When He Smiles

Chapter 10: ○ -1- ○

It was the end of December when Meng Shengnan received the notice of the new concept rematch.

It was approaching the end of the term, and the learning atmosphere in the class was strong. Before and after the get out of class break, the table can't even free up time for chatting. The table is full of Queen Xiong and 5.3 simulation questions, all of whom lower their heads to study the cosine function and parabola. Even the influence of the coming New Year's Day has to stay behind. The key old wet said that this final exam should be arranged according to the results to call the parents, not as simple as the last time bluffing.

Meng Shengnan was immersed in English.

Xue Lin didn't know when to come in.

"My God, you are too accurate."

Nie Jing also took a closer look: "Why did you choose B? I just did it yesterday. It looks like A."

Meng Shengnan: "I haven't got the answer yet."

Xue Lin looked at Nie Jing.

"I just got it right, it's B that's right, you don't think it is wrong, do you?"

Nie Jing frowned: "Really, I'll check it out."

The self-study class had been calm. Meng Shengnan just wanted to take a break after finishing his English. The 1.7-meter male squad leader suddenly stood up and walked to the podium, knocked on the blackboard, and said, "The day after tomorrow, on New Year’s Day, the head teacher let us have some fun by ourselves..."

A word suddenly set off a billowing wave in the classroom, and the students who were really bored could finally find a serious excuse to be lazy.

Someone in the back row booed: "Li Yan can dance!"

"The monitor sings a song."

"Yes, all the honors yesterday--"

Meng Shengnan couldn't help being stunned when she heard Li Yan's name. She calmly swept her eyes with the peripheral light and then silently retracted her gaze, continuing to turn her head and flip the book. After that, the class leader handed over the arrangements for the New Year's Day party to several of their class members in batches, and she and the representative of the Chinese class were responsible for buying decorations for the classroom.

The two are usually limited to greet each other.

It just didn't come to mind. The next day the representative of the Chinese class threw the entire stall to her temporarily, and Meng Shengnan was really dumbfounded. School was over at noon at that time, and she had greeted her home the night before because of this.

So, that afternoon after school, she was wandering on the long street outside the school alone.

It was cold outside, and Meng Shengnan casually entered a second-hand shop. There was a dazzling array of things inside. She wandered around a few times, and bought a small box of sprayed snow, and a bunch of balloons, posters, and ribbons. After turning around for a while, he stopped at the school supplies.

The best friend Qi Qiao knows that Meng Shengnan has a very special hobby.

This girl likes to collect books, and she must use white paper to write and describe in simple strokes. Usually there are no less than 20 pencils in her schoolbag, and seven big white rabbit toffee. When racking her brains to write things, she stuffs one into it. Mouth.

So, when she saw the simple and generous black pencils on the counter, she couldn't walk.

"Boss, how do you sell this?"

The fifty-year-old woman looked over: "It's sold in the whole box, new goods, ten sticks and seven dollars."

Meng Shengnan counted the money left in his pocket.

Then take everything to pay the bill.

Boss: "A total of 107 yuan."

Meng Shengnan took out all the money and put it on the table, and the boss counted them one by one.

"Not enough girl, two or three yuan short."

Meng Shengnan was startled, "Huh? With a cry, the class fees were all spent, and then I fumbled around for change.

The bag pocket was turned over all over, and it was all gone--

She stood in front of the cash register with her eyebrows, wondering whether to put down the box of pencils. The boss looked at her kindly, Meng Shengnan sighed, and was about to reach out for a pencil, a voice came from behind him.

"Take a bag of the Yellow Crane Tower."

She was almost directly frozen in place, her back was numb, her head was buzzing, her eyes were staring straight ahead without turning her head. The distance is so close, it is the same encounter again. The voice was so familiar, and the smell on her body was so familiar that she didn't even react, almost so nervous that her heart stopped beating.

The boss passed the cigarette behind her, and the boy directly gave it to Zhang Twenty.

She bit her lip and slowly lowered her head to pretend to be looking for change, her fingers trembling.

Then, just listen for the next second.

"The rest is hers." The voice was so careless.

She was taken aback.

The whole person didn't dare to move, and the action of turning the bag stopped early, as if he was afraid that he would even breathe. The wind chimes hanging on the curtain of the junk shop jingled suddenly, and there was no movement behind him.

She slowly turned her head.

The boy had been out of the store long ago but no one was seen, and she only realized it later.

The wind was gradually blowing in the sky.

Afterwards, Meng Shengnan walked towards the school with a box of things in a daze, but the blushing was not dissipated by the cold wind. I actually laughed silly as I walked, and regretted that I was too slow to let go of such a good opportunity for dialogue. Fortunately, Qi Qiao was not around at that time, otherwise she would definitely call her neurotic if she saw her like this.

