulation thunder. Not to mention that Honghu has already survived eight tribulation thunders before, it must consume a lot. Even in the heyday, she may not be able to survive it!

Jin Peng's strict preparation made Jiang Mo feel ominous. She pursed her lips tightly and did not speak again. She also cast her eyes on the sky.

This time Jieyun took a particularly long time to brew. After about half an hour, even Honghu in mid-air took the opportunity to adjust his breath and adjusted his state better. The ninth and last Jielei finally passed away. Long overdue.

I saw the thunder and lightning jumping in the calamity cloud suddenly fell silent, and then a thunderbolt fell from the cloud - the thunder and lightning were no more than the thickness of a wrist, much thinner than the first calamity thunder, but it made everyone present breathless. One meal. Because that tribulation thunder was no longer purple, but pure black, striking with the force of destruction.

Even people who have never seen a black thunder can feel the extreme danger from this thunder!