When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

Chapter 38: face swollen

In the early morning, the morning dew is not yet shining, and the bright rays of the sun sprinkle the entire mountain peak.

A few figures suddenly emerged from the woods in the back mountain, they flew past, with just a touch of their toes on the blades of grass, they leaped several feet, their speed was several times faster than the top level of light kung fu in the worldly martial arts, It went far away in an instant.

However, if there are sharp-eyed monks nearby, you can see the figures flying past, all holding a few colorful chickens with beautiful feathers in their hands. If this monk has good hearing, he can still hear the conversation in the wind coming from afar—

"Brother, what happened to the mission hall recently, why did you suddenly put away the colorful chicken?"

"How would I know? Anyway, the mountains are full of these things. Wouldn't it be a good idea to grab a few of them and exchange them for some spirit stones?"

"It's a pity that the mission hall only needs to be alive, otherwise I can fill up the storage bag and change it for a chicken and a low-grade spirit stone!"

"Hahahaha, junior brother, don't be too greedy, you can get as many as you can, anyway, it's no different from picking up for nothing." It was still the same voice, and after speaking, he said: "But the task hall suddenly wants to accept so many colorful chickens. Is it for entertaining guests?"

"People from Tiandao Sect and Buddhist Sect came earlier, but monks definitely don't eat chicken. Could it be that people from Tiandao Sect like to eat chicken?"

"Maybe, but never mind, it's none of our business for people from Tiandaozong to become colorful chickens. Let's go, hurry up and hand over the colorful chickens in the mission hall, lest they collect enough by then, we The chicken is caught for nothing."

The voice of the conversation in the wind gradually faded, and as the few people moved away, they could no longer be heard. The dew-stained grass next to the forest suddenly moved, and then a small head popped out suddenly, with two long ears on top of the furry, it was a spirit rabbit.

The spiritual rabbits in the cultivation world are actually not much different from the hares in the mortal world, except that they run faster and have more aura in their bodies, but they are still at the bottom of the food chain. That's why they are often extraordinarily alert. Whenever there is a slight disturbance, they will shrink back into the nest for a long time and dare not move...Unfortunately, the back mountain is not very peaceful recently, and there are always people coming to catch the colorful chickens. out of the hole.

Although the spirit rabbit is small, the rabbit grows fast and eats a lot. The spirit rabbit, which has never been short of grass to eat in the past, has been hiding in the ground for the past few days. At first, there were still grass roots to gnaw on, but later even the grass roots were gone, so they had to go out of the hole to look for food.

The grass on the edge of the nest cannot be eaten, as eating it will reveal the hidden hole, and then attract natural enemies.

The rabbit who came out of the hole first stood upright by the hole, first looked around, then pricked up its ears and listened carefully to the surroundings. After confirming that there was no danger, he landed on the ground with his front foot, and then kicked his back leg and ran forward a few steps.

The hole in the rabbit hole was given away, and then another little head popped out. The newly emerged spirit rabbit looked a little smaller than the previous one, and was not as alert as the leading one. It only looked left and right and then jumped out. Then came the second, third... until the eighth spirit rabbit also came out of the nest, and there was no more movement behind it.

It looked like a family, two adult big spirit rabbits, and a litter of little spirit rabbits. They ventured out of their nests to look for food, but they didn't dare to run too far. They only found fresh and tender grass around them, and they didn't care about the morning dew on them. They opened their three-petal mouths and began to chew.

Rabbits eat grass very quickly, and their three-petal beaks move quickly, quickly gnawing a piece of grass bare.

The little spirit rabbit was growing up, eating especially a lot. After eating the grass in front of it, it kicked its hind legs and jumped forward two steps, intending to change to another place to continue eating. As a result of this jump, it suddenly saw a sudden white appear in the tender green grass.

The cowardly spirit rabbit sensed the danger almost instantly, but before it could escape to warn, the white cat moved—the big white cat with the pattern of "King" on its forehead suddenly jumped out of the grass, its eyes and mouth were sharp. With a quick bite, he bit the little spirit rabbit's head. But maybe this "cat" is still young, its baby teeth look sharp but not long enough, so it couldn't bite the little rabbit to death with one bite.

It is the instinct of animals to struggle to the death, and this little rabbit whose head was bitten is no exception. It didn't have any more means of counterattack, it just bent a pair of powerful hind legs, and quickly kicked the enemy's face.

