When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

Chapter 454: teary

Jiang Mo's mood is quite complicated at the moment.

She saw a mountain being leveled from a distance, but she didn't take it to heart, and was still in the mood to watch others kill and kill. But when I flew closer, I found that the mountain was covered with a layer of light purple, which looked very familiar... Oh, it turned out that the one that was flattened was her Ziyun peak planted with purple cloud flowers. Her pancake shop, and the peach tree that she and her senior sister transplanted from Mingxia Peak.

The mood of watching the excitement gradually disappeared, and tears filled her eyes unknowingly—the supervisor rolled up his sleeves and rushed out, don't let anyone stop her, she will beat this **** who dared to destroy her house to death!

The strength of the fried-haired little tiger should not be underestimated. Even if the opponent exploded with strength far beyond his realm, he was beaten so hard that he could hardly find his way. If Peak Master Qingyuan and Yun Qingyue hadn't stopped him in time, I'm afraid he would have to confess here on the spot.

However, the little tiger who was stopped was still angry, jumping and cursing: "My mountain provoked you, and you are so good that you destroy my house?!"

Peak Lord Qingyuan didn't know why the guards were furious at first, but now he understood - beasts have a strong sense of territory, especially tigers, and there is a saying that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. It's good now, leveling the top of the mountain while people are away, isn't it no different from plucking the hair on the tiger's head? No wonder the overseer wanted to jump and beat people up.

Of course, Qing Yuan's thinking like this is only based on the limited information he knows. If he knew that the prison guard had a sweetheart, and planned to bring the sweetheart back to his own territory for a temporary stay, but the house was demolished... Tsk, I don't know who to say is worse.

It was Yun Qingyue who rubbed the tiger's head to comfort him: "It's okay, it won't be difficult to build another Overseer Palace later."

But Jiang Mo was not comforted, she pursed her mouth, feeling extremely wronged: "It's hard to come back, I want to show you my Ziyun Peak, now even the top of the mountain has been flattened, and we The peach tree..." As she spoke, she blinked her eyes, tears were streaming down her face, her ears seemed to be drooping even in human form, it couldn't be more pitiful.

Yun Qingyue's heart softened, and she pinched her earlobe: "That's okay, at worst, we can rest up Ziyun Peak ourselves, and then build a small house on Ziyun Peak, where we can live as we please."

To be honest, it's not difficult. If one's cultivation level reaches the level of fitness, one will naturally have the ability to move mountains and fill seas. What's more, they are not moving mountains to fill the sea, but just "squeezing" the flattened Ziyun Peak again, which is not difficult for the two masters in the fusion stage. It's just that, except for the two of them, probably no one would be idle to do so.

After some coaxing by the senior sister, the grievance on Jiang Mo's face calmed down a little.

This made the Qingyuan Peak Master who was on the sidelines amazed. I didn't expect that young people nowadays get along like this, but it's just vague, and I always feel that there is something subtle?

After coaxing the little tiger who lost his property, things still have to return to the topic.

Before Jiang Mo broke out and helped Qingyuan Peak Master take down the rebellious Elder Jianxiu, now he has time to ask the whole story: "Uncle Qingyuan, what's going on, why did you fight with Elder Yuan?" What about other uncles and uncles, we just came from Lingyun Palace, and we didn’t see the senior uncle who is the head of the sect, did they get stuck by something?”

Elder Jianxiu's surname is Yuan, and he is also from Mingxia Peak. Yun Qingyue was taught by her a few times when he was young.

When Qing Yuan heard her ask this, his brows that had been stretched just now were frowned again. Of course, some things are not suitable to be told to the following disciples, but Yun Qingyue is different. Not only has her cultivation reached a fusion by leaps and bounds, but she also brought back the news of the Buddha Sect and the Demon Clan. Naturally, there is nothing to hide: "Seven days ago, the Buddha Sect Send a message that Mount Puhua is under siege, and your master brought people to rescue him."

Puhua Mountain is the mountain range where the Buddha Sect is located, and there is not a family of the Buddha Sect nearby. Almost 80% of the Buddhist cultivators in the cultivation world gather there. Normally, they formed a force of their own, and it was difficult for outsiders to provoke them. Unexpectedly, this time, the entire Puhua Mountain was besieged.

Yun Qingyue felt uneasy in his heart, and asked again: "What about the master master?"

The head of a sect has a lot to do with it, and it is not easy to leave the sect, even if it encounters such a major event as the Buddhist sect being besieged... No, maybe it is precisely because of the besieging of the Buddhist sect that at such a critical moment, the head of Qingxiao is even more resolute. It is impossible to leave Xuanqingzong.

Sure enough, Qing Yuan shook his head and said: "The head is still in the sect, it's just..."

Seeing his hesitation, Yun Qingyue hurriedly asked, "Just what?"

Qingyuan sighed, and finally said: "The leader is sitting in the Law Enforcement Hall." After saying this sentence, the next explanation went much smoother. He pointed to the captured Elder Yuan and said: "Elder Yuan's mind has been captured. She was confused, so she acted mischievously in the sect. But she is not the first person to make trouble, in fact, in just a few days, dozens of elders and disciples of my Xuanqing sect fell."

When Yun Qingyue and Jiang Mo returned to Xuanqingzong, it was still peaceful and peaceful here. Who would have thought that such earth-shaking changes had already taken place outside after only staying in the Thunder Pond for a short time.

