When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 1146

For creatures with basically the same appearance, most creatures will have some kind of intimacy, especially humans, when the other party can use the holy sword, which means that they are largely human, they will normally choose shelter.

Soon after the Yongye order was issued.

A group of people riding a small airship, through the known information, invaded the research institute of the Elbis merchant country, took away the golden fairy who was being tortured, and took the demihumans on the scene. At full speed, the entire floating island was sunk by a spell master.

The simplicity of the matter was unexpected, the entire floating island disappeared easily, and a force that could be counted in the mainland group of the floating island was easily annihilated.

While Marshal Enoka was waiting for the large-scale fleet to arrive, he announced to the island and demanded the surrender of the floating island mainland group. Under the dissatisfied sight of the girls in the goblin warehouse, Yongye brought the treated and changed into a new one. The blue-haired girl in the clothes entered the goblin warehouse that seemed to have a lot of words for him because he had four grown goblins beat up.

The dissatisfied eyes of everyone did not last long, and they quickly looked at the girl hiding beside him.

The concentrated sight of these people made the girl shrink back in fear, completely hiding behind Yongye, and using Yongye to block the sight of others.

"...Who is this?"

"No requisition?"


"—It won't be an illegitimate daughter... Ah! It hurts!"

I don't know when I got into the group of goblins, and before Lilia, who followed the coaxing, was finished, her head was slapped hard by Yong Ye, and she squatted on the ground with her head covered.

Ignoring Lilia, who was making troubles every day, Yong Ye looked at Nigolan, "... This child is also a golden fairy, I have no time to take children, and I will not take children, this child... and the rest will be handed over to you. ."

After explaining, he moved to the side.

I saw behind him like a train, hiding nine children of different ages, all of whom were very afraid of giving birth.

When these children were exposed to everyone's sight, they were stunned and then hid together, and then hid neatly behind Yong Ye again.

Nevelyn tilted her head slightly and asked suspiciously, "This is... an acrobatic troupe?"

"No, I said... this is your kind, golden fairy."

"Why are there so many golden fairies all of a sudden?"

"It's a long story, I'll keep it short..."

Yong Ye reflexively touched the head of the blue-haired girl who had been pulled out of the metal armor by him, and now became fond of following him, and briefly stated the behavior of the Elbis merchant country, which made the girls on the scene feel sympathetic. these girls.

It's just... It's not that easy to get close to these persecuted children. Although they look the same, it doesn't make them panic to the point of being unable to move like demihumans, but there are still high of wariness.

But Yong Ye didn't care about this kind of thing, and simply gave these children to Nigolan, because he was very relieved to leave the children to Nigolan.

After all, don't look at Nigolan as a cannibal, but she herself can't eat people, and she has brought children for so many years, so it is perfect for her, and Yongye himself is to avoid being entangled by those children. He went back to his former residence, a house with a large courtyard outside the forest.

It’s been a long time since he left this world. Although it’s only been a year since this world, it can be considered a long time. He thought it would be a little messier here, but to some surprise, there was nothing but the snow last night. There is no mess outside.

"...It's your credit, right?" Yong Ye turned to look at the girl beside him, Nephrion who was following him for some reason.

"Well, I think you will definitely come back, and this is work." Nevelynn said with a flat face, as if it were a matter of course.


Without more words, Yong Ye just smiled and stroked her head, which made Lilia, who was also following, a little dissatisfied. After pushing away his hand, she hugged Neveline, "Such a cute child, It must be my hug, how can someone as rude as Yong Ye be able to touch them casually?!"

"Well... it's too tight." Nevelyne seemed to turn around in discomfort, but Lilia didn't even listen, and the smile on her face still held her with a bright smile.

Watching this scene, Yong Ye was a little surprised, and couldn't help but ask strangely, "...Didn't you meet only last night? When did the relationship become so good?"

"Because Lian is so cute!"

"…do not know."

Lilia gave a reason that couldn't be used as a reason almost instantly, but Nevelynn's words could have various explanations, "I don't know when it will get better" or "I don't know what the situation is" and so on.

"Although I don't know what's going on, in short, Lilia, don't bully Lian." Yong Ye wanted to say a lot, but if he cared too much about these little things, he would be too tired, so he chose to warn him.

Then, after Lian took out the key to open the door, he entered the long-lost former residence.

When entering the courtyard, Lilia quickly let go of Neveline, full of curiosity, and rushed in to look around.

"It's the same spirit as always..."

Yong Ye looked at the energetic girl at the door, shook his head and sighed. Beside him, Nevelynn seemed to have a different opinion, but she didn't say anything.

In this long-lost former residence, looking at the rocking chairs used by the elderly in the courtyard, Yong Ye couldn't help but recall the past.

He swept away the snow with his hand and lay on it as in the past, looking at the sunset in the distance, a different kind of emotion was growing about the passing of today's celebration.

Nevelyn originally wanted to come, but before she could get close, Lilia pulled her over and brought her indoors, and closed the door furtively as if she was going to do something suspicious.

Although that behavior was meaningless, Yong Ye could clearly hear that if he listened carefully, Lilia was asking Nevelyn about what happened to him during these times.

He didn't care about these things, just quietly watching the snowflakes falling again in the sky, and at the same time feeling the last remaining warmth of the sunset.

"The winter festival will be over soon."

Yong Ye looked at the sunset and sighed quietly in emotion.

This semi-mandatory birthday was once again passed in such a bland way, but in the eyes of others, it was just an ordinary day.

He never told anyone about this, but just waited peacefully for this so-called birthday to pass. Although he was a little emotional about this day, he didn't know what to say to him, so he could only choose to spend this time in a hurry.

In addition, as time went by, he could feel that the power of the Star Cup to gradually erode the world was increasing. Obviously, the marshal of the empire had already conquered the famous forces on the entire floating island.

Although this represents success, it also means that the short break in the journey is coming to an end.

The main force of the human fleet gradually appeared on the floating island. The military power far exceeding the floating island made all the demi-humans on the island panic, and even the assassins of the human race controlled the head at the same time.

Many humans have landed on the floating island, including Swan's father, the great sage of the empire's sage tower, who has come to have a son.

They are both father and son of great sages. After more than 500 years of reunion, it is impossible to say that it is not touching, but...

Two white-haired old people hugging each other, weeping for the reunion that spans a long time after life and death, this is a sad picture, but one of them is obviously older, called the younger father, that The scene is one that can't help but feel an indescribable sense of weirdness.

And after the hug, the great sage of the empire held the staff in his backhand, and knocked mercilessly at the head of the great sage of the floating island. Reflect on the human side.

When night fell, Yongye boarded the No. 2 floating island.

This place is called the marrow of the world tree on the floating island mainland group, the black skull on the trolley... Black Candle Lord, has been waiting in the garden for his arrival.

"It doesn't matter who dominates the Floating Island Continent Group, as long as you don't kill them or enslave them, then...about Ai Luke..." The earth **** Hei Zhu, who had only the skull left, placed great importance on Floating Island. But under the current circumstances, there is no other way. I just hope to inquire and find my master.

"...I have no grudges against the Earth Gods and Star Gods except Marquis Cui Ning. You just need to show your submission and I will tell you."

"Submit? To humans? Hmph, you have only lived for a few hundred years, and your tone has become really big. I will teach you a lesson on the chessboard now!"