The spirit rabbit runs fast, so naturally it kicks fast, and the strength of its dying counterattack cannot be underestimated.

"Papapapapa..." In the blink of an eye, the struggling little spirit rabbit kicked the enemy's face seven or eight times, almost knocking the little white tiger out of control. Even after being kicked so many feet, she didn't let go, instead she raised her paw and pressed down on the rabbit's hind leg, then increased the force of her mouth cruelly, finally biting the struggling little rabbit to death.

Before she could catch her breath and spit out a mouth full of blood, the mechanical voice beside her ear urged: "Host, hurry up, block the hole, and don't let those spirit rabbits run back!"

Jiang Mo didn't have time to think about it, he instinctively obeyed the system's reminder, and jumped in front of the rabbit hole.

In the three caves of the cunning rabbit, seeing that the entrance of the cave was blocked by the enemy, the few spirit rabbits who were running back did not bother and hesitate, and immediately scattered to other entrances to escape. Jiang Mo narrowed his eyes behind him, and immediately chased after the slowest one.

The spirit rabbit ran very fast, but no matter how useless the little milk tiger was, it still had hundreds of points of combat power, so chasing a rabbit was not a problem. She quickly caught up with the slowest little spirit rabbit, this time she gained experience and bit the opponent's neck. The sharp canine teeth immediately pierced the spirit rabbit's throat, and Da Peng's blood gushed out. And she didn't like to fight, she let go of her mouth and chased after the next one.

The spirit rabbit whose throat was bitten fell on the spot, kicking the ground with its hind legs as if trying to struggle, but it was in vain after all... The blood gradually smeared the grass, and the spirit rabbit's struggling hind legs gradually weakened, and in the end, only nervousness remained. convulsions.

One, two, three... the six little spirit rabbits that came out of the nest were all killed by Jiang Mo in the end, and the fluff around her mouth was stained with blood.

It's a pity that the two big spirit rabbits had rich experience in escape, and they ran faster than the few little spirit rabbits, so they escaped back to the burrow in the end. When Jiang Mo chased to the entrance of the hole, he tentatively poked his head into the hole. Unfortunately, although she is small now, the tiger is still too reluctant to get into the rabbit hole. Finally, she backed out with her head covered in dirt, shaking her head and shaking her hair, so she had to give up.

It's rare for the system to see the host so dedicated, and he was so moved: "Host, you killed six this time, and the harvest is good. It doesn't matter if you let go of two. I'll scan the next litter for you, and I'll find it soon. "

Jiang Mo said "Bah bah" twice, and finally had a chance to spit out the blood in his mouth, and finally said: "A family of rabbits should be neat and tidy. System, you mark these rabbit holes, and wait for them in a few days. Let your guard down, I'll come again."

The system is speechless. It has already understood the modern cultural system and understands what neatness is. But why bother? Waste of energy. So it persuaded the host: "Okay, I'll mark it, but the host had better let these two big spirit rabbits go. You didn't see that the female rabbit is pregnant, and she will have a litter for her whole life. Sustainable Development."

Well, that's okay, depending on the meaning of the system, do you still want to use this as a fixed refresh point?

Jiang Mo lighted wax for the two big spirit rabbits in his heart, but he didn't worry about anything, and he didn't plan to look back at the little spirit rabbits. She raised her paw to wipe her mouth, and said to the system: "System, when you scan, take a look at where there is water."

The system agreed, and found a place for Jiang Mo to wash his hair.

***************************************************** *******************

Tigers naturally eat meat and raw food, and blood is delicious in their mouths. But maybe it was because Jiang Mo was a human at heart, or maybe it was because the beasts had long since gotten rid of their hair and drank blood, the **** smell from her mouth made her a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the back mountain of Mingxia Peak is very large, and the system scan is powerful enough, and soon found a small stream for her.

The little white tiger jumped onto a rock on the bank, then bent down and lowered his head, directly dipping his mouth into the water. The slowly flowing stream washed away the fresh blood, and the white tiger's claws also dipped into the water, and the tip of the claws was put away, and the fur around the mouth was rubbed a few times. When the little white tiger raised his head again, the fluffy hair around his mouth collapsed and became "thinner", only his beard was still sticking out, which looked a little funny.

The light cluster of the system suddenly became brighter, and the system hidden inside covered its non-existent mouth, and then managed to hold back the "puh huh" laughter, so that the host did not hear it.

