When I Woke Up, I Became the Richest Man

Chapter 77: , seventy-seventh gold coin

Jing Xiao wanted to understand these things and immediately knew what to do next.

Find the Eye of the Abyss.

Even if this black gem cannot be destroyed, it must be restricted to limit the immortality of the oath from the root.

Jing Xiao still remembers the list of the "Eye of the Abyss Project", but when Magician K happened, the oath must have eliminated everyone on the list. Now the Eye of the Abyss It is estimated to be in a state of "unaccounted for".

The reason why Magician K took the initiative to provoke the members of Gaia is to find the Eye of the Abyss.

Although Magician K doesn't know the true function of the black gem, he definitely wants to find it, destroy it, and avenge his little niece.

Jing Xiao wanted to tell Magician K the function of the Eye of the Abyss that he speculated.

But after thinking about it, she gave up.

Magician K didn't know the function of the Eye of the Abyss, so he dared to provoke Gaia alone. If he knew, wouldn't he be able to manipulate heaven for that black gem? !

Furthermore, the words of the oath "there are only three people in this world who know this secret" are still in my ears, and Jing Xiao dare not reveal the secret of the Eye of the Abyss casually.

If the pledger knows that the secret of his immortality has been leaked, let alone the person who knows the secret, I am afraid that the person who guesses the truth will die at the hands of the pledger.

That would be too wrong.

So Jing Xiao gave up telling Magician K about this matter, and even if she wanted to tell Song Qianjun, she temporarily denied it, only going to say that the eye of the abyss is very important, let the intelligence department of Jiuding Association Watch out for news about it.

The next day, Jing Xiao, Christina, He Weiren and his party returned to Kyoto by helicopter.

On the way, Jing Xiao and "He Weiren"-Xin Hesong finally have time and mood to catch up.

Jing Xiao asked about "Xiao Cuifang", Xin Hesong forced a smile and whispered about her current situation.

Xiao Cuifang, whose real name is Eve Xiao, is also a very famous figure among Gaia's enforcers.

She is known for her superpowers of body modification, often taking the life of a target person before anyone can watch it.

This time Gaia was able to send her to go undercover beside Jing Xiao, which shows how much attention she attaches to Jing Xiao.

Now Eve Xiao has been detained in the custody of Jiuding headquarters. She has been interrogated several times, but her attitude is very firm, showing that she will not betray Gaia even if she dies.

The Jiuding Association could not take out the brainwashing device in her head, so naturally she could only continue to detain her.

Xin and Song often visit her, but Eve Xiao's attitude is very cold, even with hatred for him arresting herself, every time she faces him, she refuses to communicate, so Xin He Song has not been able to say three words to Eve Xiao so far.

When Jing Xiao saw Xin Hesong talking about this, his tired and sad eyes couldn't help but feel sad.

Jing Xiao comforted him in a low voice: "Even if there is no way now, there will be a way in the future, don't worry, super medical treatment and technology are developing rapidly, and the research base has been researching Solution."

Xin He Song nodded tiredly and said nothing.

As things develop, there is nothing to say.

Either wait for Jiuding to figure out a way to remove the brainwashing device, or Gaia mercifully helps Eve Xiao take away the brainwashing device, there is no other way.

Faced with numerous prosecutions, the final sentence is definitely not light.

Unless she can make up for it, she is willing to reveal Gaia's confidential information.

In short, the love road between Xin Hesong and Eve Xiao is really not easy to walk, and there will be countless difficulties, obstacles and tests in the future.

Jing Xiao sighed deeply in his heart, he can only wish them to persevere.

After returning to Kyoto, Xin Hesong and others said goodbye to Jing Xiao and returned to their posts.

Jing Xiao no longer needs personal protection now, and Xin Hesong's current state is not suitable, so Song Qianjun arranged another high-level small golden cauldron to protect Jing Xiao in secret.

In addition to Song Qianjun, Jing Xiao and other people who knew about the identities of those high-level little golden tripods, the rest of them knew nothing, not even Xin He Song.

Jing Xiao is the next president of the Jiuding Association. Her current security level is as important as Song Qianjun. There are people guarding the bright side and the dark place, even around Jingyuan. already protected.

So, don't see Jing Xiao as a dashing and unrestrained person wherever he goes now.

After returning to Jingyuan, Jingxiao told Al Yat and Tek about the process of the meeting, the oath's pursuit of magician K, and her love for the eye of the abyss guess.

Her words revealed that she wanted the Jiuding Association to support Magician K to the end, but Al Yat did not object.

Although Al Yat always regarded Magician K as a rival in love, but he never wanted this rival's life, so he naturally acquiesced to Jing Xiao's support for Magician K.

It was Jing Xiao's speculation about the eye of the abyss, which aroused the interest of Al Yat, Tek, and Christina.