Yun Qingyue subconsciously lowered her head and looked down at her feet, her eyes pierced through layers of clouds and mist, and finally saw the scars under the clouds.

***************************************************** ***************

The changes encountered by Fozong were not small, and with the news brought back by Yun Qingyue and Jiang Mo earlier, Xuanqingzong naturally did not dare to take it lightly. Therefore, the head of Qing Xiao ordered Qingyu Peak Master of the Mahayana stage to lead the team, leading the two peak masters Qing Xu and Qing Lan, as well as a group of senior elders and elite disciples, and set off for the Buddhist sect for reinforcements that day.

As for Xuanqingzong's internal defense without these people, head Qing Xiao is not very worried. After all, there are three Supreme Elders in the Mahayana period and Zhiming Shenjun in the Transcending Tribulation period in the sect, so it can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

However, the development of things still exceeded the expectations of the head of Qingxiao...

The first incident happened on the second day after Qing Yu and others left. Because of the lessons learned from the Buddhist sect, the head of Qing Xiao issued a recall order to the wandering disciples. Some of them were far away from the sect, and it took a long time to come back, but there were also those nearby. As soon as the recall order from the sect was issued, these people rushed back to the sect one after another.

The first one to make trouble was just an ordinary inner sect disciple. He had just arrived at the Golden Core and had not yet had time to learn from his master. After receiving the recall order from the sect, he rushed back immediately.

This person is too ordinary, with ordinary cultivation, ordinary talent, ordinary appearance and personality, and the fellow disciples he made friends with are also a group of ordinary disciples. So when he suddenly got into trouble, his cultivation base was inexplicably increased, and none of the fellow disciples around him could restrain him. When the elders arrived later, they managed to take him down, but dozens of ordinary disciples were killed or injured.

There are many dangers in the realm of comprehension, even for a powerful sect like Xuanqingzong, there are not a few disciples who die young every year. However, such a large casualty within the sect is still rare, and even alarmed the sect leader.

Later that disciple was detained in the law enforcement hall, where he was guarded and tortured.

But this is not the end of the matter, but just the beginning - those elders and disciples who returned to the sect, one after another, several of them went crazy and hurt others. As soon as they made a move, they crushed them, so every time there was a riot, there would be many casualties. As a result, within a short period of time, people in the sect became panic-stricken, and people were especially wary of fellow sects who had returned from going out.

And what's worse, it doesn't help. Even though the Zongmen came forward to isolate those who returned, those who had been staying in the Zongmen began to have seizures one after another. The brothers who were hooking shoulders one moment before, might stab you the next moment.

It is not easy to establish trust between people, but it is destroyed very quickly, not to mention such a dangerous situation.

Peak Master Qingyuan sighed with vicissitudes on his face: "You just came out of Leichi, didn't you see anyone along the way? The people in the sect are not stable now, the disciples are suspicious of each other, and the elders are also on their own guards. In the end, everyone hides in the residence went."

The residence is not necessarily safe, but at least there is a layer of enchantment defense outside, so that people will not be stabbed in the back suddenly. And that layer of enchantment is not only to defend against foreign enemies, but also to restrain oneself - after the inspection of the head and the Law Enforcement Hall, those who attacked the same sect were more or less unconscious. And this kind of unconsciousness is like a plague, which cannot be prevented, and one does not know when it will fall on oneself.

Obviously, Elder Yuan is such an unlucky ghost. It's just that when she "succumbed", everyone had already hid in the cave. She was discovered by Qingyuan before she caught the NPC and started killing.

How can a strong fortress be breached quickly? The answer, of course, is to start from the inside!

After Yun Qingyue and Jiang Mo listened to Qingyuan Peak Lord's narration, they intuited that the crisis Xuanqingzong was facing at the moment was not less than that of the besieged Buddhist Sect. In particular, this strong sense of sight made Yun Qingyue look at Elder Yuan with complex eyes.

Jiang Mo saw Yun Qingyue's thoughts at a glance, so before the senior sister could speak, he took the initiative to walk towards the prisoner. It just so happened that Elder Yuan was still a female cultivator, so Jiang Mo checked the person up and down without saying a word, but in the end he did not find any traces of magic patterns on the person. It was she who had an idea and directly gathered her spiritual power and pointed at Elder Yuan's dantian.

For monks, the dantian is an important place to store spiritual power, and it is naturally very dangerous to encounter a sudden attack. So out of physical instinct, the sealed spiritual power in Elder Yuan's dantian began to stir, and the last trace of black lines slowly climbed up her face.

The magic lines on Elder Yuan's face are nothing compared to Huigan's back then. The magic lines on the latter's face were so dense that even the whites of her eyes were covered, but the magic lines on Elder Yuan's face only occupied half of her face.

Her eyes were still black and white, but unfortunately they were not clear at all, but filled with tyrannical negative emotions.

Jiang Mo stopped his hands when he saw the magic pattern, and even took two steps back, as if he was afraid of accidentally getting it. She looked at Elder Yuan carefully for a few times, then rolled her eyes, and suggested: "This magic pattern doesn't look as serious as Huigan's at the beginning, maybe it can be saved. Otherwise, let's take her to Leichi for a soak, and maybe dispel it." Mo Qi, will people be fine?"