When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 1137

"Yes, I am a human race."

"...What kind of joke is this?" After hesitating for a while, Li Yanskin raised a nonexistent brow.

"I'm serious, that is the ship and flag of the largest empire and religion of the human race."

"...The race that destroyed the world, like a demon?"

"Destroying the world is hard to say, but the devil shouldn't be..."

"you are serious?"


The conversation ended, and silence descended.

No one can be sure whether what William said is true or not, it is better to say that everyone expected it to be false.

Humans have no scales, neither fangs nor claws, and no wings. Even in terms of fecundity, they are obviously inferior to the dolphin-headed race at that time. It is by no means a tough race. All creatures that are not of their own clan are treated as enemies.

But despite this, mankind still developed a splendid civilization, and almost dominated everything on the surface, even the legendary dragons and gods were defeated.

At present, the strongest combat power of the Floating Island Continent is the immature golden fairies who use the holy swords of human warriors and quasi-braves. culture.

The legendary race "Human Race" that should have disappeared for more than 500 years, destroyed the vast land in the past and drove all creatures to the sky reappeared. It is really hard to imagine what consequences this will bring.

If humans came to seize the island, the combat effectiveness of the two sides would probably not be of the same level at all.

Not to mention the strongest hero, there is a real quasi-brave. The existing mature golden goblins may not be able to stop them. After all, there are only five or six mature golden goblins combined, and they are best at only Take the holy sword to self-destruct.

The unexpected situation made the military attache of the First Fleet feel helpless, but after tacitly looking at each other, he looked at the guards beside him.

"Raise your hands!" The frogman and dolphin guards, totaling six people, raised their guns and aimed them at William.

"What do you want to do?" William narrowed his eyes and glanced at the guards, and finally looked at the limestone skin.

"No one can be sure if you are a human spy."

"...First of all, I'm not sure what the situation is, and secondly, if it is human, there is no need for spies at all."

That's what he said, but in fact, it's better to say that William hopes to be human, and it is at this time...

The human ship is also close enough. There is suddenly a thick dark condensation in the shadow of the cockpit. When the people in the cockpit looked, they suddenly noticed that they did not know when it appeared, and they were shrouded in black robes. In the middle, a weirdo who seems to be one with the shadows.


The guard hurriedly turned the head of the gun, but the next moment suddenly felt a huge gravitational restraint.

The sound of a series of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, and all the people present were crushed by the abnormal gravity that suddenly appeared in the command cabin. The guard's gun was also directly pressed to the ground and could not be lifted at all.

"This, this... what's the situation..." Limestone Skin tried to get up, but couldn't resist the heavy pressure, so he could only stare at the four who walked out of the shadows.

"Here... Inquisition... Those guys hiding in the dark...??"

Others couldn't tell what was going on, but William recognized these weird guys and thought that although he had never seen them, he had heard a lot of these crazy believers in the dark side of the church.

"I'll take the ship under the Pope's order and surrender quickly, demihuman."

A gloomy voice came from the shadows. Although no one else could understand the familiar language, William, who was lying on the cold metal floor, could not bear the pressure. He was almost moved to tears, and was instantly excited. of speechless.

Because of the appearance of these few people, it means that the recovery of mankind can be affirmed, and he is no longer alone.

And if William didn't speak, it didn't mean that no one would notice him. The head judge scanned the cabin and quickly noticed William, who was staring at them with wide eyes, and the blue-haired Kodori, and found that they didn't The characteristics of a person are exactly what a person looks like.

"These two...seem to be human?"


"It seems to be true?"

"The blue-haired one too?"

The judge observed the two with scrutiny. Although Kodori, who had accumulated magic power and planned to burst out, could not understand their words, William quickly recovered his senses and raised his hand diligently.

"I am, a human being! The quasi-hero of the Church of Praise... William Kermesius!"



William's voice made the judge stunned for a moment, and looked at each other peeking at each other, some didn't understand what was going on now, why humans appeared here, and...

"You lied, how could the quasi-hero be as weak as you, unable to even stand up? Besides, the quasi-hero William Kemeixiu was already killed in the battle with Lord Black Candle."

"It's not like this until I die!"

"...Take it back?"

The judges obviously hadn't been informed of William's affairs by Yong Ye, and after looking at each other, they made a decision.

However, before they could implement their ideas, as the distant human fleet approached again, the ships outside the flagship made a voice through the communication crystal, asking how to deal with the matter.

So, they prioritized matters here, looked at William and asked, "Since it's a human, then tell us, who is the supreme commander here?"

"That big lizard." Without thinking about it, William instinctively looked at the limestone skin.

"very good."

Nodding his head, the head judge inscribed a spell on the floor, and manipulated the Limestone Skin who was staring at William, and asked Limestone Skin, the first-class military attache, to issue an order prohibiting fire, and inform the whole ship that the people who came were his own. , is its own hidden experimental fleet, which was only an exercise before.

Naturally, it is impossible for a ship that does not know the truth to know the truth, nor does it believe that someone will appear directly on its flagship and control its own officers, so they choose to believe that it is their own experimental fleet.

When they let the human fleet approach unprepared, and when the knights equipped with the air defense talisman boarded the ship, they realized that something was wrong, but they didn't have time to resist, and everything was settled.

When William noticed the knights of the church, his expression became a lot more strange, especially...

"Yeah~ Is this the demihuman fleet? It always feels very fresh. Lizards in military uniforms, I remember clearly wearing nothing before."

Following the influx of knights covered in airtight armor, standing on both sides as if they were lining up to welcome some big man, a girl in red and white clothes and a red cloak also broke into the cockpit.

The girl shook her head and looked around, letting her vermilion hair sway, but that outfit and her identity made William's eyes widen even more.



Observing the ship and Lilia, who was wearing a Reptilian in military uniform, she heard William's familiar voice and quickly looked down. Because William, who was wearing the same military uniform as the Lizardman, was still **** with five flowers, he couldn't help but stunned for a moment and then immediately exclaimed. "...William? Aren't you dead?!"

"...I almost died. It's a long story. It's really long."