The little white tiger didn't pay attention to it, shook its head and shook its fur, so that the fallen fur stood up again one by one.

Jiang Mo smoothed the fur around his mouth again with his paws, and then he looked down at the reflection in the stream... Wolverine was a little bit embarrassed, but the fur around his mouth was washed clean, with only a little powder remaining. She knew what the pink color was, but she still felt a little uncomfortable, so she immersed her mouth in the water and rubbed it again.

After two or three times of tossing like this, it was finally cleaned, but the system reminded: "Host, you will go to fight monsters later, what's the use of washing it now? Don't you have to wash it again then."

Jiang Mo didn't think it was redundant, and replied, "It won't be easy to wash the blood after a while."

Hearing this, the system flipped through the mall and said, "The system mall has the best pet body wash, which not only removes stains, but also protects hair."

Jiang Mo glared at it and ground his teeth. After all, he didn't get entangled in the word "pet". He just said, "The one who needs points, I..." He paused before the poor word came out. Jiang Mo glanced at the reflection in the water. , turned his head to look again, and finally asked the system with a look of disbelief: "System, is my face a little swollen?!"

The little white tiger didn't show much when its hair was fluffy before, but now the fur on Jiang Mo's face is almost wet, so it is clear at a glance that one side has a big face and the other has a small face.

The system glanced at it, and finally couldn't hold back a laugh: "Yes, host, your face is swollen from being kicked by the spirit rabbit!"

The little white tiger raised its claws to cover its face, and suddenly felt that the whole tiger was going to be ill. Especially Yun Qingyue is not only sharp-eyed but also careful, she is really afraid that she will be discovered when she goes back. So I shut myself up for a while and asked the system: "System, is there any swelling medicine in the mall?"

The system quickly searched the mall, and immediately replied: "Yes, 450 points per tube, the effect is guaranteed to be immediate."

Jiang Mo, who has not escaped poverty: "..."

The poor little milk tiger took a deep breath, then tapped his paw, and silently opened his character panel—

[Host: Jiang Mo

Race: White Tiger

Occupation: Beast

Level: 20

Combat strength: 2621961 (730)

Experience: 2571914/2621440

Points: 459

Potential: ∞

Skill: Bloodline Inheritance Not Activated]

It has been three days since Jiang Mo went to the back mountain to fight monsters. Thanks to Qingyu, she gave Yun Qingyue a small stove. These days, the senior sister has been busy retreating to digest the gains, so she doesn't have much time to pay attention to her. So Jiang Mo sneaked out every day to fight monsters and earn points. Although the data she gained was not as good as killing chickens in the back kitchen of Wendaotang, she had at least exercised her skills. Time is much better.

Besides, after three days, after her unremitting efforts, at least she has collected more than 200 points and more than 200 combat power. Jiang Mo is still satisfied with this. It's just that this kind of satisfaction only lasted until just now, and now...

The little white tiger's paws are about to move, and he wants to complain to the mall again: "Is there any mistake, the points I have worked so hard to save for so long are actually enough to buy a tube of swelling medicine?! The wages and prices are completely unreasonable, Are all your system malls so black-hearted?!" After finishing speaking, he cursed for a while, obviously very dissatisfied.

The system's left ear goes in and the right ear goes out, or I'm used to it, after all, it's not just its host who scolds the mall. According to the database, the probability of the host cursing the mall has reached 99%, and the remaining 1% is a salted fish that is completely flat and saltier than its host.

In the end, the cursing little milk tiger still didn't buy the tube of anti-swelling medicine, because it was too expensive. And this kind of thing is definitely not lacking in Xuanqingzong, she can easily get better ones, at worst, she will go to the Spirit Beast Garden.

After venting, Little White Tiger asked the system to re-scan the litter of spirit rabbits for her, and then ran to bully the rabbits again in a fit of anger.

This day, the little white tiger hunted and killed almost all spirit rabbits. The system watched while scanning, and then wrote down a note in a small notebook, feeling that the host's skills in hunting spirit rabbits had matured. So before the end of work, it re-scanned the back mountain and set the goal for tomorrow, just... hedgehogs, there are quite a lot of back mountains.

Little Baihu didn't know that he was going to be stabbed tomorrow, so he rushed back to the small courtyard before Yun Qingyue left the customs in the evening. The fur around her mouth had been washed a few times, and when she came back, she had just dried it on the crane's back.

Maomao has become fluffy, so it shouldn't be so easy to see that her face is swollen, right?