Al Yat said: "In the magical continent, there are also dark magicians who can do this, and extend their lifespan by absorbing the vitality of others."

"More than that, in our orcs, there are several races of warriors who can use their amputated limbs to perform secret magic resurrection, but it will cost a lot and their lifespan will be halved." Then said.

"There are also in the deep sea!" Krisna immediately said: "There is a marine race called Natan, which can be possessed by other marine creatures that you have chosen when the lifespan is approaching. By rebirth, and then slowly assimilating the possessed creatures back to the Natan family, you can live another two hundred years!"

Al Yat continued: "There are similar methods in the strong races of the sky, such as the four-winged fire feathers, their strong people will find the materials to reshape their bodies, burn them Self, while the soul has not dissipated, immediately reshape the body, so as to be resurrected and reborn."

This is a common life extension method used by the strong race with short lifespan.

Since the elves and mermaids are long-lived races, especially the elves, their age is always counted in thousand years, so these methods are usually not used.

But both Al Yat and Krisna have heard of it.

There are elves and mermaids who have lived a long time, and they have even seen them with their own eyes.

For example, "five hundred years old man", Al Yat.

The lifespan of Tek's race is not short, but it is not long, but their race pays attention to returning to nature, so they are not afraid of death, and they never study any method of prolonging life.

After listening to it, Jing Xiao sighed. Before, she thought that the immortality of the oath was so amazing and shocking, and now she has finished listening to it for a while.

Suddenly I feel that the oath is immortal, so that's it.

Jing Xiao: I am calm.

In fact, think about it carefully, what is the immortality of the oath, and when it comes to lifespan, she is the most buggy!

As long as the contract with Al Yat's soul is in one day, Jing Xiao's lifespan will follow Al Yat.

Don't say she will live for hundreds of years, she estimates that she will live for thousands of years!

Jing Xiao: Witness the history of the mother star, starting from me.

Thinking about this, she was a little excited.

The family chatted about life extension for a long time before continuing to discuss how to find the eye of the abyss.


Can Al Yat travel the world?

Of course not, he is very cautious even going out of Jingyuan now, for fear that he who has no heart now will drag Jing Xiao down.

When Krisna saw Al Yat shaking his head and saying that there was nothing to do, she looked at him very confused, as if she didn't understand why he didn't mention plant magic.

Krisina originally wanted to ask him directly, but for some reason, her simple biological intuition made Christina feel that it was best not to ask now, otherwise she would always feel that her end would be miserable.

Chrisina hesitated for a while, pretended not to see, and continued to lie in Jing Xiao's arms, playing with the buttons on Jing Xiao's uniform.

The family chatted late before saying good night and went back to their rooms to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Jing Xiao suddenly woke up and sat up suddenly.

She suddenly thought of one thing—why didn’t Gaia come to save Eve Xiao? !

Eve Xiao is also a well-known member of the Gaia organization. Faced with the arrest of such a strong general, with Gaia's behavior, they would give up the rescue? !

It can't be, and it shouldn't be!

Unless Gaia has a plan, Eve Shaw is arrested and in their plan!

In other words, the arrest of Eve Xiao is beneficial to their next plan.

Jing Xiao didn't know why, as long as she thought that Eve Xiao was not rescued by Gaia, she felt a sense of anxiety in her heart, even more than knowing the oath's immortality restless.

It seems that the waves that will arise after the Eve Xiao incident will have a huge impact on her.

Jing Xiao knew what it was like, it was her hunch about the future only after her soul was strengthened and sublimated.

Before she even noticed it, her soul had already sensed the unfavorable situation because of some neglected details, and was giving her an early warning.

Including waking up in the middle of the night, it may be a warning from the soul.

She was in a state of anxiety, and Al Yat quickly sensed it through the soul contract, and immediately came to appease her.

Jing Xiao explained the matter again, and the two discussed it, but they had no clue, so they could only make a backup plan and prepare to implement it after dawn.

Next day.

Jing Xiao rushed to Jiuding headquarters early in the morning.

Al Yat made all kinds of magic armor in the manor, ready to arm Jing Xiao and everyone around him to the teeth.

After Jing Xiao arrived at the headquarters, he called Mu Cangwu to visit Cedar.

After returning from Jingxiao from the Kingdom of Hokuno, he often visited Cedar and taught and guided him like a sister.

Cedar and her mother also moved from the scientific research base to the sanatorium for superpowers to continue to recuperate their bodies.

So when Jing Xiao went to visit, it was not a slap in the face of the harsh words he once put in front of Song Qianguang, the Minister of Scientific Research, the sentence "I will not come if you invite me".

If Cedar didn't move out of the scientific research base, Jingxiao would really be in trouble. She didn't want to slap herself in front of Song Qianguang at all, but she still remembered this man chasing her with a broom. !