Not far behind her on the street, two boys lingered on the side of the road.

"Bought the gift?" Shi Jin asked.


The boy took a cigarette from the cigarette case and plugged it into his mouth.

"It's not that the brother said, you are a little bit disinterested in Li Yan."

He lit the fire, threw the cigarette lighter into Shi Jin's arms, and then laughed in a low voice, "Are you serious?"


The boy took a cigarette and said, "She is too annoying."

"You don't hurt your back when you stand and talk. Looking around, we have a lot of beautiful women in the Ninth Middle School. How can I say that Li Yan is one of the best? Are you still not satisfied?"

The boy raised his eyes: "You are lonely."

Shi Jin said "Tsk Tsk", "Can you not reveal the shortness of brothers?"

The boy sneered: "There is nothing to do with this virtue."


The two boys talked more obscenely than the other.

At that time, Meng Shengnan had already returned to the classroom. It's tiring to carry a large box of things back. She panted and lay on the table. Ten minutes have passed since she saw him. Meng Shengnan still couldn't help but frown for a while.

In the afternoon, I was full of enthusiasm and mood. Fu Song asked with a smile, "What happened to be like this today?"

Meng Shengnan smiled without saying a word.

The mood lasted that day until I went to bed at night, and she couldn't sleep happily all night. The whole person tossed over, repeating light music over and over again in the repeater in the ear, and dreaming silly until dawn.

Wake up and go to sleep again.

After the second class in the afternoon of the second day, the whole school will be exempted. The class began to prepare to decorate the classroom. The girls gathered in a circle, blowing balloons and drawing ribbons. The whole classroom was warm and excited.

Meng Shengnan is making ribbons.

Nie Jing tied the balloon and said: "I heard the monitor say that there are four or five shows in the evening."

Meng Shengnan glanced at Li Yan subconsciously.

Nie Jing: "Hey? What did you make up?"


"It's so beautiful, you teach me."

Meng Shengnan said yes.

Xue Lin made up one too, he said, "Rose, isn't it good-looking?"

"Not as good as you." Meng Shengnan said.

Several girls were happy.

Later, the classroom was not dressed up until dark. The windows are painted with snow spray, poster ribbons are pasted, and colorful balloons are hung. The only boys in the class lifted all the tables one by one to form a rectangle next to the wall, and put the benches next to the table, and everyone sat on them in a circle.

On the eve of New Year's Day, I was beaming.

Everyone gave out a bottle of snow spray, and everyone watched the show and sprayed all over. On each table is a large plate of melon seeds peanut fudge chocolate, chattering applause, the story of youth is being staged one by one.

"Are there any plans for tomorrow?" Fu Song next to her asked her amidst the noise.

"Stay at home." Meng Shengnan glanced at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"How many books have you read?"

Meng Shengnan shook his head: "I haven't finished reading any of them."

"so slow?"

"Where do you get my copy?"

Fu Song smiled: "It's lying on the bedside."

"When will you pay me back?"

"When will you return the book, I will return you."

Meng Shengnan made a ‘cut’.

Fu Song asked: "How did you feel after reading what you said last time?"

"It's finished."

"What book or movie is it?"

Meng Shengnan scratched his cheek: "I used to write nonsense about the books I read before."

"No wonder."


Fu Song laughed: "You can score 55 on the Chinese composition test."

Meng Shengnan was a little embarrassed: "The kind I wrote is different from our Chinese composition."

"Confess with someone?"

Unexpectedly, when he said it directly, Meng Shengnan was speechless.

Fu Song smiled again: "Which university do you want to enter in the future?"

"How about you?"

Meng Shengnan didn't think much about it.

"Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Fu Song paused and said.

Hearing the sound, Nie Jing glanced over in silence, then turned back to watch the show without making a sound.

Meng Shengnan's eyes widened: "Research philosophy?"

Fu Song laughed and asked again about the school she wanted to take.

Meng Shengnan said: "I haven't thought about it yet."

The classmates who performed the show were enthusiastic and interrupted their chat. Li Yan just came on stage in a miniskirt to prepare for a hot dance. Meng Shengnan sat quietly in the crowd, looking at her, and then looking down at the blue and white school uniform on his body. There were dots of snowflakes sprayed on by his classmates.

No one doesn't like a girl like this, who has a beautiful face and a good figure, and can dance. Meng Shengnan looked very seriously, and then looked at Fu Song sideways, and it turned out that the beautiful women couldn't move their eyes away.


I don't know who it is, and suddenly shouted.

There were screams in the ears.

"Li Yan, is that Chi Zheng at the door?"


"Don't go there soon, what are you waiting for."


Meng Shengnan pursed his lips and slowly raised his head to look at the back door. The boy leaned against the door, with one hand in his pocket, the school uniform with the zipper open, tall and thin, with a cynical smile, and there was a warm feeling in her eyes that she couldn't tell.

