When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 1029

"That's a misunderstanding! I don't have any obsession with school uniforms! And how did you know about this? I remember I didn't say it?"


Perhaps it was because he felt that there was no need to answer, Origami naturally ignored Yongye's question, distributed the lunch boxes, set the tableware and took good care of Yongye's thoughts, and did not go over to see what Yongye was doing under the desk.

This meticulous consideration made Yong Ye really don't know whether to be happy with the other party's understanding or sad about her imagination.

While watching from the sidelines for a long time and being ignored by Origami on the surface, Kurumi, who was secretly vigilant, chose to interject at this time for some unknown reason.

"I don't know what Mr. Yong Ye thinks about school uniforms, but I know he likes cats, and it stands to reason that he would like cats dressed up."

"…Is that right?"

Origami, who has always been on high alert for elves, listened to Kurumi's words and directly confirmed his interest to Yongye in person.

"What do you want me to say..."

"That's what I like."

"...Don't jump to conclusions, you."

"Because Yong Ye is relatively shy, I don't deny that there is a high probability of being shy."

"—No! Who would be shy about such a thing? ... Forget it, I'm tired too, whatever you think."

I just refuted it seriously, but after thinking about it a little seriously, Yong Ye simply gave up arguing about this kind of thing, because he felt that arguing with Origami was the most meaningless, and he didn't have that much energy now.

"Let's eat."

"...I'm busy and don't want to eat for the time being."

Yong Ye, who covered Qin Li's mouth and nose, leaving only a small gap for her to breathe, refused without hesitation when there was no way to spare her hands.

This unexpected situation made Origami stunned for a while, but then she opened her eyes slightly as if thinking of something.

"I feed you."

"No, this kind of thing is..."

"I feed you."

"You listen to people, and change another sentence, okay?"

"Let me feed you."

"...It really just changed one sentence, but the three words of the main body have not changed."

"I want to feed you."

"...So are we playing some weird word game?"

When Yongye sticks to the idea and the stubborn origami gets into a stalemate, Tohka, who tells his friends to eat fish together at night, finally returns.

"—Tobiichi Origami! What are you doing!"

Looking at Tobiichi Origami staring at Yongye, Tohka is like a hen protecting her calf, inserting her hands from the side to block Yongye in front of her, becoming the second person between Yongye and Origami besides the desk. A beneficial protection.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way, I want to feed Yong Ye, it's nothing to do with you, hurry up and disappear in a random place."

Origami looked at Tohka coldly, not even putting down the things in her hand, obviously looking down on her. It was precisely because of this attitude that although Tohka didn't seem to care, she clenched her fists while frowning.

"What stupid words are you talking about! It's obviously just a student or forced to move here! How can I know Yongye for a long time? First come and then understand!"

"No matter how come first, I first got to know Yong Ye, and then entered this school first."

"How is that possible?! I am...!"

"Five years ago, I met Yong Ye."

"What—? Five years ago?!"

After being interrupted, Tohka was caught off guard by the sudden shocking fact, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"--How can it be?!"

"There is such a fact, admit defeat."

"I-I won't admit defeat to a nasty guy like you!"

The childish Tohka and the eccentric Origami, the subjects of the two people's arguments gradually became a little strange.

While the two were arguing, Yong Ye just listened inexplicably by the side, keeping silent as much as possible, hoping to get through this difficult time as quickly as possible.

Looking down quietly, the girl below was flushed with red, and she also showed a trance-like expression. It seemed that her consciousness had been disintegrated by alcohol again.

Thinking that maybe she should be able to free up a hand now, Yong Ye tentatively let go of the left hand that was holding her, but the child unexpectedly didn't cause him any more trouble, and seemed very honest.

After seeing it, Yong Ye simply released the restraint on her feet again, and remained vigilant to release the switch of his personality switch, untied the black ribbon from his hair, and stuffed the ribbon into his pocket to prevent it from being caught. The girl who put down her hair retrieved it, and then slowly let go of her mouth to do the final trial experiment.

At this time, the disarmed ribbon was in Wuheqin, whose personality was not yet clear. There was no suspicious action unexpectedly. He just shook his head from side to side very quietly, and then stretched out his hands on Yongye's legs, like It's like sleeping on the desk, and very simply lay down on it and fell asleep.

"...After getting drunk, after removing the Commander's shaking S personality, will he become an unexpectedly honest personality?"

Yong Ye, who didn't quite understand what was going on, put his hands on his chin and pondered, thinking about this girl with a dual personality that he didn't even understand. But he guessed that if there was no accident, her initial personality should be the milder one.

I don't understand and I don't plan to think about it anymore. Yong Ye, who freed his hands again, raised his head to look at the two people in the office, and put his hands on the table to prevent the two tit-for-tat quarrels from arguing as calmly as usual.

"—Okay, okay, let's eat in peace."

"Well... Since Yong Ye said so, then I won't care about this annoying guy for the time being."

Although Tohka still looked angry, she still listened to Yong Ye's words honestly, pouted her mouth and chose to keep quiet.

However, Origami looked at Yongye's hand with regret. Also because the goal could not be achieved, he simply chose to give up the meaningless argument with Tohka, and took out the handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Yongye.

"When you're done, just wipe your hands."

"Oh, thanks... no, what are you talking about?"

Yong Ye, who subconsciously took the handkerchief, was stunned for a moment. For origami, he could easily imagine the situation she imagined.

"Do you want to say it?"

I don't know if Yong Ye guessed right or not, the expressionless Origami didn't move his brows, he just asked a simple rhetorical question.

"...No, you don't have to say it, I don't want to know at all."