When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 1012

Feeling caught off guard by this sudden change, the girl couldn't help but widen her eyes. The desperate power gap made the sense of terror that was already helpless spread out in her heart. Much smaller.

"...How about we have a good talk?"

Yong Ye acted as if nothing had happened, calmly retracted his hand, and looked at this girl who was already extremely frightened and wanted to escape, but couldn't.

"I'm not going to attack you, I just want to... um... actually I'm just idle and have nothing to do."

After struggling with the wording, he couldn't think of a good way to say it, so Yong Ye spoke bluntly.

In this rainy day, he really only swayed outside at this point because his residence was occupied by two girls who were hostile to each other, and he didn't want to be involved in the vortex of battle for the time being.

But now on a rainy night, no one else exists. Apart from the initial misunderstanding, he will only be curious about her behavior and idle and bored.

And the girl in the rain didn't seem to believe his words, she just peeped at his face tremblingly, trying to see his expression, but because there was not much light in this alley, Yongye itself was in the position of backlight, Can't see his face at all.

Therefore, in the face of unknown people, her choice can only be to shrink her body and keep silent, waiting for the time to return to the neighbors to escape from this terrible man.


(PS: It's the last day for the reward... Ask for a monthly pass, a blade, a recommendation ticket...)

Chapter 12 Yoshino's Hero, Tokisaki Kurumi's Unknown Hobby

The girl didn't say anything, she just shrank and shivered, which made Yong Ye, who was squatting on the side, annoyed again.

Because this time, he didn't even give out the chocolate, so he really had a headache, how to communicate with this overly vigilant child.

"...I said, don't you really want to try it? Chocolate is very sweet?"



Under the circumstance that the temptation with chocolate was ineffective, Yong Ye had no choice but to declare that there was nothing he could do. After all, he was not the kind of person who was easy to get acquainted with, so he gave up the conversation and turned into a silent stare on this rainy day. A wet girl.

The girl opposite him, under his gaze, lowered her head and dared not look at him, letting the rain fall from her hood.

As if facing a pet that is not easy to deceive, Yong Ye seems to be looking for a breakthrough, looking up and down on the girl's delicate body.

It's just... The girl's clothes were stuck to her body because she was soaked by the heavy rain. Although there was a green cloak covering part of it, her shrunk posture now made people unnecessarily reverie about her many parts.

The looming, hazy feeling is the most attractive.

"No... No, I'm not really a lo*ic*n like Wuhe Qinli said, how could I be interested in Wuhe Qinli's age group..."

Yong Ye, who accidentally thought about it, turned his head into a rattle after he recovered, and stopped observing the girl's body. After thinking about it, he soon had a new idea.

"...Well, you tell me what you're doing, and I'll let you go... Wrong, I didn't do anything to you at all, I should say, I'll leave, how about it?"


As if Yong Ye's departure was very attractive to her, the girl raised her head cautiously and observed Yong Ye with uneasy eyes.

"Of course, I never lie."


There was no other choice, the girl could only choose to trust Yong Ye, and said softly in a voice that Yong Ye could hardly hear.

"...No, see you...I have to find..."


"...Yitoshi, Nai..."


"It's not...is...a unique friend...hero."


Looking at the girl whose body was shrunk into a ball, Yong Ye couldn't understand what she meant.

No, to be precise, he can understand the meaning of the word "hero", but he can't understand, why look for something like a hero, you will find a trash can? Could it be that the hero died and was thrown into the trash can? ... what kind of thriller plot is this?

In a dark alley.

In the blind alley deep in the alley, a man wearing a black trench coat that blocked most of the remaining light from the light, squatted half-squatting and thought about a problem that he couldn't understand, and in his shadow was a petite man And the girl who was still trembling.

People who don't know the truth will probably make up a lot of things in their minds. After all, there is no one around here, and it is a real place where no one will show up if you break your throat.

"...But, with... gone?"

I don't know what Yong Ye is thinking, the girl who is afraid of being alone, because she has already done what she said, and Yong Ye has not left, so she urged him to leave quickly in a very soft and careful voice, hoping that he would not leave. bother yourself looking for something.



The simple refusal caused the girl to subconsciously raise her head slightly upwards, but she quickly lowered her head, her body trembled in embarrassment, she opened her mouth slightly but couldn't make a sound, and tears welled up in her eyes.


"Ah...don't be like this, don't be like this, I don't want to go back on it, I just think there is a big problem with your words, so I can't believe you."


With a crying voice, the girl recounted Yong Ye's problem, and Yong Ye was a little helpless about it.

"...Do you think I would believe the so-called hero's argument? Don't you think that in peaceful times, looking for someone in the trash can is quite a joke?"

"...Really...I didn't...deceive."

"...Naughty children, but they will be educated?"

"Trust me."

"...I often say this sentence, but generally no one believes it, so under the current circumstances, do you think I will believe you?"

Even if people say that she believes in her, but Yong Ye, who often tells people to believe her own words, doesn't believe in such words anymore, because such words require mutual trust, but unfortunately, he doesn't believe in such words. Inexplicable answer, there is no trust in strange girls.

The girl gripped the edge of the hood tightly, and let the hood go down as far as possible to cover most of her face, which was already covered, as if she wanted to hide everything about herself, while keeping the sight of Yong Ye as far as possible. Down, hesitantly cast his eyes away, opened his pale pink lips, and said intermittently.

"…I did not lie……"