When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 1011

I don't know where to go, but it doesn't really matter where I go, so Yong Ye walked aimlessly.

The streets at night are still crowded with people, and Yong Ye is also mixed into the crowd, following the crowd at will.

However... when he was walking at random, black spots of different sizes appeared on the ground. When he looked up, he could see that the black spots were caused by the rain falling from the sky.

The people who were still taking a leisurely walk all speeded up their pace at this time, and when the raindrops surged rapidly, their walking speed also accelerated again.

Only Yong Ye allowed the soybean-like raindrops to wet the asphalt road and wet his clothes at the same time, but he was still unhurried and moved forward at his own pace.

"...I feel like there should be no problem, but...is it really okay? Those two people shouldn't tear down my apartment, right?"

It was clear that the street had been emptied in an instant, but Yongye couldn't help but think about Origami and Tohka.

Two people, one is the wizard called "the catastrophe that kills the world", and the other is a modern wizard (Wizard) who specializes in fighting spirits.

These two girls, who were literally planning to take each other's life, were existences beyond the realm of ordinary humans. If the entire building was hit, he couldn't keep it, so he was a little worried that the apartment he lived in would be destroyed.

It's no use just worrying. He didn't plan to go back. He could only temporarily put aside his worries about the apartment deposit and his clothes. He chose to believe that the two people who were difficult to fight because of the objective reality could restrain himself, not really. There's a fight... although it's obviously not going to be a simple reconciliation.

"Hey... this situation is really... eh?... That's it?"

Unconsciously, in the rainy night, he sighed again, but in the middle of the sigh, he suddenly noticed something unusual in the alley.

In the dark alley, where there was not much light, there was a small figure with his back to him, wearing a cloak with rabbit ears on the main green hood, for some reason he overturned the trash can and was inside regardless of the mess Searching nervously for something.

…look for food?

This was Yong Ye's first thought when he found out that the child was rummaging through the trash can, because he could often see such a cursed child a long time ago, so he thought of this unconsciously.

Thinking like this, he walked over and appeared silently behind her. Relying on a relatively large body, he covered the light on her body, including her surroundings, in shadows. .

Appearing silently behind the girl, Yong Ye, who blocked the light from the road, was inexplicably very much like the appearance of the villain in the TV series.

It's a pity that Yong Ye didn't have this self-awareness. When the child turned around, he noticed that he looked very scared and shrank back a little, so he took another step forward, habitually. He said the words that the villains on TV are usually deceptive, but they feel that they can gain trust.

"...Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person."


Yong Ye's words just blurted out, and the girl trembled in fear. She wanted to turn around and run, but she accidentally stepped back too quickly, and she fell to the ground and said "woo..." Scream.

"...don't, don't come here..."

The girl with a hat decorated with long rabbit ears on her head, because of Yongye's approach, was so terrified that she was trembling all over. Move back by yourself.

Seeing that this age should be about the same as Wuhe Qinli, she looks as beautiful as a French doll, or should be said to be a cute blue-haired girl, who is afraid of herself, Yongye only feels quite depressed, and she clearly should behave very well. Friendly...it should be very friendly...well, probably yes.

He carefully observed the girl who fell into the water, trembling and looked very uneasy. He was timid and didn't dare to look at the girl, and suddenly realized that this was not a human at all, but an elf...

Judging from the identity of the elf, looking for food or something, it should be completely just that he thinks too much.

"...What the **** are you doing here? Going through the trash in the middle of the night?"

Although I know that most of the elves are very strange, Tohka is cute, Kotori is arrogant, Kuangsan... I don't know how to say it, maybe it's sick and charming, right? But it doesn't seem to be all of them, but in short, they are some very strange people.

Based on the weirdness of the elves before, Yong Ye couldn't help but doubt that this child has the quirk of rummaging through the garbage in the middle of the night... Of course it's impossible, no matter how strange it is, it's impossible to be like this, right?

"...Please, don't come here...don't... hurt me..."

Just like a small animal encountering a wild wolf, the girl slowly turned her head and secretly looked at Yong Ye from a side view. The long eyelashes were trembling, and she cast a fearful look at Yong Ye.

Her voice was very weak and light, giving people the urge to hold it in the palm of her hand to care for it, hold it in her arms to love and protect it.

"...I said it all, I'm not a bad person, how could I hurt you?"

The girl's fear of herself made Yong Ye feel a little nervous. To be honest, this is the first time he has seen such a timid elf.

The girl wrapped in a cute designed coat lowered her head and blocked Yong Ye from looking directly at her with a large hood decorated with rabbit ears. She didn't intend to refute at all, but looked at the trash can as if there was something in it. something she cares about.

"...Ah, yes, chocolate is used at this time."

When the form was deadlocked and Yong Ye didn't know what was going on with the child, he suddenly thought of the chocolate in his pocket, took out one, and walked towards the girl again.


Just as Yong Ye took another step forward, the girl was afraid and took another step back.

This situation made Yong Ye inexplicably persistent, and he just didn't intend to let the other party move away, and walked forward again, and the girl moved back again, so... Repeat this behavior.

When the girl was forced into a blind spot, her back was sticking to the wall, and when there was no way to retreat, the two of them advanced and retreated, and the behavior that made people wonder what to make of it finally stopped.

"Run again, why don't you run?"

Standing in front of the girl who had shrunk to the corner of the wall, Yong Ye, who was interested, finally forced her into a corner, because he felt that his behavior was actually quite funny, and he couldn't help but say so as if to tease the other party.


The girl's shoulders suddenly shook, her face turned pale and her teeth collided with each other, her whole body began to tremble again, showing a pitiful request like she was about to cry.

"...Please, please don't...don't bully me..."

"Sorry...it seems like a joke, but don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I just want to give you this."

Crouching down, Yong Ye handed the chocolate to her.


"Sweet stuff."

"…no, do not want……"

"You're welcome, I know it's just..."

"---don't want!"

Facing the approaching Eternal Night, the girl closed her eyes and let out a mournful cry. She raised her right hand because of excessive fear, and then waved it down, as if she had exhausted all her strength, making the loudest sound ever.


In an instant, the ground began to bulge, as if something was about to burst out of the ground.

However, just before this unknown thing broke out of the ground, Yong Ye, who was squatting on the ground, took a step forward and slapped the ground with a slap.

——Bang! !

The loud bass sounded, and with Yong Ye's right hand as the center, a violent shock wave appeared on the floor, and at the same time, a gust of wind caused all the water to fly up, and the asphalt road that had just been raised was flattened again. The things also lost their sound, and the earth had just been commotion, and then it regained its tranquility.

The blue-haired elf girl, this ultimate self-defense method, disappeared without any effect.