This visit is the same as before. One of Jing Xiao and Xue Song is serious about teaching and the other is serious about learning. They have learned Ding Guoyu first, and then they talk about other things.

Jing Xiao said: "Cedar, in fact, I'm here today, and I want to ask you for help."

Cedar's eyes suddenly lit up, he hugged Jing Xiao's arm and said coquettishly: "Sister, you said, Xedong promises to do well!"

Cedar has long wanted to help Jing Xiao.

He and his mother have always been taken care of by Jing Xiao, but they cannot repay Jing Xiao, which makes him always feel guilty and anxious.

Sister takes care of him, and he wants to take care of her too.

Now Jingxiao is finally willing to ask him for help, Cedar is overjoyed, and feels that he is here with his sister and is finally a useful younger brother!

Cedar: Proud!

Jing Xiao touched his little head and carefully explained the cause and effect: "It's about a female spy named Eve Xiao..."

"What my sister wants to trouble you is that if this person does escape from prison and brings danger, please turn her into ashes immediately and wait for her to arrive. If her sister does not arrive, then no matter who persuades her You, don't bring her back."

Jing Xiao had a discussion with Al Yat before, and felt that no matter what plans Gaia had that needed Eve Xiao’s cooperation, the first thing was—she must escape first!

So Jing Xiao first went to Mu Cangwu today and asked her to send someone to watch the guardianship.

As long as Eve Xiao escapes from prison, Cedar will arrive immediately and turn Eve Xiao into ashes.

People have become ashes, no matter how many plans you have, it is impossible to carry out.

This fundamentally curbs Gaia's next conspiracy.

And Cedar's super power comes with refresh skills, when he turns Eve Xiao into ashes, and then returns to adulthood, it may also affect her brainwashing state, directly refreshing people back to before Emotional state, that would be great.

Jing Xiao Unfortunately, it is a pity that the refresh of cedar can't remove the brainwashing device in Eve Xiao's head.

Refreshing is not a craniotomy. After refreshing, things will still be there, but they will return to the best state, so after Eve Xiao was refreshed, she returned to the state where she still had feelings after the first brainwashing, is the greatest possibility.

But until the time of crisis, Jing Xiao did not dare to try this risky method easily. What if the default best state of the brainwashing device is to completely brainwash it into a puppet?

That's why Jing Xiao explained to Cedar that after Eve Xiao did something, and at a critical moment, she could be turned into ashes.

In the moment of crisis, either Eve Xiao died, or other little golden tripods or innocent passers-by died, so you can only take a gamble.

Even if Eve Xiaozhen is refreshed into a puppet, Jing Xiao still has the last trump card, Christina.

The healing magic of the mermaid is not a joke. The mermaid who was once the most powerful era can revive the life within 24 hours of death with a wave of the hand.

Although the mermaid clan no longer have the ability to defy the sky, but as long as Christina can reach the ninth level, Jing Xiao believes that any Gaia brainwashing device will be in front of the mermaid princess. Vulnerable!

I just want to upgrade to the ninth level, but it is too difficult.

Jing Xiao: Orz.

Chrisna is not the kind of battle pet of Tek, and cannot be upgraded with krypton gold.

As for Jing Xiao, she is only level five now, and she is still a long way from level nine.

Just wait.

When they got out of the sanatorium and got into the car, Jing Xiao said to Mu Cangwu, "We'll be working hard for you to investigate our association's little Jinding secretly."

If Eve Shaw wants to escape from prison, someone needs to cooperate.

Jing Xiao doesn’t know if Gaia buried a nail in the Jiuding Association, but Gaia can plan to push his own people from the Imperial Knights to power. I don't know how many and whether the position is critical.

Even if they can't find it out, Mu Cangwu and others keep an eye on the little golden cauldrons in Jiuding, which will help them find something wrong at the first time, and rush to support with Cedar in time.

Mu Cangwu's eyes are bright, and he is obviously very interested in this task.

She said, "Don't worry, Axiao, I will definitely get this done!"

The competition plan she planned for Jing Xiao before was useless, but it broke Mu Cangwu. This time, she must complete the task beautifully!

In a few days.

After get off work in the afternoon, Jing Xiao was driving his sports car through the traffic, on the way back to Jingyuan, when his phone suddenly rang.

Vice President Zhang said anxiously, "Assistant Jing! Ren Guping is dead!"

Jing Xiao was stunned for a moment before realizing who Ren Guping was.

The female spy from the Imperial Knights who pretended to be Mu Qingqing and approached her, wanted to take her abroad, and provoked infighting among the moderate factions!

Vice President Zhang said in an angry voice: "She died on our operating table in Jiuding!"

Jing Xiao's heart sank.

Things are bad.

The author has something to say:Hold the little cuties and sip one by one! Love you twitter! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