In the roaring sound, Li Yan twisted his waist and ran to the boy.

For a moment, Meng Shengnan remembered the afternoon physical education class many days ago. She stood in the back door with trepidation, listening to the words of men and women who were tired of crooked emotions, flirting wildly.

She closed her eyes and looked away.

On the way back at night, she rode a bicycle alone. It was still the central square that passed, but the small pots of chrysanthemums were gone, and there was no sound of laughing and chatting behind him, and the picture of boys carrying girls had long since faded. She even thought of how passionate they should be tonight.

He is arranging (1○), and she is writing (○4).

It is a world separated by more than one floor.

After New Year's Day, everyone returned to a state of intense learning. So is Meng Shengnan. For them now, the most important thing is to learn. She is not as brave as the grand ceremony, she is used to keeping everything in the deepest part of her heart.

At that time, life passed faster than flying.

Because of the simulation in November, she was fourth from the bottom, so in the upcoming final examination room arrangement, Meng Shengnan has been arranged to the 26th examination room and is taking the (22) exam. During that time, the second floor of the teaching building was renovated, and several classrooms were not enough, and liberal arts students made up for the last few examination rooms of science. She is among them.

At that time, it was too dark to review.

In the morning reading class, Nie Jing was reciting Chinese verses.

"Meng Shengnan, what was the last sentence of Wan Muchun in front of the sick tree?"

"Thousand sails pass by the side of the sunken boat."

Nie Jing asked again: "Persuade you to drink more wine?"

This Meng Shengnan just reviewed yesterday.

After that afternoon, she was reading. He recites the sentence silently, and then he sees a tall and thin figure passing by the window. The person seemed to glance at the classroom subconsciously. He should be looking for Li Yan.

"What is it?" Xue Lin also leaned forward and asked.

"Xi Chu Yangguan has no acquaintance." After the meeting, Meng Shengnan replied absent-mindedly, no acquaintance.

"You are absent-minded again." Fu Song interrupted suddenly.

Nie Jing pursed her lips and glanced at the boy.

Meng Shengnan returned to his senses, "Huh?"

Fu Song said lightly: "If you are absent-minded, white and black are in front of you and you can't see, and thunder and drums are on your side and you can't hear."

Three girls: "..."

From birth to now, the most special person Meng Shengnan has known, Fu Song is the second and no one dares to be the first. In the classroom, she held back a smile. Xue Lin was even worse and laughed directly.

"Fu Song, I especially want to ask you a question." Xue Lin strikes while the iron is hot.

The boy raised his eyes.

The girl cleared her throat: "Have you been like this since childhood?"

Meng Shengnan looked at him, and Fu Song glanced at himself at the same table.

"How many points did you score on the math test?"

He doesn't answer rhetorical questions, and the connection between the two is far apart. Meng Shengnan was at the same table with him for a moment, and Nie Jing couldn't help being curious.

The girl was not inferior, and replied openly: "77, does it matter."

Fu Song shook his head: "It's too low."

"Huh?" The girl was taken aback.

"No wonder your logic is so bad, the question is too naive."

Three girls: "..."

Xue Lin was not reconciled: "Look at people, right? I will get 12○ sooner or later."

Fu Song smiled, "Do you know that dripping stone wears?"

The girl didn't believe he could tell the flowers.

Fu Song continued: "In the struggle between streams and rocks, streams are always victorious. Why do you know?"

What a philosophy--

The girl was already staying, and she was completely led away by the same table: "Why?"

"Not because of strength, but because of persistence."

Three girls: "..."

In an atmosphere of a weird question-and-answer mode, the final exam that made them happy and headache finally arrived. In the last exam a year ago, everyone was ready to go. Xue Lin was even more about to prove herself. She was on the front line of reviewing every day, so she had to tie a red cloth to her head with the word struggle written on it.

The afternoon before the exam, after the last class of the year before.

Xue Lin was still chattering about the parabolic equation at the same table, and Nie Jing also waited in line with the double-speed exercises in her hand. The two of them were really struggling with this momentum. Meng Shengnan had already packed up his schoolbags in advance and said goodbye and left the classroom.

In the hallway, there are girls chatting behind them.

Another male voice greeted the girls, and only one girl responded bye bye. When the man walked away, a girl asked, "Li Yan, why do I think our squad leader is a bit interesting to you?"

The girl who was asked snorted contemptuously: "Whoever looks at him is affectionate."

"Yes, how can it be compared with your Chi Zheng."

The girl smiled triumphantly.

"By the way, which test room do you have?" the girl asked again.


"I'm fourteen, we should be on the first floor-hey, by the way, which exam room and several classes are in your Chi Zheng?"

"He seems to be—"

Meng Shengnan slowed down and listened attentively.


"Rare to (22)."